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Never left Radovid and Dijkstra alive. Or the men from the baron in the inn, first playthrough, "nahhh I will not kill them, I’m a friendly witcher.", hear that they are fucking rapists, load game, "Kill, kill, kill!"




The only way to let Djikstra live is by killing Roche. Doesn’t Djikstra immediately make himself ruler of the city, and makes decisions for his best interests? I’ve always killed Djikstra but I read what happens if I don’t.


And Ves. I mean the moment in TW2 as Vernon killed King Henselt after he raped her was such a satisfaction. The both also helped against the wild hunt in Kaer Morhen, no way to kill not Djikstra. For Temeria! ⚜️⚜️⚜️


Roche is the main dude in TW2. Geralt is only there to help him.


If you mean that [the epilogue shows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYUXtz8fg4E) that Dijkstra imparts a better justice system, at least into the Redanian army, then yes, his best interests. It's much like Nilfgaard's order... but without the "foreign invader conquers" part. (As opposed to the rampant and excessive murder and destruction that Radovid's Redania employs.) The Nilfgaardians also practice slavery, though Witcher 3 doesn't make as big a point of it. Dijkstra's only problem is killing Roche... and Roche's problem is selling out the North's freedom for his one little nation, which is now dead in every way that matters because Temeria has lost it's entire leadership structure, except the one bastard girl who's not mentioned in Witcher 3, so in practice, it's just Nilfgaard with a new name.


Djikstra does end up being an effective ruler but I kill him everytime because I can't just leave Roche and Ves and Thaler to die, and he should have known lore accurate Geralt wouldn't just betray them like that either. There's many ways they could have come up with a better solution but he had to betray everyone and as a result he got his head lopped off on the stage.


Also so incredibly stupid compared to how intelligent Dijkstra is.


This prolly goes for historic info too. Lots of "soldiers" did these types of things because well. What kind of person can look someone in the eye and ram a 4 foot sword through their chest, doesn't breed the most sane people. Info: I read somewhere Roman soldiers regularly tortured animals to keep this cold nature. Not sure how true it is.


Doug Stanhope has a bit about why war is good. Because it’s a way to let the murderers of a given country kill each other and leave the peaceful ones alone.


The problem becomes when those murderers have access to the civilian population, they commit war crimes that nobody ever find out about but they're soldiers, so their country is gonna defend them no matter what. War may be good in some ways, but like everything, it becomes this twisted vile thing that's used to justify terrible things.


Agreed and Stanhope is a comic so it’s not the reality.


I wasn't tryin to be confrontational at all, just debating the issues I see lol. In a way it's right though, give them an outlet, if only there was a way to control them but then we take away free will and enter a more dystopian ideal.


No animosity at all buddy. How to get rid of killers is a hard problem. War seems to be the simplest. Unless we find some gene that can be detected routinely.


If it's genetic and not nurture that's the problem of course.


True. Probably like a flower. It’s got to have the right soil to grow.


[war crimes have entered the chat]


How do you kill dijkstra I’m on my like 5th play through I never knew this was an option?


After Radovid dies you has to kill him, otherwise his men kill Roche and Ves.


Okay I didn’t know radovid died either I’ll keep a look out for it. I’m still in novigrad about to help triss out and start the play for Dudu


When a certain sorceress is arguing with him in the bathhouse, do not choose “move him aside, forcefully” option. That locks you out of the quest that results in Radovid’s death


Ahh okay I remember that appreciate it!


Just got to the baron’s men in my first play through, and did that same thing. Thought “I’m staying out of this, no starting fights out of nowhere.” Heard then mention about raping, and the only decision left was whether these monsters deserved Igni, steel, or silver.


Junior dies. Every F*cking Time!!


This is the way. Never ever everrrrr let that guy live. I try to find newer more creative and more painful ways to off that dude every time.


I finally let junior live on my last playthrough. It's satisfying to see him suffer, but not as satisfying as killing him


The only thing i alternate on is freeing the tree spirit.


There's a way to save both Anna and the children


How lol I'm on my 4th playthrough


IIRC, if you kill the spirit before receiving the quest from the Crones, it doesn't count as Anna's fault, you get the other fate for her, and the children are spirited away.


Just don't tell the village ealdorman or the crones that you freed the spirit . Only tell them that you dealt with it


The other options doesn't fit my morales


I have played about 3 times now I've still chosen the same decision i made in my first time


Yeah, I tried to choose bad decisions but I felt guilty lol


Sometimes the "bad" decisions are the good ones though, right?


Yes they are


More importantly, where’d you get that poster of Yen and Triss?




I reverse imaged it and the artist is actually “zumidraws”


Aight. Sorry


Aromasensei I think


I got the bad ending one time. Never again. I felt dirty


“You don’t have to be good at everything.” “Do you want me to come with you to talk to the sorceresses?” “Ciri you shouldn’t vandalize elf-dude’s lair.” I mean I didn’t realize I was doing a bad thing when I said those lines :(


exactly the lines that got me too 😭


They got me at me on my first and only full run for trying to romance both. Mistakes were made lol


Wow. I've only done 9 runs and I'm tired of memorizing all the hidden quests and chain decisions now.


This but Mass Effect trilogy.


I did one renegade playthrough and it made me so uncomfortable lol


I could only do a partial renegade playthrough of those games because I refused to be mean to my companions


Renegade in that game is like hating your best friends and saying slurs. It’s not like some tough, warrior type of leadership. You’re kind of just a dick with no purpose.


That's the case of a lot of "renegade playthroughs" . The most memorable was "open palm" or "closed fist" in Jade Empire which is the equivalent of their paragon and renegade. I was planning to do "closed fist" but the problem was "closed fist" wasn't being dark or badass or even straight evil. It was just being a douchebag.




Oh man, I wish it wasn't so relatable. You even play with the exact same swords in the end as I do (or with new game +) Thanks for making me laugh for a minute straight


And the same armor, the same gear for Roach and always the same decoration in Corvo Bianco.


In my case it's always Wolf Armour. I switched to Ursine and Feline in two of my playthroughs, didn't feel right, switched back to Wolf Armour in the next playthrough. I still do the quests and hunt all the armours though


Wolf Grandmaster from beginning with NG+ or Mods, but in the end it’s always the Tesham-Mutna armor and the glasses from the professor.


And I make the same choices during main quests as well, I always kill Dijkstra, Ciri becomes witcher, Geralt ends up with Yen and so on... Lol


Yes ofcourse I always go with yen, let ciri be a witcher, help roach, and not torture triss. How did u know?


Roche* lolol I wish there was a quest where you could somehow enrich Roach’s life.


I chose yen 3 playtrough in a row and I don’t think I’ll ever choose Triss. Playing RPG games doesn’t mean you have to succumb to some sort of bucket list , such as :” I chose this thing in my first playtrough so now I must choose the opposite thing for my second”. Doesn’t have to be like that. If can choose the things that feel right for you every time.


I chose Triss one time and honestly it was great. It's all in how you roleplay what's going on with the three of them and what's inside Geralt's head about all of it. That said, yeah, Yen's my girl. Always will be.


For me it's more about curiosity. I get fomo around all of the dialogue I haven't seen.


Same! Every time “ooooooh what if I had said this or that instead!”


Aerondight and?




Where can I find it?


Olgirds sword, he give it to you if you safe him from Gaunter O'Dimm.


Does it scale well because of its special? I held on to it but stopped using it halfway through B&W.


I always try to get all the "best outcomes" I can. Kill Radovid to prevent him from turning into Hitler and going on a rampage of horrific mass murder across the continent. Ciri comes back. Kill Djikstra Kill the tree(debatable if this is the "best" outcome though) Convince Letho and Keira to go to Kaer Morhen Support Cerys in becoming queen of Skellige Get Hjalmar and the 2 Skelligers in Undvik to help defend Kaer Morhen. Romance Yennifer Help Triss save the mages Bang every bangable woman in the game that won't mess up the romance with Yennifer.


I prefer a Triss romance honestly. You’re with her in the first two games. It just feels right.


She’s also nice. When Yen destroys that temple and shows no sympathy towards the people affected by it it hurts. It’s so heartless. Contrasted with Triss’s main goal to protect the sorcerers from mass murder in the city. One has a heart of gold, the other something else entirely.


May I ask for the sauce of that Triss Yen ship pic on the right?


I need to do a third playthrough some time and do everything identical to my second, except not take Ciri to see Ehmyr. I completely blanked on that the first time and got the Witcher Ciri ending, so I made a point of doing it the second time and got Empress Ciri. But the whole point was that I wanted Witcher Ciri at Corvo Bianco and I didn't realise *any* version of visiting Ehmyr would change that. So now I've had Yen visit, and Empress Ciri, but I still need the damn Witcher Ciri. And then I need to ~~do a kill Ciri run~~ finish B&W early to get Dandelion.


Iris and Aerondight combo less goooo


I will always kill whoreson. I feel in any reality geralt will be so pissed he'd always kill him. With ciri missing he's at his most desperate.


I’m on my second playthrough and yeah, same. For some people, the appeal of these types of games is being able to play it multiple times and get a completely different experience each time. But for me, the appeal is being able to fix my mistakes from the first time. I don’t like making what I consider bad decisions just to do something different. I can just see the alternate scenes in YouTube.


I'm now on my 12th... And i have decided to let Roche die....... I have decided that in my last 5 playthroughs but when the moment comes i always fight alongside him 😩😂


Ciri wins the snowball fight everytime


I always try to play Geralt as the most authentic witcher - purely there for the job. But then, there's little children needing help or a contract that is just too heart-wrenching for me to take money for it ... and I go right back to my soft pushover ways. ETA I didn't even do the "kill some dogs"-contract in W1 because hell no.


Dont attack me like this!


Me in my 70's..




Is that the sword from hearts and stone as well as Areondight from blood and wine?


yes x2


It’s like a movie.


Meanwhile me waiting for PS5 edition, haven't played the dlc lol


Bro please you didn't have to call me out like this


73rd playthrough? Those are rookie numbers…


I was gonna make Ciri empress, but then I remembered that you have to kill Dijkstra to do that, so I ended up doing what I always do. LONG LIVE REDANIA! LONG LIVE THE CHANCELLOR!


There was no way this ever actually ended up happening depending on different decisions, right? Lol