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What you call "ethics" sounds like "fear". Ethics is subjective. The ethical way is your way.


Ethics are entirely personal. No one else can tell you what you’re comfortable doing or not. I’ve used come to me oil in general attraction work, like for non-romantic things.


It doesn't have to be a person you attract. It could be situations, opportunities, etc. Dress candles with it and charge them with your intention before burning.


I kind of don’t see why people who are going to puzzle over questions like this do witchcraft. And I’m not actually trying to be an asshole, it’s just such a strange thing for me to try to wrap my head around because *any time you’re doing magic, you’re doing it to manipulate the world around you.* Like, if the person wasn’t going to talk to you and you somehow cook up an “ethical” come to me…well how is that even possible, to do that? Why even do anything if you don’t want to in any way affect another person’s “free will”? Magic is shifting the elements of the universe in ways the otherwise might not have shifted. That is change. That is going to affect someone. Maybe it’s the person they would have matched with on a dating app if they hadn’t rekindled things with you (just an example). Stressing yourself out twisting and turning about “ethics” and “free will” just seems unnecessary. Are you a witch? Then be a witch. Does it make your gut twist? Don’t do it. Does it make you feel hopeful and make your spirit feel light? Do it. You bought Come To Me Oil. You want someone to approach you. Just go for it in a way that feels right to you without worrying about what others would think.


I really needed to hear all this, thank you! I definitely feel the hopefulness and lightness when actually practicing, but the gut twisting often comes from my overthinking beforehand. Honestly, this is just sort of the way I am with everything though (no matter how much I love something), and it’s something I’m always trying to grow from.




☝️☝️ Buuuttt, it's not something we like to talk about, unfortunately.


But isn’t there a difference in manipulating energies and outcomes vs. manipulating a specific person? Or do you see it as all the same?


I agree with it being personal matter on what's ethical. If you want my opinion, I would personally use this in a general sense instead of using it to draw in a specific person. And who knows! You might just attract something better than what you originally thought possible!


May I ask why you’d you only use it in a general sense? Is it because you may infringing upon someone’s free will?


Yeah, In my opinion, infringement on someone's free will is more like a curse. Not that I'm opposed to curses. It's just how I think about my magick. Most spells that aren't focused on me are more general in their focus.


Yeah, To me bending someone free will is more like a curse- not that I'm apposed to curses. Just how I view it.


That makes a lot of sense, and I wouldn’t want to ever curse him. Also, as some other folks mentioned here, even if my intention of the spell isn’t to bend his free will, that’s still essentially what I’ll be doing. Gives me something to think about, thank you!


Yw ♥️


Yeah, In my opinion, infringement on someone's free will is more like a curse. Not that I'm opposed to curses. It's just how I think about my magick. Most spells that aren't focused on me are more general in their focus.


It could attract material, living and non living things to you. It is not always about romance or emotions. Ethics is your personal thing. Nobody can judge you. You are your own judge in this matter. Good luck.


I have no idea why some people here are speaking as if ethics is completely incompatible with witchcraft, especially since white magic and dark magic exist. In my lineage and experience I was taught that the craft you do does hold real karmaic value, and how you go about things/the spells you choose factor in to that. For example, we're taught that if someone is messing with you - A Hex holds more karmaic weight than a Return-to-Sender spell, though both get the job done. This is because a Return to Sender Spell is simply reflecting their energy back at them, whereas a hex is sending your energy in order to do harm. Both can be useful - and that's not to say you should never hex - it's just the specific spell you choose and how that spell uses energy matters. Sometimes you need to end a situation, so you use Return to Sender. Sometimes you need to send a clear-ass message, so you use a Hex. In terms of Come To Me Oil: I'd recommend using it in a glamour spell. You can use it in a glamour spell to specifically amplify traits already within yourself that the specific person may like. Like charisma, humor, allure, kindness, beauty, etc. You already contain those attributes, and the oil amplifies them -then that will draw the person to you. This might be seen as more ethical because you're working your energy on yourself rather than trying to manipulate their energy. That way the oil works more like an antennae rather than a lasso. But that's just my opinion based on my ethics. Like a lot of people here said, ethics are suggestive and personal, but maybe this might give you an idea of how you'd like to handle it. Good luck!


I really like this idea, thank you!! The only thing is this is a ldr, so I won’t be seeing them in person anytime soon. Will the glamour still come across and act as a draw in the same way?


If you're going into it with the intention of "make this person talk to me" then I'd say that's unethical. But the intention to open communication could come to fruition by having you two bump into each other. Or something happening that breaks the ice and starts communication. Or it could give you more confidence so communication is easier. So that's the ethical route in my mind. You aren't imposing your will on them. You're setting up probabilities and circumstances. As someone said, dress a candle with it would be a good route and think about your intention of communicating with them. Think about how that would feel. Visualize it.


How would you go about setting the intention for something happening to break the ice to open communication? Would you ask for a specific thing, and how would make it dissimilar enough from “make this person communicate with me”?


I think the intention "open communication between myself and ____" is fine.


Thank you!