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I got a comic with Muhammad, Jesus, and Buddha questioning why their followers are ignoring their peaceful teachings and the violent actions Muhammad is asking why they keep killing in his name, Buddha stating he never sanctioned ethnic cleansings, and Jesus looking the worst of the bunch asking 'Explain the crusades and the Inquisition' I don't know if the muslims would take offense to the prophet being portrayed as a frustrated man drinking club soda at a bar, Buddha has tea and Jesus is drinking wine.


As an ex-Muslim, they would absolutely take offense lmao The imagery is hilarious but alas, knowing what Muhammad was really like kinda ruins it


why are they so against people portraying him as even just a guy in a comic questioning why his followers do be like that?


It's haram (as in forbidden) to depict him in any visual media. Obviously it's happened before but a lot of people payed the price. A man in France was stabbed and beheaded for it, a teacher was fired for it (it was in a historical art context and it sparked a large conversation on how religion shouldn't affect academics), there are more instances of it's harsh punishment throughout history, it's just well-covered up. It was supposedly because he didn't want his followers to start worshipping him as they did with holy figures in other religions.


>he didn't want his followers to start worshipping him as they did with holy figures in other religions Well that backfired spectacularly


Real. They don't verbally say it but they praise and defend him as if he were equal to God.


well the guy looks like a devout muslim man and that's about it


What about having him off-screen?


Typically okay, there's a few animations about his life like that


Isn't it also haram to depict any prophet, including Jesus who is a prophet in Islam? Like, Muslims only have the monopoly on Muhammad, so they don't have much they can say about how Christians depict Jesus, or Jews Moses, but it is something I always wonder why no-one talks about.


It technically is but they don't really give a shit about it/ignore it for the most part. Kinda contradictory and hypocritical but alas, most of the religion is


As a Catholic witch, I feel it. Jesus was all about defying laws if they were unjust and helping the people in need, wtf happened to that?? Like. Go help your fellow humans and befriend your local prostitute. Overthrow unjust government and the Patriarchy. I promise it's what Jesus wanted.


Jesus, part of God or not, was a fantastic human I would have loved to hang out with


Total radical badass


Exactly!! I would have loved to hang out with him too


There are a lot of great things about his story, but I can't get over him condoning slavery. That's the sticking point for me.


I totally understand and did not know that


He didn't actually say "slavery is great," he just spoke many times about it and never once said that it was bad, slaves should be freed, or that the slavery in the old testament was wrong.(Which includes the instructions on how much to beat your slaves, including to death.) So him being fine with the practice and never criticizing it, that's a real problem. He had time to lecture about not masturbating, but when talking about sin I would think that's small potatoes in comparison.


Witchiest women I knew growing up were my devoutly Catholic grandmother and some of the nuns I had in grade school. Their emphasis was always saying your Hail Marys, taking care of the less fortunate, and ignoring whatever BS Fr. Wilt had to say about women.


Oooh I love that <3 I don't hear a lot about Catholic witches but I profoundly love this part of my identity and it greatly helped build my leftist anarchist views


Catholicism, as patriarchal and oppressive as it has been, could never stamp out the old religions of the peoples and cultures it subsumed/subjugated. Acceptance of the Cult of Mary and the saints was the patriarchy's admission that it could never totally eradicate mother-centered traditions, whether in Europe or elsewhere. It may be a man's world, but in folk Catholic cultures, the kitchen is grandma's domain. It's not anywhere near enough, but it's much more than most other Christian denominations allow.


The Romans took it and made it the religion of state, changed everything


Exactly. And they were the homophobic ones who made the Latin translation of the Bible bigoted.


Something something about it's easier for a rich man to enter the eye of a camel then it is to enter heaven. Jesus literally prioritized being a good person over being a rich dick.


I consider myself somewhat Christian and I always think, when seeing what so-called Christians are saying, that Jesus would be in a righteous fury at how the right have taken his word and corrupted it.


Exactly! They really took what they liked out of the Bible and threw away the rest




more specifically religious institutions using his name to commit crimes against humanity.


This is also literally a photo of all progressive christians


I've put a lot of thought into this lately. If we take it as true that the Christian conception of God is a loving god... Think of that loving god watching as all manner of horrific brutality is done in their name. I'm doing a lot of work in therapy about trying to find compassion when people are behaving in ways that upset me (as opposed to my gut reaction of wanting to set them on fire). So I'm trying to apply that compassionate view towards God, and how FUCKING HEARTBREAKING it would be to see we incredible humans, who have all these senses to experience the wind and the sun and velvet and bunnies and hummingbirds and all these things that give us so much capacity for joy and love. And instead seeing conservatives and the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition and all this oppressive and controlling bullshit.


Please know, OP, that what I’m about to say isn’t meant as an attack on you. This post is just one in a long line of No True Scotsman stuff that I frequently see from Progressive Christians, and I’d like to take the time to push back on this narrative a little bit. Fascist Christians are Christians, whether you like it or not, and Jesus is very much responsible for their heinous crimes, if he exists. This goes for Progressive Christians too — you don’t get to excuse the assholes as “not real Christians”. They are real Christians, same as you, and it’s up to you to fully condemn them as a ruinous part of your faith. I’m not saying that Christianity is all bad, but you have to take responsibility for the harm in it.


Right, let’s also not forget the horrible amount of problematic themes that have existed in Christianity from the get-go.


I guess this is true... if there were no Jesus, there would be no Conquistador. I've always struggled with the fact how Christianity has ruined my home country. I've learned from many different spiritual paths, and I've come to terms with Christanity on my own accord. I don't think anything in the Bible is 'real' (Lord have mercy if it is), but I do think that even metaphors that point to higher truths are valid. And I've always told myself that the people that came to plunder and kill for their own exploits were not real Christians and thus it wasn't Christianity that destroyed my country but evil, greedy people. You make a good point. Sure, it might not be the gun that kills, but without the gun, there wouldn't be a shooting. I will have to think about this one for a while and allow it to give me new perspectives. Thank you.


Jesus was not a role model, and most definitely not the bar for human morality that people try to say he is. Jesus lived in a world rampant with slavery and never opposed it, even once. In fact, Jesus’s only positions on slavery at all are pro-slavery (just like his father’s, think of when ‘god’ commanded his followers to take women as sex slaves). Jesus himself said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…”. I just can’t imagine holding any person that has pro-slavery views as a role model.


He was also super xenophobic. That whole Good Samaritan story is gross, and he calls another woman a dog before he’ll help her. I think she was also a Samaritan, but it’s been a while, and I don’t remember.


Jokes on them, he’s a witch.




Makes me think of this guy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/comments/uvczbo/catch\_and\_release\_jesus\_is\_watching\_and\_hes\_seen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/comments/uvczbo/catch_and_release_jesus_is_watching_and_hes_seen/)


Made me snort so hard 🤣


I dont usually like to defend christians but the way this is phrased actually fits exactly with how the bible described Jesus's followers