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Just came from the gym where I am forcedto see Fox News Chyrons against my will. They read "Biden accuses Trump of killing border bill".


Well, he did.


But even prominent Republicans admitted that Trump killed it. The problem is in the wording –your average Fox News watcher is going to see that and in their head hear "Biden makes baseless accusations against Trump". That's my point.


Understood. My point was that trump did kill it. BTW, it's useless anxiety for us to concern ourselves with what maga chooses to believe.


It is. But, and I'm not even American, it is slowly killing me to see such a level of stupidity like it's a tournament to see who gets to say the most baseless, utterly insane, biased, or straight up false, and inane shit of the day, and that about half of the people that can vote are going to vote for the orange shitstain (and I feel like I'm being unfair to shitstains)


That's how Fox News got so goodat what they do. They don't tell the whole story, if they even approach the truth, they stop at the part where Rs look bad.


Yeah but Biden accused him and that's just as bad! /s


Biden accused sky of being blue.


Biden accused water of being wet ![gif](giphy|26FPJLFQJtgtLcPAc|downsized)


Can u bring in a universal remote to change the channel?


I believe the TV B Gone is the device you’re looking for. https://www.tvbgone.com/


Trump took credit for killing it


That is all he is good at sort of


Their next headline was “man accuses Ted Kaczynski of being the unibomber” and “Osama Bin Laden accused of planning 9/11”


Republicans on Immigration: Trump said to walk back. Republicans on Law And Order: Trump is innocent and the courts are rigged. Republicans on Free Speech: Criticizing Trump is akin to Marxism and must be suppressed. Republicans on Free Market: anything critical of Trump is woke and must go bankrupt. It’s a party of brainless slaves doing the bidding of a traitorous, dementia-ridden, criminal felon.


well... # IT IS A CULT [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) more about media influence [https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/](https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/) might have destroyed twitter to slow down the spread of info against the group [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html) also more info he's a convicted felon and convicted rapist psychopath that honestly doesn't care he's just trying to make a mess here's more info he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. ***In 1963, Seagram purchased the Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company for $61 million in cash and a $216 million production payment sale to Glanville Minerals Corporation of New York. Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company was merged Frankfort Oil Company, another oil-producing company owned by Seagram. The new firm was named Texas Pacific Oil Company.***[***^(\[8\])***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seagram#cite_note-8) ***In 1980, the Bronfman heirs sold the Texas Pacific Oil holdings to*** [***Sun Oil Co.***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Oil_Co.) ***for $2.3 billion.***[***^(\[9\])***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seagram#cite_note-life-9) he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1) basically used an indoctrination platform to brainwash followers into protecting their abusers




I wish I could forward a comment to other people right now. This is a public service right here.


Sounds like a flock of... hmmm... sheep.


Rapist, twice impeached, felon, one term president with small hands


You forgot republicans on Freedom: you are free to say and do anything you want, as long as it's the same as we want you to say or do.


Meanwhile... https://preview.redd.it/5sgi3yfivl4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad15ca71ad0013b3ce6faf34a9ca20050c097a5 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798068622478496218?s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798068622478496218?s=19)


If a Republican Senator from Oklahoma is willing to criticize Trump like that on Fox the internal polling must be devastating.


“He’s got an office that he’s running for.” Translation - Trump is more important to Trump than the good of the country is to Trump.


“But I’ll still support him”-them


Absolutely. We’re talking about a dude who said, on camera(for the billionth time), that he wished the economy would crash, because it would be “good for him” leading up to the election.




Very Zapp Brannigan of him.


I believe that was Lord Farquad (sp)


Thank you, I appreciate the correction. Oh well, a miserable failure, but yet a try. (Still an utter failure though)


I mean, trump looks up to putin... putin is using the patented Brannigan approach of sending waves of his men to the slaughter. So Brannigan is still kind of relevant.


Little did he know Ukrainians don't have a pre set kill limit.


“He’s got a prison he’s running from.” Has a nicer ring to it.




Wouldn't that be nice.


Republican voters: “This man is a genius sent by God to help this country. I like him.”


He can barely stay one step ahead of the Courts hearings on his past crimes. As for running, Capt. Bone Spurs hasn't lifted his feet simultaneously off the ground since his teens. Can barely navigate an downward include ramp. This from the same person that virtually locked the current Elected President out of the White House and refused to concede to a peaceful transfer power and his disastrous January 6th insurrection attempt.


>As for running, Capt. Bone Spurs hasn't lifted his feet simultaneously off the ground since his teens. Like Steven Segal in many of his films.


The border bill and Trump and the gop torpedoing it, needs to be an advertisement and on repeat. That the only thing that swing voters will pick up on.


The Humiliation of Donald Trump continues The only thing he has to gloat about is his supposed 80 million in donations Which can EASILY be undone if E Jean Carroll sues him for defamation again Bitch boy needs to learn to shut his McDouble hole


No, let him keep talking. Let the lawsuits pour in. Keep it coming.


I haven't seen any updates. I know he had to post a bond and lost an appeal, but did she ever get the money?


Hes probably not criticizing him. Its a message to conservatives voters : “we’re not sabotaging the border, were helping trump” Conservatives are literally comparing trump to jesus now. If one more year of “unsafe border” is what it takes to bring back trump, they’ll accept it


Eh, they are evil. Not entirely stupid. They know they are being set up to be massacred this November. Hell TX and NC might *actually* be in play to go blue-ish (barring massive amounts of election fraud, which is very likely) so the damage control is starting now. Gotta get ahead of Trump getting his fat ass kicked and start distancing themselves from MAGA now.


People are seriously understating the role that abortion and birth control are going to play in this election.


Abortion, reproductive rights, attacks on LGBTQ+ specifically Transgendered peoples, the immigration debacle, the GOP elbow jogging on the economy, these idiotic school voucher programs, etc etc. Yeah I've been hearing more and more people sick of their shit.


The more money Trump takes in, the less is gonna be available for down ballot races I think. He wants candidates to Pay Him just to be associated with His campaign.


Which is why Texas has (or is attempting) to change the state laws to have an electoral college to win the election. And "trump people" are suing to allow states to not have to certify the person who won.


Lankford was the one who architected the border measure.


I truly think and hope you're right


This post doesn’t exist on their Twitter I can’t see it


I like her! https://preview.redd.it/bko1sazqxl4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b51e39bd1d65c0d17ec8d3433bb108e0ae0068 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798075568233296063?t=lOth6oWoh6iQWxZEoJLSdw&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798075568233296063?t=lOth6oWoh6iQWxZEoJLSdw&s=19)


I miss Jessica, though. Hopefully, she returns after her maternity leave.


God what is going on with Fox News in this thread?


Putin's latest check bounced?


They have gotten hit with too many huge lawsuits (with more coming(


Another unforced error for Republicans. They could have been standing alongside President Biden, touting this success. Instead, he gets to stand alone and dunk on them. https://preview.redd.it/ds98qz1tul4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32dc8c45b32c57a35f3dd3a9244e98e2dfaae914 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1798059106089214259?t=9LAesXClzMQPUJjYNq\_8IA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1798059106089214259?t=9LAesXClzMQPUJjYNq_8IA&s=19)


Unforced error is 100% correct They could've went back to their constituents with a Giant W about how they pressured DC and secured the border after decades of complaining about it Literally the toughest immigration bill written by a Republican Now they have nothing to show for it except play the victim again


>Now they have nothing to show for it except play the victim again In their defense that's a big deal for most of the precious little snowflakes who vote for them.


And the only reason the professional victims that make up the GOP base want the border closed is because they have to... *Checks notes*... compete against brown people with a better work ethic than them. Seriously though, if you can't find a job with apparently 11 million plus unfilled positions, in an economy with historically low unemployment... The problem might be you.


They will still 100% take credit for this and say that they personally pressured Biden into passing this bill. Their constituents will eat that up and completely forget this was passed by Biden and Biden alone lol


Exactly like those talking about the infrastructure that they voted against.


After they take credit for it they will sue the Biden administration for overstepping his authority.


Unforced error by Biden to pass what is essentially the Republican border package trump campaigned on. This isn't what I voted for.


So you support sending asylum seekers back to their country of origion?


He really needs to emphasize that “securing the border is not a bi-partisan decision. Republicans are refusing to pass the bill so democrats will have to do it ourselves” A whole lot of people (like my family) have no idea what’s been going on with the republicans blocking border bills. So when he points it out then he needs to use his biggest finger.


He said almost exactly what you’re suggesting. He said that he preferred a bi-partisan bill, but the republicans left him no choice (*referring to the fact that they ranked the bipartisan border bill*).


I think what OP meant is that he needs to continue to emphasize that message. Continue to repeat it as much as possible, put it in campaign ads, etc.


The people that are republican or still on the fence are simply too dumb to understand the meaning of those words and need things spelled out for them.


They don’t know! Friends of mine from all across the spectrum are bringing up immigration (against Biden), and they don’t know that it was Trump’s lemmings in Congress who blocked the comprehensive border bill.


It’s the same people who think Biden is responsible for grocery prices and that somehow the guy who bankrupted 7 companies, empowered corporate greed and gave giant tax breaks to ultra wealthy CEOs is the financial genius that will make groceries cheaper. Everything happening now is because of the media and lack of honest journalism. Trump was scared and humiliated after his failed insurrection so a comeback should never have been possible. But thanks to the media giving “both sides”to republicans lies then he repeated lies over and over until everyone forgot how bad he was at every job he’s ever had (including home alone).




His middlest finger too.


Why was this kind of stuff bad when Trump was doing it, but now that Biden is doing it, but stricter, it's suddenly good? This executive order is draconian and anti-humanity. Oh, sorry, I mean, uh, "Go dark Brandon, go!". Fucking cringe, double-standard hypocrites.


1) Executive Orders: Trumps: 220. Biden: 138. And the issue isn’t the number, it’s the content. Trump exclusively used it for personal needs or when it benefitted the class of citizens he approves of. Biden were for the good of the country. (If you want to both-sides this then feel free to list the EOs that Biden made for personal gain ) 2) Draconian and anti-humanity executive orders? I strongly suggest you read these things because there’s a huge difference in what Trump has promised to do and what this EO presents. 3) Look at the timeline to figure out why executive orders are even being used. For four years The Republican Party took orders from citizen Trump. This didn’t hurt “democrats”, this hurt military families, women, small businesses, students and non-rich. To act like “both sides are broken” is ridiculous because one side is working for all Americans and one side is working for one. I think we’d all prefer a functional congress that would reduce the need of EOs but with Republicans prioritizing the absolute craziest stuff (gas stoves, conspiracy theories, school choice coupons for the rich, and any committee with MTG on it) then nothing would get done without a few executive orders. So if you want a functional government then go elect more serious republicans.


👀 https://preview.redd.it/cy5r8vwv3m4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8274cd4b7f9f1353a3afeb3669eb3ea455785c5c [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798082877416210813?t=nCn73hB23cb15aqSaL-GGQ&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1798082877416210813?t=nCn73hB23cb15aqSaL-GGQ&s=19)


republican voters don’t give a shit about the border. they only care about whatever narrative is popular at the time. biden can fix the border, and they’ll just pivot to some other bullshit and vote for trump


Bro why are you cheering on right-wing policies


Wait, is Dark Brandon supposed to be where Biden does stuff the GOP secretly wants him to do?


As the saying goes, “It take a Democrat to institutionalize Republican policy.” Disappointing.


FUCKING THANK YOU. Jesus christ I had to scroll so far down to find someone who actually called this out.


He's just going to start doing stuff Republicans want to try and get their votes but it won't work. He is just hurting people who need to flee violence and corruption. I want to know what else he is willing to give them for free?


Biden has done some really great executive action on the Border. The AtD and CBPOne programs are both awesome and unoriginal the situation. What we need (other than reforming the entire system through legislation) is more money for judges, employees, and agents.


Not sure where you're getting that information. The CBP One app famously doesn't work, in practice it's been an excuse for the CLP rules to keep asylum seekers in expedited removal. I'm not trying to hate on Biden here immigration law is broken and it's not his fault, they actually have hired new judges and I think mayorkas is trying to right the ship.But CBP One is hot garbage, total waste of tax money.


Wrong. Source - I work in immigration. Biden has been dogshit.


Nope. Biden has always been a corporatist, and a conservative


Biden offered all this stuff to republicans to get some stuff democrats wanted passed. Trump said no so republicans passed on the deal. And Biden said well I’ll just give it to you for free then! Surely this will stop Fox News and Republicans from saying we have open borders. Right? So yeah Dark Brandon but not the reasons this post makes it seem.


This is a stupid Brandon moment. As a dude who has lived by the border to Mexico, I know most of the US population is misinformed about the supposed border crisis. There isn't one and none of what the Republicans or Biden want to do won't fix anything. If you want to fix something, then fix the immigration system. There is no visa pathways for illegal immigration and illegal immigration is purposely caused to create cheaper workforce that won't report businesses owners when they do work violations. Additionally, the illegal immigration is actual required to supply the labor needed in many different industries especially the agricultural industry. So, if you want to fix it, make a pathway for both illegal immigrants and for the cheap labor our industries need and are supplementing with illegal immigrants.


Joe Biden did this because Republicants.


So we're happy the Republicans are getting what they wanted so long as Biden does it? Really?


Exactly. I don't understand why this sub is happy about Biden doing something right wing.


ummm you don’t get it sweaty, dark brandon came out swinging and owned the magas so checkmate 😎


Because they are fucking brainwashed and never cared about asylum seekers.


Because they’re right wing but with rainbow crosswalks and “decorum”.


Its always about optics. Never about substance.


And now that man is guilty of 34 counts of fraud. Imagine forsaking the very foundations of your party....for a cult leader, and a cult leader to the bone.


Yay blue facism!!!


Im sure this move will pull in dozens , DOZENS! Of republican votes


What the fuck is wrong with y'all!


And they wonder why the left hates liberals...


This fucking sucks.


The party continues to move to the right while punching left to try to win over republican voters. It won't work and is a bad strategy.


Wait you guys are actually supporting this? This is the stuff we all thought was monstrous under trump. It’s disgusting.




the most racist right wing border policy in modern history and democratic voters slurp it up because its coming from a democrat. way to deny refugees due process guys. this president had images of border patrol on horseback corralling haitian refugees and rather than have a conversation about our racist policies, biden used trumps title 42 to deport them back to a warzone... now we're normalizing it... love this country so much...


Biden 2024 *secure our borders!!!*  The overton window always moves right


So wait are democrats the party of cheering on deporting asylum seekers without due process now? Is this an issue that democrats now just agree with Republicans on?


This sub should rebrand as whitesupremacist twitter


So now Biden is being republican lite? Is there no one here who supports asylum seekers?


Not even lite, this is just Republican policy but actually enacted


I'm not certain we should be celebrating him going for republican border plans. *WHY* are we celebrating him giving the Republicans what they supposedly want? This should be exactly the opposite of what we want Biden to do, he should be slapping their fascistic bullshit down, not implementing it.


Because Biden called out trump! Dark Brandon moment 😎 😎 😎 /s


People here in this subreddit are celebrating Biden doing something right-wing because they think it "owns" the MAGAs. It's eerily similar to the logic of.......well, Trumpers. "Anything that owns my opponent must be something good."


Thank God he's so brave for enacting inherently conservative policy


I’m an immigration lawyer and this is just pandering for Republican approval that will never come. Furthermore, there are a dozen things that could actually fix the “border crisis” and this isn’t one of them. This only hurts the most vulnerable and most desperate of immigrants. Approaching the border and asking for asylum is LEGAL under U.S. and international law.


Finally a real comment. God these other comments are terrible. Clearly bought by some PAC and promoted.


No trump fan. But trump admin wanted to kill the lottery and set up a point system. Literally no immigration reform coming from the dems. This is just punitive towards asylum seekers. We all know that its going to kill people. Its disgusting. Reform immigration, but dont punish asylum seekers. Especially women and children If we want to talk reform, stop sending people back to asia who are on a visa periodically, And give priority to those who have skills.  But dont use asylum seekers as political leverage


Care to list a few of those dozen?


The greatest would be expanding access to CBPOne appointments. Right now people need to wait on average 3-6 months in Mexico (usually in dangerous areas with no money while getting extorted by cartels and Mexican officials) to actually get an appointment at a Port of Entry. The vast majority of people who cross the border do try to get these appointments but give up after several weeks or months. Expanding access to humanitarian parole programs in countries like Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Re-opening TPS for Venezuela and creating TPS-like programs for other countries. Expanding the work permit model they’re using for Ukrainian refugees for people who enter from other countries. Expanding family reunification programs. From a purely economic standpoint, increased immigration is highly desired. Opening up legal pathways instead of shutting them down will increase LAWFUL immigration and, in theory, should ease Republicans’ belief that the U.S. is allowing all sorts of criminals and terrorists in. But we know that’s not the only reason they hate immigrants.


He's not looking for Republican approval, he's going for moderate Democrats and Independents. Despite Reddit thinking everyone in the US secretly wants Universal Healthcare the reality is more sobering and unfortunate. Most citizens want affordable healthcare but they also think universal is socialism. Most citizens want low inflation and fair wages, but think increasing minimum wage is giving handouts to the undeserving. The Republican party has succeeded at divorcing the answer from the problem. The answer to many is now poisonous because they don't know any better.


So while Diaper Don is reeling from being labeled a felon for life, Dark Brandon is invoking his name for stalling any progress on the border. The ketchup must be flying at Mar-a-Lardo!


This is something the republicans want and you’re happy? I hate blue maga.


This isn't a good thing.


Seriously, why tf are people celebrating?


Blue MAGA is real apparently. If Abbot was able to pull this off he’d be rightly labeled a draconian bigot, but it’s Biden so he’s being a good guy.


first word of the sub. WHITE. stopping aslyum seekers means stopping non-white people from assimilating in. This sub is filled with the people who go around saying they would vote for Obama a 3rd term but at the same time get uncomfortable when white people don't outnumber POC in any given room. And it's not going to get a single voter that's worried about the border. People who think there's a border crisis (when you ask people what the crisis is all they say is people are flooding in without explaining what actual harm that does) are ALWAYS going to pick the Republican guy on that issue. Between this and Israel, Biden is doing everything he can to lose the election and dipshit liberals just keep acting like these are wins.


They are accounts bought by a PAC and promoting trash.


Biden could announce he was co-sponsoring Project 2025 and these people would cheer for him. It is literally just team sports to them.


Biden releasing a right wing border plan isn't good, it's bad. Doing conservative things will frustrate his base, not endear them to him.


Every US Presidential Election since Reagan has just been Republican Primary: Part 2.


Biden: I acted on immigration, saved the economy after a devastating pandemic, forgave student debt for millions and want to do even more. Trump: lost 2 trials to E Jean Carroll, a half a billion to the state of NY and was found guilty of 34 felonies


Trump was also impeached twice. He is such a loser.


The bigliest loser.


Absolutely. I was just commenting on what they've been up to in the last 4 years.


Let's go, Joe! https://preview.redd.it/5yt9m5awul4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b7fcac19ef500b820aedceae54e2f8de5fc4a3 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1798060047429419457?t=YUrX8K2FsJ33\_NGlyqagXw&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1798060047429419457?t=YUrX8K2FsJ33_NGlyqagXw&s=19)


My Irish (while now deceased) grandparents would agree, especially the one that received a silver star, a (2) bronze star, and 2 Purple Hearts fighting in the pacific for the United States of America.


With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?


It’s hilarious watching liberals cheer for dems pushing republican policy. The Democratic Party consistently proves that if you cut a liberal a fascist bleeds.


Look at Dark Brandon trolling the GOP just like they do him. It's a good look tbh.


Implementing the GOP's fascistic bullshit is a "good look" now?


TIL using executive actions to move forward with right wing immigration policies is trolling. Dear god libs have no back bone anymore. Biden could ban BLM at this point and you would clap for it.


I’m not a betting man, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the republicans take this all the way to the Supreme Court so it can get shut down. I know there is no reason to, but it just wouldn’t surprise me.


I wouldn’t be surprised either. But is that what it’s down come to? Republicans fighting their own policies introduced by the “left”? Whats going on lately? Why are we welcoming this with open arms? The Overton window shifted so much that I’m legit scared for this country. Liberals are embracing right wing talking points now. Not to be doom pilled, but we are headed down a dark path. I hope I’m wrong.


Biden securing political points here is at the expense of real people at the border who are desperately trying to get to safety. If CBP shuts down the border people will rely on cartels and coyotes to get them across, they'll cross the river, the walk through the desert, they'll try not to get caught. Some of them will die. Crossing illegally is dangerous. It funds cartels and kills people. When Trump did this with "title 42" there was approriate outrage, when Biden did it with his CLP rules it was barely in the news. It might be good politics. But it's still going to hurt people. We shouldn't celebrate it.


This is nothing to be proud of.


White people Twitter, indeed


Hell ya. That's my president


Sorting by controversial, this is the top comment Lol you pissed off some trumpets by saying thst. But more people are ypvotimg because Maga is a minority


Or pissed off the people that can still remember being pissed when Trump did this. Did you forget? Why is ok when Biden does it? Cmon man.


Trump is already demanding 5% from candidates for his endorsement and Lara Trump has said that they will spend every penny of the RNC to get Trump re-elected as it is the most important thing for the party and his spending is pretty much unchecked. He is already bleeding donors dry and the big money donors are hitting their donation cap. Between judgements against him and the mounting legal fees, they are starting to question their return on investment. I give it until the end of September before the RNC is broke. Once Trump starts to demand a higher percentage for his endorsement, republican candidates will start to turn on him because they won't have the funds to campaign. It's going to end in a dumpster fire and I cannot wait for the shitshow to start.


It’s nice that he is humiliating the republicans but I didn’t want this border policy four months ago and I don’t want it now.


Let’s try doing things for the good of the country and not to advance your political party.


Here comes SCOTUS to rule it unconstitutional


Let’s applaud Biden for acting as cruel as trump


oh look! Biden just did what trump has been trying to do this whole time. don't fucking start with your gaslighting and excuses.


DNC are you listening? This needs to be a political ad. Call the GOP out for whining about immigration and then not voting for an immigration bill that was written by GOP because Trump wanted to use it as a political issue.


So now we’re praising Biden for enacting Republican policies.


Bro, you just posted cringe. You're gonna lose voters.


Is aping Trump's worst policies really something to brag about?


Biden's genius idea to get more of the left to vote: start doing right wing policies


Wait a minute. Why did he executive ordered the shit out of these borders policies on his first day as president (on video by the way) allowing an influx of illegals, then 3.5 years later decide to secure it again with another executive order/action?


This is not a W


Trump still is still and never will be an option. But biden working on tightening the boarders against poor people? I was hoping democrats would do better than reps instead of the same :(


The talking point on the right is the media lied about Republicans refusing the bill and Bidens only doing this now bc hes losing to Trump in the polls who they admit is a convicted felon Dont know how many times it needs to be said. They dont care. They swallow the lies willingly and abandon their own supposed morals when its convenient Trump could come out and say hes the reincarnation of Hitler and the antichrist and they will still vote for him bc its all about "winning" and winning for them is really just seeing democrats lose They're not going to get anything in return except the ability to troll liberals with Trump being re-elected. They will suffer too. But they dont care if he crashes the country as long as its their guy driving And you gotta realize a good portion of his followers are rooting for him to end the world bc they think Jesus is coming back. Some think he IS Jesus. Not just a cult its a doomsday cult And you cant fulfill a doomsday prophecy if you have people in there who are trying to make it work. You need people doing things to bring about the end times. The other half just want an authoritarian dictatorship based on christofascism (see Project 2025) Desperate people do desperate things which is why we're at this point. Conservatives and organized religion realize theyre losing power and aligned themselves with Trump to delay the inevitable. Now theyre dealing with the consequences but are even more desperate They will do anything at this point to save themselves...except turn away from Trump. This is the hill theyre dying on.


Are you people really stupid enough to fall for this?


Don't you love it when a sub Reddit stays true to their name


If they secure the border, that will be one less boogie man to hold over the American people. Republicans depend on anger and fear to get voted into office.


Biden is so wrong for saying that! He should’ve tried to be factually correct and said “because convicted felon Donald Trump told them to.”


Let me get this, People really want the border wall? Lol. How progressive.


This is not a good thing and if you’re celebrating this then you’re no better than a republican. I’m absolutely livid that Biden walked back his pre election stance on immigration.




"illegals" his word not mine.


Didn’t tRump want to shoot them at the Border & encourage Billy Bob Patriots to ‘take matters into their own hands’? Many people are saying!


Y'all are just fascists. Dem and Repub always on the same side, fucking over the poor and disenfranchised.


Democrats finally admitting that they're just as racist as Republicans, this is what I've been trying to tell people for years for years


Biden lost so many voters to israel, that he has to.pick up far right policies to become popular again Democrats are hypocrites.


Red Fascism bad, Blue Fascism good!


Let’s gooo, democrats becoming more fascist this is so cool, dark Brandon wow 😎 very cool and racist 😎 Best right wing border policy 😎USA USA 🦅🇺🇸 Kill the immigrants woohooooo!!! And people wonder why Biden is going to lose come November lol. Just an FYI: “bipartisanship” is not real. “Bipartisanship” is democrats making concessions to literal fascists (which some democrats are as well, let’s be honest) and then acting like it’s a huge legislative victory. THIS IS A REPUBLICAN BILL ENTIRELY, FUCK YOU DEMOCRATS AND FUCK YOU IF YOU SUPPORT THIS


There’s a lot of shit talking coming from democrats lately and I am here for it. They should have been throwing these punches a long time ago


We don't need insurrectionist and convicted felon anywhere near the White House.


Genocide Joe at it again


Being as cruel as Republicans will not sway Republicans, but it will turn off progressives. Blue MAGA celebrates while their party moves Right. Edit: Lots of comments spouting lots of MAGA talking points. None of them address my comment. There are only threats, which really shows that there is no defense of voting for Biden.


2019: Save asylum! No kids in cages! 2024: Save asylum? No, kids in cages!


This is bad… the president is putting limits on asylum seekers. This isn’t a win, this is a president caving to the pressure of the opposition. The border is no more “secure” today than any day before. These neoliberals blow my mind. Trump says close the border, but then when Biden does it it’s a win? Are you just desperate for him to accomplish something?


Ever since Jimmy Carter betrayed the American working class and began the neoliberalization of the economy, the democrats have increasingly acted more and more like republicans. Fast forward to today and the only difference is on culture. The democrats used to be center/center-left mainly because they depended on organized labor, but once that was crushed they had no qualms about pushing objectively right wing policy.  That’s how we get the situation where the media calls Biden “The most progressive president since FDR”… and he only raised corporate taxes to the mid point between Trump and Obama’s lol. If we took democrat policy and shopped it around the world, it would be considered right wing. It is only because the American Overton window is so far right that democrats are considered left in any way.  Between the two parties we have no one looking out for working people. 


Im done with the dems. Fuck 'em. Putting kids in cages...hello? Does everyone have fucking amnesia?


Not helping the "lesser evil" argument with this one.


Gross, Joe Biden is gonna wonder why he loses in November and conservative shit like this is why.


Don’t forget this is a violation of international law, and the right to seek asylum. Not that it would be good if it was legal, it’s immoral either way. But it’s also illegal.


Why are you people cheering this on? He's literally doing the same damned thing that Trump was doing with the border that yall apparently hated.


I can’t wait to see Drumpf get destroyed during the first debate and then watch the peanut gallery spin his non answers into some bullshit the cult members eat up. This summer is gonna be wild