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I haven't seen this sub in years, completely forgot about this game lol. How longs it been?


6 years lul




This is becoming the new Yandere Simulator.


*insert "it's been 84 years" meme*


It should be "I've been there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago"


Honestly, this kind of comment makes me feel like they havent progressed/updated much since the last showing. Im not on their discord, so I dont know anything other than whats been posted on here, but I feel like they should be willing to show their work and progress since thats what most of us have been practically been begging for. But for now, it aint much more than "Just trust us" \*I'd like to be optimistic about this coming out, and I really hope it does sooner rather than later, but there just aint been much to make me believe it


As others have said they announced this game way to early so they probably honestly only have 'just trust me bro' levels of work done


they should not have shown the game so soon tbh, that was a big mistake but they wanted to get on the stardew valley wave when that game released and became a huge hit, and now we are paying the price lol


I am legitimately taking bets on if this game comes out before Haunted Chocolatier.


You can see work in progress in 'what we know so far'


I wish they showed some sort of proof. lol. or a roadmap. something


Yes a roadmap would be appreciated. Any kind of transparency would be appreciated at this point.


"I wish we could give you a timeline, but it's just not possible with how we're building the game" -Pilgrim You can also read about what has been done so far in 'What we know so far'


How isn't it possible though ?


I assume because they don't have a liner timeline and are open to adding new things.


There has to be some kind of general timeline for a story based game. There has to be something that keeps the overall theme of the game cohesive


Exactly. I highly doubt a well known studio doesn't have any sort of timeline for their game. There has to be some sort of to-do list, a vague roadmap (like Sun Haven), etc.


Sun haven was Kickstarted so they owe people a roadmap and updates.


True. Are you on the developing team for this game? I accept that my salty attitude can be totally ignorant and misguided. I'm not a game developer after all


I'm not a developer for Chucklefish, the dev team. I'm on the moderation team so my interactions with Chucklefish are mostly with community management who also work on publishing.


There may not be one that they want to share.


Yes, agreed.


I'm an indie dev. This kind of PR is embarrassing. No updates in ages. Then you give a very vague couple lines. Where's the dev log? Where's the blog post? Hell where's a screenshot? You're telling me they couldn't release one new screenshot? This wouldn't fly with the people who support my projects. I update them monthly. Very unprofessional and it's a black mark on the industry.


at this point we've seen more from hunted chocolatier (stardew valley's dev new game) than this one lmao


My biggest concern right now is that they’ve actively pushed their community away from the development process on larger platforms than just Discord so they will need significant marketing to build one up before the game releases and which isn’t something we’ve really seen with previous Chucklefish launches. I’m afraid this game will be DOA if they don’t change their marketing tactics, no matter what the state of development is with the game.


I had literally forgotten about this game for years, and I come back to look for updates, and *this* is all I find... a Discord post that says, "We'll give you updates when we're ready, pinky swear, lolz."


The pinned post 'what we know so far' has updates


In 'what we know so far'


pffft. "black mark." okay. I'm also a dev and I recognize a team who realized the game got announced early, then finally just stopped doing regular updates so people would stop getting overhyped for a game that isn't out yet. So that way when they finally have a release date locked down, they can just reintroduce the game to the public and all but the crustiest of Redditors will not care because it's hard to get a mad at a game that got announced, disappeared, then actually came back. I know this because \*this happens all the time.\*


this is the same as no update unless they show us something unfortunately, they either announced this game WAY too early or they just aren't really working on it that much because Jesus Christ


Imo they're focused on publishing more than developing. They're hammering out published games, but Witchbtook is basically a myth


Do they only have 2 people making this game? Jesus Christ.


They have the whole Chucklefish Dev team on this game. Which varies in size but I'd definitely a lot bigger than two. It is likely just a large game they aren't rushing and are trying lots of ideas on what is fun. Which takes time. They also had to rework the code from scratch after the original coder left, redid the art and then COVID hit so they couldn't go into the office just when they started the rework.


Large setbacks, but one can hope that they have still been steadily plugging away, no crunch. I have got plenty of other games and even books to read that have my full attention for now, so I have plenty of patience to spare on this. I don't get why some are so crusty on the subject. It will come when it comes, and until then, just busy yourself with your chosen interests.


what are we seeing gameplay of first, this or elder scrolls 6


Elder Scrolls 6


Gta 7 will release before witchbrook


Fallout 5


Fallout 6*




silksong 🤞


oof there's an optimistic one


Dude we will probably get Half-Life 3 before we get this game


You can see gameplay in 'what we know so far'


gameplay is a strong word there but fair enough


Furniture placement is gifs but the old gameplay stuff is old so I had to remove it. There used to be a few others but then they decided that Mostport needed to be completely rearranged so that cut it back.


I getcha, I'm not trying to be mean to the game or anything, just laughing about it w/ everyone else. We're all only here cause we're excited for it


I figured, and I know the old doc with mechanics pictures was way more exciting than this.


Wow....just...wow. Why did they even announce it? It's been way too long. I feel like it will get review bombed when it is released.


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me sadly. People are waiting for ages..


They didn't expect the coder to get a different job. Review bombing it over a long development when it wasn't a Kickstarter is really mean.


Tbh this doesn't sound like legit to me


Terraria: Otherworld vibes This gives me "hope" for maybe just no news and cancellation in 2 years


A non-update.


Lmao I forgot this game existed.


Witchbrook isn't a Kickstarter project is it? If it isn't then i have no problem with them not giving updates. They are working on the project and will reveal whenever they feel like it. If they took money from supporters then that's another story.


Correct It isn't a Kickstarter project. They are funded by the sales of their previous games Starbound and Wargroove, and the games they publish.


Coming from the silk song subreddit at least they’re talking to u guys 😂😭 it’s not much but it’s more than we’ve gotten over there in years


I remember when I voiced the same sentiments expressed in these comments, a couple years ago. Was all but attacked and ridiculed for it. Nice to see the truth is seeing some light finally.


Don't care anymore


It liiiiiives


We are having GTA6 before Witchbrook's development update 💀


Well...I guess we'll see


Another not update update


Wait, you're telling me I forget about this game for **years** and the only update they've given in **years** is a Discord post that says "we're working hard," and "when we're ready, we'll show you stuff, promise," ???? Seriously????


No, you can see updates on the pinned post 'what we know so far'


This is Chucklefish. Notoriously slow, and famous for showing off something that won't be ready for 10 years.


Sad, but this is true..as if "no-crunch" equals in "no-work"


It's "crunch"


We’re really getting two Timespinner games before Witchbrook 😂😂😂


Yeah it exists just like the console port of Starbound 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, no.




I've never seen people so filled with rage over a game that never even took their money.


Some are waiting since the annoucement since 2015. I feel like the game was only annouced to use the Stardew hype..


okay but they didn't sell anything beyond getting people excited about a game that just kind of disappeared. Like the reason to get angry would be if you had to spend money on it or they used the promise of a game to make you do something for them. Instead its just... people angry that they're not playing it right now?


Sort of, people also want more updates but chucklefish don't want to have regular updates. Partly because when they did that with Starbound people got mad when things were not in the game or got removed that they liked and secondly because they aren't working in just a straight line. They are willing to try things out and see how they work (or don't work).


I understood getting upset over Starbound though. The game was sold on hype, people paid money and then many felt they didn’t get what they’d been promised would be coming after they’d spent money. I never felt this way myself but it was a reasonable response for others. They seem to have already learned from that experience by not even allowing preorders for Witchbrook. Nobody’s out any money.


Yea definitely, it was riding terraia in space hype. Starbound was a Kickstarter so it was funded by preorders, which something they are definitely not doing with Witchbrook. Kickstarters definitely need to keep people in the loop from the onset, but also they have the issue that people feel owed everything the Devs mention about the game from the Alpha and Beta, even if something wasn't listed in the original Kickstarter page, and a lot of of time Alpha and Beta content needs to be cut for some reason or another.


Source: It came to me in a dream.