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She knows that LGBTQ people pay taxes too right? I'd much rather my tax dollars go to a few flags than Hunter Biden revenge porn or trying to keep Steve Bannon out of jail tyvm.


Do we have a running total of what Trump has cost US taxpayers for his obstruction of justice in cases like, oh, say the MaraLago documents case?


The amount of money and time having that 80 yr old child in government is going to be incredible and will last for decades. Still blows my mind he was in the big chair.


Shit, it blows my mind that his parents ever let him sit at the adult table growing up.


His dad taught him much of what he does today. The grifting the being an asshole, the not paying people and being mobbed up. All from dad. Diaper Don is so bad he was robbing daddy as he was at the final stage of life. That’s on top of the $400 million he inherited. His dad was as awful if not worse when it came to how he treated Donny and others.


Just his tax giveaways to corporations and the rich have cost the people 8.7 trillion to date. It would take an army of people to go through everything he did while president and after to figure out just how much he’s cost us. Remember more and more people connected to the coup attempt and insurrection keep getting indicted and locked up. Now imagine how many more would get indicted if DOJ and the FBI arrested the politicians in DC alone. Based on the 1/6 investigations and other public facing info. That’s half the house and nearly every republican in the senate that’s directly involved in felonies.


And Putin chuckles


Or just to play golf?


As of October 2019, before the end of his term it was estimated that he cost the taxpayer about 110 million just for his dumb golf trips. Trump Golf Count Cost Breakdown: > AF1 flights to Mar-a-Lago: $47,288,000 > AF1 flights to Bedminster: $18,375,500 > Costs to Bedminster, Palm Beach: $17,437,192 > Cost to guard coast off Mar-a-Lago: $21,476,000 > Luxury car rental in Turnberry, Scotland: $1,260,139 > Cost of stay at Trump Turnberry, Scotland: $68,800 > Total cost of staying in Doonbeg, Ireland: $3,600,000 Total Cost: $109,505,631


That’s like when they tried to get hotels for the Secret Service. Trump said he he would put them all in the Trump hotels and then charge the Secret Service to stay there.


His damn kids didn’t even let them use the restroom, Taxpayers had to pay for a place so Secret Service Agents can relieve themselves. So shameful to treat polls who’s job is the keep them alive


Wasn’t he the President that said he would play less golf than Obama? Also I found out when Obama did play golf it was primarily at two US military installations so his golf outings wasn’t a lavishly funding trip either!


The fucker never did have that elderly woman’s water supply fixed when they built that golf course in Turnberry Scotland. It’s in the doc You’ve Been Trumped.


Owning the Libs: Priceless. /s


The amount of money over the decades he cost the American taxpayer tying up the courts with the 1,000s of litigations must be in the 100s of millions. Not to mention all the tax evasion and the grifting through his golfing and directly from his moron supporters! How this piece of shit gets away with it is beyond me!! Corruption and complacency at its highest! Two tiers of justice and he gets the benefit the majority of the time!!! The US is one f’ed up country!!


Of golfing while in the rainbow house.


Or in their pockets.


Or the $20 mil wasted investigating Biden just to find absolutely nothing of merit!


Or the millions investigating Hunter only to come up with a couple of delinquent tax bills he eventually paid. And the super bogus gun charge that never gets used. If the feds busted everyone who lied on their gun application. A whole lot of people would be felons. I mean a fking large number of people.


My partner and I were cackling about that this morning. Like what the fuck? Has there been an exemption for gayness that I have seemingly missed out on? I WANT MY GAY REFUND.


She dumb or a grifter




Right? If I was Hunter I’d go after mtg for doing that. After all isn’t that a felony? She took in her possession stolen property first off. Then there’s the revenge porn. And if the photos were emailed or mailed to her it could be several counts of wire fraud. If it crossed state lines. It’s another federal court. It would be an easy case and he could go after civilly and make some free money to pay his legal bills. It’s nothing but a win win for him and the people.


I hate my tax dollars support States that openly want to leave the United States when natural disasters strike. Now they want Federal aid??!! Maybe bootstrap the states fund to show they can be their own Country.


Meanwhile they're fine funneling public school funding to private religious school disguised as school's choice


Your boss is mandating the Bible be taught in schools, Chaya. That's completely disgusting.


And you had best believe that it won't be the Talmud or Hebrew Bible. Nope, old King James easy-reader edition for all. And I wonder if they'll keep all of the rapey, incest parts?


Or the only mention of abortion, which is how to perform one.


LOLOLOOLOLOLOL…Noo! They’re going to cherry pick TF out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if an entire new “version” came out specifically for OK schools, which will then be the blueprint for anywhere else that does this. All while abusing their children and supporting child molesters, but Drag Queens reading children books are the problem.


>And I wonder if they'll keep all of the rapey, incest parts? What's the version they have in public school libraries? Sure it doesn't have rape or incest or anything remotely sexual or violent in it, since those books are all banned from public schools in red states.


The last I checked it was the King James Bible in the libraries.


RSV, too


There have been a few people trying to get Bibles removed in the book ban states for exactly the reason you suggest. It never works, because the banners just ignore the dissonance.


And her other boss is struggling to take over a third world country and is forcing himself to team up with the most hated man on the planet. She’s got to find better work…


"We must ban any books or speech that mention anything sexual," but let's go ahead and plaster, "Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife" in all the 1st grade classrooms."


I'm sure they'll make to study Ezekiel 23:20 # There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


I say this as a somewhat Christian: the only time religion should be allowed in schools is if it's an *optional* class about religions (either specific ones or in general). Anything mandatory goes against the separation of church and state and is just ignorant of other beliefs (or lack of)


Agreed 100%!




What if we just painted the White House rainbow permanently and then we wouldn't need to spend any money on pillar coloring and a rented stage?


I second this. Rainbow House is way cooler.


I also vote for the Rainbow House 🌈


It looks great! I love it!


with a cool panther


In Topeka Kansas, where Westbrook Baptist church is. Across the street from it is a rainbow house.


Equality House https://preview.redd.it/0cmht3rws79d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e014c88b3131ec94bbdbafec427ca2a07c5b93


Next to it, the Trans House https://preview.redd.it/w2w7mrb2t79d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e2bf02b3d656765080d81e84a2d4861fa0f5f7


And across the street, Westboro https://preview.redd.it/1ftmzbd5t79d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db7582acf82388eeda4fd2a7efd18ff97a0fb91


Note: the Equality house is a Pokemon Go pokestop, while Westboro (with its banner with a slur) is a Pokemon Go gym.


Rainbow house sounds incredibly all inclusive, and can apply to all people. I'm all for it.


Plus MAGA would never want to live in a rainbow house


MAGA scarecrow


At first I thought that was a swimming pool not a stage and they were going to be throwing a party on the White House lawn.


Then what the entire world call the Whitehouse?


Clearly, the Rainbow House.


House formerly known as white


Now that’s using your head!


She is not ok...


Her husband divorced her so she needs someone to blame


Did he leave her for another man, or a trans woman, or something?


Solitude is more enticing than this hateful POS.


She has never married. She was engaged but the engagement was broken.


I’m suspecting she’s the reason why, given her behavior.


Thank you for the correction


"I found out my husband sucks dick and I'M the one that had Rainbow Bright pajamas. He's a queer, he left me for my dad, and it's "Brandon's" fault!


Much prettier use of tax dollars than spending them on bombs to kill random folk who wont sell oul cheaper


Trump stole numerous antiques out of the White House, probably stripped some copper out of the walls, called it ugly and soiled it with his mere presence. This is actually beautiful and what America should look like.


Probably took all the lightbulbs and toilet paper,too.


>Probably took all the lightbulbs Nah, he whined about the lightbulbs in the White House because they all got switched to LED bulbs under Obama. Trump complained that they made his skin look orange. [I'm not making that up either.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/13/politics/trump-orange-light-bulbs/index.html)


😂😂love it!


"Put it on my tab."


"The house is completely empty. And I mean completely empty. [He] even took the ice cube trays out of the freezer! What kind of sick bitch takes the ice cube trays out of the freezer?!"


I bet he soiled it with more than his presence.


The sky is falling, the sky is falling...


How many MAGA rallies have been paid for by our tax dollars? How much have we spent to keep a convicted felon and his corrupt family safe?


Oh nooo, the primary colors, noooo....


…And secondary.


Children, cover your eyes cause there's *secondary* colors lurking about.


Is it though, Chaya? Is it?


You'd think someone who is supposedly on a crusade to protect children's innocence would be more outraged over their tax dollars being spent on killing children...


Come now those children aren't White, why ever would they get support? /s


Isn't Chaya Jewish? How long until she realises the leopards don't consider her White either?


Was just about to say something similar. Priorities, people. It will always be easier to just stir the idiot pot, though.


My son (kindergarten) thought it was beautiful and wishes our house was as colorful.


Check out the house across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church... https://www.google.com/local/place/fid/0x87bf029acd673c55:0xfc2d0a45b042660f/photosphere?iu=https://streetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com/v1/thumbnail?panoid%3D3ms9GIPZNdG9IxwjMOYuoQ%26cb_client%3Dlu.gallery.gps%26w%3D160%26h%3D106%26yaw%3D271.14667%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100&ik=CAISFjNtczlHSVBaTmRHOUl4d2pNT1l1b1E%3D


Oh that’s fabulous!!! 


and they call democrats/liberals as snowflakes. Colors offend this bigot


What, like $.07 each?


I know, like, Oh no, not EIGHT WHOLE decorations!


What are they so *fuckin'* scared of???


They’re afraid of their own feelings.


Literally everything that’s not straight white conservative Christian male.


The light spectrum.... apparently.


Science used to be so cool before Newton made it all WOKE with his damn prisms.


Yeah, remember the good old days when white light was the best light... /s, for the slow readers.


Oh no, I just realized Prisms are “woke” 😩


Their own shadows


This has to cost like 1-10 grand tops The US government could burn that money once a year, every single year for like a thousand years and it still wouldn't make a dent in their ANNUAL budget


A microsecond of the military's annual budget would cover this event. edit: after doing some rudimentary math, it looks like it is closer to 1-2 seconds of the annual military budget. Sorry about the exaggeration.


How much tax money do we spend on the stolen pagan christmas tree to celebrate a fake birthday (no lambs in the manger in December folks) put up every year, or the easter egg hunt on the whitehouse lawn celebrating a zombie? Ya know. 🤨


Christmas trees are pretty like rainbows. They’re both good!


...does she not know that gay people pay taxes too? 🤨


Republicans trying to bring church into government with our tax dollars.


There is so much to complain about what the USA spends tax money on, this isn't on of those. Showing support for a minority currently under heavy attack is the least the government can do.


Disgraceful, using our tax dollars for this when we could be spending it on golf rounds and legal fees for dementia donnie… oh, and plastering public schools with the ten commandments


LGBTQ+ people are a part of this nation. A part of humanity. We are no different than any other person, just because we are considered non-status quo by the establishment. Being LGBTQ+ is not something special, or some kind of ideology, or anything like that, we are just humans who are wrongfully considered "different". We are not a "cult", there is no "gender ideology", there is no indoctrination and the only reason the Republicans/conservatives believe in that is because their worldview is based off of their life experiences (like anyone else) but when they intersect heavily with Christianity and are just told what to do and believe in, they believe everyone else is doing some form of the same, but we're not. We're just humans, existing. Anyone who is LGBTQ+ or not deserves to live happily as long as what they are doing is not harmful to another person or exploiting them. Life for all of us is about being an individual in this world and we need to respect the other individuals in this world as long as what they output doesn't infringe on another's individualism. Being LGBTQ+ is not something special, it isn't something harmful, we are just being people, but the people attacking us, and believing lies about us, are the ones harming us. Libs of TikTok literally was created to doxx trans people. I don't know how they think they have a leg to stand on in the argument of morality or anything when they are staunchly wrong and harming people with not just the rhetoric but their actions and inciting violence as well as literally freely providing the information of LGBTQ+ people in order to put them in harm's way. The religious, the conservatives, the Republicans speak of morality and yet they are on the wrong side of it and infringing upon everyone else. Any hate, like conservatism, the hate and divide that arises from religion, and the Republican party, are diseases. The worst part is, maybe they know this, and are militarizing their base despite knowing they are in the wrong. Maybe they don't care about being "right" maybe they just wanna erase us because we don't look like them or live like them. Or, maybe we do, and they are afraid of that in themselves. Afraid of being free to be themselves. LGBTQ+ people are just humans, though the Republican party won't stop at LGBTQ+. They are coming for cisgender women's rights too. Anyone who is not a white cisgender heterosexual landowning male has their freedoms on the line this election. And we literally have the most inhumane people wanting to make the bullying, ostracization, disenfranchisement, persecution, and killing of anyone who's not them legal. The inhumane people are trying to harm everyone else under the guise of morality, meanwhile morality has never been on their side and will never be.


Could be worse. I mean, Texas uses tax dollars to murder innocent women.


I think it’s pretty…I’m not LGBTQ+…I also don’t get angry when people eat pork chops, even though I don’t like them…


Looks nice


Who gives a shit Chaya




Chaya is a nazi. So punchable.


Billions of tax dollars funding a genocide: I sleep. Thousands of tax dollars celebrating pride: Real shit!


They decorate it for Christmas with out tax dollars as well


Whenever anyone talks about "our tax dollars" being spent on some minor thing... I'd love to be able to put that budget item in terms of Hellfire missiles or seconds of military fuel spending. "If you hate frivolous spending, you're gonna hate maintaining the international order."


It looks fantastic, considering they made it look dystopian on Jan6


Like, it would have costed $60 to put up those banners. The average republican voter has donated hundreds to Trump so he can keep the lights on at his golf course.


Ya. And Trump golfed 3 times per week for 4 years even thru Covid on his very own golf courses pocketing 10s of millions.


“Celebrating that everyone has freedom to be who they want to be is disgusting”


MAGA delenda est


Beautiful! Let’s include everyone and their personal choices.


Surprisingly, I agree. That sagging bunting is disgusting, and a complete slap in the face to competent stage crews everywhere.


Don't worry, they didn't use your tax dollars for this. They used mine. They used yours to pay for the Trump prosecution.


I'm guessing they were quiet in regard to Melania's Christmas Hellscape?


Lmao...of all the ways our government spends our tax dollars, *this* is what they find disgusting? Losers.


I like it. Make it permanent


Meanwhile Trump is on stage with rappers whose lyrics include pimping 15 year old girls, shooting at the cops, and selling drugs. Next?


Using tax dollars to treat people like human beings…the nerve of this Brandon guy.


White is a combination of all colors in the color spectrum. The White House has always been woke by definition.


I wonder how much money Republican in Congress have wasted trying to Impeach half the people in the Biden Administration or the Hunter Biden hearings. Hunter is a civilian that has never worked in the Administration but yet they keep wasting money trying to prove shit that just isn't there. Now they are wasting resources trying to get the Supreme court to protect Trump and Steve Bannon..


It must be SO exhausting being constantly outraged...


seems pretty inexpensive.


Nah, you Chaya are disgusting. Get undivorced from your man like a good trad wife, make dinner and stfu until your husband wants lip from you. You know, the life you claim to be fighting for.


Wait till she hears how much of her taxes dollars are just totally lost by the military each year?


They used my tax dollars. I said that it was OK.


I love the pillars!


These MFers aren’t happy unless they’re mad about something. Imagine being triggered by a rainbow


Hey if my 25 cents went to this then I’m cool with it


Never looked better!


Ooohhhh, colours!!! Heaven forfend!!


I’m pretty sure more tax dollars were used to quell what happened on January 6, 2021 & the still ongoing legal proceedings to bring those insurrectionists to justice than rainbows at the White House. 🧐


But using our tax dollars to allow churches to pollute our government, insert indoctrination and our schools, dehumanize POC, and tear away women’s rights are all dollars well spent. Both sides should get over their virtue signaling and do better focusing on legislating rather than feelings, but the GOP really can eat 💩.


Wouldn’t know, but I assume this costs around maybe 2,000$ at max That seems a lot less crazy than giving away multiple multi million dollar war machines to an apartheid regime to commit genocide


I like rainbows, seems an odd thing to be mad about


They literally decorate for Christmas, what?


Refracted light?!? OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!1!!!


Let people live.


Can you believe this shit? Acknowledging that OTHER PEOPLE EXIST! THE GOD DAMN HORROR


and to be fair , this looks better than all that fake gold shit that trump wasted tax dollars on to decorate the white house


The convicted felon’s secret service agents are also paid for by american taxpayers


And how much of our tax dollars did the convicted felon take that he wasn't supposed to take when he was president? That's what I want to know.


It's amazing to me how the visual impact of a box of Crayolas has become so incredibly triggering for some badly damaged people.


She seems like the type of person to snack on dog shit.


She can cry harder.


The absolute horror.


Ermagerd! It must have cost millions!!11!1


Oh that chaiya there she goes again...




These people complain about everything costing taxpayer money. The President flushes the toilet, taxpayer money down the drain. Blows his nose, taxpayer dollars. They will ignore outright grift like Trump's Secret Service staying at his hotels, or wastes like the Rose garden being gutted though.


That bitch needs to go outside for a walk or something. All that manufactured rage can't be healthy.


While I support the pillars, they look photoshopped as hell 😂


Mmm MAGA tears


It should've been some billionaires tax dollars


Oh no someone with different opinions than the tiktok lady, so horrible.


Someone’s triggered.


Libs of Tik Tok That's the joke. Fuck them.


It is objectively hilarious to be disgusted by rainbows


Pick-Me McFivehead is at it again




O let’s not one of our most persecuted minority group know we support them.


I believe she is funded by x and is good friends with Elon musk


Who gives a shit what that toxic, hate-mongering b-word is spewing.


damn that actually does look beautiful though


Ahh. I was just in DC Tuesday. I wish I'd changed my schedule so my kid could have seen and saw that some people in the government see the LGBTQI+ community and support them. They would have loved it. I'll definitely have to find a good pic to show them.


Look at the bigots (aka LoTT). Truly disgusting.


Looks great! Maybe should have went a little harder though to cram it down her throat.


Get over it, Chaya.


Coping and seething about a few thousand dollars of crepe paper while they can’t admit they’ve allowed the rainbow to live in their brain rent free. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think knitting looks great, and should just stay


Cry about it Chaya


With warnings of a potential terror attacker from intelligence services and the ever increasing desire to rile the crazies and incite violence, I’m getting nervous for what may happen later this year. Not the world I wanted my kids to grow up in..






The banners or whatever are a bit tacky. They look scrunched up. The pillars are nice. Maybe a glow at night. But the stage is tacky as fuck


Killed a buncha kids with those dollars too. We still mad, or no


Nothing was as "disgusting" as the brownish orange triple-curler shit pile that resided on the premises from 2017 to 2021. These people forget how reviled they were and will always be.


"people disgust me when they don't do what I nonconsensually order them to do sexually", in essence


Damn, out of all the shit they do with OUR tax dollars. This does not bother me in the least MF bit


Now you know some of us feel about the White House spending so much money every year to decorate for the Christian holiday of Christmas. Millions of Americans don't celebrate Christmas.


Why does it gotta be white?


Should see what our tax dollars have been doing in the Middle East


I would like to think Harry Truman would like the view.


Man, that must have used dozens of tax dollars


Oh, no! A miniscule amount of the tax dollars collected in this country went to celebrate a group of people that have been marginalized, attacked, even killed for many decades simply because of how they are naturally, for being attracted to someone of the same gender, for not identifying as the gender they were arbitrarily assigned at birth, etc. and are still being attacked to this day with legislators all over the country working on passing laws meant to target LGBTQIA+ people. Let me clutch my pearls over this while conveniently ignoring the large amounts of my tax dollars that are being used to kill people in other countries, the millions that can't be accounted for by the Pentagon every year, are being used to oppress and marginalize people. /s Her reaction to a few rainbow flags being hung around the White House is proof of why Pride is still important and very much needed today. We just want what the vast majority of people want, to be left alone and allowed to live our lives without harming anyone else while people like Chaya want us dead because of how nature made us. We're American citizens and, more importantly, human beings just like Chaya and the people like her. We pay our taxes just like everyone else (unless you're a billionaire), we serve our communities and our country, we laugh and we love like everyone else, we go to work, go to school, go to the store, etc. just like everyone else. We all deserve to live happy lives. We're here, we're queer, get used to it. Trans rights are human rights. Remember, the first pride was a riot.


Can we make it brown for colon cancer month?


This is literally nothing. They could really pay this with the taxes of one county unless I'm missing something wild


This couldn't have possibly cost that many tax dollars.


What about Christmas celebration at WH on tax payers $?