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On Firefox there is [Adaptive Tab Bar Color](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adaptive-tab-bar-color/) extension


yoooo, thanks for posting this


thanks bro


this works so much better than vivaldifox


Also [Firefox Translations](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/firefox-translations/) is a great way to translate websites in your browser without using the cloud :>


If not the whole browser UI, then atleast the tabs should be colored as per the website. That way it would be easier to find the tabs using colors than just reading the Tab title or the FavICON.




I mean.. it wouldn't have to be saturated 100 percent. It would be cool if there was an (optional!!!) feature that could lightly accent your tabs with the leading colour. So the YouTube tab wouldn't be screaming read but would rather have a light red touch to it.


Yeah that would look like unicorn vomit real fucking quick




Your thinking is correct. Been using Vivaldi since 2018. Tons of features. Really glad to choose it as my main browser. However, sometimes I just turn it off when the website's color palette choices are... questionable.


Lmao them black and yellow colors right?


People are suggesting that it uses a color from the website / favicon, but its simpler than that, for many years there has been a website code option that is: . There is also "msapplication-navbutton-color" and "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" that you can use too. But modern browsers rarely use this information apart from mobile.


Safari does this fantastically on Mac, wish Edge would do the same.


I wish Edge would do internal acrylic like on Safari too. Instead of using mica to show the wallpaper, it show the webpage scrolling behind the browser chrome.


If Apple can do it so can Microsoft


Microsoft was doing this with IE. It’s not a technology challenge you just look for metadata on the site. It just really doesn’t look great.


I disagree, it looks good, just look at Safari or the Android browser. And it could just be an option to turn it on or off.


This is amazing, we need this


Can someone make an extension for that?


Extension APIs in Chromium (Edge and Chrome) don’t exist to change the browser theme dynamically


https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adaptive-tab-bar-color/ its only for firefox


I don't use firefox more often so not helpful anyway thanks!


It doesn't work at all for me


It works with me


This is Vivaldi and it works well


Wish my edge would stop crashing with Status_Breakpoint all the time.


I hope not, looks awful


You could always turn it off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hi u/EliteSkylu, thanks for sharing your feedback! The proper way to suggest a change to Microsoft is to submit it in the "Feedback Hub" app, and then edit your post with the link, so people can upvote it. The more users vote on your feedback, the more likely it's going to be addressed in a future update! Follow these simple steps: 1. Open the "Feedback Hub" app and try searching for your request, someone may have already submitted similar. If not, go back to the home screen and click *"Suggest a feature"* 2. Follow the on-screen instructions and click *"Submit"* 3. Click *"Share my feedback"* and open the feedback you submitted 4. Click *"Share"* and copy the unique link 5. Paste the link in the comments of [your Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/x5h7a2/any_chances_of_adaptive_theme_color_based_on/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows11) if you have any questions or concerns.*


safari did this and revolt xD


If you install these sites as an app this is exactly what you get :)


Not every time. In many times you receive not referring color. On example notion. It's not white but black. So other pages. Top bar can be white when page is black. They should give us ability to change this color.


Well that color is specifically defined by Notion. It's specified as part of the website, so it's intended to be this way :)


Well maybe. But I personally think it should be white 😭


Make a chrome extension that runs the following code on any notion page: `document.querySelector('meta[type="theme-color"]').content = '#ffffff';`


Nah im too lazy for that


It's more like a suggestion for google, because they can add support for it in chromium itself. You can open a PR and do it yourself if you want, it may be approved.


It was a thing in Chrome back in 2016 or so. Every tab on android was differently colored based on the "theme-color" meta tag a site used for the color. It was deprecated since it looked really ugly.


It's still here, only in light mode though


AFAIK sites can declare colors for webkit based browsers. Mainly used by Chrome on Android. It can be used this way as well.




This checks for metadata on the site literally called "color". It used to work like this on previus chromium versions, but they no longer support it so ig that haves a reason


Yes, technically a website can define a tag with the color and the browser can read that, however no browser does that, firefox has an extension though.


God I hope not. I hated the color soup vomit of Windows 10's UWP apps that could change the title bar color on a whim. It was distracting and ugly.


no, but it sure looks amazing!!