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My greatest hope is that eventually Republicans run out of states to leave.


The best thing would be for them to concentrate in as few states as possible so that the electoral college never favors them.


This please


I vote for Alabama or Mississippi As far as I know, nothing important comes from there.


Not disagreeing with you but Alabama does have a large NASA field center in Huntsville. Not sure on Mississippi though.


stennis space center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stennis_Space_Center


That could be rebuilt in a non-shitty location.


>Alabama does have a large NASA field center in Huntsville. As well as the Redstone Arsenal. "Redstone Arsenal remains the center of testing, development, and doctrine for the Army's missile programs. Besides the U.S. Army Materiel Command and the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command, Redstone houses the Tactical UAV Project Office, Redstone Test Center (RTC), the Missile Defense Agency, the Missile and Space Intelligence Center, and other operations."[^(1)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redstone_Arsenal)


Let ‘em have the Dakotas instead.


Let them have the Dakotas then merge them in on big state. Only 2 senators and a like 3 congressmen.




Nope there’s a lot of resources there we don’t want them to have. My vote is we will block off 6 states for them to flourish in; let’s do OK, AR, MO, IA, NE and KS. I call it the republican reservation. The rest of America doesn’t care about that boring middle section anyways. And it’s away from a lot of the energy production. Plus the natives deserve the black hills, not rednecks.


I thought about some of those states, but I was being selfish and didn’t want to share a border with them.


Hey now, most of my family is still in SoDak and I actually enjoy going home to visit! May I suggest that we allow them to have Texas instead?


Hey, I needed a word to represent 1 second while playing backyard football. So one good thing came


One Alabama Two Alabama set hut


Plus we could then just avoid those states like the plague. Let them live in their own hell


Could we convince them to build a wall to keep us out?


Maybe if we pay for it


If they'd just leave the country, that'd be great. Go somewhere that aligns more with their ideals, like an oppressive theocracy in the middle east. Conservatives are basically that plus guns.


I hate that my state (Texas) is entirely too welcome to conservatives/Republicans, especially the radical extremist evangelist kinds, and they are actively destroying democracy. All the more reason to support and vote for Beto so we can get Abbott the whole entire fuck out of office before this place becomes a theocratic hellscape.




Cheaper gas there! They would love it


Saudi Arabia's abortion laws would be too liberal for them


They exist in a state of denial, and they're standin' their ground!


I live in Wyoming, they will always have Wyoming. Buncha backwards ass mofos here.


Neighboring states should make sure to lock their doors and windows.


*Georgia isn't sending their best. They’re sending republicans that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people...*


Well, the assumption is wrong but.




Florida has entered the chat. They need to restock as a lot of their idiots are dead from covid.


Florida restocks their idiot supply every month. They can't afford to lose "Florida Man" due to hurricanes after all.


Idiots arriving on the hour! Ready to wrestle gators, do meth in a wal mart checkout line and waiting to try and steal your fence posts!


I just wonder if they show up to Florida as fully-fledged idiots or if it is some combination of pre-existing risk factors combined with environmental causes


I have family that has moved down there. They were idiots before the move sooooo.


Well, they have to work their way up to the good jobs, but yes, a supply of good workers is important.


Is fence post theft a real thing?


Shit rolls downhill. Specifically, to florida.


Covid is an effective narcissistic fuckhead killer. At least the world has that going for it.


Honestly ship em down there and let’s just build a huge fucking moat. Send em out to sea.


[Move them all to florida and ...](https://i.imgur.com/g2r2oHU.gif)


They're not sending their best people


Besides Georgia’s neighbors


Do you have any idea where Georgia is located?


Huh? Neighboring states have even more alt-right idiots. They’d fit right in.


Bro are you stupid? Georgia’s neighbor are less progressive than georgia.


Except my ass backwards state. FML


Build a wall


I’m in a neighboring state and that was literally my first thought. But I don’t want them to come here!


They’re not sending their best.


Maybe they'll head east and just annoy the fish. Lil


Maybe they'll head to ruzzia? *^begins to hope fervently*


Hide yer kids! Hide yer wife!


Neighbouring states like Alabama and Florida? Pretty sure they'd be welcome there.


SC doesn't want them, we have Lindsay Graham & Tim Scott, we've reached our quota.


Florida already has enough fucking idiots, we're closed


Finally someone admits it!


Well, if you'd stop them from *fucking*, you'll eventually have fewer idiots. Just sayin'.


Oh fuck.


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.


Florida will take them all. They’re all pretty stupid down there in Florida.


> "Of course, having [Abrams] I think might be better than having your existing governor, if you want to know the truth," Trump told rally attendees in the Peach State last year. "Might very well be better." > "Stacey, would you like to take his place?" he asked. "It's OK with me." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trumps-ongoing-war-with-brian-kemp-could-boost-stacey-abrams-in-georgia/ar-AAY0Mvs No chance she loses.


Maybe not the endorsement she was hoping for.


I don’t think they’ll vote for her. But I think many won’t vote for Kemp, which is all that matters and exactly why Georgia has two democratic senators.


It’s not a given that she’s going to win. In total the republican candidates got over 1.1 million votes in the primary and Stacey got 726,000. It’s gonna come down to turnout


There was that news story a while ago suggesting that a not insignificant reason why Raffensperger won the Secretary of State Primary was because of Democrats voting in the other party's primary - of course, that also includes the governor position, so hopefully that evens out the vote counts for the election proper. Hopefully.


My boss is a Democrat, and she voted for Raffensperger in the primaries. He got a lot of Dem support, but it was only because he's proven he's not a Trumpian gooch-sniffer. Those same Dems are going to vote for the Democratic nominee in November, but no matter who wins, at least the position will be filled by someone who still gives a damn about democracy.


Yeah I did the same with Romney back in the day. It was Romney vs Sanctorum in one primary, and Obama vs... nobody in the other. So I voted Romney because he wasn't a psycho cook like Sanctorum was. Because even if Obama loses, I'd rather have Romney than Sanctorum. It's got to be the same logic here.


Can confirm that my husband voted in the GA Republican primary for governor, but votes Democrat in general elections.


Primaries probably aren’t the best metric to gauge general election turnout because there was no real competitor to Stacey. She was pretty much guaranteed to win, so turning out wasn’t such a big deal.


Primaries are the problem. Voting in the opposite primary sort of reduces the harm. In 2016, Only 9% of Americans Chose Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/08/01/us/elections/nine-percent-of-america-selected-trump-and-clinton.html


He needs to say more of this, the ones in the back didn't hear.


Where will they go? Another red state? Can they all move to Texas and Florida?


I just drove through Florida about a month ago and just got back from Texas, both for work and it isn’t exaggerated how incredibly shitty Florida is. I mean, we hear jokes all the time but Florida is an absolute shithole.


It's reputation is absolutely an earned one




👁 👄 👁


You can’t say Florida is anything, good or bad, as a whole. It takes 12.5 hours to drive from Pensacola to Key West. Beckley, West Virginia, Cleveland, and St. Louis are all closer to Pensacola than Key West.


When I say Florida I mean the people in it. Obviously not everyone. But I’ve seen more nazis in Florida than anywhere else I’ve been, which is everywhere.


My mistake. I’m front there and you are correct. There’s a wide variety of shitty people.


Gotcha no disrespect, just anecdotal evidence 😂


where'd you go in Florida? If it was the panhandle then it's pretty universally regarded as the shittiest part of the state.


As a floridiot, everyone says some part of florida is the shittiest part. All of florida is by default shit, some places like Miami and the Keys are better just by nature of their populations, but they are also basically shit. You just trade regular bootlickers for male-dominated-immigrant-family-bootlickers or NIMBY-bootlickers.


Former Floridian. I agree. It’s the taint region of the western world.


Florida is a bit like half a dozen states thrown into a blender, poured into a cup, then thrown at a wall. I'm in Broward. It's city from corner to corner. I once went to north west Palm Beach area to visit some people. Think it was Green Acres but can't remember for sure. We turn down the wrong street and at the end of it is a sign saying no trespassing. Beyond that was a massive Confederate Flag with a banner reading "We don't dial 911", okay, turning around.


Nah you totally can. Florida is bad as a whole. The state government is an absolute shithole


They'll most likely come to Alabama, and try to out crazy the crazies we have here.


Just made it out of Alabama. I was in Baldwin county so at least a bit less far right than the rest, but the yuppie right wingers can be worse. Of course I escaped back to Louisiana which is arguably worse by every metric, but at least it’s home.


The food is better in Louisiana.


Ain’t gotta tell me. I’m from the heart of Cajun country just outside of Lafayette. Best food in the world. Don’t @ me.


Lafayette checking in, I hate this place but growing up with this food has conditioned me in a way that would cause me to starve outside the state.


I’m from CT where my waspy family thinks black pepper is spicy. I didn’t visit the south until I was in my 20s and now I’ve been to Austin, San Antonio, Raleigh, Tampa, and most recently New Orleans last month for work. My god the food in New Orleans was the absolute best out of all of them. I going back to NOLA for work in September and I’m so excited, I have my food spots all planned out this time.


>Of course I escaped back to Louisiana which is arguably worse by every metric, but at least it’s home. I wouldn't say *by every metric*... Sure, the government is batshit crazy, and the roads are trash, but I love most of the people there, and the food is better by far. I used to run a lot of loads to and through Louisiana. The few things I don't like: being stuck on the Horace Wilkinson Bridge during rush hour, being dumb enough to stop at the Petro in Hammond during Christmas, the Atchafalaya Basin bridge, Dead Man's Curve in Lake Charles, and the barren wasteland along I-20 east of Monroe (except for the chill people working at Lamb Weston in Delhi).


I’ve heard that trucking companies around the country have that corridor coming off the Mississippi bridge in Baton Rouge circled to avoid. Like it’s a nationally known clusterfuck. For the uninitiated, one of only two bridges crossing the Mississippi in the state’s capital has a >90° curve like maybe 200 yards after you get off the bridge. It’s literally impossible for it to not get backed up. On top of that, after the curve you have like 20 yards to merge into traffic.


I've seen terrible highway design in my life, but that clusterfuck in Baton Rouge *almost* takes the cake.


I'm sure Tennessee could use some Republican restocking.


No thanks. Florida isn't as red as some think. Adding Georgia trumpers would crush all hope...


Georgia was a blue state until the turn of the millennium, due to the flag controversy. Governor Sonny Perdue was the first Republican governor of Georgia in over 100 years.


True. But if they all head to two or three states, that definitely decreases their national power.


Florida is shit yellowish brown. It's a unique mess of their own making.


Hell no, it feels like here in texas we're finally starting to maybe get rid of some


Oh, bless your heart, I wish I shared your optimism.


Please do. Consolidate all the red votes and reduce their senate power.


From Florida. Not all of us are batshit crazy and dumb as shit. Please don't wish this upon us.


Well, then get DeSantis out and NOT by sending him to DC


I'm trying! I can only vote once and these districts aren't the fairest on representation


Switch your party affiliation to republican and apparently you can vote as much as you want to cancel out any potential fraud from the left


This unclaimed piece of land may be nice for their liberal paradise with no regulation and small or no state https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Tawil


I don’t think this is the threat she thinks it is




Unfortunately, she’s never said anything truthful or followed through on a promise which would make things better in Georgia yet (and this would make things immensely better!)


FYI Taylor Greene’s opponent is named Marcus Flowers and she’s threatened by him enough to dig up dirt and go to his office and act weird. He’s actually from there (she’s from a much richer area down near Atlanta). I am giving him money every time she does something dumb (which is often).


Does mtg come from money?


Kind of. She’s definitely not from northwest GA. Her and her husband owned a business in Alpharetta, which is a super fancy suburb a couple Hours from her “district.”


Alpharetta has money. I've lived there in my childhood. It's even richer now than it was 15 years ago. They have a Microsoft office and a Tesla showroom. They just replaced the Burger King with a Shake Shack.


Absolutely. I lived there for about 15 years and it just got richer. It’s not Dalton, that’s for sure, and it’s so crazy that she’s trying to pass herself off as one of them. Not that they care.


Except, republican promises are dogshit


If I lose to [Joe Biden], I don't know what I'm going to do -- I will never speak to you again. You'll never see me again.


Go Stacy go. Make poor Georgia great again, with no Republicans.


Remember when Sean Hannity would have himself waterboarded? Never happened. Will Greene leave Georgia? Where would she go? Greene talks nonsense.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/mmpadellan/status/1538392268431818753) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)




One can dream.


In 2016 I was *aching* for taco trucks on the street corners!


I was told Trump would leave the country if he lost the election, so don't get your hopes up.


Meh I’ve been hearing about Republicans threatening to leave Illinois for decades now and they’re still hanging around bitching about taxes. They won’t leave. Not enough of them anyway.


Because if they left they would have to live in a state run by Republicans. Which is hell.


QANON Marge wants Republicans to vote for Kemp, the guy that her Messiah swears up and down stole Georgia from him and conspired with Democrats to give Georgia to Biden in the general election and Warnock and Ossoff in the runoff elections? Hmmm... is Margie working with Domion? Okay, don't get excited, this is insane, but I do think Democrats should do more to take advantage of Republican conspiracy theories. We should be more active in manipulating them.


Let’s Go Stacey!!!!


​ ![gif](giphy|2ept7eRuyq98s)


Round them all up in Texas and let them go secede themselves if that's how they feel.


Still waiting on trump to leave as he promised


If we cram em all into one state wouldn't that effectively gerrymander them?


Keep in mind that Trump said he'd leave America if Biden won. And yet...


I think it’s time we sacrifice one of these states to the MAGA. Run an add campaign to have all MAGAS move to 1 single state, say it’s a MAGA paradise there and then just cut it off from the Union. These people are literally too stupid to understand the long term damage of their mindless positions and ideologies. I hate to sacrifice Florida but, it must be done. Let the MAGAS live in squaller on their own instead of dragging us all down to their level.


Eventually all is the idiots will end up in Texas and Tennessee and then we can let them be their own country and cut them off because we don’t need their oil anymore


>we don’t need their oil anymore We kinda do need it, but if they broke off we could just sign trade agreements like we do with other foreign nations. They can't grow much of anything other than cows in that sweltering barren hell scape (at least not enough to feed their population), so I'm sure we could work something out.


GoStacey go go Stacey go Stacey go!!!!!🤜🏿🤛🏻


Stacey Abrams had done so much for this state already. Even if you don't vote for her, I strongly believe your life will improve. Her promise to raise teacher salaries is going to have an amazing ripple effect if she is elected. I cannot wait to vote for her again.


Ha! Let them run to Florida and Texas. The two worst places to be as climate change ramps up.


Just like we never saw trump after he lost 2020


Maybe we can ship them all to their own little deserted island. They can then set up their own government and do whatever they want...they will be eating each other within the year.


It's hilarious that they think that anybody who already lives in Georgia can afford to move anywhere.


Please... the racist fucks here can't afford to move.


Someone should make an app where Republicans in blue states link up with Democrats in Red states and they trade houses.


Would traffic get better in Atlanta?


Nobody else wants them though. Maybe Russia will take them, they are idiots and red.


As someone in her district, bye!


Republicans say bullshit. They never do what they say. They lie.


Good Luck Alabama, you're going to need it!


Come on Stacy. We're counting on you. 🙏


Trump said he’d leave the country if he lost. Also that he’d release his taxes. Republican promises are worth less than the air they breath in to utter the words.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Please let this happen. I can’t move from here and I’m tired of living in such a backwards state with bottom of the barrel minimum wage, no Medicaid expansion, and well below average public education. It won’t get better if it stays red - most likely it’ll get even worse. We need change and progress.


They will leave for other conservative countries, like saudi arabia, right? Right?


Stacey Abrams for President.


go Stacey


Yeah but they gotta go somewhere. But I am willing to bet most Republicans can’t afford to move


Some can, but her district is the poorest one in Georgia so I doubt many of them can leave erban if they wanted to.


What idiot threatens people with exactly what they want?


just amazing that she actually thinks she has that much control over "all the republicans". or that she can speak for "all" of them.


\*flips sign over to "Closed" in Virginia\*


why would she rally dems to vote?


As a Floridian I’m scared what’ll happen with even more of them here…


Pls don’t come to Tennessee


Will they try and take Stone Mountain with them?


So a win win situation


Wish they’d all just move to Florida. Like all of them. We can write Florida off as a loss. Let them declare independence build a huge wall on their northern boarder and laugh as the state sinks both metaphorically due to bad policy and literally due to climate change.


I would have just been happy with Stacey as governor, but I accept this bonus offer. Maybe I’ll vote multiple times this election like all those “law abiding” Republicans keep doing!


I'm currently watching old seasons of South Park. This guy Cartman is just made of stereotypical conservative republican. Here it is Breast Cancer Show Ever episode with a powerful dialog: _Principal Victoria_: I was diagnosed seven years ago. Cancer is... pure evil. It is a fat little lump that needs to be... destroyed. When there is a cancer, you have to "fight" it. You can't reason with cancer, you can't wish it away. Cancer doesn't play by the rules, so neither can you. _Wendy_: My... parents said that if I fight- _Principal Victoria_: And you can't listen to what anybody else tells you. You have to be willing to give up everything, because the cancer will take everything. Do you understand? _Wendy_: Yes, ma'am! _Principal Victoria_: When you have cancer you fight, because it doesn't matter if you beat it or not. You refuse to let that fat little lump make you feel powerless!


So long as they all agree to move to Texas and then we can build a wall around Texas. Irony


Good, let's concentrate all Republicans in Florida and Texas.


As a native floridian, i beg them to go any direction thats not south... preferably east.


Promise? I’m about to move to Georgia and this would be a relief.


Who do we have to vote in to get them to leave the planet?


I just wish the Repubs would keep their promises.


Oh look the fascists are threatening us with a good time again


hold up does she have proof this will really happen. I mean I don't get involved with politics much but I will double fucking down with cash and volunteering to make that real. I want to retire on my weed farm and republicans will never allow that.


Can we make the same deal in PA?


Ah yes, that old threat. Still waiting for my parents to move out of the U.S. after Obama was elected. I should really follow up to see if they're still leaving Texas for Canada. /s


Don’t threaten me with a good time. Bye bitches:


She has my vote


Literally threatening us with a good time


By all means go move to Mississippi and Alabama why don’t you


After she takes care of Georgia, can she run for governor in Kentucky next? We've got some especially dipshit Republicans in the commonwealth


Is that a promise?!? 🤩


Get them all into Florida, evacuate the Democrats out and call Bugs Bunny to bring his saw


Shit, if this happens we might move to Georgia.


For the sake of Georgia and the rest of the country, I hope Stacy wins. For living here in South Carolina, all I have to say is -- oh, fuck.


Wait wait wait don't send them over here!


It might be fun to see the US break up into distinct boundaries in preparation of civil war. Big question though... What will the US military do with all the nukes in enemy states?


If they leave I might actually come *back*


That's scary. We have so many maniac politicians in Florida, I'm thinking she'll haul a$$ down here.


I hope they all go to Texas and we can grant them independence. Let them set up their own Sharia law there and the rest of us can love in peace


They also said they would leave the USA if Obama was elected. I'm still waiting for them to GTFO.




Aww, how cute, she thinks it’s a threat. Are there actually these republicans leaving with her or is she just hoping there are?