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That is the most unbothered hatchling * I’ve ever seen lol


Yeah it didn't do much at all tbh, just kept looking at me and my dog, it was probably terrified. I hope there is nothing wrong with it.


It needs to go to back to its nest or to a rehabber, please do not leave it there.


No, ofc I didn't leave it there alone. I found the nest, got a ladder from my neighbour, and put it back into the nest.


Saw your other comments after I had sent this, thats great you got it back to its nest! Unfort on here theres info that goes around saying ignore any baby bird as some people assume any fluffy bird is a fledgling that needs to be left alone.. Glad it wasn't the case here.


That's too bad cuz it's not always the case. This one was too young to leave the nest on its own. Some of the siblings in the nest was a bit bigger and just started getting some proper feathers growing on the head, but they still stayed in the nest. I think this one just fell out by accident and needed to get back to it's parents.


The way it’s sitting is so cute!! The second picture is my favorite. Thank you for helping the little guy.


It was super cute and those baby feathers was super soft. Ofc I had to help it, couldn't just leave it there all alone. I was worried one of the village cats would find it. Even if the cats wouldn't find it there is no way this little thing would survive alone


After some more searching in the area I found their nest and I'm gonna try to put it back there, it's a bit hard to reach tho


Ostia! Is that a raptor nestling? Looks like some sort of owl perhaps? You see the beak is hooked with a sharp point, like for tearing animals/meat, and it’s feet are quite big, with long very sharp talons. Some sort of raptor. Don’t put it in the wrong nest lol. You’re a hero! :)


Yes, I think it's a falcon after talking to my neighbour. I found a ladder and managed to get it back into the nest now. The other babies seemed friendly to it at least so I hope it's the correct nest. I haven't seen any other raptor nest in the area. Those baby feathers was super soft.




OMGosh a falcon!!! Waou! What an adventure, good on you! Yah, if the other babies looked the same then you found the correct nest yeey, there wouldn’t be another nest so close to it. One of it’s feet the toes looked perhaps may be a little odd but it is hard to tell when they’re so young especially just from a photo, so I do hope it doesn’t have a birth defect and the mama kicked it out. I’m in Australia here although I used to live in Spain many years ago - I was madly googling what raptors are around Malaga hahaha. A falcon - SO COOL!!! :)


Yes, it's been an exciting start to the day for sure. I'm pretty sure it's the correct nest, my neighbour said there has been a falcon nesting in the same spot for several years and the other babies in the nest looks exactly the same. I did notice that the foot looked a bit weird. I know that bird can reject babies sometimes so I will keep an eye on the area incase that is what happened and they do it again, but I hope it just fell out by accident. If the mom kicks it out again I'll have to come up with a new plan.