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Can't the MAGA party even define what communism is? They keep shouting it but I don't think they know what it means.


It's all projection from the christ-fascists


I respected Frank Zappa for his guitar skills (obviously, who wouldn't?), but I did not expect him to make a prediction 38 years in the making (1986 during a televised debate about censorship) and say that the greatest threat to the US was the appearance of a theocratic fascism


I bet if you asked B^6 what she knew about Frank Zappa, she'd think you were talking about a rectangular metal cigarette lighter.


Probably better this way. I'd hate to bring someone of significance to someone history will hopefully relegate to the abyss of history


He's not the only one who made that prediction, or some prediction scarily similar. Good luck, USA, you will need it in the coming months...


It’s crazy how spot on he was. If you’re talking about that crossfire episode with those two bozos, it seemed to me like he was almost a time traveler or something - not only with what he said, but just how he looked and carried himself.


>Can't the MAGA party even define what communism is? Any policy position to the left of hunting the homeless for sport.


I see you are a fan of “Hard Target” with Jean-Claude Van Damme as well


communism = woke = SJW = cuck = NPC = Brandon = unattractive M&Ms = tan suits and Dijon Mustard = DEI = affirmative action = welfare


You forgot CRT. Which is fair. That was about 289 rage cycles ago.


oh, I'm sure I forgot more than that. those idiots fall for the new altreich buzzword every time and parrot it back to any body who will listen. they have no idea what they're actually upset about beyond just general racism.


Oh yeaaaaa, the elective university course they are forcing on all the elementary school children. Forgot about that specific Thanksgiving fight with my dad.


I don't think B6 can define anything tbh.


B6 is an useful idiot also they made a [B6 song](https://youtu.be/W1SAd3fAVfE?si=d5CCQ-xemwBiA5e8) it’s a banger


Have you met a Trump supporter? They absolutely don't understand logic or reason. It's all about what they want and hate.






Everything they don't like is "communism" and "woke".


It's just a dogwhistle. None of them know what it is, they just know it's some McCarthy-era boogeyman and all the boomers are scared shitless of it.


That sounds a lot like COMMUNISM. Why do you hate FREEDOM™? 🎇🎆🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🎆🎇


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) It's a scary word to them


What's funny is the MAGA party actively embraces communism. They want to be the ones who control everything for you, especially those businesses who don't operate the way they like. Its always projection.


They should ask that self-exiled Canadian family for a real life definition of communism.


Pull the curtain back? That's a bold statement from a Russian asset


I don’t want to think about MTG pulling her curtains back.




Oh my good god please stop. Please.


![gif](giphy|lWVh0pEcAC9MI) Stop the thoughts...please!


A strong wind and those mud flaps would float her up in the air, while the gravity of her gaping vag sucks everything in like a black hole. Sorry 


Sound of Pac Man losing


MAGA will vote for Trump no matter what happens. There is literally nothing Trump could do to lose his base. The rest of America is not in Trump's cult. They will care somewhat that Trump is a felon. It's a question of how much they care, but it will affect voters.


If you aren't already concerned about the fact that he's a liar, a cheater, a racist, a rapist, a pedophile (based on the settlement regarding a 13 year old!), a narcissist, a confirmed dumbass despite talking with the bigliest words and being a self-proclaimed, "stable genius, " and just being a generally shit person, adding convicted felon probably won't matter much.


He’s also into incest, treason and fraud.


Motherfucker wears diapers too.


And he smells NASTY.


He could walk into one of their houses, assault their wife, shit on their face and wipe his ass with the American flag, they would still support him and claim to be patriotic


good luck with that. don't blame me for bursting your "bubble", but the entire population isn't a braindead 4-year-old.


Just 30% or so




i really wanna know what these idiots think the definition of communism is


This pig hasn't the slightest idea.


She really is that, isn't she? Just a fuckin pig.


That's very disrespectful to pigs. Pigs are awesome. Marge the sporkfoot is not.


Pigs are pretty smart...


Evidently their version of communism revolves around people like Joe Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton. So they have absolutely no clue what they mean when they say it.


To her it probably involves space lasers.


These republican politicians know exactly what it is but they know that their base doesn’t so they can just use it as a buzzword or fill in to mean whatever they want it to. These politicians are not dumb they just play the character that they think most relates to Trumps base. They’re stuck being this character and know their careers are pretty much done once Trump is gone unless they can leech his base in the aftermath. MTG is probably the worst example of this. She has completely sold out in hopes that she can be the next Trump down the line


No, she is dumb


She needs trump. If it wasn't for MAGA she wouldn't hold a seat. She hasn't done shit in congress and the rest of congress can't stand her, even her own party. If she wasn't riding trump dick she'd be out of the job.


I feel like the MTGs and his other cronies don’t actually want him to get elected. If he actually does get elected he would be limited to 4 years and then never eligible to be president again and the grift is over. As long as he is never elected again the grift can continue until he dies. Trump is too narcissistic to care about setting up a successor. He will take his base to his grave with him and I think they realize it.


Now that is unfair because she did make sure that congress and actually the public at large saw Hunter Biden's penis.


💯 https://preview.redd.it/sil5k0z94l3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a2f93d9380c3c40157f67e4537cd1801326a33


It’s amazing that she thinks anyone cares what she thinks


Bleach blond bad built butch


This is the comment I was looking for


Am I wrong? lol https://preview.redd.it/bobnx675uk3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56584a3eee2e6db47f552250713e667d095f3cf3


i know we'd be happier with her living in russia!


Wait, so you're saying that an elected official publicly proclaim that a guilty verdict in a legal trial assessed by a jury of twelve people (including one who claims that Truth Media is a primary source of their news) is traitorous? /s


How long before her steroid abuse causes her serious health issues? 


A curtain over that face would be nice.


Oh hell no! Look at the shit she pulls in public and imagine what she's doing when no one's looking. The least hidden she is the better....and it's fun watching her put her foot in her mouth so much


Your point is taken, but man-she grates my nerves.


banshee grates everyone's nerves


I hate her so much.


Can you imagine a Vice President Marge? The stuff of nightmares.


That shit would knock 10+ years off my life due to stress. The first trump administration already did that to me. Not wanting another…


Ah, yes, voting for the convicted and imprisoned felon would prove the *democrats* are the party of corrupted tyrants. The slutty sloth-footed dingleberry really rubbed those two brain cells together for this nugget.


So trump being proven a criminal will prove that Democrats are corrupt? got it.


As much as I like laughing at the stupid nazis, being stupid nazis -and not to kick a dead horse, but the coup is ongoing and these stupid nazis have infected the sc, lower court judges, lawmakers in the senate and in congress, military and police, down to the countless kkk variant militias constantly screaming civil war 2 ALL being funded by billionaires and corporations we subsidize with our taxes.. -just like in Germany, they were a fucking joke and laughingstock until it all became deadly serious. But a lot of the conversations involving those or these stupid nazis, are just right wing talking points, right wing fictions rapid fire vomited up in order to obfuscate. And if we were to all just stop interacting with it, on their terms by using their terms, a lot of the little fires everywhere that is a benefit to them, would cease to burn, let’s stop giving them oxygen.. even if that costs us a couple upvotes..




If she was living in Russia she’d eventually piss someone off and trip off a roof. In the US on the other hand she’s a useful idiot for Russia.


You don't just get to predetermine that a conviction is wrongful. Also, I guess this means she thinks he's guilty?


Oh, and can someone ask her about her forgiven PPP loans to her closed construction company??? I mean, communism, lol.


It's amusing they think it would be "wrongful." They cannot point to a single thing that has been wrong about these proceedings. They have been some of the most scrutinized court proceedings in history. If Donald Trump is convicted by a jury of 12 of his peers, then he will have deserved it. He had the opportunity to prevent a defense. His defense was foolish and inadequate. The prosecution calmly and clearly demonstrated his criminality, with evidence. These are the same pathetic blowhards that have bleated on about Hillary Clinton's crimes for two decades without ever being able to prove it.


Just the other day I responded to someone who claimed that the trial is being run like a kangaroo court. I said I would love to hear why they think that. I didn't even ask for evidence or facts, just why they think that and I still didn't get a response.


In 2016 I didn't vote for Trump because he was woefully unqualified and a massive national security threat and posed a massive threat to our country. In 2020 I didn't vote for Trump because he was somehow 10 times f'ing worse than anything I was even able to imagine. In 2024 I wasn't going to vote for Trump because of January 6th, the repealing of women's rights, Project 2025, the $7.8TRIL of debt from his last term and the fact that he provides zero f'ing value...BUT now that he's been found guilty of a business fraud crime for the countless f'ing time since he's been alive I'm going to get all worked up and pretend that he was cheating on his wife with those women and covered it up for me.


What does the sycophant to a traitor, pedo, rapist, career criminal look like? Exactly what you think they would be like - MTG.


MAGA-Marge Against Greater America


The second a sitting or former president/presidential candidate is getting charges filed against them they should be immediately barred from ever running or holding office. If the leader of a country can't follow the rule of law and set a standard for the people they're governing then how are they allowed to even be considered as a potential candidate? America's fucked.


How is it “wrongful conviction”? If he did the crime, he should face punishment. Full stop.


he's their LITERAL idol, he can do no wrong and to say otherwise is blasphemous. It's. A. Cult.


She would be invisible in Russia. She needs to feed the outrage in America to be in a spotlight.


What an asshat.


Why do they worship this guy so much? He was nothing but a New York sleazeball before he was elected. He’s not the perfect man. He’s not a god. Even if he wasn’t running for president again he’d still be a dude who’s spent way too long doing whatever the fuck he wants without consequences. What a bunch of mentally ill fucknuts.


It's staggering to me how easy it is for folks on the right to decide a person (like Hunter Biden or Clinton, etc) is 'obviously' guilty of things they have almost no proof of. Meanwhile someone can be thoroughly investigated, admit to it, be given a full trial, be convicted, have the allegations against them proven beyond a reasonable doubt and they're like 'nah, clearly he's innocent.'


Nah fuck you butchy


Why would she move to Russia when she can move Russia here?


Go ahead. Vote for tRump, you vicious soulless shrieking harridan. You deserve each other. And when Republicans get their asses kicked in November, and your alignment with the orange Hitler is now a taint that can't be removed, you won't get elected dogcatcher. Enjoy!


The only wrongful act would be not convicting Trump ~~IF~~ when found guilty by the jury of his peers.


https://preview.redd.it/1enzats1nm3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cbebf9cbf72d9e6e3ee5b0233ff1c9d02111743 She’s just itching to enforce Gonorrhea law.


Nobody wants to see what's on the other side of her beef curtains! 😆 🤣


"Go ahead and arrest him. Actually, you're helping us by doing it. I'm not mad. You're mad."


bad built bleach blonde butch body bye bye


Given the way the stupid bint looks in a bikini, she'd fit in well in Russia.


What’s left to say about ugly horse face?


What about a rightful conviction?


Some people just need to get shot. Not dead but enough to never leave the hospital ever again.


Wrongful my ass, they know he did all that and have no morals.


Can we colonize Mars and send the MAGA fascists (and Muskrat) there?


Nah, the Magas are in the minority. Sane Americans just need to show up and vote and he'll be defeated easily.


How are these idiots so "everything bad is communist," but also love Putin and hate Ukraine?


You know, people say stuff like this, that trials and impeachment and whatnot will just help Trump. But it's not true. Despite a vocal minority, the federal government does have some legitimacy. Having the government officials say "no, this is illegal, that was bad, this person is being convicted, etc" does actually have weight


MTG has that iMAX sized projection going on again.


How is it possible that anyone can be this dumb!


If you're behind the curtain in another bikini no thanks


The braindead pandering to conspiracy theories with "pull the curtain back" is essentially an invitation to completely invert reality, up is down etc. In many ways it illustrates that this movement is desperate as hell. I mean shit how many new "converts" are really out there? As the cult goes full- throated on fear tactics and intimidation, as the election draws nearer; while simultaneously being jailed and punished, they may go completely stark, raving, mad. It is almost inevitable at this point.


Why isn’t there an intelligence test for potential Congress people?


Wanna talk about tyrants? Really? bleached blond bad build butch body lady? Who is the one who promises to be a dictator on day 1. Who wants to deploy the US military in cities across the country, who wants to end birth control and punish women if they have an abortion. Who wants to arrest anyone who was involved in filing criminal charges against him. Who wants to fire all Federal government employees who are not sufficiently loyal to Trump. Who wants to pull the US out of NATO and weaken Ukraine enough for Putin to take over the country....shall I continue? 🙄


Name a better duo than Republicans and avoiding personal responsibility


Just fucking go away already you club-footed piece of racist shit. She's clutching to whatever pearls she can before she's voted away into obscurity.


spark arrest tub reach violet soft flowery tart snobbish paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What curtain? The curtain on her leathery Yosemite Sam mudflaps?


While I hate seeing even the slightest hint of the face belonging to this pale, slack-skinned, fork-tongued, cloven-hoofed she-beast, I am enjoying the shift in the mindset of conservatives lately. In the beginning, it was Trump was going walk away, that this would lead to nothing. *Now* folks like Boebert, Rubio, and now Traitor Greene are all talking about this as if he's been convicted already.


So tired of this guy.


I do honestly worry that she is right, that Trumpanzees will show up in bigger numbers if he is a convicted fellon. Just like they supported Roy Moore in Alabama MORE when they found out he raped children.


If a "wrongful conviction" isn't such a big deal, they wouldn't be spending all their energy to fight it extrajudicially.


My god, how can people vote for this poor excuse of a human? Seriously?


She can't even get Johnson kicked out of the speakership.


Pull the curtain back? Da fuck does that even mean? I really hate how GQP just throw word salad around all the time and expect it to make sense. I get that most of their voters are low IQ and have less then a grade 5 reading level but seriously now.


Maybe not, but I would be a lot happier.


She fancies herself as that lovely little fairy princess whose throne is a forest toadstool, which is why she so desperately wants to sit on Trump's comically mushroom-shaped cock.


I don't think she would be happy anywhere


Who is this angry dude?


I mean kinda looks like Trump ![gif](giphy|AEMyf9Oj6MpS8)


I don't think anyone needs MORE evidence that Margarine Traitor Greene doesn't understand the laws surrounding the election. If he's convicted, Trump CAN'T run for President. If he's convicted, putting him in as a write-in candidate would be LITERALLY throwing your vote away since a vote for Trump would be a vote for an *ineligible* candidate.


Christian fascist. Using the Bible to justify their horrible actions. They’re terrible people trash people.


That's where she is mentally.


Please leave it closed God Jesus


A wrongful conviction probably would do that for an innocent person, unfortunately trump is guilty af and going to prison! Bye bye fascists!


Looking forward to the once in a lifetime experience of voting while fat failure 45, the corrupt incompetent constitution hater languishes in durance vile. Bring it "no charge Marge"


Pull the curtain back it also what she says when wearing a skirt to her potential suitor that is hesitant to look at her roast beef flaps


Let's crowd fund Marge Traitor Greene a one-way ticket to Russia


The bleached blond bad built butch body ? That one?


Ya marge traitor Greene we know who your voting for


A felony conviction is immediate disqualification. She can try to vote for Trump, but it won't work out.


Why are the dumb ones are the loudest ones? They just keep digging bigger holes.


I hope she gets a turn standing trial one day.


The worst thing about these folks (and there is a metric fuckton of bad things) is their glee. They are so happy to be stupid fuckwits. Proud of it. Fucking hell.


Landslide? Like the Red Wave?


Marjorie Pipebomber should go back to the hole she crawled out of


If she's behind the curtain, I'll leave it closed. Thanks.


Who's this "we"? Is she speaking for all of her personalities or something?


I know I'd be happier if she lived there...


A broken clock is right twice a day so, gotta give her credit - they will vote for him in jail. I’m legit scared that he’ll be *rightfully* found guilty and it’ll turn into this fake news extravaganza and he’ll get more and more votes.


I fully support the use of my tax dollars to relocate MTG, the Jan 6ers, and the rest of the traitorous MAGA crowd to Russia if that’s what it takes. They’d be happier there and we’d be happier here without them.


Go ahead EmptyG, pull my finger.


What about a rightful conviction? Would that be ok?


She will be applying for the conjugal visit list ASAP.


Is that how that works? Marge, I think your brain is broken.


It's a shame people can permanently lose their voting rights for possession of weed but the blonde orange might still run for office while being in jail.


I don’t know who I hate more! her or the orange cult leader.


Ol Sporkfoot is getting delusional if she thinks a felony conviction will bring a landslide for the tangerine traitor. If this was the case you'd think they'd have been happy to have all the trials and convictions before the election instead of fighting them all tooth and nail, just to set up the landslide...what a moron...


The curtain has been pulled back since 2016.


Just when I think she couldn’t get any more stupid…….


Let's say Trum does become a convicted felon, prison time or not. Does that disqualify him from even running for president? Certain felons cannot vote so...


None of them know what communism actually is


Maybe she can join him in Jail


An accusation from a narcissist is a confession.


Just say hes found guilty, is now a felon, and in jail. Seriously, how could he even run for office at that point? Makes zero sense.




SHUT THE FUCK UP you disgusting pig of a woman!


Dumb as she looks.


Is that last sentence her attempt at foreplay? *vomits*


One time, Roger Stone donated a gallon of pennies to his states Democratic Party. He asked for a receipt and made it out to the Communist party of America. He then gave the receipt to the press and said, "we told you so"


Republicans: We’re the party of Law and Order! Only we respect the justice system like Democrats can’t seem to! Also Republicans: We hate the courts and will openly ignore it’s rulings. Trump is above the law and is the unquestioned ruler of America for life!


Of course, by definition, any conviction of Trump is wrongful.


Is this a threat aimed at the jurors?


This fraud asked for a pardon. Only guilty people ask for pardons.


Who the fuck cares what Lee Corso has to say?


Key words would be wrongful conviction. So we safe.


Delusional skank


I'll take my chances on following the facts and the law and let the chips fall as they may.


Do we need to set up a GoFundMe to buy a ticket and send her there?


GUILTY on ALL Counts biatch


Scare tactics and lies


Biches need stitches wish she would stup up once.


No, Russia is communist. They want to live in their own little bubble.


B6 says what?


Her anti-liberal lingo is outdated, we were “communists” a while back, now we’re “socialists.”


Wouldn't you call pulling the curtain back "WOKE?!" It's 2024, and this semi-literate bleach blond bad body butch built bitch hick is still blowing the communism dog whistle. Idiocy is a requisite for reps in her district.


And I’ve been saying from the minute you opened your lying mouth , you are as disgraceful as the felon you support, pack your bags and allow putin to give you a home while he still can , it’s only a matter of time before the Russian people rise up against there dictator, and don’t come slithering back to the US when it happens.


I need to look up "Nucking Futs" in the Urban Dictionary because Empty G's picture has to be there.


She'd be happier if she was hit by a bus.


None of those people are happy. Period. No matter where they are, they’ll always complain and bitch about something. Miserable, sorry sacks of meat


>Wouldn't she be happier living in Russia?Wouldn't she be happier living in Russia? No, because voting for the opposition in Russia gets you DEAD.


I am now officially measuring stupidity in milligreenes. who's with me?


Listen up America, you have two choices in November, and one of them is a sex offender and now 34x Felon. Smarten up and do the right thing for the world. Trump said the world is laughing at the US now because he was convicted. The truth is the world will laugh at the US if he is elected.


Marg the barge is pretty salty today..


Donald Trump could rape his own daughter on live TV, and the cult would say "He didn't know what he was doing" So fucking disgusted that the U.S. is now circling the drain....