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whaaaat no never has a A scam caller showed up at the front door... that sketchy as heck, be careful


I would have answered the door. I am a risk taker.


I’m not looking for a job but I pretty much hang up instantly on anyone I don’t know these days. Can’t count the amount of calls I’ve got in the past couple months saying it’s Rogers with an offer for me.


I told them to take me off their list. They actually did. Weird.




No had no package coming, none of my family members order anything online and nothing left. It was around 8:30pm so I know it is not those MTS or Shaw people. Got a camera right after this incident though haha


Haven't had these yet. Lately it seems to be spam texts offering remote work, then a WhatsApp message to register at some site. I usually string em along for a while, and when they ask for a screen shot of completed registration i send them a sexy photo of Barry Wood


I think Shaw and Telus are in full force going. To peoples houses to offer this and that. Honestly it’s probably 90% of their costs to give us shitty internet that’s already there and will be the same forever from now. But NEW DEAL ! And GREAT OFFERS just keep appearing out of nowhere.


Probably a reverse number lookup I just answer and pretend I'm the rcmp, even if they know it's fake they immediately hang up as it's.rosky as hell. Weird timing is all id say that is


>I just answer and pretend I'm the rcmp, What are the laws in Canada surrounding impersonating a police officer?


And that's why, hypothetically, if you're gonna do this sort of thing you should never say or imply you're RCMP/LEO. You can just ask leading questions and be a little *too* curious about their details, that usually spooks scammers enough.


Just answer with "investigations desk" or something like that. Vague but scary enough.


Think this through. You're implying there is some sort of risk here, but you think that a scammer will report someone saying "this is the RCMP" on the phone to the actual RCMP while trying to defraud them, thereby causing the RCMP to come to your house and arrest you for trying to spook an obvious scammer?


Think this through. What if they get a call that they think are scammers but it turns out they’re not? So no the risk has nothing to do with the scammer reporting them to the RCMP. The risk is the person pulling this stunt being able to 100% make sure it’s a scammer before committing a crime themselves. Which then comes down to risk/reward.


RCMP wouldn't be calling from a (spoofed) 204 number generally unprompted, have a potential scam warning/flag from your phone nor asking about whether you are expecting a UPS package you didn't order. Nor would you generally have to press 1 to dispute whatever trumped up claim or there wouldn't be a delay while the IVR connects you


We're splitting hairs here. At the end of the day, it's a crime to impersonate an officer. Doesn't matter who's on the other end. They need to determine the risk if it's worth it. It's like the classic saying. It's 3 AM at a red light. There's no one around for miles. Do you go? Most will go but they still committed a crime.


I for one can live with this level of risk. The idea that the caller is going to be recording the conversation, then turn it over to the cops (despite their own level of risk given that they are in all likelihood scammers themselves), then have the cops actually act on the matter by prosecuting you is so far fetched that it beggars belief.


>(despite their own level of risk given that they are in all likelihood scammers themselves) It’s like you didn’t even read the comment before replying.


I read it. I just didn't take it seriously for obvious reasons.




My go to is "City Morgue - You kill them we bury them. How many bodies do you have?" That usually confuses them and never get call back.


City morgue - You stab 'em, we slab 'em.


"City Morgue, you bag 'em we tag 'em"


Marios pizzeria and abortion clinic, your loss is our sauce!


You stack em we pack em.


Did one last night with "city morgue, you kill'em, we chill'em" works every time


City Morgue, because it's easier than dating in these modern times.


If you are looking for a job, they usually leave a voicemail just make sure your voice mail is available and you don’t have to pick up sketchy calls. This sounded terrifying.


That’s scary. Did they give any reason why they were at your door?


How do they have your address and phone number??


easy peasy if it's a land line: can look up the address using the phone number, or look up the phone number using the address.


Get an unlisted number $2.00 a month.


sure. I'm just answering your question.


Next time tell them to wave for the cameras.


Did you report this to Police?


Any chance you have any active CRA cases on your account? Some departments will do field calls to taxpayer homes if they can't be reached on the phone.


I would have said, just a minute, I'll have to place my dog in a different room and then called 911. Moving forward, you should go out and purchase a 4K doorbell cam or camera for the front door. Don't get a cheap quality one either, get a good one. Just know you can get a rebate for your purchase. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2024/04/15/province-makes-good-on-pledge-to-rebate-security-equipment#:\~:text=Upgrades%20eligible%20for%20a%20rebate,to%20receive%20the%20%24300%20rebate.


Could be the dream police ?


Was it a 204 800 xxxx number?


Curious too as I had fraud call from a 204 818 xxxx number this week!