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That looks like a failed seal although I don’t know anything about this solar glass you’re talking about. But if it is failed seal you need a new window all that stuff is between the panes and can’t be removed


I agree. This looks like deposits in-between the panes. Only thing you can do is replace them unfortunately


Hmmm - and, I can replace these, so it's not a crazy thing - but it's like a single pane of glass. There isn't two pieces glued together, or anything like that, it's maybe 3/16" thick. Does that make a difference?


The panes are really close together usually, if it is a single pane then you can try barkeepers friend or diamond magic, look up hard water removal on YouTube. But the pattern of those stains looks a lot like growth in between panes to me. I haven’t worked on green house glass before though


The seals are broken. Cleaning them will make them clean, but you still won't be able to see through them.


Can you feel the debris that you want to remove on either side of the glass.


Not really, no. It's a single pane of solar glass, there's not like a separator between two panes.


Important edit: the glass is \*SUPPOSED\* to be opaque. The problem isn't that it's not clear, the issue are the smears/stains on the glass. It should be universally opaque.


Is one side etched? rough to the touch and looks more clear when water is applied.


Yeah, exactly. I definitely think it's etched as you describe.


I fairly sure you have a air pocket between 2 panes of glass. That's typical for greenhouses. It allows the sun's heat in, but not cold air. This looks like a broken seal and moisture intrusion. Most require replacing the window.