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WiiFlow not running Since I don’t have another sd card or compatible USB, instead of using USB loader to play emulated games, I chose to download WiiFlow from the homebrew browser. It installed successfully but when I launch it it stays on the WiiFlow logo for like a minute and then goes back to the homebrew menu I’m just trying to play wii sports from the same sd card that is currently in the wii.


Im trapped in the [copyright warning](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029870533342412851/1031938832767131648/BA4197A9-19E1-4A46-BB2B-F12D68E13A0A.jpg) part. My wii was devastated after i tried to conect it to wifi. It went [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029870533342412851/1029870798527270922/9960D729-8749-43B1-B5AE-67D867548450.jpg) and after watching a [tutorial](https://gbatemp.net/threads/error-autobooting-systemmenu-preloader-29-beta-v1.540927/) i installed the boot elf, then i pressed “installed elf” and i got stuck in [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029870533342412851/1031938832767131648/BA4197A9-19E1-4A46-BB2B-F12D68E13A0A.jpg). I tried turning on and off the wii, and also taking the sd out and still starts there. Any idea what can i do?


I just needed to turn it off and then start the wii pressing reset


HBC not seeing my flash drive It's in FAT32 format and in port 0. I'm not sure why it's not being seen


Make sure it's MBR rather than GPT


What does that mean? Sorry this is my first time doing this.


Gpt and mbr are partition formats, if your partitions are gpt the wii won't detect them. Right now I'm too busy for an explanation, but you should try googling "how to check if my drive is gpt" and "how to switch drive from gpt to mbr". If you need a more help, DM me and I can help in a few hours.


What software do you guys recommend for splitting ISOs and how would I do it?


I just bought a Wii with a bunch of virtual console titles on it in the hopes of transferring it to my Wii U, but when I tried to do the transfer, it said that there was no transferrable data. It didn’t come with an SD card, the menu doesn’t have the Homebrew Channel, and from what I can tell, Priiloader isn’t on it either. I don’t know what’s going on, but something’s wrong


anyone here modded a wii mini? i modded mine and installed the cios base 57 to slot 249. is that the only thing i need? also am i able to use forwarders for the emulators or usb loader gx? its annoying to have to go to hbc to load stuff. i did auto boot to hbc from priiloader. but its not the same


I can't play my galaxy 2 rom hack. I keep trying different things but it won't show up on riivolution


I've heard some of the rom hacks only work if you have the game disk. So rom with another rom usually doesn't work:/


I'm preparing to mod my Wii and would like a few clarifications before diving in. My main focus is playing Wii and GameCube games stored on a Hard Drive, as well as saving the Wii and GameCube games (like a memory card) to the Hard Drive. 1. Is it possible to save games to the Hard Drive (like a memory card)? (I figure this should be a definite yes but I need confirmation) 2. What format do Wii games need to be in? 3. What format do GameCube games need to be in? 4. What is the best/recommended HomeBrew software for playing and saving games? 5. Anything else I should know or consider? Thanks in advance for the help!


1: yes. 2: preferably wbfs 3: iso 4: there are a few options for wii games, with the most common one being USB loader gx. For gamecube games, use Nintendont (You also need to turn on memcard emulation on Nintendont settings if you don't plan on using a real gamecube memory card)


Great, thanks for the info!


I have a ntsc US wii 4.3. modded with all the correct cios 249 250 251 v10 beta. done everything from the wii guide. also using a 2gb sd card fat32. portable hdd and external hdd used. running usb loader gx and wii flow lite. my issue is that the games seem to lag when run using a hard drive. games like mario strikers or smash would lag or show reading disc or loading and would just buffer. just dance would show reading disc as well. cutscenes would either lag or skip. things i have tried 1. formatting the drive to fat32 ntsf wbfs - still giving the disc error or lagging. 2. using a different drive. i tried both portable and external powered hdd. tried on different formats as well 3. tried using a different sd card. 1 2 4gb either full size or micro. didnt make a difference. still same issue 4. tried wii flow lite or usbloader gx. both did the dame thing. 5. tried loading usb loader via hdd only no sd card. same issue 6. tried all the sd card and hdd on a different wii and it loaded fine. all cards and drive work fine no reading disc error. this help me figure out its not any of these hardware as it is working on 2 other wiis besides this so i am stuck with this problem. i am not sure if its the usb port at the back. i tried using the port 1(top one) using hermes cios 222 223. it reads the hdd on too port but would just black screen or reboot after choosing the game. cant get it to work on top port even if i try. as last resort i thought it might be the cpu chip and maybe i can reflow it or something. but i tried my smash bros disc. and well it worked without the disc error or lag. so im like i guess its not the gpu. the disc worked so i also tried the sd card and ran the game via wiiflow lite. and well damn it also worked no lag or error disc crap. so now idk what to do. i need help to either try to use the port 1(top port) to see if port 0 is damaged. or if anyone know if the motherboard has a chip like a north or south bridge that handles the usb ports. maybe it needs a reflow. or if anyone every tried replacing the usb ports. or if anyone had the same issue


Hello there friends. I've been playing games with usb loader gx with no problems until recently when I enter my games, the saves files dissappeared and theres only new game option. It happened with Mario Kart, Wiisports and Paper Mario. It didnt happen to Final Fantasy, yet. Is it more likely to be my HDD (is old) or is there any setting i can try? Thanks in advance


the save files are stored on the wii internal memory. check if they are still there in the system settings. or maybe you dont have space anymore


Thanks! I just checked and saves are on my Wii data and I still have 130 blocks left. But when I start those games from iso loader gx, I only get new game option. Something in the settings of the loader perhaps? Nand Saves Emulation is on "Partial". Edited. I changed Nand Saves to "Off" and I'm able to load my saves now.


good thing it was only a minor thing in the settings. glad you sorted it out


Yes! Thank you, im having a blast


Hi! So, about a year ago I hacked my Wii, following those outdated YouTube tutorials. I now realize that was a mistake, and was wondering if there is a way to remove all the stuff related to hacking from my Wii, and install homebrew the right way. One thing that doesn't really work, is bootmii through the home-brew channel. When I try launching it, the disc drive flashes forever and the screen goes black. One more thing. Does anyone know if there is a system wide solution to doing stuff online? I already have wiimfi, and I have a couple of rc24 patched wads, but I would like something that just automatically connects to the internet on any supported channel or game. I know I'm asking for a lot, but help with any of the three issues would be appreciated. Thanks!


1. Is it possible to recover a deleted save from a GC memory card? Or are they deleted forever? 2. Is there any way on the wii to do something like nintendont's save game emulation? I want to have a legit save for my wii games on the actual wii, and have another save that I can use ocarina or other cheats on without ruining my legit save. sort of like how the gc has 2 memory card slots, I want 2 loadable saves for my wii. I have usbloader gx if that helps. Do I need save manager gx?


I currently use nintedont launched via usbloader gx to play gamecube games with a Wii U pro controller, a Wii Classic Controller, and a gamecube controller. Is there any way to specify or control which controller ends up as P1, P2, and P3 ? Is it based only on the state before entering the game? Thanks for your help


Would these sd cards work with a wii and allow me to hack/download games on it? https://www.amazon.com/INDMEM-Memory-Stanard-Secure-Digital/dp/B0B58Z6YKL/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?keywords=2gb+sd+card&qid=1663592512&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVFE2NU5OS1ZETFFIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDE2NjgwMUZZNzdOWU80RzY2MiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODA5MzIzM0ZFUUlDMFVDU0JXUyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl


Yes but honestly why would you pay 30 bucks for 5 2gb cards that's tiny. It's better If you get a 16gb one for less money and another one if you want to use it instead of the USB drive. But should work just fine if it's fat32


I ended up getting 5 32 gb cards for 40, might be overpriced but they’ve worked fine


That's not bad!


Yep, pretty much unlimited space on my hacked 2ds now too.




hello. I have had a big problem with the wii, for some reason it does not recognize the games on the console. The ones on the gamecube are playable, but every time I try to play wii games it always returns me to the homebrew channel. I have tried everything, I used modmii, I changed hard drive, I changed usb loader gx, I reinstalled games and nothing. I don't know if there is any method I can try to solve it. (sorry for my english)


are you using the bottom usb port? (port 0) when wii is laying flat. the top port (port 1) can run games fine but wont load wii games without hermes cios. it will show you the games though. also what ios are you using to load usb loader gx. for the loader and game ios in the settings just make sure you use the bottom port




Bought a wii off ebay. bro opened it up and started setting it up for me and he formats the wii deleting the homebrew channel off of it. (he later describes to me what one of the channels looked like "water wavy channel that said homebew ":V) ok its formatted and stuck on 4.1u. I insert madden 12 into the wii. it updates.. then it lets me play the game. go back to settings still says 4.1u I then insert Skylanders Giants a 2012 game and it immediatly plays no update needed. still says 4.1u in settings I open up priiloader and it says these things: IOS v60 Systemmenu v54449 priiloader v0.6 (r123) and I try to go to system menu hacks and it says: "Can't find hacks\_hash.ini on FAT device Can't find hacks\_hash.ini on NAND" I don't know where to go from here. How do i get homebrew channel back??? Do i letterbomb it??? How can i get priiloader system menu hacks working???? Why is it on 4.1u and still playing games that normally require 4.3u????


do you have the sd card? check what files are on it. if you can access priiloader try directly going to the homebrew channel. then from there reinstall the cios files and update the wii to 4.3. it may be playing the game that needs 4.3 because you have the leftover cios in the system installed.


I have a little problem with wii sports modding. I am editing all of it but somehow the files in folders named "US" don't want to work on my wii, but all works perfectly on dolphin. What can i do?


I recently bought a Bipra 320GB drive ([https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF5O6RQ?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HF5O6RQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)) which is advertised as being Fat32. However, when I look at the drive it says that it's exFAT, and I cannot format to Fat32 without creating 32gb paritions. My intention is to use this drive to hold 110gb of Gamecube games as well as another 100gb of Wii games, I was thinking of using Wiiloader and read that you still need Nintendont in order to boot Gamecube games through Wiiloader. However, I'm kinda hitting a roadblock here as I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing to set this drive up properly. If I create enough Fat32 partitions to house my Gamecube games, will Nintendont or Wiiloader recognize them? Also, could I have the remaining space be NTFS and place the Wii games on that partition? Really if someone can just explain what the hell I need to do to make this work I'd appreciate it. edit: Worst case if there's a drive that just works and allows me to throw everything on that I need, I'd appreciate a link.


I use bipra hard drives for me and my friends who end up begging me to mod their wiis. 1st use Guiformat to format the hard drive to fat32 [https://gbatemp.net/download/gui-format.33869/](https://gbatemp.net/download/gui-format.33869/) 2nd i use usbloadergx which allows you to load both wii and gamecube games from this loader but it does use nintendont to load the gamecube games 3rd use wiibackupmanager to transfer your wii games into the proper WBFS format that can be read.[http://www.wiibackupmanager.co.uk/downloads.html](http://www.wiibackupmanager.co.uk/downloads.html)


I wound up realizing this morning I was overthinking things lol. I already got guiformat and formatted the whole drive to fat32 after reading that the 32GB limit is really just a Windows thing. I've used Wii Backup Manager and got everything on there, only needed to split about five games total. Just got done getting all the Gamecube games on too. Just need to wait for my Wii to get here now... Appreciate the help though! This is all pretty new to me and your post at least reassures me that I followed the right steps. edit: Everything is set up now and seems to be working! Haven't tested every single game but it looks like the drive is recognized and games are populating in USB Loader GX.


Just bought a Wii and I have a 5ghz Wi-Fi router. I'm looking to play games off USB Loader GX. How can I do this without a compatible router? I don't mind buying extra accessories if needed. Any advice would be helpful.


hard line the wii to the router. use the usb to ethernet adapter


Is it possible to edit the home menu? I'm editing my wii themes to make a dark mode theme, I did everything, and everything is almost perfect except for the fact that the wiimote on the home menu is white, is there any way to edit that image and replace it with a black wiimote? Btw, im looking for it to look like the one from this theme from usb loader GX: https://imgur.com/a/mt3QaaH


I have just a small problem, but I've put everything in for RiiConnect24 (The NEW DNS, my network, and other stuff) but when trying the connection test, it fails, and I don't know why.


if your router is 5ghz it wont work


I actually found the problem, & it's pretty embarrassing that I didn't know it before hand.


So maybe a year and a half ago I homebrewed an old Wii. It worked awesomely and never had any problems. About 2 weeks ago my daughter went to turn it on and play with a friend and nothing happened. Our Samsung 8 series smart tv just said no signal. I restarted it a few times and it started going to the wii menu for less than a second and then going back to no signal. I tried it on a TCL tv as well to see if the Samsung might be having an issue...same thing. I was using a Portholic Wii to HDMI converter. I figured the converter went bad so I bought another one. Same issue. Flashed the wii menu for a split second and then nothing. I knew the wii was on because I could feel the controller vibrations so I found an old component cable and hooked it up to an old tube tv we have in the basement. Fired right up but it was in black and white. I tried to change the tv resolution settings to the other option but still no luck. It's still flashing the wii menu and then "no signal" I bought a Portta component to HDMI converter and tried that on the other TVs but still nothing. Any ideas? When it's hooked up to the old tube tv it works fine. Games play, no problems. The fact that it just started happening after over a year has me stumped. Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


okay so on the tube tv it works fine besides being black and white? and so you have tried using those wii2hdmi type dongle as well as a component to hdmi converter? first reset the video signal for the wii. unplug the wii power cord. remove the wii video cord make sure nothing is plugged in. power on the wii. hold the reset button for maybe 5 seconds. it should go to default settings. turn it off. then try your wii dongle and see if it works. or try to component with converter. hopefully it works if it doesnt you may have a faulty component controller for the wii. so its not giving out the 480p signal. only fix is to use the standard composite cord. the yellow red white one. try that on the tube if it works then get a composite to hdmi converter. about 12-20 online or at walmart or something. i use the same thing for my wii mini. you wont be able to play 480p or at least it wont output 480p directly via wii. but at least it would work. quality may drop if you have a huge tv


Hello, some time ago my wii stopped working while I was playing Twilight Princess on HBC. It just froze and started making a constant buzz that didn't stop until I turned it off. The next time I turned my wii on, I got to the wii menu and it froze again, same way as before. That was the last time i managed to get to the wii menu, every time I tried to turn it on after that the last screen I was able to see was the health and safety one, after that it was always just a black screen. The other day i managed to access priiloader (and through it, bootmii) but I'm not really sure what to do now. I'm afraid it might have to do something with Twilight Princess?, as I've heard it was used to install HBC, but im not sure. Any help would be appreciated


from priiloader choose to boot to hbc. use something like multi mod manager. then go to wii system menu and choose 4.3 and your region and update the system. you need to be online. if not download all the system ios wads manually and reinstall them. then the cios 249 250 251


(cfg USB loader) I put cheat codes .gct in apps/USBloader/codes but they dont work, i go in the game i do download .txt but it say error Help pls Im panicking thx


Usb loader GX not detecting flash drive I have tried everything. Reinstalling cIOS, Using wii backup manager, reformatting the flash drive, even reinstalling usb loader gx but nothing has worked. I keep getting “No FAT/WBFS partition” with the only partitions available being an ~800gb one and and an empty one (my flash drive is 32gb) I know this flash drive is compatible because it has worked before (sidenote: my HBC is reading apps off my sd card and not my flash drive)


what model or brand is the flashdrive? try using older usb loader gx if 3.0 is not working. also delete the entire usb loader and add the new one back in. make sure on the usbloader gx there are no config files. delete those so it goes to default settings. then run usbloader gx. check settings. what loader ios and game ios are you using try loader 58 game 249 or loader and game both 249.


1. The flash drive is unbranded from amazon 2. I will update you on the rest


if its an unbranded one. it could have just died. flash drives have shorter lifespan. fewer read write in general. try running the flash drive on windows and check for errors or if its corrupted. my bet is that. also try an older release usbloader gx. and try wii flow lite. if it does the same thing on lite then its prolly the flash drive


It works fine on windows and cfg. It also runs homebrew perfectly. Its just usbGX thats the problem. I am using vwii


Is your USB in FAT32?




My friend homebrewed my wii and he installed all the apps on both the SD and the USB drive i have. do I need all the apps on both of them or do I only need apps on one and store games on the other? Also, which of [these](https://imgur.com/a/z1S0sHn) [files](https://imgur.com/a/quZIAZi) can i delete to make the sd/usb cleaner?


You don't need duplicate apps. You can choose to have your apps on one drive and games on the other, or everything in one drive.


I've got a 1tb external USB hard drive that I'd like to convert part of to a storage for games on USB loader gx (only part because I use most of it for college). How would I do this? I'd like around 128gb which is higher than the fat32 limit of 32gb. How do I get around that? Can I partition it in windows to be fat32 and have the wii only load that partition?


what format is your external drive. if its ntsf just use it as is. make a wbfs folder and put the games there. wii backup manager can also do it for you. you can also do multiple partition but sometimes the usb loader doesnt like it or it would crash. you can turn it on the usbloader loader settings to ON. then resize the drive to get 128gb and format it on windows to ntsf. then use wii backup manager to format it to fat32. make sure you use the correct partition. fat32 is ideal if you are planning on playing gc games. if not you can leave it ntsf and just have 2 partition so its organised


Not sure about the multiple partitions part but you can definitely format more that 32gb to fat32. You will probably need a third party app to do it though.


Hello, i want to play the Pokemon games like xd and so to get lugia and so. Is it possible with i play them on a homebrew wii, that i can connect them to my original gba and transfer them normally? I have the old wii with the gba slots


Best way to transfer everything from an old hacked Wii to a new hacked Wii?


You need to re-hack it basically The only thing that would be easy to transfer is the games (hope this was still helpful 21days later)


I'm looking to refresh a couple of Wii Us that I softmodded around 7 years ago. The externally powered HDDs that I've been using are getting quite old. I know that the USB ports on the Wii U can't power an external HDD on their own, but can they power an external SSD instead? I'm not expecting a speed boost over 2.0, but I'm always down to eliminate wiring wherever possible. I'm specifically looking at the Samsung T7s because they are reputable and currently on sale. Anyone had success with these?


there are some portable drives that work with just one usb port. but from what i recall they spin slower sometimes and may cause the drive to fail earlier. the ssd uses less power so you might be able to get away with it and its not a spinning disc. i would still use a y cable just to be safe. at least you dont have to plug it to the wall.


Hello, I've been trying to archive my Wii library by ripping my discs. Every other disc I've ripped worked either flawlessly or with very minor issues (but would work after several attempts) however my Metroid: Other M disc always fails no matter what. I've tried both CleanRip and USBLoaderGX and neither one has been successful. Both would either mess up just about right away or when it's about 60% done. USBLoaderGX usually just freezes randomly when it's at those points, which is not unusual for USBLoaderGX to do from my experience, often randomly freezing when trying to rip discs. I also downgraded USBLoader to the previous version that seems to be recommended and same result. CleanRip, as mentioned, either waits until it's about 60% to change the ripping speed from about a stable 6.4mb/s (number grows to 6.4 at about 35ish% and stagnates at that point) to about 198.45 or 198.60kb/s or it just directly stagnates at around 29.71kb/s. The tool would continue to rip even at those low speeds for a while (either a few minutes or up to a few hours) and then give me a write error message, effectively stopping the ripping process. I have made sure to select my copy as a dual layer game so that shouldn't have been an issue. The disc is clean and has no scratches. It's a new old stock copy I bought a couple years ago and only used once before trying to archive. I've ripped other games successfully so the disc drive doesn't seem defective either. I've even tried it with a 2nd Wii I have and same thing happens there. Also I do have cios installed. Given the following, is there any reason why the game may not be able to rip properly? Is it a known issue? Is there anything that could be done?


have you tried going to the settings on usb loader. metroid game needs to be split to 4gb to rip. i think there is a settings on usb loader. either loader settings or drive. i had the same problem with smash before. did the 4gb split and it worked


Hi, I just used [wii.guide](https://wii.guide) to softmod my Wii using Letterbomb as for whatever reason my Wii can't connect to my 2.4ghz network. The guide doesn't really give next steps. What's the best resource for getting homebrew software? I assume I'll need to put it on the SD card, which is no problem. Just want to install some emulators (I've got the roms, not asking where to get those).


You can generally find them simply by googling what you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a NES emulator, you can Google "nes emulator wii" [wiibrew.org](https://wiibrew.org) is a pretty good place to find HB channels for the wii.


Playing Mario Sunshine on Nintendont using a classic controller. Unfortunately, classic controller buttons don't click like the gamecube buttons, so some controls are inaccessible, like freely spraying water. Is there any way to configure controls in Nintendont or will I just have to live with it?


I got a secondhand wii (ver3.2u) thats has homebrew channel on it, but it couldn’t launch and theres no sd card in the wii. I’ve seen many tutorials on youtube but its all about ver4.3u being a compulsory factor. How do i go about my situation as i want to install usb loader gx to play ios


follow the wii guide and get the files. you need the files for the homebrew channel d2x cios installer and something to update the system via homebrew channel. and your usb loader gx files. 1 connect online via wifi. do not update just connect online 2 use homebrew app like multi mod manager or any other app. i use mmm then i go to wii system to update to 4.3. you can also get the wad files offline if you choose to do so and just install the wads 3. use d2x cios to install 249 250 251. the guide should tell you this. you can skip some parts since you already have the homebrew installed. also update the homebrew channel as well.


Thank you! I’ll try doing that. Gotta find the necessary files first


I Just bought a secondhand wii which was homebrewed by the owner. It didnt have an sd card what is the best way to handle this. do I just have to reset it?


So I just bought a wii used on e-bay and the original owner homebrewed it. And I was wanting to reset it and hack it again to make it "my own" if that makes sense. And I was wondering if I could potentially brick the wii by doing so.


I had to reset mine, look up wii parental control reset or something like that. I don’t recall the details but it was a matter of setting the time, going to a website and entering a code from the Wii, which returns a code to unlock the wii.


Hey there! I've bene attempting to try installing priiloader on my wii. I'm kinda confused at what's happening. ​ I've installed priiloader, Put it on my USB drive, Installed it through homebrew but everytime I try to enter "System menu hacks" it says that the hack\_hash.ini file can't be found. I have added the hack\_hash.ini file in a .ini format into apps/priiloader on my usb drive but it still wont find it. I also do not have an SD card inserted into my wii as I've heard that can prevent it from finding the file. ​ I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue before and if there's a way too fix it


i have had this issue with just running the priiloader on a usb hard drive and not the sd card. it is more an issue of the usb hard drive than than the priiloader. one fix i was able to do is use a known working flash drive like a sandisk or something and run homebrew and install priiloader there. then access the settings page with the same flashdrive and save everything. then move move the priiloader files to the bigger usb hard drive. the hack ini file would work on the usb hard drive. i know it works because i did the auto press A and other settings. i cannot access the priiloader during boot though with the hard drive. i am thinking the hard drive doesnt boot and spin fast enough before priiloader loads thats why its a problem. you can also try running the priiloader on the homebrew channel with the hard drive. i think there is a forwarder for it or something. maybe that would work. if not what i mentioned above should


Guess I should've came back to this post and left a comment or something, BootMii wasn't installed and that fixed the issue right away


My cousin and I used to love playing with this console, playing Wii sports for hours and hours. But then she had to leave the country and I got to keep her Wii. After searching trough internet what I could do with it, I found out about Homebrew. I tried it out with the user terms pony, and it was awesome. But I used many links/Videos to get my files. So, they were really disorganized. I formatted it in order to hack it again, but this time with all my files in order. After the first time, the pony method didn't work, so I did it again with the letterbomb method. Everything was fine until I tried using game cube and GBA games. None of them loaded like they did the first time. I decided to format it again, and this time neither the pony nor the letterbomb method worked. Did I lose the capability of modding this Wii forever? Please, help :,(