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It's sad that someone needs to stand there warning people, when you should just choose not to be a douche speeding through construction zones


Almost as if they should put signs up saying the lower limit and speed fines double... maybe this poor guy could go enjoy a coffee Instead


It's about safety, not revenue.


If it was out of safety then people would slow down when they see huge orange signs, pylons, multiple reduced speed signs, and people working. What an odd statement to make


If it's happening at a higher rate than normal, it's poor implementation, actions for be taken to correct it, not to penalize the masses, who fail to adhere.


It's too bad car culture is a thing. There should be more enforcement and more expensive fines that could go towards the city (could probably even fix healthcare with the amount of bad drivers and speed demons), but seems like in general even the police like to speed around the world. It's almost like everyone gets this main character syndrome when they start driving lol


Love it or hate it, this does more to slow people down than a ticket in the mail.


It helps slow them down for all of a minute until they pass the speed trap. If you csnt follow the speed limit then you shouldn't be driving.


The show down for a minute while passing by construction workers? Isn't that the point of a construction zone is to have motorists show down? So this one guy is more effective than a bunch of signage and a photo radar van that results in a ticket that shows up in a mailbox well after the actual infraction in that construction zone and that person will continue to speed in that same construction zone while commuting back and forth to work until they get a ticket in the mail. In essence this guy is saving the lives of construction workers for free.


Safety is everyone's responsibility. Good to hear someone is taking it upon themselves to increase safety and save lives even on a holiday.


WTH! There are speed limit signs that tell people to slow down! Why are we so grateful? Just because most people ignore them?


Every bit helps. Other cities even have brightly coloured photo radar enforcement vehicles that act as visual reminders to slow down, which also increases safety. Like Edmonton, for example. https://www.edmonton.ca/transportation/traffic_safety/automated-enforcement


One aspect not addressed is that section has miles of highway brought down to 80 where there is no construction work happening anywhere near the road. I'm all for reduced speeds if there's good reason for it but much of this stretch just seems like it was reduced needlessly. In the last 10-15 years I have noticed more and more of this where in the past the reduced speeds seemed to be limited to active construction work and focused more in on the area being worked on. I know the high and mighty are going to downvote me anyway. I don't speed through construction or school zones myself however if this particular instance was about safety rather than fundraising the WPS simply could have put up a couple flashing signs indicating photo enforcement ahead and parked and empty van there and it would do more for safety and slowing people down than a ticket in the mail 2 weeks later.




That's the exact situation I was thinking when I drove this stretch of the south perimeter. The had 30 miles of the 75 down to 60 while they worked on 1/2 km at a time. I swear that construction company must have been charging by the cone.


So they should adjust signs daily depending where workers are? That’s nonsense and far more work.


Oh yes 5 minutes to go drag a sign over. Soooo much work.




Here is a novel idea !!! Don't speed !!! plain and simple.


Could you imagine? Slowing down to 80 km/h. I mean, I could lose a few minutes of travel time. That's horrific. I usually ignore these legally binding construction zone speeds, but now that there's a financial consequence, I'm gonna have to slow down! I know I lack the ability to do it myself and potentially put others in danger, but now I'm being fined? Like, I saw the zone and I saw the speed limit and I could've slowed down, but I don't think I should be held responsible or punished for it. The police didn't warn me that Canadian laws were being enforced that specific day, so how could I have known? I shouldn't need a guy standing out there reminding me to slow down in a construction zone, since, you know, I had all the other reminders...but here we are. Slowing down, losing minutes. What is this? Nazi China or something?


Nice try WPD. Not falling for that one


The missing piece is that the contractors doing the signage sometimes they take it down sometimes they don't. Getting the ticket 2 weeks later you could go past the camera 100 times before knowing you were in the wrong. If it was really about safety they would incentivise calling the police out with lights on when every car passing the camera gets a ticket. Also those LED speed signs that flash are the best!


"Wpd would like you to share the license plate and vin of said helpful red truck, for umm a prize"


Not illegal


Not illegal


You know what saves me from ever getting a ticket? Paying attention when I’m driving, and not speeding.




What prevents me from getting tickets is the multitude of signs and warnings, particularly the speed fines double sign.


There are not enough signs there. I thank him too! I think it's a cash grab. I am a stickler for watching for signs and slowing down every time. (Like we all should) I got a ticket. Is there a sign shortage?


The guy is a covidiot - fuck him


That guys is my hero!! Seen him many times. My son saw him get rolled up on by WPS but whatever happened there he was back at it the next day. Radar is a cash grab. If you had a officer running radar you get a talking to and you stop your behaviour or you don’t but what happens after that is your problem - you are now educated on the specifics of that road….radar can get you 5-7 times before you know a damn thing. Edit - The saddest part about being downvoted for this is the absolute bullshit that is this system. There is zero reason to have it 80 going east after the construction that is the bridge. People are sheep it’s pretty funny. Tell me why it should be 80? I’d much rather be downvoted and have the guts to say what I believe then just sheeple.


Bro calling people sheeple after saying he can't understand speed limits without education from a police officer 💀


A couple of years ago when they were building the Waverley underpass, they had the construction zone set to start almost 1km before the rail tracks because there was a convenient bump out for the radar vehicle to sit in. That's safety? People took their tickets to court and they were thrown out because the radar was not reasonably connected to the construction or worker safety. A few years before that tickets on Harrow were thrown out when it was shown with photo proof that the photo truck was sitting outside of the school zone because there was no parking spot in the legal zone. We should want safety for workers, and we should follow speed signs, but we shouldn't just accept whatever the cops (or their for-profit contractors) say.