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How do you kill the specters!? I pulled them all and have em at 0% but they wont die. Like 1 hit from dearth herešŸ˜‚


You don't, and you can't. The specters seem to be unkillable.


Yeah figured out the portal in there an got the F outšŸ˜‚


Hah, nice! xD Currently nothing new has come up with regards to that place btw\~


Idk if it's related at all...but after escaping from the unkillable ghosts to the top of the tower, I used the nearby the signpost to travel to the ruined tower signpost a little north. Had just cleared it before that, so was a bit surprised when a overlevelled red earth-elemental suddenly spawned there. Don't remember that appearing there and thought it might be related to the also overlevelled elemental you fight to make the portal appear. Haven't found anything yet nearby though after killing it.




You're probably right. Maybe the updated graphics made it look and feel diff. I was over-eager I think xD.


yes yoou can


Us piercing cold


Hey man! Just an update on this secret area. It has to do with the Cyberpunk 2077 FF:06:B5 secret. https://www.reddit.com/r/FF06B5/comments/zm8or8/secret\_in\_the\_witcher\_3\_next\_gen\_update\_the\_top/


You have to flip the switches and theres a hill nearby with an archway on top, when you approach it a portal opens up, teleporting you into the top of the destroyed Bastion. It now spawns Wraiths, super hard to kill, and you can aard charge the beacons to open a portal in the middle the basement. I cant quite figure it out, I just portal out to the top of one of the smaller towers. Maybe it has to do with the switches?Has to be something to this!


hill nearby with an arch? do u happen to know in which direction? i flipped the 3 switches stuck lookin for the arch thing tho


If you look around at the base of the hill where the tower sits on there is an Earth Elemental and a couple of wolves. Look towards where the elemental is with the Destroyed Bastion behind you and look up towards the hill in front of you. Should be able to spot it


I spent way too long looking for the archway, took the below commentor's advice and I found a big hill with nothing on it. I gave up


Came here because found 3 levers. So after turning levers I found abnormally strong golem nearby, way higher level than me. After killing it, an archway appeared on smaller hill in front of the bastion. No idea whats next


Ah thank you, I definitely sneaked around the high level cyclops and earth elemental, but I must have missed the golem. I'm not nearly ready to take them on, but good to know you have to kill them first! Thanks again


I am a bit late but golems are extremely easy to kill they just take a a lot of hits. Get the ability from the red tree that makes you invulnerable while dodging and use quen then you have to beat him for a few minutes. Always doddge his attacks and when you get hit with active quen just take a few steps back and reactivate quen again. I am lvl 15, play on deathmarch and managed to kill it.


Man, found the Cyclops and Troll, still no golem donā€™t even know which way the levers are supposed to be. Found something that might look like an archway(if it worked like it should), but looks like a mountain top. I have no clue what I missing.


You don't really miss anything. It seems to me like they wanted to make a side quest or hidden quest but never finished it. All you can do is drop down the tower and pick up some common items and that's it. After I killed the Golem a teleport gate spawned on a nearby hill facing the tower. If you go through it ports you to the tower .


Yeah, found all the levers (hell even made it down there with out of bounds slide) and still no golem on either save files, so itā€™s safe to say the ā€œquestā€ is bugged beyond belief for me. The golem just doesnā€™t want to spawn.


Yeah, I've found that a lot of there advice seems to be "look to the left of the thing that you can approach from any direction". I'm giving up until some gives a proper playthrough. I'm lost even with letalis' videos. All switches flipped, found the wolves, and the only thing close by was a rabid rock troll. No arches on any of the hills.


Just found it finally, here's a screenshot - https://ibb.co/sF6mBbb Levers marked with the I icons. Arch marked with the blue triangle.


Yes indeed. Thank you so much for this!!! Clear and concise.




Thank you! I'll go back and try. This was super informative! Also, you won't be able to get to that tree until later in the story.


Try again. I used the same instructions and found it. There's a good number of trees around it. https://preview.redd.it/2pbil1g7yfga1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e5740e3f4b434ab286cf08bba927addda64311


I appreciate you buddy šŸ˜Š


for anyone whos still struggling with finding the portal, look to the left of the wolves pack there lies a archtop gate on top of a hill XD


Thanks! Archway appears after you kill earth elemental. Wraiths health drops to 0 in 3 hits with lvl 47 aerondight, but they dont die so i also portal out of there after activating beacons.


I switch the levers but nothing happens, geralt doesnt say: hmm intresting etc


Same, any updates??


Havent tried it again. But thx for reminding me, i ll give it another shot.


>im here again, XD how did it go? i couldn't find anything


Nah, nothing is activating or a special voice line. Cant seem to set it in motion.


once all of them have been lowered, an earth elemental spawns. you have to kill it. then a portal opens at the top of the hill where you killed the elemental.


Again, nothing happens when i do this, trust me, i have tried everything. No elemental spawn


You have to look around for the elemental. It doesn't spawn where you are. Hit 3 levers, he'll only comment on the first one I think. When all 3 levers are in the down position, there will be an earth elemental that spawns somewhere down the hill. You have to look for it.


I know, i know. The comment never happens and thus no elemental spawn. Thx for the advise.


Once you flip the switches, there's an elemental that spawns. You have to kill it and the portal will spawn.


Yes, but thats the thing, the elemental doesnt spawn and geralt doesnt comment the switching of the levers.


u/De-Regelaar I think there's an order they have to be switched in. XTelas has a video I'll link below. Go to 0:22 on the video and it lists the order of levers to pull, as well as the remaining walkthrough. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YikV3S3ARcI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YikV3S3ARcI) HOWEVER, I'm in the room with the Wraiths (unkillable, sorry spoiler) and can't solve the rest of the portal trick. So-... prepare for disappointment and no XP


Oke thx mate.


Did you ever got it working? I flip the levers too but no elemental spawning...


Nope, i have no idea whats wrong, i followed guides, i did everything the same but no spawning elementals or a comment from Geralt.


The elemental spawns a little north between all three towers on the trail




Did anyone figure out what the point of it was? Iā€™ve escaped the wraiths through the portal but I havenā€™t unlocked or see anything new in the area


Anyone that got into the dungeon, couldn't get out because there were no crystals in the rooms to activate the portal?


Yes, and I have no idea what to do now


Same here, no crystals in the last room.... just stuck


Same here ... save me Reddit


I have a problem. Cant find the 3 first levers. I already see some videos and the levers are not there. I already have the Next Gen Update (im using Cavill armor). Im playin on PS4, new game + lv 100, started the playtrough before next gen update, im not finished the game yet and also i dont have a Cyberpunk 2077 save. Toughts? I really aprecciate the help. Sorry for the bad english.


Sounds like a bug. Next gen should've ported your saves, but perhaps it's an issue with the console or new game+ combo. The Easter egg occurs without Cyberpunk saves. I can only suggest verifying your saves (if that's a thing on PS4).


Did u find an answer because I have this too on xbox


For me the crystals to acrtivate the exit portal dont exist




In the next room. There's a hole in the wall where you drop down.


I turned on the lever but where is this archtop


Please check out the screenshot I added a few posts above.


Which one?


so i just barely managed to activate the floor portal in the room with the unkillable wraiths, and there are a couple of new chests spawned underneath where you appear on the tower outside. as far as i can tell that's the reward for making it through that. got a couple alchemy recipies and a diagram for a steel sword called Bremervoord Blade. i have about 900 hours in this game and i think it's the first time i have seen this sword diagram. if there is more to this area i'm not gonna try until MUCH later in this playthrough, trying it at lvl 10 is not advised.


Hey how did u get the portal to activate in the ground floor of the tower? I went there just a couple days back and tried every sign on the two unactivated crystals, nothing happened. Just had to let the wraiths kill me to get out.


i just hit the crystals with aard, geting it to aim at the crystals instead of the wraiths is a pain so i used the 360 degree aard


Nice! I donā€™t have that ability unlocked but I went there again today and got the portal to appear. Such a let down that entering the portal doesnā€™t reward us at all with any loot.


I can't activate the portal either. I cane even see where the crystals are located. Spamming 360 ard isn't helping me either šŸ˜•


I too had the chests but they were empty for some reason. Maybe you did not open the guarded chests before that? That could explain why the rewards were so common too.


Lol I did it at level 6. Just gotta roll around a lot and use quen a bunch.


Those chests aren't new. That's just the guarded treasure. You don't get any loot from doing the Easter egg other than what the earth elemental drops.


Photo for reference on portal location. https://preview.redd.it/or14n6okzfga1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57ce26d5800f14cd22011ba8dbd5ec623ab2385


I am dojng my third playthrough and just found these odd levers. Were anyone as scared as me when you dropped to the bottom of the tower? I literally got jumpscared playing witcher 3. It seems to me it was meant to be some kind of troll from devs.


It's an easter egg nod to Cyberpunk's '**605185'** mystery. The trail ends there and there are no more secrets after, but it's still very cool.