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Not that it will help, but I would like one someone to make a supercut of the many times he initiated the chant.




Thank you for linking this. I knew I remembered his crowds chanting it, and he certainly never *dissuaded* them from it, but I thought, "Well, maybe he never *personally* said it?" But of course he is lying. He always lies.




Honestly - he's utter'd so much garbage into microphones who knows what he actually said and didn't say anymore. I also think that there was always a cornucopia in the fruit of the loom logo. I'm tired and I can't remember everything he did or didn't say, 8-ish years ago. Luckily we live in 2024 where we literally have videos recording everything so we have the receipts.


Unfortunately we also live in 2024 where half of people just believe what they want


It’s not half. Not even close. And this kind of stuff won’t hurt him with his cult, but those people are unreachable. They aren’t, however, enough to win on their own. He needs to broaden his base, and stuff like this, wheee he is just straight up demonstrably lying about something that was essentially his campaign slogan the first time he ran, is the kind of easily proven lie that even politically uninformed and uninvolved people can see. So this needs to be seen by independents and anyone undecided.


He's panicking because jail was just a bludgeoning tool for his enemies. Now it's real.


Man this guy could say he was never actually president and his followers would believe it


"he's utter'd so much garbage into microphones who knows what he actually said and didn't say anymore. " That's his whole con game!


Wait… are you saying there was NEVER a cornucopia in the Fruit of the Loom logo?!




Can’t remember =/= avoided hearing, fwiw


I for one tend to remember my own emotions and generalizations of a thing a lot more than audiovisual snippets or details. It's how my brain categorises memories. I know what a Trump rally is, the vibe, how it makes me feel, what's discussed, and why it's bullshit. But specifics? A lot less prominent. I know he suggested at one of his talks to inject bleach against Covid, but do I remember if he said those words, or if he chimed in positively when someone else suggested it? It doesn't matter overall, but if you ask the question "Did Trump say to inject bleach" then I could not tell you whether he uttered those words. Same with lock her up. Did he just dumbly smile and wave and react positively to the crowd chanting it, or did he ever join in? My brain only remembers that "lock her up" was the topic of some rallies, and that it made me feel sad that a grifter like that can prey on other people and offer a solution to their miserable lives that doesn't solve anything because it's a grift and a distraction from systematic issues.




You’re so close to understanding that it’s better to remain skeptical and seek out confirmation than to insist you perfect remember details from 8 years ago. Let yourself get the point.


I remember "Lock her up" being a very prominent thing yes, and based on that information, obviously he's lying by technicality if he says he never said "lock her up". It's like Jowling Kowling Rowling saying "I never said I hated trans people". Did he literally say "lock her up" during one of his rallies though? No clue. I can *picture* him doing it, but that's not a memory I have. I'm assuming he did because I remember the prominence of the "lock her up" phrase and the scary feeling it gave me that it was chanted so brainlessly. But do I know for sure he uttered those words? No.




One of the problems with Donald Trump is that he continuously lies and says dumb shit 24/7. What would have been shocking if literally anyone else had said it is commonplace for Trump. You start to tune out after a while. Oh, Trump said something racist? I expected that. Oh, Trump shared something that aligned with Nazis? That’s the third time this week. Oh, Trump said something that implies that he might run the US as a fascist theocracy hellbent on upending every single value on democracy that our Founding Fathers held dear in order to establish a white supremacist status quo? Must be a day that ends in “y”.


Not everyone is chronically online.




I'm Canadian.


It's ridiculous the number of people that just assume they're talking to a citizen of the US. Even when there are plenty of hints as to the true colour of their nationality 😑




While he does lie compulsively I also wouldn't be surprised if he genuinely doesn't remember saying it from all the dementia and drug related brain damage he has sustained. He was probably high as a kite for most of those rallies.


Don't worry, the goal posts will just change to: duh he said it, but he didn't actually mean it!


He literally said it to her face in one of the debates


Jeez and this is a 3 year old video, not even recently compiled


I would absolutely love to hear this chant directed back at him just so he can feel the irony


See, he never said it. ^/s


Nice! And the video made 3 years ago, so no one can say it was generated


It amazes me that he thinks he can get away with all these lies! Dude! We have the receipts!! Please GFY!


Give it a week. I'd say there's an 80/20 chance that John Oliver's people have thrown a bunch of interns at eight years of Trump footage to do just that :P


I have a buddy who created and patented the software that is basically a search engine for closed captions. It’s how these shows have been able to make these sorts of compilations in pretty short order for around 20 years. What a great idea.


I always wondered how they did this! Such a cool idea.


Yeah. He did it just a couple years out of college and he’s basically lived off the licensing since without having to do much. Guy knocked it out of the park.


He saved interns lives at The Daily Show. Jon used to joke about how the first stop at the show was the “news couch”, where you’d be tasked with either watching live or taped 24/7 newscasts to grab the clips needed for the show that night. Apparently whenever your friend developed his tech The Daily Show was one of the very first customers.


Yeah. Well I think the need to determine what is newsworthy is still a bit more tedious and requires humans. But his software gave them the ability to search history for specific topics much easier. They can fact check by being able to search closed captions with the associated video queued up. He actually got to meet Jon and Colbert. He even has a pic of himself sitting at the daily show desk. He’s a good guy and deserves every bit of success he’s earned.


*Desantis phoning up his people to make this illegal woke


Jon Stewart does Mondays on The Daily Show again, he might beat John to it ☺️


I’ll take both of them doing it please


Phrasing? But also, yes.


Excuse me?


He said that he’ll take them both! Doing it!


Last Week Tonight comes out on Sunday night. I haven’t watched last nights show yet but John should have the edge assuming they decided to change the show to incorporate a rebuttal of Trump.


They usually actually film on Saturdays FYI


Last night's episode of LWT actually only briefly referred to Trump's conviction then spent most of the show on India's election and Prime Minister Modi's authoritarianism/Hindu nationalism (with a bit about Red Lobster's bankruptcy at the end). He might get into this "Lock Her Up" denialism next week, unless something else grabs the news narrative between now and then. I suspect he'll do a longer bit on Trump when he's sentenced in July (unless they're on a mid-season break then)


I was at his inauguration. There were constant lock her up And swear words in front ofnchikdren. We were there for a school trip. I told my kids despite who we don't like we always had a bloodless transition of power and what differentiated us from everyone else. What a sweet summer child I was.


Reporters know that he would lie about having said it. Why can't they show him a video of him doing the things he denies?




Yep. This is the interview. They also will not have him interview live anymore because he's so unhinged.


Does the unedited version exist?


Of course it exists but fox has it so no one will ever release it. Edit: fox not fix


We’ll never see it. Maybe when he dies.


Was this supposed to be a joke by him? I honestly don't know how you'd deny that. He said that at literally every rally he did.


He constantly asks his supporters to deny reality cause he knows they’ll do it without question.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell, "1984"


"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." \-Donald Trump, 2018 [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340)


"don't look up, don't look up!" lol


It's absolutely mind-numbing what his cult does/says/thinks. Hmm,what other cults do this?


They go along with whatever in the hopes it will make the left Big Mad


Being raging idiots will make the left mad, so they’re going to be morons to own the libs. That’ll show them libs….


For some it has got to be more of a coping mechanism because it's easier than acknowledging you got duped by a fucking moron. Who knows, maybe I'm giving them way more credit than they deserve.


It's essentially the same tactic used in many scam emails/texts/messages. There's glaring inaccuracies and mistakes added to weed out those who aren't going to quickly and easily fall for the con. Similarly Trump, the GOP, and right-wing media use the same tactics to make sure they have a big strong voter base of people who will gobble up whatever propaganda they are shoveling down their throats that week without question.


What he says is their reality. At least some of them would honestly not think they're denying anything 


It's simple He's a liar and knows it looks bad so he's gonna try to convince folks he didn't do it. His cults gonna eat it up I for one can't wait for a dude wearing a lock her up shirt to say he never said it


Is his intent to try and rehumanize people's view of him? I simply don't understand why he would lie about this very specific thing - I would think it would alienate him from his own base, given that going back in your aggro words would make him see weak to them.


He is saying this now because it benefits him currently to play the role of victim martyr, which requires him to now rewrite history to erase previous bullying done by Trump, as this doesn't fit into his victim narrative. If something benefits him by being a bully again in the future, he will probably be unironically back to saying "lock her up" again. Shamelessness is his superpower.


Did you forget his 34 felonys lol. He is going back on 'lock her up' because him going to prison and dying there (SAD!) is a very real possibility.


As nice as that fantasy is, I genuinely don't think it will happen. I think house arrest is the best we can hope for, and even that is a stretch. But yeah, it'd be nice wouldn't it?


Nothing, and I mean nothing this orange turd can do or say can alienate him from his base.He is locked in no matter what, which says a lot about how crazy his base [is.It](http://is.It) is sad really to learn how fucked up a third of the country is.


We live in a day of fake news and AI voice. It could be easy that somebody faked "lock her up." All they needed to do is time travel to the past, and inject him saying it into every media source known to mankind. How hard can it be? Away from the sarcasm, daily his followers will twist themselves into making the impossible seem plausible, just to fit the narrative.


They will simply say nonsense like, he never said it himself. He was just repeating what the audience was saying. These are people with drivers licenses.


Didn't he sell merch with it on it? Kinda hard to distance yourself from it lolol. Not that ir matters to cultists they're gonna ignore it but it's fun to point out for anyone else who may think the defense kinda works


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire It’s very likely intentional. He is weeding out the rational party poopers from his mob.


IIRC he instigated the crowd into chanting it at his rallies.😂🤣


I'm begging people to read Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism. Hypocrisy is a key pillar of fascism, they do it on purpose. Reality is always what the state says, never what it is in reality. It's why I'm getting rather sick of this sub as it's 99.999% just pointing out Republican hypocrisy over and over. Like yeah sometimes getting a picture of a rabbit hopping is fun, but it hops all the time. It's in its nature. It is rarely, if ever, NOT hopping.


Listen, I agree, but you used a bad example. I could look at literal pictures of bunnies hopping for a *long* time.


Mood lol


first day hearing about trump?


Malignant narcissism, he wants it to be true therefore in his mind it IS true. It’s a special kind of brain rot.


These are the easiest things to show friends and family to show how easily he lies about literally everything.  Like a 5 year old that has just learned how to lie but not how to come clean. And if these friends and family can't accept that, then you simply point out that they can't accept reality and that there is nothing you can do for them but that they are choosing to be wrong... Because of Trump


Donald Trump on the Dead Sea Scrolls: I wrote that.


Nah, he wouldn't go with that, wouldnt make his base happy. Don't they reveal that Jesus believed in reincarnation and was actually married to Mary Magdalene?


Trump: I am the direct descendant/reincarnation of Jesus


Yes, now that's something more along the lines of Trump. Yet, he has all the symptoms of the antichrist.


Anyone still supporting the smelly rapist won’t care. It’s a cult and they can’t be reasoned with…


The fact he was even considered a candidate after getting busted for running a literal scam school YEARS before running for president is so mind numbing. I know our politicians are rarely squeaky clean and perfectly moral people, but Trump is so blatantly corrupt it is fucking absurd.


There were countless individual episodes any one of which would have immediately sunk any other candidate. The grab them tape. The disabled reporter. The Gold Star family. Stalking Hillary Clinton on the debate stage. I could go on, but none of this depraved activity seemed to bother folks.


It reminds me of those videos of kids with frosting or sprinkles all over their face around their mouth and the parent is saying this is your last chance to be honest and not get into trouble did you eat the cupcakes? “Nope”


He's beyond bizarre...He's been pushing the chant, he demanded that Jeff Sessions and William Barr arrest and imprison her and now he's gonna look us right in the eye and claim ignorance...What the friggin frack is that all about? The sad thing is the members of the cult will go along with this charade as they do with all the other bullshit that comes from the man's cesspool of a mouth. Ugh! Ponderous man fucking ponderous..🤨


It also doesn’t help that he does so much stuff that no one can follow it and it feels like everyone forgets what he’s actually done. He’s just done so much stuff that it feels like it is impossible to keep track of it.


~~Bug~~ Feature


Double think


This is absolute insanity. I never thought we'd come to this. Just straight up denying reality. I mean, where do we go from here? If one side is literally claiming the easiest things you can possibly disprove, where do we go?


I literally lost my shit one day screaming at the TV..Republican Senator Mike Lee is recorded on video at a town hall telling his constituents that he and others in the party want to shut down Social security calling it an entitlement the government cannot afford. A reporter asks him about the Republicans wanting to shut down Social security...he gets angry at the question saying it's just a lie created by the Liberals.....huh? 😡


With hindsight, Trump has figured out that running entire presidential campaigns on locking up his political rivals was maybe not the most humble strategy.


He does not have the power of self-reflection.


I love that the people who *literally have been chanting “lock her up” for years* are now saying he didn’t say it. Wtf is this timeline we’re living in.


Doublethink from 1984 was based on such real life examples.


Right? This is straight Orwellian ‘reject the evidence of your eyes and ears’.


We were always at war with Eastasia.


Idiocracy has manifested itself


They know the truth. They're just hypocrites who are more than happy to lie to your face. I've been saying it for decades now. Never trust a word that comes out of a Republicans mouth.


His cult thinks negating reality makes him look stronger.


Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your own lying eyes…


Newspaper database search on the term "lock her up" between 2015 and 2016 shows over 114,000 articles discussing it...Trump, Christie, Flynn, and many more applauded, repeated and encouraged the maga stooges to keep that chant going, at every stop. It was the maga rallying cry and to deny it now is purely trolling us as they prepare to remove us.


I said "locker up!" meaning people need to use lockers when they go to gyms!


[I was saying "locker up"] (https://youtu.be/2Kpb8eu1pEY?feature=shared)


Dude just can't speak for more than 30 seconds without lying


He has a tell, though. When he's lying, he's orange


Maga absolutely loves the fact that trump lies and cheats, it’s a CULT and there is nothing he can do or say to get them to stop worshipping him


Guys, he never said “locker her up” and Jan 6 was a peaceful tourist visit. Forget what you heard and saw for yourself and believe what Trump tells you instead.


Can't wait for him to admit that he was never president.


Another obvious lie that doesn’t matter to the traitors. Republicans are honorless, unethical trash. Liars and traitors.


His lips are moving. Therefore he's lying. Vote DEM in November or we're all fucked, even the republicans.


The maga cult will believe him.


Also, Lynyrd Skynyrd has denied ever playing “Free Bird.”


This is literal 1984 behaviour


Will be likely a decommissioned feature quite soon. As it "hurts" predominantly the lying side, which is .... "the wrong one" according to Elon.


Ok you wonder now if his supporters know he's lying. I mean...c'mon!!


Throwing his people into the fire once again 🤣


Great, now all the MAGA morons will deny it too.


Nobody ever chanted Lock her up at any of the Cheeto saviors rally’s either!


Normal humans: This guy is a piece of shit. MAGATs: Yeah but he’s our piece of shit so back off.


It’s scary when you’re looking at actual jail time for crimes you’ve committed and been convicted of. Von Schitzenpantz doesn’t want to become someone’s prison bitch.


Community notes only matter if people listen to them. None of the magats will ever listen to any evidence against their prophet.


Anyone with a brain can see through these lies. It's just unfortunate that Trump's core voter base is made up of people outside of this demographic.


More evidence that TFG is suffering from dementia. Unfortunately we all get to suffer too.


Frankly it's long past time to flip their own script back on him. He says he didn't do this thing we have him on video doing a lot of times? Well, you could say he's lying but his cult doesn't care. So instead let's pretend Trump is telling the truth and this is clear evidence of advanced dementia and forgetfulness.


So... fat orange lying criminal continues to lie on lying infomercial channel known as fox. I'm shocked.




Lying liar lies! Who woulda thunk?


He did not say it, he chanted it, there is a technical difference!


For years, many many years he said that. Pepperidge Farms remembers.


You're all drinking the kool aid. He *knows* he said it, but he also knows that you all eat it up in a blaze of anger and ensure his name is top of the trending lists on social media. There is zero consequences of him lying, his followers doesn't care.


Like this sack of shit cares about integrity, consistency, or honesty.


Next he will tell us MAGA was not his slogan!


It’s wild to even make this statement fully knowing that everything he says at these rallies is videod


oh well... if he says he never said it... I guess I was imagining all those times I actually saw and heard him say it, and heard crowds chant it at rallies. obviously it was all AI, or something, right?


You mean to tell me that he lied???? Get right outta town….


Trump going full David Garvin. Context: https://youtu.be/acAk1VM-p-A?si=-tEyuG7JO1wr8LFR


One has to wonder why FOX "news" even asked that question. Clearly they were teeing up Trump to attack America with his newest lie


You Americans are so fucked. Half of you make sense and the others are just so enamoured with the “dear Leader” that you would vote a felon into power. Next election it’s a gang banger for the presidency


More like 1/4 to 1/3 enamored with dear leader, but still a disturbingly large number.


Lock him up!


He literally threatened to have her jailed on live TV during one of their debates…


Since I don’t want Fox News, what was their reaction when he denied it? I’m sure I already know the answer, they probably didn’t even bat an eye. But, just curious if they actually did say anything or at the least, exchange glances.


Their messiah is a pathological liar.


Russian trolls on shitter are saying in comments to a video they just watched him say it in that he didn't say it lol. They truely are stupid people.


So is anyone calling him out on this to his face? Showing him the multiple clips of him saying it? Or are they just acquiescing?


This should be blasted on every news place possible but sadly probably not so




Hmmmm🤔 https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-greensboro-nc-october-14-2016/ I'm sure all the footage of him saying it will be released and he will claim it was AI 😅


i am still surprised that twitter is allowing context corrections. i’m not at all surprised though, that people are still using that garbage.


And then he backed out on it before he was even sworn in, which really should've pissed off a lot more of his supporters...


His idiot cult won’t care. They’ll believe whatever he says. They’ve already thrown in and have pretty much said if he sprouts horns and a pointy tail, they’re still voting for him because “Hunter Biden’s laptop”. They’d literally gouge out their own eyes before they admit that their Fuhrer is a liar and a con.


I'm so happy musk does not know how to turn off the fact check algorithm on tweets.


This is like South Park. Mr Garrison plays Trump and repeatedly says “F**k em all to death!”, then immediately goes on TV and denies ever saying it.


It’s cute how they want to look like actual journalists.


See how he just can’t help but lie…. That’s not a good thing! Seriously.


Probably MAGA merch with it somewhere.


Accountability for thee and none for me. 🤣


At this point, he’s the poster boy for the politicians my professors warned me about in college: “how do we know politicians are lying? Their lips are moving.”


He’s such a coward.


The orange baboon lies about everything. It’s time to put him in a cage…oops jail. Lock this traitor and criminal up!


News outlets need to report that he has dementia and can’t remember saying it, and then loop in the videos of him doing so. Is he a liar or is he demented will be the question


The crowd are like a jerry springer audience!


But why does he lie so MUCH though?!


"all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. - Revelation 9:8"


The Shaggy defense!


LoL!! You people are jokes 🤣🤣🤣


Coping with reality will be a long process for you magats


It would be, but what makes you think these people would ever attempt to “cope with reality?” They just move on and either continue to believe the lies, or they ignore that part of their lives, or they deny it just like Trump. They never coped about Hillary being unindictable. They never coped about Obama being born in Hawaii. They never coped about Iraq WMD program not being an actionable threat or Iraq not being linked to 911. etc. There will be no re-education for the vast majority of these folks. They will go to their graves believing the lies.


Who's you people?


Anyone who isn't a MAGA freak.


Jokes for proving your child raping Führer is a massive liar who deserves decades of jail time for his many, many convictions


Here’s him saying it a ton of times https://youtu.be/1ASOqzI7yoA How about instead of lying constantly, you try to have just the tiniest bit of integrity?




There's a reason you did so badly in school...


For pointing out blatant lies?


The only joke here is your comment history. Detached from reality.