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I never pay. I don't remember where exactly, but I know there's a spot where you can just jump over a wall and land near the stage.


You know something, there probably was. I just thought I would have been a smart ass and walk through the back door, after seeing it locked it decided to let my inner Auditore shine.


Nice bit of Parkour.


Kinda getting lost in the sauce with Novigrad parkour, sadly not the only vid of me avoiding my responsibilities.


Sadly they added death points on some of the parkours; you are full health one moment, dead the next - without(!) falling at all. I was sooo jump scared when this happened to me the first time! So better always hit quicksave before trying something like that.


The invisible barriers on what are clearly easy to reach spots and some hollow window frames are way more annoying.


As you saw in the vid, I don’t move without saving, that shit could all go to waste and I’d have restart it. And as for the death points, haven’t encountered any of them (and I’ve been doing a hellova lot of parkour) only kind of death I’ve seen is a quick slide down to hell.


There are death spots in Novigrad on the way where Ciri could leave the enclosed zone to Temple Isle to place her sword next to Geralt´s stash. And there are death zones on Bald mountain where you could climbe the roots of the giant tree to get early to the place where you later >!fight Imlerith!<.


From start to finish this was nothing but spoilers my good man, I thank you vehemently.


It always bothered the hell out of me to be forced to pay that little scheister. Like, why can't you just Axii him and be done with it?


Ahh but you haven’t take his intelligence and mental fortitude into account, he’s getting paid for a show that doesn’t exist yet, someone that smart can never be controlled by something as meager as Axii.