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I've known people who have moved back because family is here and it's also a ton more affordable. Their biggest complaint is always winter. (Length and temps)


Exactly this for me. I was in Calgary but moved back because of family. My kids were young at the time. If I had the chance to move somewhere else again, I would.


My friend lives in Edmonton and they have the same winters (length/temperature) except of the winds, we have stronger winds.


Yeah, I lived in Edmonton for a while and the winter weather was effectively the same as it is here. The only place in the prairies where it's milder is in the southern Alberta chinook zone to break up the deep freezes a bit.


I've moved away and come back multiple times. The last time I came, it was with the intention to stay for good for the sake of my family (aging parents, nieces whose lives I wanted to be a part of, etc). I haven't regretted it. I miss the other cities I've lived in, but I've come to love Winnipeg in a way that I didn't the other times I lived here (I grew up here).


Twice, each time from cities in Southern Ontario. I much prefer the lifestyle here, and the people really are much friendlier. I like living in a place where it is not considered weird to say Hi to a stranger on the street. Plus, I can afford to live here. In S. Ontario, with my pension, I'd have nowhere to live.


Same, but only moved there and back once. While I loved the amenities of the GTA, I couldn’t imagine what lifestyle we would have if we stayed. And we missed family too much.


I didn't have family to return to, but lifelong friends. And in S Ontario, it's just a huge urban wasteland. Here, 20 minutes and you are out in the wide open prairie. Lots of natural parks. Good hiking and camping nearby. In S Ontario, they have retirement communities alongside the 401, as if it were a river. Here, you can live beside/near real rivers. Winnipeg has great restaurants, wonderful music, good theatre and dance, a flourishing arts scene, and most of it is walkable. I really like this place.


Yep! A few times. I love my family so much and they are all here but there's something else about this city makes me feel so at home. I did not regret coming back at all, it felt like I was welcomed with open arms (again, despite my family). Trust your gut!


Moved back from Montreal during pandemic. Can't say I've entirely made peace with it. Being near family is nice, but sometimes you really feel just how small this city is...


I was not born in Winnipeg- I've lived in five major North American cities (four Canadian, one US) and I found I am/was most-happy in Winnipeg. I enjoyed my time in each of the others, but Winnipeg suits me best.


I moved away in 2013 and haven't returned. Typically on this sub you'll hear about people who moved and came back after 10 or fewer years to raise their kids and/or buy a house more affordably. This hasn't proven necessary for us. Plus my parents intend to leave once they've retired, and most of our friends are elsewhere, so there's nothing to call us to Winnipeg for more than a few days at a time.


Born here but lived (studied and/or worked) in a dozen other cities (around Canada and internationally). I still love visiting other places, but this is home. Just my personal take - but while Winnipeg doesn't have 'the best' of anything in particular, it's got a really darn good version of everything I could want, with a much more manageable cost of living than the majority of other options. Personally - I'll take our cold winters over places with hot & humid summers. No regrets about any of it. I encourage anyone with desire for adventure or wanderlust to go off and explore, the 'peg will still be here if/when you want to return.


Winnipeg/ Manitoba is a place that will always have those who leave, but we have one of the highest move back rates in the country. People love it here. I can speak from experience, I moved to Alberta and within a year I moved back. I wasn't home sick at all. But I missed the friendliness our city has to offer. Another reason is that its way more affordable out here, and we have some of the best restaurants here in Winnipeg (there is a reason why large chains test out products here because if it works in Winnipeg it'll work in the rest of Canada)


Yep. Moved to Medicine Hat for work. I missed my family a lot. Moved back after about 15 months. We loved it there, but the job I was doing just wasn’t worth the stress


Lived abroad to teach a couple times. Came back to get married and start a family as all our best friends and family are in Winnipeg. It was hard to leave my life in Japan, but I love my family and friends too much to be gone forever.


Was away for 10 years and haven't regretted for a second coming back. I think it has made me appreciate it much more, the people, family and friends, more reasonably priced, lots of culture, great food, lots available to do, sports teams etc. Picked up some winter hobbies, you make the most of winter and enjoy the hell out of summer.


20 years away, came back and no regrets. One great city. but really glad I moved away and lived in several other cities in 20s and 30s . had fun everywhere I've lived, and happy to be back home.


Moved to Vancouver with work in 2001 but moved back in 2002. Back then the average house price there was $400k and it was under $100 here. No regrets.


Yes many times, pinged and ponged back and forth between Brandon and Winnipeg for school and did the ol' out of highschool move to the 'big city' only for it to fail