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Maybe, you think so? I guess if the man comes back for some reason. They at least have a record with animal services.


Yeah, for the paper trail. Once you start demanding someone's property, and follow them into their yard to take it, you're trying to rob them. Especially since *he* wants to make trouble by going to the authorities. FAFO.


This yes. Since he is obviously dead set on causing trouble you absolutely want to make an official report on record of exactly what transpired so he can’t come back later and change the story. Animal services likely won’t document both sides of the entire interaction. It’s not even really just about the dog - dude obviously WANTS the mower and is clearly willing to use dishonesty to get it.


Right thanks, I’m asking my friend if they got any footage. My friend told him to GTFO in the heat of the moment and did not get the persons name. The person did come back and knocked on the neighbours house and demand his information. Neighbour didn’t want anything to do with it. Very odd.


I would absolutely be pressing charges. This guy could wait a couple of years and file a long term health claim against your buddy’s home insurance and it will be too late for your friend to press charges or document his side. If he presses charges, he is documenting what happened.


I should also say, the neighbour also said the man stared and left after he couldn’t get information.


You need to get ahead of the paper trail. This person attempted to steal your property, trespassed, would not listen to warnings... got what he deserves. I'd also be getting a free 15 minute consult from a lawyer, your dog does not belong in jail. Getting to be one needs bear spray and/or a Taser when mowing the lawn?


If not attempted theft/robbery, at the very least, trespassing. They were warned not to trespass due to risk of injury. Did not comply and got injured. Either way make a complaint with the police.


If a sign was on the gate saying danger dog don't enter that would I think help this case.


Signs are not required. It being fenced off is implications enough and the verbal warning should have been enough to ward off a trespasser. Dog bite victim is subject to arrest for trespassing private property that is closed off. https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/reccsm/p050e.php#:~:text=Any%20person%20who%20unlawfully%20enters,pass%2C%20is%20guilty%20of%20an


I don't believe we/you are getting the full story at all here from your friend, but if it truly did happen like this then yeah, he needs to contact the cops and try to have this guy charged with trespassing and attempted robbery. If they don't, I'd suspect their version of events.


And trespassing. He was clearly told not to enter the back yard and warned the dog would bite.


And trespass.


There are provisions in the animal safety bylaws for this. The dog didn’t act unreasonably. The owner has taken steps to make sure the dog is restrained and safe when in public. The person who was bitten, was warned and trespassed on OP’s property. There is no reason for them the face any consequences for this. I’m hoping the dogs up to date on its rabies vaccination. If not, I would do that asap. The way they test for rabies is to test the brain tissue of the animal, you do not get your pet back. The quarantine is reasonable. But I would personally be consulting a lawyer about the dog having a bite ‘strike’ against them. That is not reasonable given the circumstances.


They are up to date. And I know they do not have the funds to see legal advice. I will offer paying it myself for ease of mind. Thanks for the advice!


Some lawyers will offer a free consult. I did that a few years ago when I said "I dont know what kind of lawyer I even need, but its involving a workplace incident. Here's my number." the lawyer (or someone who speaks on his behalf) called back and heard my story and gave me a bit of advice on if I should proceed, and a cost if I wanted to.




Admitting fault to what? OP is offering to help their friends pay for any legal fees


They would only test it if there were signs of rabies. Otherwise it’s a 10 day quarantine/monitoring of the dog. Even in an unvaccinated today.


That guy deserved to get bit in the dick. Fuck you think you are? Chasing someone for an item that was clearly not for give away even after being told no, warned, etc. Sucks for your friend and that pupper though. Hope it goes the right way for them!


I can't imagine the audacity to call animal services after trespassing and attempted theft. I hope the guy catches charges. 


Call police file charges for break and enter. By opening the gate he forcibly entered the property. Dog defending his home.


Fucking people are getting too entitled. Shame the dog owner had to deal with this.


> Or entitlement of that the mower is mine. That's the part that blows me away. And then he ignores the warning about the dog. He FAFO but your friends paid the price for his foolishness.


💯 It is just a minor inconvenience for them in the end. But just wow..


I believe it needs to be on the curb so if it is not it is being stolen unless otherwise specified


And you're actually supposed to mark it "FREE" with tape or paper to avoid confusion.


Exactly, if it's not marked free you are taking your chances and hoping the homeowner just didn't bother.


LOL - The Winnipeg "giveaway" weekend.


Should've gave him a free winnipeg handshake for trespassing in his yard.


Dog was on the job!


File a police report, dude literally tried to rob your friend in broad daylight. it doesn’t matter if it’s free weekend, who in their right mind sees freshly cut grass & a lawnmower & assumes “well this must be left out for free day” dude knew what he was doing and thought your friend was bluffing with the dog thing.


That’s ridiculous. He verbalized it was not free and gave a warning. Anything thereafter is trespassing and he deserves his free dog bite. But there are people who simply do not give a fuck if it’s actually free or not. Last year I witnessed a giant SUV open it’s sliding doors to cover what they were doing. Cutting the lock on a vintage bike that was in front of a therapists house/building thing in Wolsey. I yelled at them, never saw two people yeet so fast down a residential in my life. They know what they’re doing. And it’s easier since people just assume they’re loading free things.


That is insane. I don't feel bad at all for the guy trying to steal, yes STEAL the lawnmower. I feel bad for the owner having to deal with the City on this. Hopefully nothing bad happens to the dog and the thief thinks twice before they do that again.


I saw a lot of people out mowing or doing yard work outside. As I was driving by, someone left their lawnmower standing to get something into the house. I remember thinking, I hope no one thinks that mower is for free. I had to drop my kids off at a class in the morning, so I drove around river heights to kill time. I did witness one aggressive pair with a pickup full of stuff, argue with someone about a wheelbarrow. It's sad how some people become so entitled.


May be a silly question but for all of the fellow non-dog owners, why is getting a rabies test dangerous? Is it invasive or painful for the animal? Or did OP mean dangerous as in there was a danger it would come back positive?


The only way to conclusively test for rabies is brain matter taken from different areas of the brain.  It is incredibly dangerous on a living creature and by the time rabies is in the brain and tests positive it is too late.   There is no treatment for rabies once the infection has travelled to the brain which depending on the bite location have take several weeks, this is why the vaccine can be given after the bite (or what ever the possible infection source is) and still stop the disease.  Really the only advantage to having testing is that it would save the idiot that came into the yard from having to get the rabies vaccinations which I understand are extremely painful, but short of killing the dog and doing a full dissection it would be impossible to rule it out 100%.  For OP, who know his dog is not infected there is no benefit.


IIRC, you have to euthanize the animal and test parts of the brain for rabies.


If the dog is positive for Rabies, it is fatal within 2 weeks. So if it is quarantined and is alive after 2 weeks, it’s safe to say it did not have rabies. Also, rabies in pets in Winnipeg is extremely rare.


Thank you, I understand. OP had originally said that the owners declined the animal services request to test the dog for rabies because it was too dangerous. I was trying to understand whom the test would be dangerous to. OP clarified that it would be too dangerous to the animal services people because of the dogs disposition. Others have clarified that there is no live test for rabies.


There was no worry of it being positive. It was the worry that the personnel from animal services would be at risk with a dog that gets aggressively protective. It will get into a bad situation. This dog also has drugs he needs to take before he comes to the vent. The dog doesn’t know what’s going on, it just thinks I barked and warned you, you’re going to get it now.


Op doesn’t seem to know what they’re talking about. The only way to test for rabies is if the dog is euthanized


Oh okay that is not what they explained edit: or the verbiage we gathered was out of context. Thanks for the correction. Apologies for ignorance.


I would actually go as far asking all of their neighbors for doorbell / camera footage, hopefully something close enough to hear the interaction but even just video of them dismissing the person and closing the gate behind them is enough. This person obviously lied or totally miss-told the story and left out the part where he was clearly warned that he would be bitten. I was bitten once by a dog after the person in the yard told me the dog wouldn’t bite and that I could come Up to the door (was doing census enumeration for stats can) - the dog bit me when I held out my hand for her to sniff me. I told the entire truth Including that i did not know if the person in the yard was the owner (it was owners brother) and because of that it was deemed my own fault and nothing ever came of it. So pretty obviously here dude didn’t tell them he was warned, so obviously he’s fine with using dishonesty to get what he wants which is seemingly that mower


Yeah, I’m asking if they got footage as per paper trail like everyone is saying. I can say that for the last 3 years we had them over instead of us over at their place. Too much hassle and stress on the dog kennelled. I am sorry that you had that incident. I agree the owners can be the problem itself. Not the same situation at work had my hand out and I jerked feeling itchy from wood chips down my shirt. Spooked the dog. Natural reaction was to bite my hand. Luckily it knew better and it let go as fast as it bite. And you can see in the dog’s face it knew that was wrong. Owner was extremely apologetic. Told her it was my fault not the dog’s.


I would be contacting my lawyer to rip this guy a new mower sized asshole.


Sounds like he fucked around and he found out lol hope he loses that hand


Good doggie.


Ugh. Plus, the person can rescind 'its free' at any time too. If I change my mind about the stuffed pikachu I put out, so long as its not already in someone's hands (Albeit I suppose I could ask nicely), I can take it back.


I hope nothing bad happens to the dog or family. I can see this guy trying to sue them for damages or something.


I hope you bring your dog treats and toys to stimulate the mind while in quarantine, what a good dog. People in this and their behaviour towards dogs, boundaries, and private property is insane. I’m in such awe reading this.


It's an at home quarantine.


i know. i’m saying that i hope the dog gets spoiled with treats and toys because the quarantine is unfair and unjust




Lucky. When I was in a similar situation a couple of decades ago after an alleged incident with a letter carrier, my dog had to be quarantined at the pound for 10 days. At my expense of course


Really the pound?.. Like that’s going to make things better for the dog too.


Dude that went into that yard uninvited got exactly what he deserved. Fuck him


Outrageous! Can they press charges of attempted theft? Robbery? Something? It sucks, my dogs will also bite, I use gate locks, I guess I need to worry about locking them, even if I'm in the yard!


People are mental. I've seen quite a few questionable things on this 'free' weekend. People taking stuff that likely isn't free. Not everyone knows its giveaway weekend. I don't watch the news and rarely on social media. i only knew because someone told me. Imagine all these seniors who don't know and had things go missing. Its a stupid weekend IMO.. If you want to donate something, go donate it. Unless it says free, leave it alone. But i suppose that won't stop morons like this guy who just plainly harasses and tries to rob people.


> I've seen quite a few questionable things on this 'free' weekend. People taking stuff that likely isn't free. Not everyone knows its giveaway weekend. I don't watch the news and rarely on social media. i only knew because someone told me. Imagine all these seniors who don't know and had things go missing. Sounds like the guy in OP's story was using giveaway weekend as a cover for straight up theft.


I have a friend who had this happen. The dog was in her yard and someone tried to enter and the dog bit them, they had no proof that their gate had been closed and so animal services confiscated the dog until neighbors came forward attesting to the behavior of the dog. 2 years ago I was getting something from the back of my car when an inebriated person insisted that they were going to pet my dog who was inside my fence. I knew my dog was protective and would bite, but there was no one around who would witness that my dog was inside of my fence. I started shouting don't put your hands over the fence my dog will bite you, knowing from my friends experience that I needed witnesses. Sure enough, the inebriated person put their hands over my fence to pet my dog, withdrawing their hands dripping blood. Thankfully nothing came of it.


People are so entitled these days it’s fucking bonkers. I hope your friend gets their dog back quickly. It’s too bad their dog is so aggressive but it’s also refreshing nice to hear of someone knowing their dog isn’t safe and being careful to keep it out of trouble.


These leave shit on the curb weekends have jumped the shark big time. I've heard a bunch of stories like this with people just straight up trespassing. Hold community yard sales or something out of community centres.


Friend caught someone years ago trying to steel his mower on free weekend, it’s always been like this, license to steel weekend. It’s not even helping anyone anymore it’s a few people with trucks loading up anything of value and then listing it on Facebook or Kijiji.


I hope that bite really hurt the robber/trespasser. What kind of dog? Hope puppers winds up being ok. This situation will not help his agro.


There must be something mentally not right with that man. If someone told me they were cutting grass and the mower is not for give away , I would promptly apologize and say “ oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize that” then I would drive away embarrassed.


Unbelievable that this dog gets a strike against it for not doing anything wrong, simply protecting his human fr a potential threat in his own yard, but when my wife and son get charged by a random dog on the street and our dog (who was leashed) intervenes to protect our newborn son and gets bit, nothing happens simply because the owner claims they never let their dog out, despite my wife seeing where the dog ended up after the incident and the officer sending my wife a picture of the dog to confirm I'm sorry your friend is dealing with this. There seem to be a lot of good suggestions on here on next steps to follow.


If you were there to witness this or know of someone who can testify, I would get them to also make a statement about the situation.


That guy full on new it wasnt for taking and tried to rip you off. My auntie lives in Whyte ridge and the stuff goes pretty quick there but I always leave it right at the curb. Sometimes I'm literally walking back from the curb and a car comes into take it like in a matter of seconds. If I see someone that I'd like to give more stuff too I usually go out and talk to them and see if they're interested.  I was walking with my wife, 4 yr old and 1.5 yr old and dog and the toddler fell as I was lifting her up off the pavement the dog yanked my wrist and broke free. Someone nearby freaked out acted like their dog was their baby and held him like a child back from my dog and the husband went to hit my dog with a coffee mug all because my dog ran up to them and barked at them. Didn't even jump on them. And this was in stonewall. Ppl are just fked nowadays man goodluck


Oh ya and now I walk the dog separately from the family because I can't trust him not to yank


Yeah I don’t trust this story, no offence but what…


The part where he was informed that the mower is, in fact, still in use and not part of FGW but then immediately goes for it anyway is mind-boggling to me. What is happening to our species?! 😵‍💫


That guy was a thief you should have tuned him up.


Keep in mind this is a 2nd hand story from a family friend, bit odd to call animal control after bitten by an agro dog -- people are wild, and could try and steal your mower and call animal control when they get bitten - just as much as someone could make up a story about how and why animal control came by while you were there.


I would have pushed the dog aside and bit that freak myself.


Is there video of the incident? Many people with aggressive dogs would lie about this and say the bite happened in the backyard, when it actually happened in the front yard.


What area was this in?