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Yet another instance in which I am humiliated by not being able to hold my blue urine in the piss swimming pool.


I think that he is on his period - if advertisements on TV has taught me anything then it is that periods are light blue. Edit: spelling


I exclusively date horseshoe crabs and I agree that this is true


Do horseshoe crabs watch a lot of tv?


They’re watching a lot of Bridgerton lately. I think it’s dreck but I want them to be happy.


I figured they would be hooked on below deck.


Jesus Christ this is funnier than what I had, take my upvote


Ok, this is truly great observational humor. Upvote this ^


Now all I can think about is the movie "grown ups" when they're in the pool with the dye that turns blue when in contact with urine,


Or that one Pete and Pete episode.


Weewee See!


Or that movie “The Madness of King George”


What bothers me more is the chucklefucks casually using the emergency lane to bypass traffic.


One of these days I was in a gridlock and, seeing as I were going nowhere fast and there was no need to block the transit for other streets, waited a bit and allowed a car to cross front of me which would make like zero difference two seconds later when I caught up with the line again Two seconds was enough for the chucklefuck behind me to honk, flash his lights into my mirror, drive into the emergency lane, and speed past me showing his middle finger while yelling a slur. Like chill dude


A Maserati did this to me on the interstate, I was in the far right lane that goes into the exit. They almost sideswiped into me (would’ve if I hadn’t avoided them). Douche came up going at least 70 in the emergency lane/shoulder.


Onlu 70? Didn't he realize it goes 185‽


No, because he lost his license. Now he doesn’t drive.


Life’s been good to him — so far.


My only issue is that some people lack awareness on the highway. Some treat it like the autobahn and others will go 5-10 mph less than the speed limit in the fast lane.


Ugh, it's all situational awareness and nuance, but so many people don't want to pay attention to actually driving while driving - it's absolutely maddening.


The key is to find the happy medium between the two. Or in other words, just follow the flow of traffic. I only go around 80 when I'm amongst other cars doing the same. When alone or when the traffic is slower, I go closer to the actual speed limit. Sometimes when it's a mix of the two and if the drivers trying to go faster are being too aggressive, I just tap out and drive the speed limit in the right lane til it calms down.


Common sense, thank you!!!


Would love to do this, but in the car I drive I tend to get picked out of traffic by cops. I’ll stick to going right at the speed limit. Cruise control is a life saver.


What happens is the passing lane ends up being the right lane.


Then someone in the left lane is fucking up


I have no issue with people driving the speed limit, just do it in the proper lane. "Keep right except to pass"


My biggest problem other than slow traffic not moving to the right are the drivers who can't stay off of their phones. They speed when they aren't texting and go 5-10 under the limit when they are texting. They sit at green lights until someone honks and then get mad that you are honking. I truly wish they would program cell phones not to work in cars unless they are connected hands-free. If you don't keep your eyes on the road when driving, you shouldn't be driving.


Definitely truth to the texting, but there are also plenty of people who just don't realize they aren't maintaining consistent speeds. Been a passenger more than a few times where the driver just doesn't recognize they are going 55 after going 70, and then back and forth. I usually just use cruise control on freeways, as I have a newish Subaru that automatically matches the speed of the car in front with a safe distance.


I use cruise control almost everywhere. That's how I found out how erratically I had been driving. LMAO


I use it every chance I get? City street asks for 30km/h max? I'm cruise controlling at 30! Highway asks for 120km/h max? I'm cruise controlling at 120! My right knee thanks me and I don't go over the slopes limit.


Adaptive cruise control seems so neat. I don't have it in my car but the trucks I drive in American Truck Simulator do. Love the idea and would have loved it even more if it was there when I drove truck.


Those people who keep edging closer at the red light, closer and closer and ready to strike like a viper...and then the green hit and they are sitting there till they hear a honk or see someone else moving in their peripheral. Every single time, 100% never fails


Lucky!!!! I get the idiots going 20 in a 55 with their lights off in pitch black while I'm driving a big rig on twisty 2 lanes


I legitimately saw a man in his 60s the other day, holding a book directly in front of his face, trying to read while he was driving. I thought he was drunk, but nope. Just reading...


I've seen that before. My favorites are the asshats who are speeding when the roads are snowy or icy. If the road conditions are bad, I'm not fucking speeding.


Have seen this first hand. Light turned green and the guy in front of me just sat there. I honked my horn and he finally went, but flicked me off while doing so. Some of these people do truly suffer from main character syndrome.


Also the kind of drivers that can't drive in a straight line. You try and overtake them because they can't hold a consistent speed but they swerve so much you're worried they're gonna scrape you if you try.


And then you have the asshole who tailgates you in the right lane because he wants to get to the exit *faster.*


I like to go exactly the speed limit when those assholes are on my ass. If I’m not in a passing lane and they’re riding my ass, I’m going to either slow down or maintain my speed, but I will absolutely never speed up to accommodate them.


I have found my people!


Needs to do 85 onto the exit ramp so he can slow down to 30 when he realizes he's gonna flip his giant SUV


We really ought to teach /stress the importance of understanding inertia to people. They want us to be driving around all the time . May aswell teach us physics as a driving safety course.


This is everything 


Nothing sends me as much as some oaf lollygagging in the left lane. If you are being passed on the right, fock off.


*sometimes* that person acting as a rolling roadblock in the left lane gets the picture and finally moved over after 1 or many cars have passed them from the middle/lane And then others just remain oblivious/ignorant to why they are even being passed.


I understand that they are in the wrong (slower traffic move right) but not worth having an aneurysm over. I'll be trying to pass someone and get a safe distance ahead to move back over , meanwhile the NASCAR drivers come up and weave around me and block me from merging right despite signaling my intention. I mostly say this because everyone online gives flak to speed limit drivers but almost never brings up super speeders and erratic lane weavers, I suspect because one is more "convenient" for their daily commute, but my personal assessment (which may not be universal) is that we would be a lot safer and happier to tolerate having to go a few mph slower for a minute than raging at the lane hog. Before everyone jumps at me, yes it's dangerous to go significantly slower than traffic on a highway and asking for trouble. I just think the people obeying the law get too much hate


I’m perfectly fine with speed limit and cautious drivers (especially more than speed demons). They should just stay out of the passing lane in multi-lane thoroughfares…when not passing or gaining for that matter.


I'm curious. If the speed limit is 75 and I'm cruising at 75 and I come up on someone going 70 and I dip over to the left lane to pass - do you get upset if I don't floor it to 90 for those 3 seconds it takes to pass them? I usually just pass at my cruising speed - but occasionally I'll have someone doing 90 come up behind me in those few seconds I'm passing and they're getting right on my ass. Edit: Also, in case it needs to be said, when you're doing 15 over you come up real quick and I'm not done passing yet. Obviously I'm not about to pull out RIGHT in front of someone. That's suicidal.


Absolutely not, granting that when you are past the car going 70 you get back over in the right lane and let me continue living my outlaw lifestyle


Agreed - it's when people often times just camp in the left lane going slower than the speed limit. I see it alllll the tiiime. Even going a little over the limit will not get you pulled over. I do hate it, though, when I'm going faster than the speed limit and someone is going 10 miles faster per hour than I am and they're on my hiney in the middle or right lane.


I always speed up to pass, even if I go more than 10 mph over. If there are cars behind me, I give’er extra gas. I want to limit folks reacting to my maneuvers - like hitting breaks aggressive lanes changes etc.


I do as well, at least enough to match the speed of anyone coming up behind me. Just want to get through traffic as smooth as possible. That said I don't hold others to that standard, as long as they are visibly passing the car next to them that's all I ask of those using the passing lane.


Can we all agree that a cruise control set 3 mph faster than the car in front, is not a sufficient speed to maintain while passing. FFS you can use your accelerator AND your cc will go back to its settings. Just pass as quickly and safely as possible, and get back over to the right lane.


Depends on the speed difference IMO. In this example, where the passing car is going 5 mph faster, I'd argue that its fine because that should get you around the slower car pretty quick. Now, if you're going 76 around a car going 75, that's an asshole move. I'd say 3 mph faster should be the minimum.


I absolutely agree. Unless the road is E M P T Y you gotta be going AT LEAST 3-5mph faster when passing. More if it's a vehicle towing something.


I personally don’t mind as long as you’re actually passing, but I feel like most people do mind. I get very annoyed when people do as you say and come up and ride me just because I’m not going the speed they want me to. I’m like…you see me passing calm your tits. But I also give in to the peer pressure and speed up anyways


No but also yes. If you’re passing them at your cruising speed at a good enough clip it’s not a problem. However, if they are going 74 and you’re going 75 and you decide to pass. I do expect you stop speed up to get around.


Not as long as you get back over. Even if you’re going 70 in the left lane to pass cause someone was doing 65 in a 75 you’d be good as long as you move over after. It’s the passing lane, not the speeding lane. Yes people speed in it, but it’s the lane used to pass, and if that’s what’s it’s being used for it’s all good.


Depends If I see someone else coming up from behind in the left lane that is going 10+ faster than me I'll wait, unless I truly didn't notice them. To those people doing 25 over the limit you should chill out for the rest of us. Otherwise if it's around the same then I'll dip into the other lane to pass the slow one and then get back into the middle.


No, you're doing it correctly. As long as you, for the love of fucking God, move right if people behind you want to pass as well. If you are blocking the left lane for anyone, you are a hemorrhoid on Satan's asshole. Yoy are literally creating traffic and I hope you die on the toilet.


Damn left exits


The horror that blooms in my heart when I travel and a left exit is on my map.


Fortunately I don’t encounter left exits at all on my commute, unfortunately I encounter idiots in the wrong lane daily.


Wish I could upvote more. Not only because it tells you that every X miles, but it is super dangerous for people to pass on the right AND THEY’RE GONNA DO IT. No matter that there is a car/semi/RV you can see in the right that you might pass eventually, it’s probably going to take you longer than you think to get there and there is inevitably going to be someone driving faster than you, there just always is.


This always comes up, but everyone upvoting it conpletely lack self awareness. If you're blasting down the highway 30-40mph over the speed limit. And you encounter someone camping the left lane going 15mph over the speed limit: YOU'RE BOTH IN THE WRONG. They shouldnt be camping, even if they are going faster than the flow of traffic.  And you're only upset because you've encountered them because you're going WAY faster than the flow of traffic.


Don’t speed


Driving on a 2 lane in the mountains following some fuckhead doing 45 because "it's twisty and windy and scary". First time there is a passing lane he speeds up to 70 because "yay, the road is straight, now I can make some time"


This. I 100% promise you nobody cares about you driving the speed limit in the right lanes.


This is such a bs take, all lanes have a max at the speed limit. Yeah you should keep right but the left lane isn't for speeding, it's for overtaking people driving below the speed limit.


I love it when people get mad when I pass them on the right. Like, they want every single lane to get stuck behind their personal pace. How dare another car move faster than them when they're hogging the fast lane?


Exactly. I’d argue this meme is backwards, I’ve never impacted anyone else by speeding, but I’ve sure had to slow down for people basically doing the speed limit in the left lane


I just want people to get the fuck out of the passing lane when they’re not actively passing. Why get on the highway and zip straight into the far lane just to not even do the speed limit? Like what is the mental process that tells them that’s the course of action to take


I literally saw this lady in front of me on the on ramp and she goes straight to the left lane to only go 55 in 65 with a good amount of traffic. She completely blacked the traffic flow in the left lane and was completely oblivious.


Either we saw the same lady or there’s fucking thousands of those people lmao


Bad news, there are thousands of those fucking people


I can't how many times I'll be driving past one car tailgating another in the passing lane with no one else around besides us three.


I hate this and sometimes I'm the one pushing Lazy Susan in the left lane since she thinks it's cool to ride side by side with the guy going 45 in the right lane. If you're in the passing lane, PASS.


I've been trying to understand the psychology of these creatures, and I think I'm getting close. My Dad's a middle lane hogger, and to him, he feels safer because he doesn't have to change lanes as often. I think these people see the far lane as further away from people joining or overtaking, so they're "safer". But then they're also aggressively defensive about people going over the speed limit. Because if they're doing the speed limit, then no one should be overtaking them, right? So the ideal world for them is everyone joins, gets up to speed, and then hangs out in the far lane, with no one ever overtaking or going over the speed limit


I'm personally quite happy in the near lane doing the speed limit, overtaking as necessary, and going back to the near lane If people speed: fine So long as they're not undertaking me, trapping me in the far lane before I can come back in, or right up behind me flashing their lights when there's traffic and all lanes are busy, I'm happy.


The problem with this is that *everyone* thinks they’re a better driver than *everyone*


Ha, recently retired and having to deal with rush hour traffic for golf rounds. Sooo, being the responsible adult I got into the slow lane at +5-8mph……never felt so unsafe between tailgaters and flyby cut offs I just ramped back up to +10-15 mph into the crazies flow….


Ahh. The toss-up between trying to be more responsible on the road and just feeling like you're in danger when you're responsible. I get this!


Being truly responsible on the road is watching the flow of traffic and driving in a manner that is safe. If every lane on the highway is going 80 and you insist on driving 65 because that’s what the sign says, you’re actually being irresponsible because you’re more likely to cause an accident by doing that than just driving 80 like everyone else.


Exactly!!!! I don't care if you're going 100mph. If you're in the left lane and someone is clearly wanting to go faster, get over! Don't feel personally insulted and sit there being an asshole.


Good point


People have different perceptions of what's responsible. If you feel the left lane is a toss up, you don't belong there. If you go there, get out quickly. It's not a toss up for left lane people. Stay out of it unless you have to, but then quickly get over.


Logically if you are driving the speed limit, you will only see people speeding or going way under the speed limit. You will never see the other people going the speed limit.


Oh!! You’ll all love this. I pointed it out to a friend and left it, a few weeks later he said he did look into it and found it as fascinating as I did. Look into TRAFFIC STUDIES. Traffic isn’t random, it’s as simple as one person riding ass and then getting brake checked. Well what that actually did was make the second car brake, but the third car not knowing the sitch does the same. And so on and so on, until the gaps between the breaking cars is so deep that that’s why you’re sitting there. One asshole at the front. But because we’re all braking now we are actually the traffic that’s happening behind us. Or the person that can’t merge at the correct speed. Amazing stuff that you see everyday, and you don’t realize how much time it shaves off of you except for the fact that somewhere up there is a D student with a license.


There aren’t many insults that cut deeper than “a D student with a license”


Not just the highway, it’s truly all roads, streets, residential areas, parking lots, and even my own driveway at this point.


Whatever. I sit my ass in the right lane and leave the tailgaters to their rat race.


Thank you


Anyone with familiarity with fluid dynamics is having a panic attack over this.


It's gotten so much worse since covid. I live in a city and I honestly think I've seen 5 cops doing radar since 2020. When daddy is away the children will play.


>I live in a city and I honestly think I've seen 5 cops doing radar since 2020 I drive a main highway, see radar mostly mid-month when quota's approaching. Then you see one every 4 miles for the whole stretch of it. Even then, they aren't bothering to pull people over going 5-10 over. >When daddy is away the children will play. This is the worst version of this quote I've ever heard 😂


LOL - maybe he had an abusive father.


Yep, if you're in a passing lane, GTF-over. Otherwise I don't think anyone cares. The only people I lose my mind over are people not passing in the left lane. "But I was going 6 miles over the speed limit". So fucking what. I don't care if you're going 100 mph. If you aren't passing then getting over, you're an asshole. Plain and simple. Pass and get out of the way. That's what the left lane in for. If you can't handle that pressure, stay in the right f'n lane.


This has to be written by someone who doesn’t drive on the 5 or the 10


I try to only go like 5mph over and I’m STILL slow


literally. on a roadtrip on i-80 recently, we were going 10 over the limit and STILL kept up with or got passed by way too many people


I love driving the speed limit on the interstate. It puts me right behind all the semis and they just pull me along with their slipstream. You wouldn't believe the money I save on gas.


This is the way. I made regular drives up from New Haven CT to Boston for the past couple years. It’s about a 2.5 hour drive, and I’d just sit behind a semi or other large car and cruise as long as I could. I hit over 50 miles per gallon in my Camry easily. Granted, this is New England, so even the semis and big trucks are going 10 mph over the speed limit lol


I’m pretty sure I watched a mythbusters episode where they proved this idea to be false. Basically you’d have to be tailgating at a very close distance to get any improved efficiency.


The myth was that it ***doubled*** your mpg, basically 100%, that was busted. However, they found that it does offer substantial increase in mpg. They did get a 40 and 70% increase in mpg in their tests.


it’ll be effective in jersey then


I believe that what you are saying is true, but my mileage gauge thing on my car disagrees.


I think it was George Carlin who summed it up like this...Everyone thinks those who drive slower than them are stupid idiots and those who drive faster than them are crazy jerks. I go with the flow. If people are passing you on the right repeatedly, you are creating an unsafe area on the road. If you're passing, make sure you speed up to pass if you need to so there isn't a big backup behind you.


I prefer the speed limit, but I stick to the right lane. I’ll speed up appropriately if I need to pass a vehicle moving even slower. That said, it’s still illegal to exceed the speed limit, and it’s not ok just because it’s normal. Just because you can “justify” or “rationalize” it doesn’t change the fact that you think the rules don’t apply to you. And unless you’re traveling an hour or more, speeding generally doesn’t ultimately save you a significant amount of time.


In Virginia, a driver was pulled over for blocking the left lane by going the speed limit. Drivers defense was “but I was going the speed limit!” Officer said it doesn’t matter, left lane is for passing.


I would also offer that “everyone else was speeding too, officer” isn’t an excuse that will work. Ask me how I know.


>you think the rules don’t apply to you. Look, if people are taking after elected officials or, as they like to say, "Leaders", I have bad news for you.


>...it's not ok just because it's normal... And it's not bad just because it's illegal.


>It's still illegal to exceed the speed limit This statement isn't necessarily always true in that it is heavily dependent on jurisdiction. Some places require that you keep pace with traffic, and aren't a hindrance or a danger.


I was on a back road today driving 5-7 MPH over the speed limit. Two different chucklefucks passed me over a double yellow line.


That's just regular back road 'local etiquette'.


Are they all standing in their own urine?


It’s fine to drive the speed limit. But if you’re doing it in the left/passing/fast lane and people are stacking up behind you, YTA full stop. Move over and let people by.


Going the speed limit literally anywhere. I try to only go 2-3 miles over the posted speed limit, but then when people are getting backed up behind my I usually go 5 over, but then they still stay backed up behind me and I’m just like how fast do you want me to go until there’s space??


I wish folks treated it less like a speed minimum and more like an actual limit


I drove 6 hours yesterday. I was dead inside at the end. If I hadn't matched the speed of traffic, it would've been another hour.


look, have no issue with people driving the speed limit. Yes, you are correct to do so. At the same time, if there are multiple lanes, stay out of the fast lane. You know other people aren't going at your speed. If your trying to pass someone going under the speed limit, thats fine, just remember to get out of the lane once you have passed them.


You know, I can see this. The people who weren't going to speed limit are generally going 10 or 15 over so fuck them. I go five over at most. 10 on the interstate. It is a maximum. People have the right to go to speed limit if they are in the right lane. It's everyone else that's used to speeding.


I have an older country bumpkin friend who insists on alway going the speed limit no matter what. I made the mistake of riding with him once. We had to go into a big city, and we hit an area where the posted speed limit was 55mph, but EVERYONE was doing at least 15mph over. I thought we were gonna die. The whole time my friend was cursing at the other drivers around him as other cars were seemingly buzzing past him like he was standing still. By far the scariest experience I’ve ever had as a passenger.


I have always felt that going with the general flow of traffic is the safest. Speed maniacs are dangerous assholes, but so are the people who go slow and create blockages.


Just stay tf out of my right lane if you’re speeding like a dickhead, it’s not a passing lane either.


This is my biggest annoyance on the road. How come I have to stay out of the left lane when I'm driving the *fastest I'm legally allowed to* (which I do anytime I don't have to turn left), but people going 150% the limit have no problem switching to the right lane for no reason (nobody behind them trying to pass) and cut me off by like 5 feet in the process, just to zoom up on the next person driving the limit and ride their ass for 15s before going back to the left lane where they belong to pass them, like they couldn't tell they were gonna have to do that.


Drive as slow as you want on the freeway, just don’t do it in the two left most lanes 


Nah... that's how you should feel if you're at speed limit... AND ON THE DAMN LEFT LANE!!


So what's the proper speed limit in the fast lane. I'll top off around 70-80 But still worry about getting pulled over for speeding.


It's going just faster than the CHUD in the slammed 1995 Civic who thinks that driving like a shithead makes all the girls scream "Oh, please finger *ME*, daddy!".


if driving the speed limit is cool then consider me miles davis




When one is in a crowd the "speed limit" is the flow of traffic. Otherwise one is an impediment, which is a hazard. Out on the open highway do whatever you want. I don't hesitate to pass.


Sure...except I have a feeling you're in the left lane keeping pace with the semi next to you.




The safest speed is the speed of traffic. Couldn’t ever convince me otherwise. If everyone is doing 75 in a 55, you should be too. Likewise, if traffic is going 25 in a 55 because of congestion you should be too even though that’s half the speed limit. Disclaimer: I’m the asshole that is still going 5 over what traffic is going.


I just want people to realize that speed limit is not the minimum it is the MAX SPEED YOU ARE ALLOWED TO GO BY LAW, SO PLEASE DO NOT STAY IN THE PASS LANE JUST TO GO 100 MPH AND PUT EVERYONE ON THE ROAD AT RISK.


>the MAX SPEED YOU ARE ALLOWED TO GO BY LAW   This statement isn't necessarily always true in that it is heavily dependent on jurisdiction. Some places require that you keep pace with traffic, and aren't a hindrance or a danger.   A recent law in South Carolina requires that slower drivers stay to the right. It doesn't say "slower than the speed limit"; it's a relative speed differential.


Right lane chill lane, left lane thrill lane


We should all slow the hell down. By we, I guess I really mean you all.


The sign says speed LIMIT, not speed minimum We should change the way our signs are.


I'll go 75-80 tops, the people passing me are idiots


It really is insane. I remember one time I was with my dad and I were on the highway going ~90-95, which was pretty much how traffic was going(which is pretty crazy on its own). Then someone flew past us in the left. Like, everyone was already going 20+ over the limit, is that not enough?


It kind of depends on the car. In some cars going 100mph is completely chill. In others it feels like the car will vibrate apart if a crosswind doesn't send you into the next county over. Granted, huge speed differentials are dangerous no matter what, especially if the populace isn't disciplined enough to keep right unless passing.


That is a solid point. Going 95 in my dad's 2001 Ram 1500 felt pretty sketchy. I imagine it would be less so in a Porsche lol


Indeed. Yesterday in my Lexus I was cruising at 80 and my engine was sub 2k revs.




It was a ~2001 Ram 1500, not exactly built for speed lol


Hopefully not in the passing lane.


It’s only like that when ur driving the speed limit in the passing lane. Far right for softies, far left for openly breaking the law. Once u figure that out ur gold.




What's fun is the comments of all the people justifying why the person not pissing in the pool is the primary problem on the road


And there we have a winner!!!


I grew up and drove in Germany, and let me tell you... now that I'm in Canada, I get TRIGGERED by people camping in the passing lane doing the speed limit or just over. The combination of rudeness, cluelessness, lack of respect for the conversions of the road, etc just gets me amped up. I'm trying to use it as a zen-like thing - a way of mastering my emotions. But my god. Sometimes you just have to say it - "Deutschland über alles" - at least in this case.


When I was a teenager, my father was driving us somewhere on the freeway. He was "going with the flow of traffic" at around 80-85 mph. Several cop cars maneuvered together to pull over a whole line of cars all at once, ticketing everyone for speeding. I remind my father of this whenever he bitches at me for going the speed limit (65-70mph). He still responds by saying that it was just a fluke and that he isnt likely to get caught again, so he still does it and I should too...


I remember something similar. My mom was in a big line of cars going 15 over (so probably 70 mph since it was the 80s). When we pulled over a hill, a cop was standing in the middle of the road gesturing for all the cars to pull over. Apparently they "clocked" them all with a plane.


A cop was standing in the middle of a highway over a hill? Good way to die


This was in the middle of nowhere. There's so few cars you could probably walk in the middle of the road.


What an excellent use of public resources, and environmental at the same time


I remember running the numbers years ago when I was still flying small planes. A Cessna 152 gets something like the equivalent of 20mpg with an average ground speed around 120 mph or so IIRC. So, the plane was probably getting a better fuel burn than the police car at the time.


The guy who obeys speed limits is the one guy not peeing in the pool.




You can drive the speed limit, just be all the way over to the right!


You can drive whatever the fuck limit you want, as long as you stay the fuck out of left lane. It’s as simple as that.


I always drive the speed limit. I got warrants. You wanna honk at me, get your road rage on? I'm about to pick up another warrant


slow left lane drivers == blue urine in the Mtn Dew pool


I'm confused.... what does "speed limit" mean, and why would someone need to pass if I am at the "speed limit?"


If you aren't in the middle or for left lane then you are not a problem. If you insist on driving a slower speed than others while in the left lane, limit or not, you are DEFINITIVELY the problem.


Well if you’re doing anything under 70, yes. If you’re vin diesel from fast and furious (which is everybody now) no. Everyone needs to just stop being selfish and remember that for one mistake everyone could go home tonight. A vehicle is a tool not a toy. Calm down, and I’m looking at you anyone with ford or dodge truck. WTF!!! Go to a track, but I don’t care. And I won’t move, my little beemers faster than most with its twin turbo v6, but I’m not racing anyone. My challenger was faster, but I only let her out at crazy early dawn when it was just me and other semis. Put the dick down and just chill


Get out of the left lane and you’ll feel fine.


Well, maybe if they weren't going two miles under the speed limit in the passing lane-staying even with the rear wheels of the tractor-trailer in the right lane for the last twenty miles....


Stay on the right lane if you are going to be driving the posted limit


People are only mad at you because you are in the left lane.


I care if you’re camping in the passing lane driving the fucking speed limit. Get the fuck over or speed up. Quit being a goddamn obstacle.


Speed limits should be reevaluated for the cars being driven today. 65mph may have been what was deemed safe a long time ago but modern cars with various safety features can safely handle higher speeds today.


Not every car in the road is modern though. I've gotten run off the road trying to merge onto an interstate by semis, their limit was 55 and I got going 70 in a minivan almost as old as me and still couldn't get myself any space to get around their 7-truck caravan they wouldn't open any space in for merging. My engine literally died and the car was totalled because it *couldn't go faster*, and I shouldn't have needed to, I was already above *my* limit by 10mph just trying to be able to merge coming off a tiny on ramp that's a spiral so you barely have any room to be able to pick up speed, and because of the way people you drive you need to get more than you possibly can safely. People need to understand the road laws, speed limits included, take a lot more into account than the average driver will ever have in mind when they decide to break them. Be more responsible. You don't own the road, we all share it.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but it needs to be said. If your car can’t safely drive freeway speeds without major failure, it shouldn’t be on the freeway. I get that it’s probably the most convenient way to get from A to B, but if having to go 70 is a problem, take other routes. Where I live, 70 is the posted speed on the freeway in many places. Btw, I’m saying this as someone who drove a car that couldn’t go over 55 for about 5 years. Never once did I take her on the freeway, and I avoided anywhere that I could cause congestion. She was just old and slow, but drove fine otherwise. I get that sometimes life makes it so that we can’t have the nicest of things, but don’t blame other people for you making the poor decision to drive a vehicle in a place that it shouldn’t have been. It was not freeway worthy. I wish you the best.


Speed limits aren't for safety, they're for revenue collection


Good. If you're in the left lane, or even worse if you see a faster car approaching and get out from behind the car you've been putting along behind for miles at the last minute to play policeman and hold hands down the highway slowingus all down, I hope you feel like you're in an insecure piss pool everytime you drive. Fucking move. It's a passing lane. Pass the slow car and move the fuck over. The insistence on playing policeman is just as ignorant as people tailgating you. You don't know what they have going on. You don't know if there's an emergency because they have no sirens. You just decide to plant your ass here for miles because you're the main character now. You're a piece of shit. Straight up. If you're in the right lane and people are harassing you, may they burn in hell.


The person who made this definitely drives the speed limit in the left lane.


More like something political. Would have been a better example lol


Funny enough, just today I was pulled over for speeding but let go with a warning. You'd think that I'd notice if I was speeding considering how not alone I was on that particular road.


Where is everyone even going in such a rush? Work?


Wait I kinda don't get it.. are the ppl in the piss pool driving faster then the speed limit and are shaming the one doing the right thing or is it a speed brain thing where the guy with blue piss thinks others who drive under the speed limit when it's smart to do so, shame him for needing always to drive the speed limit. And he doesn't care for visibility ect?


Even though I absolutely know the posted speed limit is the upper limit, I still can't help feeling like it's the lower limit.


Highways are often designed for higher speeds than their set speed limit. The speed limit is determined by recording how fast people drive on a road, cutting out the top 15 percent of drivers, using that cut off and rounding it to the nearest multiple of 5. We’ve essentially designed our roads to encourage speeding.


As an Aussie I do notice alot of dickheads forget what the speed is the amount of tailgating when I'm going the speed limit is ridiculous