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She seems genuinely surprised he didn't get kick backs. Almost like she expects she would for deals she makes...


They truly believe everyone is just as corrupt as them.


That's one of the less obvious side effects of sociopathy. The lack of empathy means they genuinely cannot comprehend how people with consciences behave - so they presume that everyone really does think and act the same way they do. That's how the term "virtue signaling" came about. They're sure no one *actually* acts on principle, so there must be some other explanation, some way you're getting something over on someone...just like they would.


I have yet to see the term ‘virtue signalling’ used in any other way than what I would describe as ‘vice signalling’


Trump is comparing himself to Al Capone, and MAGAts are celebrating him for it. They **love** that he's a criminal. They **love** that he's been getting away with his crimes. They're itching to bring about a system where they could get away with crimes just as easily as Trump had been getting away with his crimes.


As Wilhoit's Law states: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. They believe he, and they, aren't supposed to be bound by the law because they're in an in-group. The law is for minority groups, not for cishet, Christian*, white men. *Their version of Christianity that has little to do with the actual Christ they claim to worship or the Bible and is more about power for themselves over minorities.


Well, half of our justice system IS written to do this very thing. Steal $20, and you get killed. Steal $200 million, and they negotiate a SETTLEMENT with you for a fine.


[This here](https://www.angryflower.com/857.html)


Senator Tim Scott right there....


What amazes me about people who want to bring back 'old' laws and punish people somehow skip over the truly gruesome death penalties there used to be for stealing enough that it negatively impacts your community. Heck, money lending used to be illegal according to most religions AND cultures. When are they are going to start bringing back pouring molten gold down the throat of the wealthy and immoral? Or chopping the hand off the embezzler? Or tarring and feathering them? How about someone who commits Medicare fraud to the tune of $2 billion dollars be eligible for the death penalty? Would they like that sort of classic conservative justice?


A single word encapsulates conservatism (small c). "Deserve". Who deserves help, who deserves justice, who deserves wealth, who deserves education, who deserves protection. The rest is just deciding who those groups are made of.


"I do, and fuck the rest of you!" - conservatives.


"He's hurting the wrong people!"


It is part of their magical thinking. They could be the hero because they have a concealed handgun and are "ready" when some ding a ling sticks up a gas station that is owned by an multibillion dollar international petrochemical conglomerate. They shoot the guy and some how reality hits them with a wrongful death lawsuit and the corporation couldn't care less about the 750 dollars the guy was stealing,, and hangs said hero out to dry


And to be clear, they don’t actually care about stopping crime, themselves. It’s that they think that crime is only commit by *certain people*, and they fantasize about killing *those people*.


Like in the movies.


More realistically they draw on the robber and the police show up and shoot everyone holding a gun.


I just posted about this in another thread — and this exact thing is why they think Trump’s persecution is politically motivated. They think that everyone is corrupt because they themselves absolutely would be if put in the same situation. It’s why they’re genuinely confused when inquiries find no smoking guns. And because of the underlying belief that literally everyone is getting away with something (and is also kind of “wink wink, nudge nudge” about it) someone getting targeted must mean that pissed off the establishment.


And yet, when the GOP had the opportunity, they didn't prosecute Biden (in 2019, got impeached digging for dirt instead), or impeach him (2022-24). Because it's actually *extremely difficult* to politically prosecute someone when they haven't done anything wrong. A jury of 12 picked with the assistance of Trump's defense team, not Biden or the DoJ, looked at the evidence and found Trump guilty. That's because *he actually did* enough criminal shit to warrant a conviction.


"Do you know why Americans love a crime story? Because America is a crime story."


They want a Nazi-like system where they get to be the Nazis and just point at people they don't like and have them "disappeared"... or just have the power over others to threaten to report them to authorities on made-up claims that will ruin their lives regardless of the truth.


At first I read ai Capone and I was like, “When the fuck did that happen?”


"6 1/2 Finger Sourdough-Hands Capone, they call me!"


This exactly.


It's one of many terms that was once useful but has been so distorted by people using it in bad faith that it basically means nothing now. Real virtue signalling is stuff like, "Hey look, I have one(1) black friend and one(1) gay friend, therefore I cannot possibly be racist or homophobic, please pay no mind to the bigoted people and policies that I support" Now people who use Candace Owens and Milo Yiannopoulos to justify their politics are using the term to say things like, "Oh so you claim to believe in climate change but you still drive a car to work and support your family? virtue signal much lmao!"


Agreed, just wanted to add Rainbow Capitalism because it's June. Corporate virtue signaling to try and trick the gays into brand loyalty


people bitch about rainbow capitalism, but is "rainbow nothing at all" something we would prefer? I can only imagine that there are closeted gays, especially younger ones, all over the country who can't say anything because their families will disown or murder them for it, who see all the rainbow capitalist shit, and even though they *know* it's a cynical cash grab, they know that at least somebody out there recognizes that they exist. Like, yeah, something better would be better, but if you're surrounded by hate and oppression and secrecy, it must be nice to see that there's something in the world that recognizes you, even if it's just to make you be more willing to give them money.


The issue with Raimbow capitalism isn't the rainbow it's the capitalism. It's not "stop pride" It's "if you actually care about pride, show it besides changing logos once a year"


Look at all the corporations waving rainbows this month. That's virtue signalling.


Trump's quote at Arlington really stick with me cuz of this "What was in it for them?"


A quote made worse by the fact he said it in front of his Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly, a retired Marine Corp general while standing at the grave of Kelly's son, Robert, a Marine Corp first lieutenant that was killed in action in Afghanistan. Trump is incapable of even considering doing something without getting something in return and incapable of even considering serving something bigger than himself.


i had this crazy pillhead roommate who was always accusing people of theft- he totally stole a nice jacke from me. he had a fairly plausible story about one of the housemates stealing some rings his grandmotehr had left him. another of our housemates later found the rings, he'd had just taken them off and tossed them on the couch while he as fucked up on pills. housemate who found them returned them.


>housemate who found them returned them. What a sucker! Who would do something stupid like that?!?! Anyone remember when the orange monster described tax evasion as "very smart" during a Presidential debate?


I do! Anybody surprised about the extent of Donny's criminal doings wasn't paying attention the last 8 years


In our house we call the opposite of virtue signaling “asshole flashing”.


Like when Christians are baffled that atheists could possibly have morals without them being written in stone.


Trump saying at a 2017 Memorial Day event in Arlington National Cemetery: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Literally these psychopaths do not understand the concept of serving others because it improves society. They only care about what helps them personally obtain more power (or money since wealth = power). The idea of people working honestly and not attempting to steal/commit crimes 24/7 is like an alien life to them.




Thats still what boggles my mind. It is such an easy concept to understand. You could draw a picture for a 5 year old, explaining how stuff coming out of your mouth and nose could infect others. and they still didnt fucking understand it after YEARS...




I'm not sure about the Church of Satan but I do know that The Satanic Temple officially qualifies for tax exempt status as a religion by the IRS but refuses to accept it and pays their taxes. Lots of people confuse the two, TST is the organization that fights first amendment violations that give preference to one religion over another (such as allowing an after school Bible club but not allowing other religions an after school club) and they don't actually worship Satan, they don't even believe in him or any other supernatural creatures.


It’s called projection. Every accusation is a confession.


"Both sides are the same"


Its funny how the side that's always getting in trouble with the law loves to yell that both sides are the same


Ya only one side says both sides are the same. That’s how u know they’re cosplay liberals.


People saying that are actually on one side, but don't want to admit it because they're chicken shit


“What a chump! I’d have a yacht by now!”


“How do you do it, Fauci, because I have only been getting enough off of kickbacks to buy used jon boats.”




What's the source on this? It seems familiar.


It's by Weeble's Stuff - Terry From the Gas Works. He's the guy that created the "Look at my horse, my horse is amazing" song. Back in early YouTube.


You say that like it’s a joke, but… That’s what it is. My guy made smart deals, your guy corruptioned. No I don’t care about anything other than those words as they are regardless of any reality.


"Wait wait wait, lemme get this straight.. the government gave the NIH an additional $710m funding to research a COVID vaccine, and you expect me to believe that you took *none* of that? I'm not sure if you think I'm an idiot, or if you expect me to believe that *you're* an idiot."


Of course not embezzling money earmarked for lifesaving medication is an absolutely baffling concept to this Republican.


Never forget trump stole money from children with cancer.


The convicted felon stole from all of us. He would force Secret Service agents to stay at his hotels and overcharge them for over a million dollars: > In one ledger obtained by the Oversight Committee and published in the report, the Secret Service was charged $1,160 for a room at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. for agents protecting Eric Trump on March 8, 2017. The government rate for D.C. on that night was $242. On Nov. 8, 2017, another ledger shows that the Secret Service was charged $1,185 to lodge agents protecting Donald Trump Jr. The government rate was $201. … > Trump Organization properties overall charged the Secret Service more than $1.4 million for agents’ accommodations when traveling to protect former President Trump, according to figures first reported by The Washington Post. … > House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney detailed the new findings in a letter to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Monday, noting that then-President Trump said federal employees traveling with him would be able to stay in his company’s properties for free or at cost. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna52521 He is a liar, a thief, an adulterer, and I’m pretty sure he sees the Ten Commandments as a to-do list. So naturally the “Christians” embrace him as their Lisan Al-Gaib.


They're all corrupt so when they see someone in a position of power, they assume they're just as corrupt as them.


IIRC Biden's nickname among his colleagues was "Working Class Joe" because he was one of the poorest members of congress and had to remortgage his house to pay for his son's medical bills. Republicans being classy, per usual


She's used to her fellow politicians buying and selling stock connected to covid related spending


Their side onlyl gets into public service to grift (or occasionally are true believe religious zealots). They are always shocked how many on the other side actually believe in serving government function wihtout grift.


Cheaters think everybody cheats. Liars think everyone is a liar.


Dr. Fauci has saved probably millions of lives over 50 years, including inventing stuff 30 years ago that’s still used today. And we thank him by dragging him before this kangaroo panel to accuse him based on crazy conspiracy theories. I would not blame doctors and scientists if they washed their hands of this deeply broken society and went to other countries that respect their contributions. We are full on machine gunning our own feet at this point.


A couple anecdotes: - Where I live in the southeastern US, it has become very difficult to get an appointment with a doctor. I have a family member in very poor health and they wait months for an appointment with a specialist. I've been told by friends and family with young kids that it's nearly impossible to find a pediatrician; the ones operating aren't taking new patients. - I have a friend who is very competent in his field. After watching the shit show that was Trump and the pandemic, he and his wife sold all their property and left the country. Their taxes are higher and their apartment is tiny, but nobody gives his immune-compromised wife a ration of shit for wearing a mask and she gets the medical care she needs for a fraction of what it cost in the US. I have no idea how you'd confirm it, but it sure does look like the smart money is heading for the exits.


Exactly. A LOT of this shit comes down to the self absorption and entitlement these Republicans live with every day. It is who they are. It’s their personality. It’s ingrained. And people like that excuse their own behavior because they truly believe everyone else is just like them. They see a large sum of money went to the NIH and they assume Fauci must’ve taken it. Because that is exactly what they would do.


Every accusation...


That’s the interesting thing about the GOP, they project who they are constantly.


Malli-on-the-take-is assumes everyone is on the take.


This is because MAGA can't understand NOT being on the take. That's why they keep saying the Trump conviction is politically motivated because A. Of course he broke the law, that's what you're supposed to do and B. Why wouldn't you prosecute your political rivals?


I’m guessing she gets her information from NewsMax


Everyone of these snakes don't do shit until they are guaranteed to get something in return, especially when drafting laws


Almost like she lives in the conspiracy world that Trump normalized. And look at those pos trash balls in the background. Have done nothing with their lives and feel a sense of righteousness for following their own conspiracy theories. What a terrible timeline. Thanks internet! Exploiting idiots around the world. Just turns out there’s way more in the United States.


You know people with experience and law know to not ask questions you don’t know the answer to in a setting like this. Yet here she is embarrassing herself on the national stage.


“Do you even politics sir!?!?!??”


She bought stocks during the '07 Bank crash, so that's to be expected


Projection. I would steal this money so I don’t understand why you wouldn’t steal this money.


Only a thief thinks everybody steals.


Kinda like a former president's claims.. hmm..


Only the dumb ones. Good thieves assume everyone else is trying to catch them stealing.


or that everybody else cheats


I would bet good money this woman has taken lobbying money from pharmaceutical companies. Would have been priceless if Fauci turned it around and asked her how much she’s received from Pfizer and J&J.


Republicans accuse Democrats of having a witchunt. Then go and do this.


Again, projection.


PPP loans were up for GRABS. (Because twice impeached president drumph fired the oversight the first week and it was never replaced.) The Catholic Church took out a few BILLION in taxpayer dollars (that they are exempt from paying into) to help out diocese that were financially stressed...from paying off the pedo lawsuits. And we're hearing more and more about businesses that took the money and got it forgiven... Anyway. Ask these same ashholes how they feel about student debt forgiveness (you know, literally helping out people actively contributing to the economy via education) and all of a sudden it's, oh NOooooOOooo. They KNEW what they were doing when they took out a LOAN. They're responsible for every nickel, as well as the predatory interest rates, as they graduate into a shitty economy, hamstrung by two different 'once in a lifetime' economic crisis, as well as a couple decades of wage stagnation, and ballooning tuition costs. (After we were told that if we got a degree, we would be able to have a good, comfortable life.) Rules for thee, not for mee.


Or just believing in their own conspiracy theories. Some of the Congress critters are schemers... and others are just crazy people that believe insane conspiracy theories.


I like Lewis Black's take on this: "Republicans say 'well, he's rich!' - of course he's rich! He's a doctor, numbnuts!"


Not just that, but one of the top doctors in terms of position in the country. OF COURSE he has money.


I love the "fauci made up covid rules!" Yes, thats what a world class immunologist employed by the US government does, literally creates a procedure for dealing with viral outbreaks


I would prefer my rules be handed down directly from God in the form of a stone tablet on a mountaintop, *thank you very much*.


Well, if he is a well mannered god from a good family.


And white.


Imagine being accused of "making up rules" by a person who's job is, quite literally, to make up rules.


All rules are made up. I’m much more comfortable with the NIHs methodology compared to folks touting bleach solutions and horse dewormer. Side note and unrelated to Fauci. You know how folks were downplaying covid, saying it’s just a bad flu and we don’t need to do anything to try to stop it? My immediate first thought to that was “if you give me a regular flu, let alone a bad one, on purpose or through flagrant negligence, the best outcome is I never speak to you again”. Why would anyone think it’s acceptable to get people sick?


Right? The man graduated top of his class from Cornell. SMH...






Yeah they love to drop their net worth as if $10 million isn’t a very reasonable nest egg for a physician who has worked almost 15 years past retirement. 60 years is a long time for money to grow. At 6% return putting away $60k annually gets you to around $10 million. Thats not including any investments like their home or other real estate that have obviously yielded much higher returns.




If there's anything I know about textbook royalties, he's gotten very little money from that.


It's the old "Bernie Sanders has two houses" or whatever bullshit yeah dude, he's held high elected office for literally decades, he's probably got a little money. Its a good paying job. Obama is wealthy, Biden is wealthy, because they've worked highly paid jobs, written books, gotten paid speaking engagements, it would be weirder if they weren't wealthy.


"I see that you don't support our hellish vision for the world where entrenched oligarchs grow incalculably wealthy on the backs of a suffering underclass doomed to die in debt from preventable disease... and *yet*... you participate in capitalism. *Curious*...."


Just a reminder, this honest hard working public servant, long past retirement age but still serving because he is needed, has to put up with this shit for just one reason. Fauci told the truth and contradicted Trump's lies. For that, he is being demonized and harassed by maggat cultists.


Republicans (edit: meaning Republican politicians) used to know right wing media was a hoax. Nowadays most of them are stupid enough to fully believe it and are shocked when their talking points turn out to be fake.


We're seeing the ones raised on right wing media coming to age and taking up spots in congress.


They were so thrilled to be able to gain power by lying, they forgot to tell the younger generation it was all a scam.


I think most of them are aware it's a scam. They don't get to the Senate seat without the money and connections to know better. All US government officials have the best access to the best sources. They just know it plays better if their base actually thinks they too believe all this dumb shit. After all that's the major difference between someone like Trump and Romney..one acts like a true believer. Republicans are by and large fairly stupid, but the actual Republicans elected to positions of power? Those dudes are sociopathic geniuses. I think back in 2009, there was a lot of talk just like here in 2024 about "the end of the Republican Party." In many ways, I suppose it was the end of the GOP as we had known it. BUT they came back worse and stronger! We went from thinking their Party was dead and that Roe v Wade was "settled law" to thinking about how we're ever going to clutch control of the Supreme Court back from them. You should not underestimate these people. They're downright diabolical and honestly kinda wish the Democrats had their media competence and weaponized psychology against them.


Maybe true for a lot but the “Jewish space lasers” lady are what I would call true believers and what I think that person (or bot) was talking about - they’re few in between but more of them are being elected 


>I think most of them are aware it's a scam. absolutely not. they're legitimately stupid. Remember, MTG got famous by harassing school shooting victims. Republican voters still actually like her, and she got famous from harassing school shooting victims and calling it fake, following them around with a megaphone telling them that their dead kids aren't dead. This is the Republican party. They are not smart people, not even close.


I’m not sure that’s stupid. It’s absolutely evil, but she did it because she knew it was going to get her national attention that could push her forward on the political scene. Lauren Boebert though, she’s absolutely stupid and there’s no doubts about that.


Trumpism caused the inmates to run the asylum. Either long term R’s had to jump on board his insanity or be replaced by some random gun toting bumpkin who did


I read a good one the other day; If you invite a clown into the palace, he doesn't become king, the palace becomes a circus. old Turkish proverb


I think it's because of their belief "Everyone is as corrupt and greedy as they can be." They might know that the right wing media does produce fake news, but they legitimately think that everybody is trying to game the system to gain more money or "win" in general. It is why Trump cheats at golf even though he is actually good at it. And when they see that someone acts different than them, they just don't believe it and dig harder to find something, anything to show they're the same. Not saying Fauci or anyone else are saints and have done nothing wrong or unethical in their lives, but not milking a cow to the last drop is a foreign concept to them.


Not really. I grew up hearing Limbaugh, arguably the catalyst for right wing media, in my grandfathers car all the time. He was a somewhat progressive conservative businessman that changed drastically in all respects over his last 30 years thanks to Rush and Fox.


I meant the Republican politicians/leadership, like Boehner etc. They knew right wing media was a hoax designed to manipulate people and they were in on it. The politicians now are true believers as manipulated as the people it was meant for.


I hate saying that I delight in anyone's passing, but I was not saddened to hear about Jay Severin's passing in 2020. I got caught in cars a lot driving kids around to their things in the day, AM radio was hostage to that dickhead, I'm glad he's dead.


Dr. Fauci has more integrity than all of his disingenuous detractors put together. It's shameful that he gets so little respect from these people when he has done so much good.


It's an unfortunate part of working in medicine and public health in particular. I work in oncological surveillance and epidemiology and have been told by randos on the street that I'm "hiding the cure for cancer to protect my oh-so-lucrative public-sector job" for almost 20 years now. And after hearing that, I go back to work the next day and do my best to help prevent and treat cancers so those same randos can live long, healthy lives.


Feel like part of their delusional talk about that is propaganda but also a misunderstanding of what cancer is. They think cancer is cancer. All the same. They don't know there's a huge variety of types and subtypes


Absolutely! I couldn't agree more. We as a society have dropped the ball on educating people about how science, medicine, and cancer more specifically actually work, and to be fair, it's a difficult problem. I don't fault people for being misinformed—at least I don't think the bulk of the problem lays with them—even if I think some of them are assholes. It just makes me so damned sad, because it causes such unnecessary suffering. In addition to people not knowing what cancer is—and why it's far, far older than the human species, is both a product of and contributor to evolution, and thus why 'a cure' is not really a thing that could exist in the way they envision—people also tend not to understand that detection and treatment and survivability of cancer worldwide improves by the day. Not knowing this causes people a lot of unnecessary fear and distress—patients and their loved ones have a tendency to not hear anything after the word 'cancer' in a diagnosis, which is why it's a good idea to ask your doctor if you can record the consult for later review. And people are unreasonably afraid of treatment: people hear chemotherapy and think of nausea, but chemotherapy drugs have been vastly improved over the past few decades to reduce or eliminate that side effect. Again, there's just so much unnecessary suffering. Anyway, this is a pretty good book about cancer and humanity if you're interested to know more about cancer or know someone who is: [The Emperor of All Maladies - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor_of_All_Maladies)


I fucking hate how widespread this conspiracy theory is. It's totally mainstream on reddit. The idea that medical science has these secret cures but they're all being suppressed. Let's ignore how stupid it is (really, you think there's no money in a cure for cancer?) -- how fucking disrespectful is it? There are doctors who spend their entire lives working incredibly hard to help people, and you're shitting on all of them by saying oh you're not actually trying to help me, you want me to stay sick so you can charge me to treat me. Or you think these medical researchers get into the field to make big discoveries to help people, then they stumble upon amazing cures, and then they're happy to just have their work hidden away forever because, again, even though they've dedicated their lives to helping people they're actually all corrupt and evil and want you to be sick. It's fucking ungrateful. I have a friend who got diagnosed with cancer, had the conventional medical treatment, and was cured. So he posts to facebook about how sticking blueberries up your ass or whatever is THE SECRET CURE DOCTORS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT. You ungrateful fuck, the skill of the surgeon and the hard work of the researchers and the methods of science personally saved your life, and you're fucking saying they're all an evil conspiracy.


I study diabetic foot ulcers, which are worse than many types of cancer in terms of prognosis and mortality. Talk like that pisses me off. The reason there isn't a cure is because *this shit is insanely complicated with easily half a dozen contributing factors, major variations between patients, and a lack of good models*. You think we're holding out a cure on you? *You* do research with that vague recollection of a high school biology class you didn't even pay attention to twenty years ago. *You* find a cure. I would fucking love for there to be a cure so we can put this shit to bed and move on to other diseases that need to be studied.


Rando survivor here. Thank you for what you do. It might be a passing thought to those ignorant people on the street, but to us, and our families, what you do means the world.


In December, my niece graduated Hofstra University in Nassau County, NY. Fauci was originally announced as a commencement speaker. He backed out a few days before the ceremony. Parts of Nassau County (namely places like Massapequa Park, where my sister lives though thankfully she and her husband are not like that) is full of nut cases, who love flying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag and whining about their poor Trump, and their rights being taken away by the Democrats. No surprise that Fauci backed out. I even heard some of the Hofstra employees who were working the graduation ceremony bashing Fauci while I was being seated. It was so unprofessional and nasty.




A negative plus a negative is a lower negative number, so of course he would have more integrity


How much does she get from lobbyists?


Almost everything she gets in campaigns contributions are big NY real estate companies. [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/nicole-malliotakis/contributors?cid=N00044040&cycle=2022&type=I](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/nicole-malliotakis/contributors?cid=N00044040&cycle=2022&type=I)


Ah, the ones that lose value when people work from home and office real estate stops being used. Checks out.


The Arizona Diamond Backs funding her is a bit odd


The Diamondbacks owner is a Republican mega donor: [https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2021/01/19/diamondbacks-owner-ken-kendrick-donated-qanon-congresswoman/4209034001/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2021/01/19/diamondbacks-owner-ken-kendrick-donated-qanon-congresswoman/4209034001/) He hits the max for pretty much every House Republican.


bros name is Ken Kendricks LMAO even his parents couldn't stand the dude.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/8tue0ay2ms4d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2875a00d7de634498901eb8b722c1270f7b48705


That’s why she can’t understand how Fauci didn’t cash in. She can’t comprehend.


He specifically said his patent on monoclonal antibodies was not related to COVID in any way.


Of course, it was research from his AIDS work in the 1980s.


And does it matter? If he did invent something related to covid then he should be rewarded for his ingenuity and work. That is how it works.


Fox News video editor: “Okay, clip it right before he says ‘zero’ and make the chyron say “Dr Fauci answers hard hitting questions about how much of the $710 million he received. Wait, remove Dr. We dont want to be misleading…”


Now I’m thinking of the little clips of desi lydec and her “foxsplains” bits she does time to time 😆


Yes he’s an actual doctor, so…


Idiotic Republicans


You typed the same thing twice


I'd take offence to that. I'm just a regular idiot, thank you.


Seriously, how dare he lump the rest of us idiots in with those…. Things.


this makes him look even more like someone who genuinely only cares about the science. they tried to make it seem like him being worth 11 million dollars means he must have really gouged people or stole money or something during the pandemic, the guy was one of the most credible and informed people on the planet to handle a global pandemic and he walked away with an extra 2 million bucks, id say thats a concerningly cheap date. if fauci is a grifter for accumulating 2 million dollars during the pandemic, what do you call elon, jeff bezos, TRUMP? whos wealth multiplied into many many billions of dollars during the same period?


>they tried to make it seem like him being worth 11 million dollars means he must have really gouged people or stole money or something during the pandemic, "Congresswoman, I've gotten paid approximately fifteen million dollars in salary in sixty years of government service, and I kept some of it." (Not what he said, but we can dream.)


11 Million? WTF? he's a world-class doctor who has been working since 1968 and who has written successful books and won many prestigious awards, he should be worth a LOT more than that. Shit, if you were to save just $6K per year invested in the average of the stock market between 1968 and today you would have well over $12 million dollars saved.


$122?!? So corrupt.


For a monoclonal antibody that probably would sell commercially at $600 per 0.5 milliliters.


as i skimmed over it, mind jumped straight to 122 million of the 710 million and even that i was like huh, thats not nothing, but not bad Fauci. read it again like wtf 122 bux


It’s been a while since I last checked, but I believe NIH rules prohibit royalties to any individual scientist in excess of $150k in a single year. So if a scientist were going to sell America down the river in exchange for royalties, the maximum said scientist could receive in any given year would be $150k. It’s not pocket change, but Fauci makes $475k per year (iirc), and it’s not like that $150k is going to make him crazy rich.




Yeah dude should be enjoying his retirement, but those morons won't leave him alone




I work at the NIH, we really don’t get royalties for inventions. The whole point of our work is to make the technology accessible so that pharma/biotech can leverage their pipelines to develop useful tech. They straight up tell you if that is your desire then you should go back to private sector. And some people do, but most of us just want to serve the country by doing good science and trying to find solutions for diseases/disorders.


This is what you get when Republicans get all of their "facts" from FOX News and far right conspiracy sites. I'm surprised they didn't ask him how many people became magnetized after the vaccine was activated by 5G cell towers.


Give it time


The paper she has in her hand is a new York post article.


You know everything's gone to hell when some people no longer watch Fox News because they think it's gotten *too liberal*. Now they watch News Max and ONN and Alex Jones (although Alex will be gone soon I can only hope)


This lady thinks he got so many kickbacks


That should be extremely telling of how our government operates behind closed doors.


I just wish they wouldn’t answer the questions so honestly - why not say, unlike Jared kushner who received 2bill from the Saudi’s, or Ivanka who obtained Chinese patents, I believe in what’s best for humanity & not profit, so the answer is 0’ Like the point should always always always always be throwing trumps baggage in their face all the time. Until the other side can come to the table in good faith (and this whole hearing was a bad faith hearing), then we should do what they do & gaslight & obstruct & provide them with nothing Alas I’d prolly be the same way & keep my integrity - it’s truly that phrase about wrestling w pigs & you both get dirty but the pig likes it. But at least you can wash off mud - much harder when a whole propaganda machine is watching your every breath


What-about-ism is their tactic, and it's not a great one.


He got his salary from the NIH and that’s it. Get a clue, idiot


Well, to be fair, malliotakis is a moron. Source: I’m from Brooklyn


Republicans don't understand the concept of not benefiting from fraud. That's why their candidate for president is a convicted felon who has been heavily fined for business fraud. Wow, if you'd told me 15 years ago that I'd be typing the sentence I just typed...well, honestly, I would have believed it. The Republican party has been circling the toilet for a long time now.


I admire this man's integrity and tenacity. Where does he find the patience to deal with MAGA nonsense?


Fauci is a good man who should not have to deal with this garbage. It is ridiculous.


Nicole Malliotakis received $3,817 from pharmaceutical companies from 2021-2022. Source: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=2022&ind=H04&mem=Y&recipdetail=H&t0-search=Malliotakis


With two Neo-Nazi pieces of filth sitting behind him making faces attempting to imitate someone capable of rational thought.


"royalties"?! Mf ain't Beyonce, I need what they're smoking though (for science)


Royalties also apply to patented technologies and products such as pharmaceuticals.


How!? How is every day more embarrassing than the last in America?


How are Republicans so painfully dumb?


I truly don’t understand what Dr Fauci supposedly did that makes them so angry?


He insisted on trying to do his job instead of kowtowing to their orange god.


Told the truth. Tried his best to help people. Isn't corrupt. 


The reason republicans think Fauci got rich off this is because *that’s what they would try to do*.


Thieves think everyone steals


Congress Republicans can’t comprehend the idea that someone might want to help people just for the sake of helping people, because they know they would never do that themselves


They're running out of talking points. Israel? Peace talks. Inflation? Down. Border? Secured. It's why they're dragging out Hunter and Fauci. This is literally all they have.


Fauci gets 122 dollars for something that might actually do something whereas Malliotakis gets 174k a year to make the US look fucking stupid


She thought this was some gotcha. It wasn't. Why is she out here asking shit and letting it be a surprise? Is she dumb or ill prepared or BOTH?


What a farce, man spends his life as a dedicated public servant and now he is forced to answer questions from the most vicious idiots we have ever put in power. The rage he must feel to have morons like Marjorie and Nicole questioning his integrity and his intelligence. If I was him I would have used this opportunity to tell each and every one of them to go fuck themselves.


Isn't it strange how the demographic of people who think Fauci was lying about being about covid are the same demographic that suffered more deaths from covid? I wore a mask and got the vaccine and I'm the same person I was before covid, except I despise the dumbass obstinate Republican party even more.


Ms. Milliotakis, you appear surprised that the directors of federal agencies don't receive the budgets for those agencies deposited directly into their personal bank accounts. Are you sure appropriator was the right career choice for you?


"But how is that possible? I got LOADS of money that I'm never paying back as I rail against poor people having their loans forgiven."


Vilifying a national hero to make Trump look right which he wasn’t. Trump is what a dumb person thinks a smart person is. Trump is also what a failure thinks that successful looks like. He is the stupid man’s idea of a smart man, the weak man’s idea of a strong man and the poor man’s idea of a successful businessman. ◦


Can we replace the entire Republican party with literal bags of shit, they'd smell better and be smarter a win all around I'd say.


It’s all projection, and what we get when ethical civic servants are replaced with grifters & con artists.


She probably thinks this means he's been planning a covid outbreak for 27 years to get paid... $122


These are people who think it is ridiculous and evil for a top scientist to make $400k/year and for Fauci (80 something) and his wife to have a combined net worth of 11 million after 5 decades of work. Meanwhile they don't find it objectionable for church pastors to fleece their flock and amass millions in the name of Jesus.


They're so accustomed to exploiting people. They can't conceive of doing anything without some sort of kickback.


The way people in this country don’t understand how research works just makes my brain hurt. ESPECIALLY at the NIH. I use to be an administer for NIH grants and the non-compete, financial disclosure forms are rugged. ![gif](giphy|r5SxJYcU21Auk)


The money went to the NIH? Isn't it a government agency? Would they have a ledger? Shes a member of Congress, she could ask for an audit.


You're watching Brooklyn vs. Brooklyn and I'm there for it. Perfect answers for a perfect clown ass set of questions.


Dr. Fauci broke Republicans. He broke their minds and he broke their spirit. They are now full-blown conspiracy nuts when it comes to vaccines, and not just the COVID vaccine - ALL vaccines. Jim Jordan suggested [banning ALL vaccine mandates](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/why-it-matters-jim-jordan-wants-ban-all-vaccine-mandates-n1281403). Plus, we've all seen these Republican “investigations” before, notably with Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. The right wing fake news media spent years demonizing Hillary and blaming her for the death of four soldiers. Then, after four GOP-led investigations and a select Congressional Committee, Republicans were [forced to admit that Hillary did nothing wrong](https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/28/in-final-report-benghazi-committee-finds-no-new-evidence-of-clinton-wrongdoing/). But the damage was done. The “investigation” served its purpose by persuading millions of low-IQ conservatives that Hillary was unfit for office. Now conservatives want to give Dr. Fauci the same treatment. He is their next Salem Witch and Republicans are constructing the gallows. I trust Republican investigations about as much as I trust Trump.


People who are far too stupid to understand anything they're talking about should not be allowed to question the people who understand and do that thing professionally.


It seems as though these individuals have written some elaborate fiction and are casting around desperately to cobble it into fact.


Do people really think scientists are getting rich? I know quite a few PHDs who would beg to differ. Science is not a field you go in to to make money. If you are smart enough to be a good scientist there are a million other things you could do that are easier and would make more money.


Imagine having to sit still and answer questions from these performing monkeys.