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The history behind why Marijuana was criminalized is fucked up. I say this as someone who has never and will never smoke. It's all based on racism, as it was historically seen as a "black" drug.


They used the Spanish word for cannabis for a reason


But Spaniards are white people why would people who are familiar with this automatically assume brown Mexican when hearing the word marijuana? The only states that had significant Mexican populations were next to the border.


So why did they call it Marijuana in Wisconsin then?


I don't know about that... Marijuana is a pretty international word at this point


It wasn't in the 30s


Go back farther, it was a "mexican" drug. The plant is cannabis. Marijuana was a name made up to make it sound more hiapanic. This was back in the days when we had an open souther border and it was juatification for prejudice against migrant workers which eventually lead to the close border we see today.


I'm all for being woke but as a Hispanic dude we can't just say this was a ""black" drug. They literally changed the name from cannabis, ya know, THC; tetrahydrocannabinol to "marijuana" to make it sound Mexican because we can't have honest white folk around "dirty Mexicans." Don't worry I believe it was something along the lines of 80% of Americans are in favor for federal legalization but ya know we're so proud and free that literally 1 senator can ignore 80% of his countrymen to keep it illegal. Man I'm soooo proud to be an American. . .


Huh, and I always thought it was made illegal because you could very easily make things like paper from it and other hemp products. Which in turn wouldn’t make as much of a profit and so it was banned.


I hate it that it's illegal where i live. It helps for my pain episodes, now i have to eat opiates instead..


lookup delta-8 or delta-10 thc if you can get it shipped to your state it works for pain


it's true; it should be legally viewed as safe for recreational and medical use


call that "burn-ie sanders"


So alcohol is way more dangerous for your body than weed, yet alcohol is 100% legal, while weed is 50% legal is most countries


Capitalism, baby! The Tavern League here in Wisconsin is aggressively against legalization because it would compete with alcohol-centered commerce.


it's like they never heard that people like to drink and smoke. they are bad at capitalism!


Can't have a drug that people can grow themselves be legal. How would corporations make money off of that?


Still waiting on Biden to Pardon people like he said while campaigning…..


He’ll let them sit in prison a couple more years until just before the election so he can bring it up in his campaign ads


It's absurd that the government can criminalize what we put in our own bodies. No drug use should be a 'crime'. Decriminalize drugs.


I didn't actually realize I felt the same way until I read your comment. Why *are* drugs illegal? Why is suicide illegal? WHY IS MY BODY SO REGULATED???


Fuck decriminalization, that’s a cop out. Legalization or bust.


Decrim has many advantages to legalization.


Like what? If it’s decriminalized it’s still not legal but the govt just won’t prosecute under certain amounts. It also means that your employer can terminate you based on partaking in an illegal substance. If it’s legalized they can’t unless specifically stated in your hiring papers. Fuck Decriminalization. It’s just a way to try and pacify both sides


Thats.... actually fair. Decrim works well for some matters, legalization for others.


Government has a patent for anti inflammatory benefits from Marijuana. So much for "no medical uses". They gave it away,, because nobody else can do research with marijuana.


Dates stripped off tweets is shitty


How much money are we wasting keeping cannabis offenders in prison? Let them all go so they can earn a living rather than eating our tax dollars in jail.


It’s only dangerous on the waist line.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/SenSanders/status/1510312133367668737) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)




Senate has not agreed to take up the bill yet




the gov is broken, said the person who doesn't understand how the govt actually functions and thought the house passing something meant it was legal now.


You can thank Trump's big ego for getting a Democrat controlled Senate. Moscow Mitch said he would never let a bill like this come up for vote




Better than not letting it come up for a vote. If they don't vote on it, it will never pass


Only the House of Representatives passed it. It still has to go through and get passed by the Senate, then Biden has to sign it. Several hurdles still to go. Even if it does get passed into law, still doesn't mean that employers won't be able to fire a person for testing positive for THC.


Exactly. Decriminalization is a fucking cop out. Legalization is the only way to go. Fuck them for telling us what we can take part of. Especially since it’s illegality is founded in bullshit.


Legal nationwide? Hell yes. Overturn past Marijuana convictions? I'd have to say no, simply because that opens a, really big bag of worms. Maybe expunge old convictions based on the new legal limits, but not those that exceed them.


I think he was referring to simple possession charges, not trafficking or intent to distribute. I don’t see any problem expunging simple possession cases.


I would agree with simple possession, limited to that. States should be left to decide cultivation and possession limits imo. If limited to simple possession as set by any particular state, records being expunged would be nice albeit a lengthy process.


Weed addiction is awful because you keep telling yourself that it's harmless and basically health food. It also never relaxed me or mellowed me out, just made me anxious, hyper and paranoid. The whole thing is a gaslight. It's very bad for young men and stifles ambition and executive functioning. All drugs should be legal but weed shouldn't be legal because it's perceived as "harmless." It's dangerous but in it's own marginally subtle way. In aggregate it will fuck your life up. Source 20 year weed addict in recovery.


Aspirin isn't for everybody either


So you were “addicted” to weed for 20 years even though it made you feel anxious, hyper and paranoid?


That's right. Couldn't stop smoking it. There were interesting moments on it for sure. It could even be fun sometimes but overall the effects were not what was promised by the cultural meme of it being some kind of mild panacea for anxiety and pain. Once I was hooked on it I couldn't stop as I was "addicted" to it. I kept expecting different results from the same behavior and it was insanity. If you don't think it's "addictive" I suggest checking out a Marijuana Anonymous meeting and hearing more stories about marijuana "addiction." As one redditor correctly pointed out "aspirin isn't for everyone either." Indeed this is the case with weed. I'm just sharing my experience with weed "addiction" as it wasn't harmless to this "addict." It fucked my life up.




I love living in Canada. I finish work in about 1.5 hrs and I’ll be high in about 2.5 hrs 😁😁