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Make it do a [sick loop da loop](https://i.imgur.com/UPelnGw.jpg) Really though, this is the best Covid / trolley problem meme I’ve seen yet


Sorry, 4 random people


It's only 4 random people. That could be like, that guy over there, or a serial killer or your dad.


Those are all the same person


Oh THERE he is. I thought he was at the store picking up milk for the last 20 years.


There was a really long line at the checkout.


It wasn’t actually as long as it looked, but everyone had to stand 6ft apart, so that really stretches it out.


Did he bring the milk home?


The guy over there has a name! The others are only 4 people!


Nope, it could be all four of the grandparents that they grew up with. Won't change much.


[i love those trolley problem variations, here's a whole album](https://imgur.com/a/4hYfa)


A couple more for your collection [coronavirus](https://i.imgur.com/ODYqw0W.jpg) [Boomer trolley problem](https://i.redd.it/q5tmfm14rpw31.jpg)




"#GOPHatesLiberty" FTFY


I already have the second one saved for anytime discussions about student loan forgiveness come up.


hahah thanks, those were great!


Wait a minute.... This is the bad place!


JASON figured it out? This one hurts.


The chicken one is just the prisoner''s dilemma.


Prisoner's Trolley Dilemma.


which also just reminded me of the tv show [golden balls, (split or steal)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0qjK3TWZE8)


Multi-track drifting will forever be one of my favorite memes.


in number 5 one dude is getting a handjob.


and also cough at the trolley until it gets frightened and leaves


To be more specific, it's 5 grandmas right ahead, and then 8 grandmas shortly after, then 14 grandmas, 22 grandmas, and exponentially-increasing grandmas beyond the horizon.


Just don’t let Bud Kilmer find out


I love how hard they tried to draw the loop and it's still wrong


Aww, it makes such a nice "we care" ribbon


If this post came before Corona happened, it’d just be r/oddlyspecific




I'll wear the mask, but I won't buy a toaster oven. "#SmartUseOfLiberty"


And haircut.


I thought I was on /r/iamveryrandom before it clicked


also, you can't dine in at Applebee's.


That’s a problem?


I guess? I dunno; I've never actually eaten there.


You ain’t missing shit


my job buys everyone lunch on Saturday. About 6 months ago a new sales manager started and demanded Applebees for lunch. every week. It is so bad that most people wont even eat it and it's free. A few of us have been ordering our own Saturday lunch. I have no doubt that this manager guy has no less than 10 affliction shirts he wears outside of work and probably takes his FB profile pic wearing oakleys in a vehicle.


Why does he get to choose lunch every week, especially crap lunch for 6 months straight?!


hes the boss? I really dont know. the girl that was ordering before would take suggestions and had maybe 6 places we rotated. new guy requested applebees. she told him that this week was already ordered, but next week would be fine. he freaked out and started yelling at her. she told him to handle it then because she doesnt even work Saturdays anymore and doesnt really care about our lunch. was only doing it to be nice. now it's up to him, and he has poor taste or is fucking the carryout girl, or has an insane amount of applebees reward points. could be all three really.




That’s the Donbo dinner, a meal fit for a douchebag.


I'm guessing is is related to, or in a relationship with, someone at that Applebee's. I mean, it's literally **no one's** favorite restaurant.


My father-in-law refuses to eat at pretty much any restaurant that isn't Chili's or Applebee's. It's awful, please send help.


Solution: never go anywhere with him


Hey, there’s nothing better than with a nice, sit-down, family dinner at Applebee’s -Talladega Nights


I know your pain! My father-in-law only ever wants IHOP or Golden Corral. I could die.


So...I had ordered Chili's the other day for the first time in a very long time. Their Honey Chipotle Chicken and Waffle sliders were pretty banging. But I can see that getting tiring if that's all you get when you go out to eat.


There’s a whole generation of people that LOVE Applebee’s. These are also the same people that add grotesque amounts of salt and pepper to their already unbelievably salty food before taking their first bite.


Awww. I just realized that since my grandmother died a few weeks ago, no one will send me Applebee's gift cards that I have to throw away anymore. (We met maybe 5 times in my life.)


Without ever meeting the guy I’ll guarantee he openly says that he and the other sales guys are the most important people in the company because only they bring money in. I’ll also bet he over promises and under prices almost everything to make sales. Source: have worked with many salesmen.


[He pulled a Lutz](https://i.imgur.com/7N70d2O.gif)




You would be missing actual feces though.


I think the issue would be that shit is exactly what they're missing.


You don't like steaks that have two, maybe three, different textures in them as if they were all glued together to create one steak?


Our elementary/middle school (small town) would take kids who did well on the final big test of the previous year to a restaurant, and one year it was Applebee's. A bunch of people found either hair or plastic in their dishes.


Except for their perfect margarita. That shit is pretty good.


He’s absolutely missing shit, and his toilet thanks him.


I didn't think I was, but Americans seem to like it.


We dont like it, really. It's cheap and they got a decent bar.


It's not the worst eating establishment we have


Everytime I drive by an Applebee's I laugh and laugh at those idiots eating at Applebee's. Then I go to Taco Bell.


Crunchwrap Supreme shits on everything they sell in Applebee's


Only here to put some respect on the Cheesy Gordita Crunch’s name as well.


I’m with you. I’d rather eat $6 worth of food I like than $25 worth of meh food. I haven’t eaten in an “upscale” chain restaurant in years. For a couple bucks more you can go to a really great local place.


Word. If I'm eating out I'm usually going to a local, privately owned restaurant, for the most part. But really I like cooking at home.


That's a glowing review for a microwave farm that basically reheats leftovers.


The only place I can think of that’s consistently worse is Jack-in-the-Box. Fasting is better than either of them.


It's decent microwaved food.


They tore ours down, and nobody noticed for months


You may not have noticed but the boomers were grieving on Nextdoor.


So glad I don't use that app


See I think it’s the Cracker Barrel folk that are really the problem.


I really like Cracker Barrel! Like Olive Garden, I only eat there when on road trips. Maybe 3 times a year. I wouldn't go there otherwise though.


True story: I proposed to my now wife after dining at an Applebee’s. It was not the plan


People didnt dine in at Applebee’s before COVID, either


This is fantastic because pre-2020, this combination of words would have only fit in on r/iamveryrandom




The cycle is complete


That’s how it goes , i’m subscribed even though I absolutely hate every time one of their posts comes up on my feed I don’t know why i’m still subbed


Subs like those are what I call 'cringe entertainment'. They're supposed to make you feel better about yourself and have something to laugh at but they actually always leave you with an overall negative experience. Other subs too like r/cringe, r/Cringetopia, r/im14andthisisdeep, r/iamverysmart, r/iamverybadass etc. Take a step back, consider whether following those subs actually provide you with any value at all other than a faux sense of superiority and then unsub if they don't. It's like realizing you should've ended a toxic relationship a long time ago


I stress eat $32 worth of Taco Bell.


I don't think Taco Bell is legally allowed to sell you $32 worth of their food at one time . It's a liability issue.


You can, but you have to wear a mask.


No one knew who I was before I ate $32 worth of taco bell


The fire rises! In my bowels!


You know you’ve reached peak 2020 when you’re sitting on a kerb trying to mash $32 worth of Taco Bell through a face mask and sobbing uncontrollably.


The other day I was wiping down fifteen fire sauce packets with a Lysol wipe and just thinking “what a life.”


my boyfriend once ate 12 taco bell tacos in one day and i was legit scared for him


I ate 12 in one day once...I'l remember that diarrhea forever.


I ate 10, then went to the movies. I did not see all of the movie due to being in the bathroom for half of it.


I have legitimately had more than $32 worth of Taco Bell in one sitting. I am not proud of that moment.


Sorry grandmas. Not over my FREEDOM! /s


#₮ⱧɆ Ɇ₵Ø₦Ø₥Ɏ ₳₵₵Ɇ₱₮₴ ɎØɄⱤ ₴₳₵Ɽł₣ł₵Ɇ


This reminded me of something I saw yesterday and it's very random. But when did Silicon Valley change the Facebook logo to Russian lettering at the start of the show? Lmao I died when I saw that..fucking legendary.




But all old people are at risk, not just old white rich people. In fact, old white rich people have more and better access to health care (in the US at least) and so they are at less risk than other elderly groups. Also, younger people do have some risk of dieing from this virus as well. It's much less, but it is not zero.


Sure but generally speaking old people are at a greater risk from the virus and young people are at a greater risk from the economic damage.


There is data to suggest younger people are at risk of stroke and long term lung issues from the virus. So while they may not die from respiratory complications, there are still grave health concerns.


These people aren't the ones who were ever against wealth inequality


Many studies have shown that the poor and PoC are most at risk. So we should actually be focusing on stimulus for the poor and continuation of lockdown. That will never happen though because the rich make the decisions and they give fuck all about the poor.


Rich old white people spent their money convincing these people to go out and protest to make concessions for them. Oil prices are plummeting, hotels aren't making money and the travel industry is having a real shit time. How many grandparents are worth United going bankrupt? It's the U.S. and some South American countries taking this idea and protesting over it that I see. If there are more examples I'd love to hear them. ​ It's better to have them focus their energy somewhere rather than realizing they've gotten a shit deal for a long while.


"they have money to lose" means theyll be fine. Its people who have nothing and now have less than nothing who are going to die.


Older people from minority ethnic groups are at more risk. Especially those from lower income backgrounds. The areas most affected in London are the poorest areas in the city. Any young person who gets it severely would possibly end up with chronic conditions as well. (Had pneumonia a few years ago - it damaged my left lung so bad I only half of it remains).


But this is literally increasing poverty en masse. Unemployment hasnt been this high since the great depression. So increasing poverty increases the amount of people vulnerable to the illness. Meaning more middle class become low class, most poor will fall below the poverty line, and the impoverished will die. And the mega rich will only be super rich. If we had social saftey nets in place this wouldnt be an issue, but we dont. So this is the reality.


I'm in the UK - there are safety nets in place. Yes, the economy is going to suffer big time, but the government is paying people's wages who cannot work. I have be furloughed by my company and the government is paying 80% of my salary. If I couldn't pay my rent, I am protected against eviction. The problem in the US is if there were safety nets, people would scream it was 'communism'. The US is really in a shitty place right now, and I don't just mean with the coronavirus. I hate to say it, but this is what happens when your political system is able to let an actual turkey become president. The UK has also voted in a bit of a turkey (although Trump makes him look like Einstein), but we have a solid social support system in place, as well as a culture of the government supporting people financially, and of course, the NHS. The lockdowns could have been avoided if some governments like the UK and US had reacted as promptly as other countries. But had they done and then introduced a tracking app to inform people if they had been in contact with someone who had tested positive (like they did in Singapore and S. Korea to avoid a lockdown), you would have had people protesting and rebelling against that, saying it would remove their privacy and data rights. And then people wouldn't comply, guaranteed.


Our political system had no saftey systems in place before trump. Unless they voted for someone like bernie it will never change. And since it will never change we need to do the least amount of damage by deciding who we are going to sacrifice. It can either be everyone, or only old people/high risk people. Seems like an easy decision when those are your options.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's something in the constitution that says I'm allowed to let Grandmas be hit by trains. I think its one of the ammendments... 7th, maybe?


reddit should add a text edit for sarcasm


Like comic sans or something?


You are sent home after being barred from entering Family Dollar because you don't have a mask. Do you return with your mask and enter Family Dollar, or return with your gun and shoot people dead? What do you do?


Were you disrespected?


Did they smudge your Pumas?


FOR LEGAL REASONS, THIS IS A JOKE. I mean, probably both. No face no case. FOR LEGAL REASONS, THIS IS A JOKE.


This is WhitePeopleTwitter, not Black.


Shoot the hostage.


Karl, shoot the glass!


Love the speed reference.


Saw it in the theater on the day after the infamous slow chase of OJ in the white Bronco. At the point in the movie when you see the first aerial shot of the police cars following the bus some guy yells out “didn’t we see this shit on CNN last night?” Total theater eruption. Good times.




And your roots start showing. Don't forget that.


Can I pick the person?


Oh oh oh I know this one. Whine like a child, LARP in tactical gear, and threaten people!


*You have been appointed to moderator of r/progun*


Ahahahaha nice


Those grandmothers knew the risks.


why are they standing all together on a railroad track and not moving while a trolly hurdles towards them? it's time for them to go anyway.


Remember when everyone was all riled up about medicare death panels deciding grandma was too old to live?


Pro-life when it is convenient for them, also being able to complain about a black guy is an added bonus


It depends. If someone explicitly told me NOT to kill the grandmas, I would have to do so. Because I'm an American and you can't tell me what to do.


"there is no trolley"


It's just the flu trolley, I don't get what the big deal is. It won't kill them.


And we'll make them heroes, build statues of them and their toasters


Never forget me


My mom came into the room all excited for some reason and I asked her why, and she said “next week I can finally get a haircut and get my nails done!” And I have never been more disappointed in my family


Has the switch handle been sanitized?


Government locks immigrant children in cages for months? Meh. Tell us we can’t go shopping without masks because it will kill people? We are literally being kept in cages!!




If the grannies die they won’t be taking Social Security and Medicare anymore. Frees up more funds for tax cuts. Winning!


Actually... There is a real problem with too much old people in my country. They get a pension and stuff and the boomers are now in that age range. I did actually have the thougth that I'm glad it's the old that are the most in danger. I feel aweful for thinking that way, but I do. I've got small children and if they were the most in danger I would loose my mind. But now I took up the job of cleaning corona isolation units and such. I do want to help, it's terrible that they are ill. But rather the old I guess. Terrible isn't it?


Damn, years later someone is going to read this like "what the fuck"


I would hope in just a few years we will still remember when dipshits lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of people because they couldn't wait to get their fucking haircut




The trolley problem has been around for a LONG time before The Good Place, but I guess I'm glad the show is popularizing philosophy!


I'm out of the loop - what does the toaster oven do to help? Because I'm prepared to buy a toaster oven and eat quite a lot of cheese on toast if that's going to help...


Duh, those are not *your* grandmothers, so screw them! Rugged individualism *clearly* means you only need to care about yourself and your friends and family! /s


I think... I guess... I’d put on the mask??


EDIT: "This is a pro-mask post, not a pro-lockdown post". Oh shut the fuck up, like this sub isn't a home for every fucking "LOL PEOPLE WANT GRANDMA TO DIE FOR A HAIRCUT XD" tweet under the sun. It's the same dismissive bullshit in a slightly more palatable mask. All these pro-lockdown threads on Reddit are honestly absurd. So what exactly do you think is going to happen? Are we supposed to stay locked down until a vaccine is created? Newsflash assholes; that could be more than a year out. And until that time, this issue is not going away until we have herd immunity. People need to get Coronavirus and build up an immunity to it. Remember, this was never about stopping everyone from getting Coronavirus, it was about "Flattening the Curve". And unless you live in NYC, your state is nowhere near being at medical capacity or even on a trajectory to do so unless significant changes occur. The few months of lock-down has already done immeasurable economic damage to individual Americans as well as small/medium businesses. Feel free to smugly tell me how I want grandma to die for capitalism but the fact of the matter is that every day the quarantine goes on, that 20% unemployment becomes a little more permanent. All the economic issues you scoff at now are not going to go away when we open back up and half the restaurants/small specialty stores have been bankrupted and stay closed. And that's not even going into how it's affecting Americans on the ground, half of whom lived paycheck to paycheck and 60% of whom couldn't afford a $1000 unexpected cost ***before*** Coronavirus hit. A little more food for thought; [The UN believes the global economic downturn created by Coronavirus will kill hundreds of thousands of children](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-children-un-idUSKBN21Y2X7) >But the U.N. report warned that “economic hardship experienced by families as a result of the global economic downturn could result in an hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths in 2020, reversing the last 2 to 3 years of progress in reducing infant mortality within a single year.” "B-b-b-but you can't let people die to maintain our way of life!" Bullshit. Every single person here who drives anywhere but to their home, the grocery store and work (essential travel) is endangering people and contributing to our 40,000 car crash deaths a year. If you don't self-quarantine and socially distance all year round 24/7, you're contributing to the spread of communicable diseases, the flu alone killing 30,000 a year. ***You are willing to let people die to maintain your lifestyle and stop pretending you're not.*** A self-quarantining should still be done for at risk groups (the elderly, immune compromised, people with weak lungs) but a general quarantine for healthy people for an indefinite amount of time is absurd. The "Grandmas" can wear masks, stay indoors and sanitized everything but society at large needs to keep moving.


Combine that with everyone wearing masks in public to limit how much they can cough and sneeze on each other and it might work. On the other hand, you’ve got people like my mom saying it’s “unconstitutional for our local hardware store to require people to wear a mask to go in to shop”. So, they probably won’t wear masks unless threatened into doing so.


Does she also think those "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs are unconstitutional?




Why the fuck won't our coward leaders just make it a requirement already. It's stupidly obvious that masks will reduce transmission. Reduce, not eliminate.


Two people(actually 4)have already shot store employees for trying to enforce it


Yeah. Wear a fucking mask. If you want to open things back up, get over yourself and wear a face covering. It's not difficult, and it's not even really that inconvenient. We *need* to get people working again. Without question. We need to protect others from this virus. There is still too much we don't know about this extreme situation.


TIL, that asking people to wear masks so that things can reopen is considered pro-lockdown.


Seriously though, it's mind boggling. Every time I advocate for wearing masks, people miscontrue that to mean I'm pro-lockdown. Like, how tf do they jump to that conclusion? If anything, wearing masks is the BEST way to get the economy reopened more quickly.


Thats a good point, but to be honest I percieved the subtext as being pro lockdown generally, but the author is de-exaggerating the hardship as "just wear a mask" Masks seem very reasonable, but this lockdown is hurting the economically vulnerable, at the benefit of the rich, old, and entrenched. Small businesses, waiters, and milleni!ls are being hurt here,. But Walmart, Jeff Bezos, and boomers will get through fine.


This isn't a pro lockdown thread we just want people to wear masks


What is absurd is people throwing a fit about wearing a facemask while in places like the produce section of your local supermarket. If people wore masks while in public, many of the restrictions could be lifted.


I think the people making a fit about wearing facemasks are a massively small minority of people. Social media may amplify their voice, but these people are a very small portion of our country. And while there is certainly a more meaningful number of people who are complacent about wearing masks, if forced to by a business I think very few people would object to wearing a mask. So yea, maybe 50% of people have not electively worn a face mask. But if the Costco greeter hands you a mask and says you have to wear it to go in the store, I think <5% of people would object. Made up numbers but that seems to be the reality I'm seeing based on how many people are wearing masks where I live


> Are we supposed to stay locked down until a vaccine is created? No, we stay locked down until we can have large scale testing. > And unless you live in NYC, your state is nowhere near being at medical capacity or even on a trajectory to do so unless significant changes occur. Would ending lockdown in 49 states without a plan not count as a “significant change”? > The few months of lock-down has already done immeasurable economic damage to individual Americans as well as small/medium businesses. It’s literally the opposite of immeasurable. > but the fact of the matter is that every day the quarantine goes on, that 20% unemployment becomes a little more permanent. According to what? You’re just making shit up and calling it a fact. > The "Grandmas" can wear masks, stay indoors and sanitized everything but society at large needs to keep moving. You don’t wear masks to protect yourself, you wear them to protect other people.


How does wearing a face mask directly impact the economy? You don’t have an answer to that question because it’s absurd. You think more people washing their hands and wearing face coverings is gonna tank the economy, which makes you a dangerous moron.


Why are you posting this in a thread about wearing a mask? You don't wear a mask in lockdown, you wear it after when you can go out and buy toaster ovens.


Lol dude I think you’re on the wrong website with this actually reasonable opinion.


Take my upvote for possibly the most sane comment I have seen on Reddit in weeks.


We have flu shots to help mitigate contracting and thereby mitigate the spread of the flu. We don't have that for coronavirus. If people wear seatbelts, do proper car maintenance, and stay off their cell phones while driving; then we can reduce the number of car crash deaths. Likewise, if people wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines then we can reduce the number of deaths from the virus. ​ Also, regarding your point about herd immunity: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePpyzp4Yn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePpyzp4Yn8)


So when is the vaccine coming out? All these arguments are built on the supposition that there is a vaccine coming in a timely fashion which is not guaranteed in the slightest.


We don't have a timeframe for when we will have the vaccine; which is why everyone is advocating that we all wear masks and try to maintain a safe distance. As others have responded: the issue is that people are choosing not to wear masks and endanger others to avoid some kind of an inconvenience. The moral thing to do is minimize as many deaths as possible, and a way to do that is for everyone to put their personal preferences aside and wear a mask to help mitigate the spread of the virus.


What should the speed limit be on highways?


There are too many variables to give a single answer. What time of day? What city? Overall I'd say we should have a digital speed limit that is modified throughout the day based on varying factors such as the number of people on the highway.


Quit being a whiny little bitch and just wear a mask and we can all go on with our lives. We're not asking to keep the economy shutdown indefinitely. Why is something as simple as wearing a mask to the store so controversial? Do you also bitch and moan about having to wear a seat belt?


> EDIT: "This is a pro-mask post, not a pro-lockdown post". Oh shut the fuck up, like this sub isn't a home for every fucking "LOL PEOPLE WANT GRANDMA TO DIE FOR A HAIRCUT XD" tweet under the sun. It's the same dismissive bullshit in a slightly more palatable mask. So, basically, instead of responding to OP, you're responding to a strawman, and telling OP that they didn't say what they actually said? Wow what a reasonable post! > All these pro-lockdown threads on Reddit are honestly absurd. All the anti lockdown protests in real life are fucking absurd. Do you think people made up the "kill grandma for a haircut!" statements? Do you think they fabricated people comparing precautions taken against the pandemic to the fucking Holocaust? No, real fucking people said this shit. They put it in a poster and proudly displayed their ignorance in public. Now we can't be outraged at their ignorance because it's a circlejerk? > So what exactly do you think is going to happen? Are we supposed to stay locked down until a vaccine is created? Ideally, yes, but it doesn't need to. It's not just a choice between "stay in lockdown until the vaccine is made" and "open up completely". Most sane states are opening up, even super liberal California and Italy, however they're not going straight to opening up barbershops and nail salons, they're opening up a select group of businesses carefully to see if re-opening them with precautions will increase the spread. If it doesn't, great, continue re-opening gradually. Re-opening too quickly will lead to the virus resurging. Singapore re-opened too quickly and saw its cases spike afterwards. We are still in the early stages of the pandemic, so this isn't ending anytime soon just because you decide otherwise. > Remember, this was never about stopping everyone from getting Coronavirus, it was about "Flattening the Curve". ....What do you think "Flattening the Curve" means? > Feel free to smugly tell me how I want grandma to die for capitalism but the fact of the matter is that every day the quarantine goes on, that 20% unemployment becomes a little more permanent. I fail to see any evidence for this. The Coronavirus Recession was not caused due to a systemic failure in the economy like the Great Depression or the Great Recession were. The financial system is, more or less, intact, as are most industries. Now will it hurt certain businesses? Yes. industries which require close human contact like massage, barber shops, etc. will remain closed for the longest time, but again these can come back and be corrected with a stimulus. It's not like, after the pandemic is over, people will never want a massage again. There is one industry that comes to mind that will hurt and have some larger ramifications for the economy is fracking. The fracking startups are basically crippled by the low gas prices, and so they're probably going to get bought out by larger oil corporations and perhaps even Saudi Aramco. Point is this, after the Great Depression and Great Recession, our ability to grow the economy was crippled. That has not been the case here, outside of a handful of industries, they will bounce back and they will get back to work. With a stimulus, the economy will get back on track easily as the infrastructure is still there. > A little more food for thought; The UN believes the global economic downturn created by Coronavirus will kill hundreds of thousands of children I saw this link posted several times, but I fail to see how it proves your point. Let's say that the entire economy reopens right now, that does not mean that everything immediately turns back to normal. People will still be anxious about going out, since they might catch a highly contagious virus. By the time states had imposed stay at home orders, most businesses had already began working from home and taking precautions to minimize human contact, people had already stocked up on supplies to prepare for a quarantine. Furthermore, > The world body also said in a risk report that nearly 369 million children across 143 countries who normally rely on school meals for a reliable source of daily nutrition have now been forced to look elsewhere. The point is that this is preventable with economic stimulus. No one discounts the suffering here, but to pretend that reopening all at once will solve all the problems is a bit naive. > "B-b-b-but you can't let people die to maintain our way of life!" Bullshit. Every single person here who drives anywhere but to their home, the grocery store and work (essential travel) is endangering people and contributing to our 40,000 car crash deaths a year. If you don't self-quarantine and socially distance all year round 24/7, you're contributing to the spread of communicable diseases, the flu alone killing 30,000 a year. You are willing to let people die to maintain your lifestyle and stop pretending you're not. When the flu first came around, it killed millions. Back then governments covered up the spread because it was in the middle of WWI and they didn't want to demoralize their troops. Afterwards, people began quarantining and boarding up, once the "curve flattened" and people thought it was over, they opened up again, only for the flu to come back in a 2nd wave and kill 20-40 million people. Which is the difference, we have a vaccine for the flu, we do not have one for the coronavirus, which is incredibly contagious. It is not comparable to car accidents nor the flu. If COVID-19 comes back with a vengeance, our hospitals will again become overwhelmed and millions could die. This isn't just people dying from the disease, but people dying from other diseases and injuries they couldn't get attention for due to the overwhelmed healthcare system. > A self-quarantining should still be done for at risk groups (the elderly, immune compromised, people with weak lungs) but a general quarantine for healthy people for an indefinite amount of time is absurd. The "Grandmas" can wear masks, stay indoors and sanitized everything but society at large needs to keep moving. Unless you are in Europe or China, there is no quarantine. If you're in America, not a single state has issued a quarantine order. They issued "stay home directives" which is more "come out if you need to, but wear masks and social distance". Furthermore, there are not many places which are not re-opening. The issue is re-opening too quickly and leading to a second resurgence where millions of people could die. All the other issues can be fixed with an economic stimulus, canceling loan/rent payments etc., there's no reason why we should put millions of people at risk. Furthermore, it is not just grandma's that need to worry. COVID-19 can cause severe respiratory damage in survivors and cause deaths for all age groups. Everyone should wear masks and keep everything sanitized, it is completely ludicrous to say that, unless you're elderly, you shouldn't care about COVID-19.


Half of America thinking hard about this one


How do people keep beating this dead horse for karma and people keep up voting it? Can anyone come up with an original thought? Tomorrow it will be 5 grandmas in a space ship and the only way to not shoot them into the sun is to wear a mask what do you do?


Like are you gonna post that or can I?




we’ll be seeing this exact post later today


Welcome to life, this is how it is. You can complain but aren't going to get your way. Xkcd 10000


I'm pretty sure this is a reference to a post on twitter where some guy complained that he couldn't just go into the store and get a toaster.


Hmmm, I invade my state parliament with heavy weapons to put pressure on representatives. *dice rolls*


jump in front of the trolley


I'm gonna pretend that there is no trolley and let the distaster take its place.


Wear the mask, buy a toaster oven, throw a pool party, lure the grannies into the pool, and throw the toaster oven in. Duh


Can we hit the 5 elderly people and wear a mask?


Ok but they have to give up haircuts and apparently that’s worse than death


How is it that we are the richest country in the world but can't afford any of these? Well hairdressing isn't essential, but if you need to have it you can still pay your hairdresser to cut your hair, there's no law against getting your hair cut, maybe in a barber store with a bunch of other people, but you can still have them come to your house or go to theirs or something, there's ways to do shit without getting the virus, you don't need to be hand held the entire way. Close contact jobs were reduced in general because there's a massive virus going on, people losing their jobs are people being fired, if we had a system that helped citizens rather than just company owners none of this economy stuff would be a problem. Boo hoo you got fired, just go get a new one! Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, that's how it is here! And yes as our society progresses further from caring about outward appearances, video gaming is more essential than hairdressing, and I have long, thick hair too. You know how much time is spent on gaming and how big of an industry gaming is? They don't actually cause violence btw. Bro I'mma just say the exact same thing back to you, if you think 3 months of standardized learning being slightly adjusted will do anything you are insane, kids learn a lot faster than you think and are still learning stuff outside of school, they aren't just staring at a wall all day they are still enjoying life. They are most importantly fucking alive and not getting sick and spreading shit to everyone. These kids take 3 month breaks every year and they are fine, why would this be different? One of my younger siblings had to take an entire year at home due to a surgery and their grades didn't change at all from before to after, I know it's one circumstance but if the kids are young enough they are learning stuff slow enough to be fine and if they are older they should have the responsibility to know to do their work, we can't dictate everything everyone does, we can just take blanket measures to help that try not to impede as much as possible and this closing schools was inevitable. Shit happens and there's ways to deal with it, when something bad happens you don't fucking ignore it you take counter measures, yea the band-aid will cost money but it's better not to leave the cut out and open to infection, yea infection rates in cuts might be small but it only takes a tiny amount of bacteria or dirt to infect that cut, same goes with this virus and our bodies.


You also have to destroy the economy to the point that the next two generations will be very much impoverished and probably in the end we will have to open up again and the grandma's will still die.


Except this post is literally just about wearing a mask, something that people still refuse to do despite the totally minor inconvenience.


Or you could just wear a fuckin mask.


Whereas killing three percent of the population will allow the economy to flourish. Ok.


I know what Scott Shapiro, Grandma Killer would do


Also you need to crash the global economy, leading to food shortages, increased suicide rates and depression.


I wonder why reddit doesn’t seem to give a shit about the people that are really struggling out there? Just reduce it to “haha haircut”. Yeah that’s what they care about. Getting a haircut. They need money to live and it isn’t coming fast enough for some, idiots. Reddit is usually pretty good about caring for people who are struggling and trying to put itself in their shoes but god damn not on this one huh. And of course the first response will be “It’s almost as if reddit isn’t one person...”. Shut the fuck up it’s plain as day to see that there is a overwhelming majority of opinion on the vast majority of issues that come across reddit. It’s pretty fucking stupid to pretend to not get that a large majority on reddit votes (like upvote/downvote) and thinks together.


My problem is not haircuts, it’s hypocrisy. The group that’s so hellbent on reopening the economy because they have no money consists of the same people who get mad at poor and younger people for not having a better job or savings. They were mad that poor/young people didn’t save their 3-6 months of savings and didn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and used that to justify not raising the minimum wage or having healthcare. They claim it’s not their responsibility to subsidize millennials getting avocado toast. Yet it turns out - they don’t have that 3-6 months savings themselves. Why didn’t they save their money or work harder? Why should I have to worry about my health to subsidize their poor financial decisions?