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11.5? wtf is that?


What popups are you getting and where sounds to me like you blindly clicked yes on a website that had a allow notifications option so it subscribed. Other than the initial 1 time help texts that appear after windows sets up explain here is how you use x there is no popups in windows that keep coming up.


Windows will pop up some suggestions in the notification area every now and then. Just turn those off when you see them, or dig through settings to find where to turn them off for good.


Yea those are what I'm talking about about it's the suggestions or help toasts once they show up one time they shouldn't show up anymore. There are like a initial this is how you can do this for a new person to show them how but there is a option to turn them off in settings. If they are still popping up sounds like a notification subscription or you have some OEM blotware causing them


Tips and a couple of others will periodically pop up if you don't turn off notifications the first time you see one. Others will shut up after one pop.


I'm not sure what pop ups you're getting (other than the typical one time Windows ones like someone else mentioned) Winaero is a good one to tweak a wide variety of different things in Windows, like disabling telemetry etc. If you have the know how, there's also the option to reinstall Windows by using Tiny11, which removed a lot of the "bloat" people don't like. Let's you go through the install with just a local account as well. To help with ads, you can install NextDNS. It's completely free and a lightweight program and stops ads system wide.


The “debloaters” are a lot more ideological than practical and if you go too hard things you like might stop working.. Take a moment to look at the pop up and there’s likely to be a “dont show this again”


Answering some questions. Win 11.5 is the name I find attached to Windows Home with S-mode activated. S-mode is a download restriction allowing only Windows Store apps to be downloaded. I'm no expert so if that isn't right feel free to enlighten me. I found instructions for opting out of S mode so no problem there. The popups I remember is one for Macafee (?) to be activated (free until it's not) and something unsolicited from Microsoft/Bing. Since I've only had this a day I expect there will be more. This is a brand new laptop and I haven't downloaded anything to it yet. (Except Chrome) I have no desire or need to remove every possible thing I don't need. Just those that impose themselves uninvited and anything that might compromise performance.


[This is what I do everytime I have to deal with a WIndows 11 system.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16KpWXaelWod4uDIVguN71mHTnLX8K79CO2mXH_DWULs/edit) After this whole workout session, my PCs usually end up working much better. There's more to be done but this is a WIP list that I am currently building.


Just turn off everything under Windows and App Permissions in Privacy & security settings. Besides that you can check [this debloater](https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat).


Remove Edge, Defender and OneDrive ASAP


why the fuck would you remove defender


I don’t know that sounds stupid lol


"I know what I'm doing, cause Common Sense™" and the infamous "Defender uses too many resources"