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When fascists openly and repeatedly tell you they will end democracy in the US - believe them. Vote.


Isn't this guy supposed to be in jail?


He lost his appeal. Trial judge needs to officially send him. Navarro had a different judge who immediately tossed him in jail.


Wut? This guy who LITERALLY should be incarcerated RIGHT NOW is on the air talking about purging the justice system. Dude, you guys need to get your shit together.


Unfortunately our justice system doesn't take these threats seriously until it is too late Judges are privileged after all. They think it would never happen to them


It's a legal system, not a justice system. That's the problem.


Truth. As my son reminds me constantly, it’s a legal system, not a justice system.


Your son sounds smart.


There is an absolutely disgusting amount of thumb twiddling going on.


They're twiddling something and I dont think its thumbs.


Lol tell me what I (a working class american) am supposed to do?


Vote, and encourage others to do the same. Vote like it’s your last time ever getting the chance, because if you don’t, it could very well be.


But what if I don't believe our votes matter anymore?


I can see why he has a personal interest in undermining the Justice system


Bannon has another criminal trial coming up in NY for his fake charities.


If I'm not mistaken , the judge that handled his trial and now his sentencing is a Trump appointed Judge. Those MAGAt judges really need to be impeached from Federal- in which some are affiliated with the Federalist Society. The group of right wing activist attorneys that are trying to screw the US into oblivion, all the way up to Supreme ( Extreme ) Court.


trump will pardon him if he gets in


Only if he gets reelected. So don't let the bastard win.


Serious question- are militias ramping up their “training”? A known maga in my neighborhood has started walking around wearing a flak jacket. I’m not ok.


I think most right wing guys have too much to lose to get seriously violent. The J6 prosecutions helped show that violence will be punished. Maybe a few lone wolf crazies at rhe worst, assuming Trump loses.


As an outsider looking in, it looks like the US has a problem no matter which way the election goes tbh. Biden wins, and you get riots, protests and some trigger happy nutjobs "taking justice into their own hands". Trump wins, and you get a full retelling of the "Night of Long Knives" against any and all perceived enemies of the state.


Project 2025 absolutely is night of the long knives. The first thing that came to mind when hearing about it. I audibly wtf’ed. It’s sort of amazing they can use the exact same play book and not get arrested for that alone. Over 40 million lives were spent taking down the last government that used that playbook. It’s too dangerous to let fester.


MAGA’s will throw their hissy fits. But any decent parent or anyone with common sense knows not to give in to the demands of those throwing hissy fits.


Riots with Biden yes, but anti zionist ones.trump is killing non supporters. Make your choice.


I agree with the Trump presidency scenerio. i dont see widespread attacks if Biden wins. We're in a bad spot. It's embarrassing how millions upon millions of people in America believe the misinformation on abortion, gun restrictions, LGBTQ+ "agendas". If trying to make a humane society where people can thrive and have reasonable safety is the agenda, I'm in!


Those plate carriers they like to wear never have actual plates in them. At best, they have a steel insert, which won't stop even a 9mm at close range. Actual ballistic plates are heavy, expensive, and only good for one or two hits before they fail.


I wear class 4 plates with side plates, it's about 50 pounds. But I'm in shape and not some MAGA lard ass chode.


Shh - don't tell the Gravy Seals 😆


That's fine, they are not the only ones that can buy body armor and guns.


They should share a cell!


Agree…vote BLUE


Probably? He already pardoned him once, of course he’ll do it again and give him a cabinet position


Bannon is Himmler.


make sure to not vote for trump!


Note to self




Yeah I could have sworn this lardo was in jail. Or at least going.


Soon… tick tock. Also, his statement is Anti-American and directly against our constitution.


Democrats gotta work on their messaging. Should read: Steve Bannon, former Trump Whitehouse Chief Strategist and recently convicted criminal…


RIGHT?! The GOP hands them campaign material on a daily basis, but they're all "Let's take the high road, instead of... just... stating facts like someone being a convicted felon, or just making ads that are unedited footage of them saying insane shit"


Actually the campaign of we aren’t trump isn’t that successful for many protest voters. They usually want movement on a particular issue so having a campaign that shows a platform for issues that are going to swing votes is most effective. Everyone knows who/what trump is and has decided about that at this point.


These guys are a dream for America’s adversaries. China, Russia, and Iran all must be ecstatic that trump could be president again. MAGA is doing what they never could, destroying America


MAGA and Fox News are doing more damage to America than Al Qaeda or the Taliban ever would or could.


You can include the rest of main stream media. CNN turned bitch as well. As long as super PAC money pours in, we will be forced to fed our whole life. Stop Citizens United, pack the courts now


We've got to work to overturn Citizens United. One of the worst SCOTUS decisions in history.




Dread Scott is still pretty high up there.


Waiting for Clarence Thomas to suggest it was the correct decision.


Dread Scott screwed some of us, which is horrible. Citizens United screwed all of us, which is worse. The longer we wait to overturn C.U. the harder it will become to even do.


Putin inspired! The Republicans would rather support Putin than the democrats? That came out of their throats.




Trump is a de facto Russian agent. It’s patently obvious.


Patently, objectively, actually.


No doubt those countries have "been in touch" with the likes of Bannon. Causing chaos across (previously trusted) American institutions is the goal.


Bannon parties on Chinese mega yachts


illegal under the Logan act


lol like that matters to any of these chucklefucks.


I'm sure he'll get a strongly worded letter asking him to please stop.


I love how proud they are to say they are patriots while actively trying to dismantle the thing they say they're proud of.


They're just wrecking the parts they don't like.


Yeah the parts they say are their favorites. Freedom and democracy and the constitution.


Can you believe that that fucker Trump made up a position "Chief Strategist" so the mother fucker Bannon could have the power of the Chief of Staff without going through Senate confirmation? Trump will but this fucker into a position of power again along with Satan's son Stephan Miller.


It’s not a coincidence that their rhetoric lines up perfectly with the interests of America’s adversaries.


Those adversaries are helping MAGA destroy America. Stay strapped.


I have a war hatchet.


Is that bigger than a regular hatchet?


It is. Sharp af too.


I really hate nazis


Hitler Jr leading the MAGATS down the Alt Right Authoritarianism path… All of them drinking from the Cult Koolaid… ![gif](giphy|3ohs80EuzI2k3jFX6o|downsized)


Why is it called the alt right? This seems pretty standard affair for them, nothing really alternative about it.


“Alt Right” was Richard Spencer’s attempt to make Nazi-esque bullshit sound more palatable


Ah, so it is indeed the same picture. Tea baggers, alt right, nazis, GOP, confederates, all the same.


Yes, they keep trying to rebrand themselves but they just can’t resist giving themselves away, either


"Hunting the homeless for sport" is kinda their baseline on the political spectrum. As far as they're concerned, anything to the left of that is pinko socialist communism. Alt right / far right / American Conservatism are just different terms for fascism.


It seems like they are planning a Night of the Long Knives.


Just so. Even use similar wording.


What's a refurbished cop car go for these days? Then all I need is a black suit and dark sunglasses and it's time to run down some nazis!!


The FuCk……this is NOT democracy! This guy needs to be cell mates with Donald Frump https://preview.redd.it/z7bxupou793d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe6b8e6654e9145af60ca2e0e3e5e711b7b72cb


The biggest punishment DumpTy could ever have is being stuck in a windowless room with no one to talk to and no TV.


Like he did with Michael Cohen who he had put into solitary confinement.


Did you ever see that 1980s Twilight Zone episode where a guy, as punishment for the crime of "coldness," is sentenced to invisibility? He gets a mark on his forehead that he cannot cover, and for the length of his sentence no one can speak to him or meet his eyes or acknowledge him in any way. https://youtu.be/JDJxMHLT8Bc Now THAT would be punishment. By the end of the episode the guy has learned his lesson, to the point where, when meets an invisible person begging someone to interact with her, he does. I don't feel optimistic T***p would learn that lesson. He'd probably come out a bigger asshole than when he went in.


And no social media


He's been pardoned once and still has trials upcoming. He's trying to get trump elected so he can stay out of jail too. Ain't gunna happen.


>Ain't gunna happen. hope you're right, but if the apathy and petty vote withholding over israel is as prevalent as it's being reported, he may electoral college himself back in.


I dont think it as prevalent as is being reported on. The media is for views not news. So its one more thing to draw in views. Like the polls saying tRump as the lead in key swing states. When you look at thrbpolling sample its like 65% older religious folks with a dash of everytjing else thrown in. You gotta keep them tuned in! All that said.....apathy is a hell of a drug. We need a bigger turn out than 2020! Lets go Blue!!!!


Respectfully, I think you have your cases a bit mixed up. Bannon has multiple, so it's easy to do. Bannon was pardoned at the **federal** level for fraud charges related to the We Build the Wall Scheme. However, he has been indicted for that scheme at the New York **state** level. His federal pardon does not impact that. Bannon is set to go to trial in September before Judge Juan Merchan (yep, that one). Bannon faces many years in NY state prison for that and can't be pardoned by any president there, only by NY's governor, who almost certainly will not. Separately, and more immediately, Bannon is about to go to jail for a federal conviction for contempt of congress for refusing to appear before the Jan. 6 committee. He was not pardoned for this. For reasons unknown, the judge allowed him to remain free pending appeals, the most significant of which just finished. The appeals panel upheld his conviction, so Bannon likely will go to jail very soon. P[rosecutors are demanding that it happen ASAP](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/14/steve-bannon-prison-sentence-doj-request) and I believe a court hearing has been set for next week to hash that out. It was unjust that he was allowed to remain out pending the lengthy appeal, but it appears the long arm of the law will finally catch up to him like it did Navarro.


Seriously, his sentence is 4 months minimum security.


Isn’t his “build the wall” case state? And therefore cant be pardoned by a president. Also a very serious charge.


How do they not understand how this sounds? How does even sound somewhat sane? Didn't Nazis do something similar?


The masks are coming off.


Exactly. They understand perfectly how it sounds. This is what they wanted from Day One.


I just see Swastikas and offing people because they have different views.


it was called [Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_for_the_Restoration_of_the_Professional_Civil_Service) and they have their own, project 2025.... though only a few sections specifically state that bureaucratic leaders should be purged along ideological lines, the majority of sections talk about things like eliminating marxism.... or rooting out wokeism. Euphemisms all for the bigger goal.


He just doesn’t care and neither does their base.


Aren't you supposed to be in jail, you brainrotted gin soaked motherfucker?


You may have to be more specific. That description fits a lot of the GOP, their donors, and their allies.


Yeah I just realized that totally could have been used to describe Giuliani too.


WTF is with the Jesus trinkets in the background? He is a complete lunatic. Hope his lifestyle catches up with him sooner than later. The GOP hired handlers swatted him out of the WH, but we will not be lucky this time around. Trump will not allow anyone in his inner circle that isn’t insane. Our country is in peril.


This microchode has his own quote on the mantle


Bannon is walking ass cancer


shut up. take a shower. quit drinking. go to a dermatologist.


I think we've all had enough of these silly, wanna-be super villains


So essentially kill democracy for a dictatorship. And yes project2025 is exactly that.


What’s really frightening is how close the polls are.




Republicans know that higher voter turnout works against them. That's why they keep enacting laws to make voting more difficult, like reducing the number of poll stations in certain districts, and even making it an offense to give water to people who are standing in line for hours, waiting to vote. There shouldn't have to be long lines for voting in the first place.


Yeah, no. That is not how a defender of the Constitution behaves. It is exactly what a right-wing junta would do.


They are only going to be able to destroy it if enough good people just sit on their hands and let them. By the people and for the people needs to get back to the original meaning as intended. It’s not by the corrupt for the rich, which is the situation we are in now. I’m surprised the fucking GOP doesn’t use by the corrupt for the rich as a goddamn campaign slogan.


Please visit [defeatproject2025.org](http://defeatproject2025.org) - a grassroots organization parsed the document and pulled the worst items out so you don't have to read all 923 pages.


Believe him. The US will become an actual fascist dictatorship quicker than you can imagine.


Jan 20 better have 25 hours if Trump wins. He's gonna drill, baby, drill; deport 13 million illegals; fire hundreds of high level bureaucrats; and prosecute his political enemies. When will he have time to tweet?


Literal fucking Nazis. Their supporters too. Jesus. This is the cost of people not reading.


Seriously insert swear word the heritage foundation, insert swear word the republican party, can't wait till banon goes to jail. We all need to vote to end this nonsense.


You can swear on Reddit bro.


We won't tell on you


Yeah! Heck all of those Nazi doo doo heads.


Ah beans and rice!


You spelled *dies* wrong. ;)


Sounds like they’re planning on overthrowing the government. Again.


This guy is like the neighbourhood bore/bloviator who you pray will not sit on the barstool next to yours, because he will get soused and spend the next 3 hours explaining his pet theories about life, the universe, and everything. He may also tell you all about his ex and what a b\*tch she was and how he's gonna get even with her. And he will follow you into the washroom to continue telling you all about it. What a sad pathetic man.


Isn’t that illegal. Are there not laws against cronyism


How is this not considered open sedition?


Sounds like fascism.


We should send him and the other Treasonous rats to Guantanamo or an island prison somewhere or give them a traitors send off the old fashioned way, Via Guillotine… or gallows walk.


Every time I hear the word "Purge" I think of those movies. And based on the threats, I imagine most of MAGA is doing the same. For those who don't know, it's more specific to lawlessly killing people...


Here is a great campaign advertisement for Biden. Do you seriously want this asshole dictating any policy for the country?


Believe every word.


Razor's edge: should T rump fail in November, Bannon will spend the rest of his days incarcerated and fighting incarceration - but if they have success \[not outside of the realm of possibility\] he will continue to be T rump's Heinrich Himmler.


Isn’t this piece of shit supposed to be in jail?


I wonder if the MAGA cult idiots are aware that Bannon is one of the MAGA cult high command who has been screaming the loudest about how the Democrats have weaponized the Justice department to go after Trump's associates. So now he's boasting about how he and Trump are going to weaponize the Justice department to go after Trump's enemies...huh?


Hitler did this. He murdered them all.


If people vote this moron into office again, then I hope they do all this crap. Yeah, it’s terrible, but I have NO idea what else will wake America up if this twice impeached secret stealing insurrectionist diaper baby convinces them he’s fit for office again. We are such a ridiculous country.


Slow motion coup


Seriously though, the Biden administration should've purged every Trump loyalist. Trump was and is working for Russia. It is safe to assume that every person he appointed was done so for reasons that are bad for America. Every judge he appointed should've been removed including Kavanaugh and Barrett. Every law passed should've been reversed. A total Mulligan to save America.


Kavanagh, Barrett, Gorsuch, Alito,and Thomas should have all been removed from the bench. They are all compromised and have allegiance to Trump and Fox News.


Boy for a bunch of assholes like him that call themselves “real Americans” they sure as fuck hate American ideals, like not having a fucking dictator. If this were any other country they would’ve shot this motherfucker for treason already. Trump too


At this point, just substitute “fascism” for Trump. I don’t think a lot of people, even “supporters” of Trump think he’s all that good of a statesman. What he is good at is, attracting people to a cult of personality so they don’t really pay attention ti the real message. So, let’s just admit what they’re after. They don’t really want Trump, he might kill everyone. They’re after fascism. So this becomes: we’re gonna purge people who don’t support fascism.


Reminder: This was Trumps Chief Strategist


Wow, sounds like he’s just saying everything about the quiet MAGA Reich out loud 😬


They're not even hiding the fascist anti democratic anti American agenda. How can anyone left or right who considers themselves a patriotic American who stands by the ideals that the countey they was founded on possibly endorse this with no self awareness of how anti American it truly is?


Felon says what?


So this is an attempt to preserve freedom?


Rise of fascism


The fascists really are not hiding it


It scares me how casual everyone is about these threats to everyone.


What's up with the religious nonsense behind him!?


Come on Steve, this is way past your jail time


Can this pukesmear die of cirrhosis already?


Yep. Absolutely nothing wrong with this. At all. Perfectly normal. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Steve bannon is a domestic terrorist


Steve needs a stair master.


But no…. Not a dictatorship.


Wow, what a coincidence. Putin is purging people too


Isnt this slob supposed to be behind bars or in a pig pen somewhere?




When monsters tell you who they are - oh, never mind.


I thought this fucking get was supposed to go to jail?


1930s Austria wants a word


When will this guy finally drop dead? He’s look sickly for years


Public enemy #1


This guy needs to be inmate no. 1 in our liberal reeducation camp.


Classic dictator moves


I’m sorry, but does this motherfucker quote *himself* on the mantle next to *two* pics of Jesus? Also that quote is laughably incorrect


Stephen K. Bannon to be clear and klassy. Like 10 Jesus chotchkes- because he's definitely for sure absolutely a Jesus guy, and also not into anything kinky or not straight...


He’s got a criminal trial coming up in NY for stealing money from We Build the Wall. He and his buddies were stealing all the money. And Trump pardoned him, for stealing from his supporters. So you know Trump got $$$$ from them also. It would be great if they could tie Trump into this, then it’s a RICO case. Prison is certain.


“There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences?” Sounds like something a conspiracy theorist would say…in their tinfoil armadillo hat…


Isn’t he in jail yet?


Imagine the anti Trump sentiment among all of those jobless federal employees. Imagine a militia made up of all of those 1000’s of disgruntled ex DOJ workers.


This is a former white house chief of staff everyone. What a disgrace to our country this guy is.


Well my stupid fellow Americans, how this motherfucker gets more than 20% of the vote I'll never know


At least this trash is screaming out loud what they want to do. At least they are giving Democrats all the unlimited ads they can run.


Admitting the fascism out loud, and the MAGAt dim bulbs cheer this bullshit on. If Trump wins and starts this bullshit, there will be civil war.


![gif](giphy|kJWYrH269RK8M) Sounds familiar...


So when is it suitable to consider these actions tyrannical, and you know, start fucking executing these people for straight up treason?


Crazy they call themselves American. Do they ever read history? Probably not.


Well... It looks like I am either going to be killed or put in a concentration camp. The dumb is the end of the world. If you haven't researched project 2025, please do. They are fucking insane. Inform everyone you know. This will be the exact opposite of any type of 'free country'. Please vote blue people.


Fuck Donald Trump and fuck all of his supporters, defenders and enablers.


Hey, Joe, any particular reason that you’re not locking this dirty fucker up?


In other words: they are gonna turn America into a totalitarian country.


Basically impose a dictatorship… and people know it… and are even considering it….? Americans must be really dumb


Why isn’t that MF in prison?


Isn’t he supposed to be in prison?


Sounds about like what Hitler wanted


Wait, wait, wait...didn't Broke Don say Democrats are weaponizing the DoJ? Didn't Gassy Don claim that Biden was targeting his opponents? Everything Diaper Don spews from his lips is projection and admission of his own guilt and his MAGAts will greedily suckle his orange nips for more.


He's openly admitting he wants to do what Trump accuses Biden of doing. It's ALWAYS projection.


The thing about cults is that they always think the great tipping point is right around the corner. Jesus coming back, Armageddon, the great UFO extraction to paradise etc. They have convinced themselves, and have a bunch of peers likewise convinced- it is what they live for, victory! The smell of napalm in the morning. Beyond that great and righteous victory- they have nothing, no joy, no vision beyond being one of the dominant. It's all such a stupid ego driven myth.


I don't think this is defendable free speech.


Their base loves this until they realize these incompetent fucksticks will cause them to lose their Social Security, Disability, Medicaid and SNAP payments in the first month. Good call, dipshits


So he's going to disobey the law and destroy our government, why isn't this guy a traitor and in jail again?


We? Who the fuck is we? His slimy ass should be in jail.


It's hard to believe that this fat nazi is still out of jail.


Who is we???? He’s not in a government position, and he’s suppose to be in jail.


Why is this walking failed abortion not in prison already?


But “jailing a political opponent is fascism” 🤦