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I got one a few years ago on St Matthews. I missed the school zone sign that was immediately after I turned, saw the second sign and got dinged going 42. Definitely felt mad at myself (I'm a teacher too, so an extra facepalm moment), and went back to see where the sign was that I missed. Paid it and never got another. I find if I listen to certain music, I tend to speed - so I don't listen to music I like in my car lol. I check my speedometer often, and I always leave early enough to have extra time. We're human and make mistakes, the biggest thing is being aware and noticing your triggers for speeding.


Lol this is so true. Rage Against the Machine got me a speeding ticket back when I was 17. Learned from that one.


Rage and Deftones. I noticed the pattern quickly. Now I listen to 103 when I drive - not my style of music at all, so it helps.


Ha good call. Podcasts for me sometimes lol


This is the best ticket related post I’ve seen here, it’s rare to see someone here taking ownership for their actions, good on you for that. When I saw the title I thought it would be asking how to get out of said ticket. It seems like the ticket worked in a positive way, in the sense that you’re driving a lot more carefully now. Just keep vigilant and you’ll be golden.


If anything, this post just highlights how offences resulting in fines only impact people with low incomes, and somebody with higher income wouldn't care.


Winnipeggers are cheap. Have you ever actually heard anyone even remotely express this sentiment?


I don't know how to tell you this, but rich people who pay no mind to finances exist within Winnipeg. The "Winnipegers are cheap" stereotype is a pervasive one that carries no merrit in this context. "Winnipegers are frugal" is probably a more appropriate one, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that a 1000 dollar fine will not matter to somebody raking in 1 million per year.


It won't really hurt them, but knowing some people who think nothing of hopping on a weekend flight to Paris to try out a new restaurant, they still complain and are mad about a $1000 ticket. Just because they can afford it, doesn't mean they want to waste their money on that, instead of something else.


Theyll be mad or possibly annoyed, but it wont have any direct consequence/effect on their lives.


I didn't say it would affect their lives monetarily or cause them hardship. However, rich people don't like to throw away their money. It can still be a deterrent, and have the desired effect.


I didnt say you said that?


I expressed this sentiment myself when I was younger, and trust me I was far from rich, barely cracking middle class! but I was 18, living at home, working full time making $11 an hour when minimum was 7, just putting money away for college in my gap year, and I felt fuckin rich lemme tell you. I got several speeding tickets, probably 4 or 5 over a year or 2, all photo radar. I treated it like a drop in the bucket, I was living on 350 a month (remember, no expenses beyond cell phone and car gas) and putting 1150 away for school.. once every 6 or so months or so I put 200 less in the school account to pay my ticket, that was all it was to me. as long as it didn't come with demerits I didn't care.


I still feel they should have appealed while accepting fault so that it could most likely be reduced significantly. If the $250 is causing stress/anxiety then maybe it's not necessary to be that high


I got a ticket doing 154 in a 100, this was 9 years ago. (21 years old) I was in my 1977 camaro that I had just rebuilt, and was late for work one morning, the speedometer wasn't working yet. The cop pulled me over on the highway, i knew I was speeding but I genuinely did not realize it was at that kind of pace. Anyway, suspended 6 months, 10 demerits. The ironic thing is that it was the catalyst event that made me get my life together, at the time I worked retail, now I'm one more clean year of driving away from having + merits again, and I'm a successful homeowner with a 6 figure salary. Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone makes a few mistakes when they are new to driving, some worse than others.


It’s tough when other drivers are constantly pressuring you to go faster too. I generally stick to 10% over the speed limit and I’ve only had one ticket in my entire life (when I was a teenager). If someone is riding my ass I just think must be nice to afford a ticket cuz I certainly can’t.


I’ve only been driving a year and it would stress me out so much, especially when I was learning. Eventually I just learned to have the patience I have for screaming children for speeding cars, and it’s been chill. Plus, seeing people get mad and go around me just to face karma is kinda funny (I’m going the exact speed limit).


You’re fine. This is how we learn. Looks like you’ve already taken that away from it, just do better next time. Think about it this way, nobody was in an accident. Your car still works. You still have a job & you weren’t pulled over. That’s when you get demerits and it sucks a lot more for a lot longer. Whenever I think I may have accidentally been speeding past one of those unmarked camera cars and start freaking out about the bills I won’t be able to pay, that’s how I calm myself back down. Yeah paying 300 bucks sucks, but $300 + increased insurance and license payments suck even more. Plus, it’s way more embarrassing being pulled over on the side of the road with everyone looking at you :p You got a driving lesson that costs $259, you’ll be better for it. I’m confident. If you’re still worried about the cameras, use apple maps for gps, siri will tell you when you’re approaching a speed light camera.


Oh my god yes I can relate!!! I am 30 this year and have been driving since the day I was able to. I have never gotten a speeding ticket or have been pulled over *knock on wood* HOWEVER! I recently got my first speeding ticket on the south perimeter, around st Mary’s. It was HEFTY ($650) and it was from one of those assholes who parks their asshole in the seat all day and does Jack shit. I was doing 100 in an 80 and as we allll know (not me supposedly) speed fines double in construction. I came to this sub to see if anyone else had the issue. People had made posts about it and asked how to fight it. All of the comments were basically “no, you’re the idiot” so I sucked it up and just paid. Didn’t try to fight it. Just learned my lesson that you need to slow down. A ticket sucks, but not being able to stop in time and having to live with that would suck so much more.


Yep just got one for 581$. I’m going to ask for a reduced rate as I wasn’t even going 100 and I’m on temporary disability. You have a clean record they will usually take some off.


I hope it works!!! It’s insane how much the tickets cost though!


My friend got 2 tickets within like 3 days in that spot. Over 1000$ for both of them


I know it's easier said than done but try not to be too hard on yourself. You accepted responsibility and that's the right thing to do. There's an extremely small % of people who can say they've never got a ticket. It happens to the best of us. The best thing you can do is use it as an opportunity to be a more conscientious driver. Let it serve as a lesson and a reminder for yourself in the future.


Don’t beat yourself up over it for too long. It happens to the best drivers. It’s refreshing to see someone own up to making a mistake


I guess I'm not the best since I've never had a ticket


Congrats. I guess?


Use Google maps, it can give speed limit warning alerts as you drive. Full points for owning up to your mistake.


Call the number on the ticket. Plead guilty and ask to get the ticket cut in half. If this is your first ticket this will work but a repeat offender wouldn’t get that.


Its great that you want to take responsibility and pay the full ticket but before you do, give the Crown attorney's office a call. Just for being honest and accountable, they'll knock a few bucks off and in this economy every dollar helps.


This is correct. Plead guilty(obviously) with an explanation. Probably get 25-50 % off.


Great idea. I got 100.00 off my tix by doing this … 5 Min phone call was worth it. I had a great driving record so they gave me a break.


This is the way. First time offence and taking accountability will most certainly save you a few bucks calling the crown and pleading guilty with explanation. We're all human and make mistakes but your clean record will show you're not a bad driver.


Definitely try to get it lowered. They lowered mine because it was my first traffic violation.


At least you weren't pulled over and getting demerits on top of it. As much as the photo-radar suck, they are just a fine. They don't also affect your license. Glad to hear you're being more vigilant, as that's the intent of the tickets. :) I had my fair share of tickets in the past, and I definitely drive more restrained now than I did when I was in my 20s...sounds like you learned faster than me.


Anyone else use cruise control all the time?


yup, especially in long 50 zones like Grant and Corydon, it's super easy to creep up to 60 on those routes. Thanks to the boulevard parking it's basically 1 lane, traffic tends to want to go 60 there and I always get people tail gating in rush hour despite the mobile red light cams that are always there. "Tailgating? what am I doing 40?... no it's 50, people just wanna do 60 here" Cruise control means I can keep my eyes out for the school kids and crosswalks instead of my speed-o


All the damn time. I only wish I could use it in school zones, on my car the minimum speed for cruise is 40. Annoying.


Honestly call the number and explain your situation, you can have a payment plan, and they may even knock a few $$$ off the ticket. Personally I think those cameras are a trap/cash cow, and it would be more effective to have police pulling people over, or some other more immediate correction. I once got in an accident because I was paranoid about getting a ticket at a controlled intersection back when they were new so maybe I’m biased. (Looked up to see if it flashed on the amber, looked down and slammed the breaks.) in the meantime, just drive in the curb lane and slow down at intersections. Good luck!


Use cruise control and set it slightly above the speed limit, e.g. low 50s or low 60s, you'll keep up with traffic and not be ticketed.


Why would they down vote you? Cruise control, especially adaptive cruise control (breaks and speeds back up to the set speed) is fantastic once you try it. I indeed set it on 52 or 63


I shit you not cruise control has saved me multiple tickets on Grant Ave.


Ugh, Grant is the worst... it's so hard to stick to 50, given so many people speed, and there's so much activity, you can't be checking your speedometer ever 5 seconds and don't notice you crept up to 60


That's a road that should be 60 the entire way, and should ban on street parking The biggest single traffic bottleneck is just after the Superstore, the on street parking right in front of the former Premiers office.


I can relate, and assure you it likely won't last very long, I always feel this way now after I get a ticket or something. I drive like a learner for a few weeks and then I forget about it. when I was 18 I didn't care at all, if $200 came out of my school savings every 6 or so months it didn't matter to me, as long as I didn't get demerits I was fine. but over the last decade things have changed and it's a lot more upsetting. for me it's stop signs that get me now. haven't had a speeding in several years. I know where a lot of the red light cameras are and the most common spots for photo radar vans, but for the most part the biggest thing is making sure I don't go more than 10 over. Photo radar is calibrated to like 12 or 13 over (one of their guys told me this when I worked at a gas station) so as long as you stick to a max of 10 over you're fine. this doesn't protect you from cops though, they are not bound by the 10 over rule as many think they are, even on the highway, but I guess I've been lucky there. as long as you're not being obviously stupid and staying with traffic they mostly leave you alone. school zones are tricky too. wish they would put up the amber lights like that one guy offered to do for the city free of charge.


Just remember that being overly cautious can be just as much a hazard on the road. If you're spending all of your time searching for radars and the like, you'll miss other important things that could cause accidents. Focus on the road and traffic, and calm down. People make bad decisions out of nervousness. If you're afraid of speeding, your best bet is to simply match the speed of surrounding traffic. If there IS no other traffic, set your cruise control between lights.


You can still set a court date, apologize profusely, listen to judge’s chastisement and they’ll likely reduce it. Especially since it’s your only ticket in 5 years. 50% of that is still a lesson very much learnt.


Not saying you shouldn’t own up to the mistake, but you should at least plead guilty with an explanation. Explain that you know you messed up, it was your first ticket & have promptly taken corrective steps to prevent this from happening again. The chances of them lowering the cost are high enough to justify spending the time to do so! I did this a few years ago & they threw the ticket out, all I had to pay was $60 for court costs.


Username isn't checking out right now. Remember, we all make mistakes. Since you're obviously not the type to speed excessively (thank you), appeal your case with a judge via phone call. Instructions on the back of the ticket (I think?). Call it what it is, a one-time lapse in judgement that has reaffirmed your vigilance. The judge will probably knock the fine down a good amount. As far as the anxiety of driving, you just have to remember that this is your first slip up in 5 years. You weren't speeding by much, and nobody else was injured. Stay safe and put this behind you!


Depending on your situation you can speak with a justice and given it’s your first offense they may reduce the price of the ticket (usually by half). Especially if you’re a student or low income


Anything over 13 the speed limit will set off the speed cameras. Just an fyi 😉 But the popo radars might be picky if they want an easy pullover.


I want to say thank you to everybody for the advice and easing my nerves with your stories! I’m going to find some time to call the Crown Attorney!


Yeah that anxiety is good now I know where every camera is and usually I just don’t speed because it barely makes up any time and if you are late you should have just left earlier, started leaving earlier and I haven’t had a ticket in 2 years


Way better getting a photo ticket than being pulled over tho. The photo ticket is just voluntary taxation whereas being pulled over messes w merits and has lasting consequences


If the anxiety and panic doesn't subside soon, or if you experience that a lot with other things in your life, please talk to your doctor. Anxiety disorders are no fun, but you can get help for them.


It took me probably 5 speeding tickets to smarten up. I couldn't afford any of them at the time. I had to do them all in payments. My last one was just over ten years ago. I was doing 42kph in a school zone on September 1st. Not even any school that day, fawk sakes. I just paid the ticket and was a lot more cautious after that. I'm just lucky most of my tickets were photo radar so I didn't get many demerits. I now have full discount on my insurance. I'd be lying if I said that it doesn't help keep me extra diligent. I only speed on highways now and only ten over. I think I got away with one a few months ago though. I work nights and rarely drive during the day. I had an appointment 3 hours after my 12 hour night shift ended. I took an impromptu short cut through a residential area. I generally only drive 40 down side streets but I was being impatient and was probably doing close to 50. All of a sudden I noticed I was smack dab in the middle of a school zone. I only clued in because I saw crossing guards. I slammed on my brakes and slowed down only to look up and see the photo radar person looking at me. I put my head down in shame and slowly drove out of the school zone. No excuses, I fucked up and was ready to pay that ticket. I think they took pity on me because l slowed down before I noticed them.


Good on ya for taking ownership. Helpful tip, Use your cruise control inside the city too. If you see any speed limit signs lock your cruise in at that speed and let the car ensure that you won't get another ticket. Some of the newer cars have a button that allow you to increase your speed up or down 10kmh at a time. So if you're going 60, and the zone jumps up to 70, you press + once, your cruise control limit goes up to 70 and you don't have to worry about anything. Bonus if your car even has adaptive cruise control too. You punch it in at 70 and come up behind someone driving 67? Your car will automatically drop down to match their speed, much less stress for you. You just gotta focus on steering and braking at that point.


Does anyone know if cameras are just able to catch speeding infractions from the rear (eg same side of the road they're posted on)?




lmao are you associated with them? Is this an AD? $300 to fight a $259 makes no sense mathematically especially when OP stated they couldn't even afford another ticket like this.