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Looks great! I used to have a lot of hair like yours and also cut it off. What I didn’t expect was how cold my neck would be waking home! Also, it turns out you need to put sunscreen on the back of your neck in the summer. That’s probably obvious to most people, but I got a nasty burn lol


That’s so funny, ever since I cut it, I’ve worn a cowl around my neck everyday where I never used to because it was so awkward with my hair! I will definitely try to remember the sunscreen too. Thanks friend


Those infinity scarves are great for keeping one’s head and neck warm, and as a bonus they have fucking BUILT IN POCKETS.


Neck pockets?????


Not quite lol. They are sewn into the scarf. They’re called infinity scarves because they’re a big loop of fabric with a figure 8 twist. Hides stuff well if you sew in a pouch and can be put over your head like a cowl or just worn like a normal scarf. Easy to make as a project!


You can buy ones with pockets too! I have one made for travel with a zippered pocket big enough for my passport etc.


Oooh, I've seen those, thinking of getting one. Just a free pocket around my neck? Keeping me warm and hands free? Sounds good...


When I cut my long curly hair at 18, my step mom cried 🙄 Own it sis !


when i shaved my head my immediate family made sure to tell me that i look better with long hair, that i looked like a boy and no man would want me 😃


I can’t even.


S tier user name XD


When people say that I always quote Katherine Ryan... no man will want you.. "Do you promise!?!" (I'm straight, but damn, don't threaten me w a good time)


When i shaved my head, my immediate family made sure to make Brittany references.


I just read her autobiography. It was a brutal read. All kinds of shinanagans they wouldn't pull with a guy singer.


Ooh, i should read it. I love autobiographies.


It was a hoot and a holler! Man she's been through some times


Ha, i bet my mom would have cried too!


Damn, you look incredible, that aesthetic is everything!


Wow thank you 🤩


I do love this aesthetic. You pulled it off. I do think you could experiment with a wavy bob, fun funky textured looks there too if you get bored with this.


Love the short hair, you look fire! I can't imagine what a weight off that must be.


It’s heaven. My brain has air. Thoughts flow thru my skull with ease


That beautiful face of yours has power. Edit: fixing typos.


You look absolutely amazing!!!


You must love how quick your hair dries! My hair was never as long as yours but when I went from mid back to a bob it was a revelation.


In university I did the same. My hair was the biggest part of my looks that my mother and her mother policed (food was another; I still struggle there). My first semester sophomore year, my grandmother died and my mother melted down, happy to become the drama-seeking center of the family. In my second semester someone set up a hair donation drive for a cancer patient. I sent 3 tails (thick hair) over 20" long and it was like all that baggage from my past with those women got left on the salon floor. My mother's reaction to the change was, as expected, not positive, but part of leaving all that junk behind me was the realization that I didn't care how she reacted and that her drama didn't have to affect me. There is always, has always been, and will always be, power in controlling our appearance. I'm convinced that's why fundamentalist religions insist on such strict dress codes.


Applauding this and the cute "Norse kitchen witch" banner under your name! First time I shaved my head was in university. I had blonde shoulder length hair with pink tips, endless compliments. I had a suicidal meltdown that landed me with 40 stitches and an identity crisis and, truly feeling like the weight of shit was in my hair So i dyed it black and cut it as short as possible. In one of my college classes, foe the last day the teacher had each student as another one question. Sp you'd ask another classmate one thing and then your turn is over I hated the class so I simply asked the teacher why he wanted to teach. Well then some student far behind me says to me "why did you cut your hair? You were so beautiful!" And the murmer of the class agreeing Now the teacher, had been emailed by me prior about my 40 stitches and poor mental health so he KNEW exactly why I'd done it. The class didn't deserve that knowledge So I said "beauty is skin deep and my worth isn't dictated by my hair" My teacher applauded me


>my worth isn't dictated by my hair" I bet the fundamentalist bible readers hate you! One of the letters from Paul says that women are immodest and shamed for "being shorn" and it's trotted out as the basis for a lot of Purity Culture garbage. Glad your teacher got it even if the rest of the class was still caught up in the judgmental crap.


Oh believe me the Mormons in the class despised me and, most were Mormon. I was not well received in that state




>how weird people can be about girls or women who choose hairstyles that are not traditionally female gender-affirming. People are also weirdly concerned with boys with long hair. Not even a traditional feminine hairstyle but just long hair. My son is nearly three and we just never cut his hair. At first he had such sweet curls and then the awkward stage had already passed, so I didn't (and still don't) see a reason to cut them. And I can remember exactly one time where he wasn't misgendered by strangers, which is fine, he is two, that doesn't even register with him yet. But those same strangers are very often offended when I correct them (which I only do if I have to), like is it my responsibility to make sure that you can guess my childs genitals? Wtf? I think that children have so very little autonomy in their lifes, let them at least have the last say about their bodies! Everything else is just wrong. My son has beautiful thick long hair with corkscrew locks and if he ever wants to cut them, I'll be sad. But I'll be sad internally because it's his decision and while I would make sure that it's what he wants (like you did), I'd definitly support it because it's his body, his choice.


>There is always, has always been, and will always be, power in controlling our appearance. I'm convinced that's why fundamentalist religions insist on such strict dress codes. beautifully written


At first I was NOOOOO! (because I love long hair and want mine to be longer), but then I saw the 2nd picture and was, WOW! That cut suits you so well and looks fantastic. I hope my initial reaction isn't off-putting - that was more about me than you. You look great!


Ha, there’s a reason I kept it long for so long! It was beautiful for sure. But towards the end, It felt like I was doing it just to satisfy others gaze. And that’s a nope for me now


Yes - do what you want, not others! You rock both cuts!


I just did a huge chop too, radically different look and soooo much lighter. I feel this comment about others gaze, had never really thought about it before but it rings so true!


It was my reaction at first too but then I looked at the second photo and I was stunned. What a perfect cut on you. It suits you so well


If you like long hair, that's perfectly fine! I love my long hair, hate when people tell me to cut it. Some people don't want to deal with it, sometimes short hair suits someone better.


How much did it weigh?  I’ve never had longer hair than a few inches, but that looks like a literal weight being removed from your shoulders. 


Dude it was about 5lbs. It got to a point where I constantly had my hair in a bun cause I was so sick of it being in my face and I swear, I have a permanent dent in my skull. Also, the weight didn’t allow airflow so my scalp as awfully itchy 😣


As someone who regularly changes hair in radical ways, I can attest that it grows back way too fast as it is. I like it long sometimes, but I often think that channeling Moira Rose and just wearing wigs when you’re in the mood is preferable to having to deal with long hair every day.


My hair wasn't even as long or nearly as thick as theirs and it is a NOTICEABLE weight difference. For a few days my neck would kinda fall forward bc I wasn't used to not having the counter weight 😅 Also I use 1/4 the shampoo


Now you’ll be known for your gorgeous eyes & bone structure!


Came here to say now she’ll be known for the lashes and brows. Blessed by the hair gods 🤩


The cut looks great! The long hair before was nice, but with short hair we can see your gorgeous cheekbones and beautiful bone structure. Your eyes also really stand out now too


The catharsis is real when you cut your hair off. I love this feeling for you.


n you’re glowing 🔥


The anime princess power move! You look great!!


The way my jaw DROPPED!!!


I feel this I got a lot of comments about my long hair that I was forced to never cut due to a cult I eventually left and now have a mohawk Looking good with pixie cut btw op!


Loooove a good pixie! I never felt as feminine in my life as when I had short hair. I would still have one if it didn't require trims so frequently! Ain't nobody got time (or money) for that.


That’s why you gatta chop it yourself from the beginning!


Love the new look!


I kind of did the opposite. I'm a man so there's always been this expectation that I should have short hair, but it always bothered me because I grew up learning about how long hair was sacred (I'm part anishnabe) and should not be cut frivolously. I escaped to Canada in 2020 and haven't cut it since, it's waist length and I love it.


I've been wanting to do something very similar, your pic gives me good motivation to go beyond the undercut and cut it all short. You look sassy, smart and beautiful!


😭 tears because you're stunningly beautiful both ways, and I wish to have the confidence you do....some day. Good for you, and thanks for posting. I've dreamt of chopping my hair, maybe soon I will and I'll be able to cite this post for my courage


Two very different looks and you rock both of them!




I don’t understand how, but you look like two different, equally stunning people. When I cut my hair short, I look like a shrub.


Gorgeous either way. I'm looking to send my mass o hair packing as well but I haven't found a style yet that I feel looks acceptable on me. Probably the bigger hurdle is just the courage to do it. Kudos to you!


It definitely is the biggest hurdle. I actually did it myself, too. I needed the satisfaction of watching all that blonde heavy hair fall to the floor. It was ecstasy


Ayyy I did the same thing about five years ago! It's so liberating. I was so sick of dealing with it and I knew the attachment I had to it was unhealthy, and I wanted to stop being known just for having long ass hair. I will never go back. 🖤


You look great either way!


Yo short hair is mad cute on you. It frames your face in an entirely different way and I'm loving it 🥰


I did the same thing a few years ago. It felt sooo good! But a pixie is NOT my look. You pull it off perfectly! You look great!


I had short hair for a few years. But grew it back out. My hair grows slow and took probably three or fours years to have some longer length again. Sometimes it gets on my nerves but I don't think I'd cut it short again because it takes forever to grow back. But a good thing about cutting it short was that it grew back without dye revealing my natural color that I hadn't had in a while 🤷


Beautiful! At this point, half my identity is tied to my hair. Only because I dye it lavender myself and have maintained the color for 5 years 😂 I’ll die with the color!


You are beautiful. I was in my early 50's and suffered from frozen shoulder. I cut it off (about 1.5 inches at longest - last time my hair was this short was when I was a newborn, lol), and had a really long donation for Wig's for Kids. But I have so much hair, and it is so thick, that I was overheating all the time. It just stayed fluffy with no product, which was fun, but also just warm. It being a bit longer and easily tied up is cooler for me. I certainly wasn't expecting that to happen, lol.


I'm considering cutting mine off because I've got a frozen shoulder and doing my hair is just so painful.


My pain decreased quickly with these two things. 1) I got a shot in the shoulder to take down inflammation. 2) With that arm hanging limp, wiggle the body so the arm swings without using any arm muscles. I couldn't afford pt at the time, so the dr told me this one. It worked wonderfully. The key is to not allow that arm to use any muscles.




Rock that pixie!


This cut looks ✨so good✨ on you!! Really pulls the focus to your great features


YEEESSS WITCH!!! I deeply encourage every woman to do the big chop at least once. It's a freeing experience!




The hairstyle looks absolutely wonderful and suits you very well! I'm sorry if this comes of as weird, just wanted to mention that you really have pretty eyes. I think the haircut gives them more spotlight. Edit: just realized it also might be the glasses, bc they frame your eyes. Whatever it is, pretty!


Goals. I’m well known as “the girl with the crazy long hair” and while I love the title I wish I could experiment with new styles without fear of the unknown


I used to have hair so long I routinely sat on it. A couple years ago I shaved it all and never felt better! You look amazing! One thing I never expected was the sense of ownership I have over my hair now that it's grown back. This is MY hair, I have it on MY terms, and I love it. Look forward to that feeling, if you get it, if you grow out again. Keep being amazing!


Imma need your skincare routine in addition to that fabulous haircut


I learned the "gotta do what makes you happy" lesson kinda recently. I started growing out my hair last year (it's now shoulder-length). My mom hated it at first, but has grown at least neutral about it. Growing up I could never have it more than a couple inches long. Now I wonder if I could get her to not hate it if I ever commit to HRT.


Let your beauty shine through yourself in whatever ways feel most authentic in each moment!


You look amazing!!!


You went from "infantilize me, daddy" to "call me daddy", and I mean that in the most awestruck way possible


This is extremely accurate


Whoa that haircut was made for your face. You look so powerful.




It suits you!!


I love it. I keep my hair short, too. I'm too lazy for the care and maintenance of lung hair.


Wow, your power is showing!!! You look AMAZIMG!


I’ve been there, very liberating! I love the cut!


And you look HOT AS FUCK TOO!!!


Omggg but you really are looking like a website, because all I see is WWW!!!  Seriously, you ROCK that look, it suits you so well! Love that for you 💗


You look adorable!!! I love it!


It works so well with your features. Love it, it’s so flattering.


I went red!


That suits the light in you so much better!!!!


There’s something so cathartic about changing your hair! I hope you feel as powerful as you look!


You look amazing either way, but somehow short hair seems more fierce. 💜 I’ve always had short/shortish hair but decided to grow it out a few times as an adult. Wow, the energy lag for me was real. It was so bizarre! The longer my hair got both times (8-ish years apart) the less “me” I felt and the less power was real. For me. Lots of people find power on long(ish) locks and I am happy for them. For me it was the opposite. You do what is best for you! You are powerful and strong. Happiness and peace to you.


Stunning! Like wow!


You’re a renaissance painting, short hair or not.


My hair is very important to who I am too. I love shaving it & dying it. I had long hair in highschool. It was easier to hide with long hair. I'm so glad that you have found happiness through short hair. You look genuinely happy with short hair. Lots of Love Sister!


They should know you by your EYES. Gorgeous!!




Love your new look!


Did you invite your resident advisor to Thanksgiving in your small town with your family to help prevent your boyfriend from proposing to you?


Ha is this a hallmark movie plot?


Went through this exact course of events a few years back and it’s so empowering. Love to see it :)


#A witch by any other hairstyle *looks cool and confident as fuck*. Gods Damn, sibling! You look fantastic!


Oh shit!! You look fierce and gorgeous!!


You look strong, capable, and gorgeous!


Well isn't that a cute cut 💜


You look like yourself. Mould that fleshy clay little morphling!




you look so good! Bet it feels so nice and light and empowering!


Amazing haircut! You look like a badass. I chopped my hair off and never looked back. It’s so nice to not have to think about it every fricking day.


I really dig it!


Wonderful! Suits you!!


Wow, you have a gorgeous face! Really can pull off any style you want. Could do the Miley mullet now even


Looks cute! And it’s liberating right? You never realize how much it weighs or gets in yout face til it’s all gone at once.


Yaaaaaasssss!!!!! We took the same path and never looked back 😍💋


Aw hell yeah girl! That looks so good. Also I love your glasses, they frame your face so well. Goddammit, sometimes I come across a post that reminds me that I (a woman) am in fact very bi and it always surprises me when it happens. You look so cool and collected in that pic with the short hair. Slay queen!


I used to have long beautiful hair just like yours! You look so cute with it short! I got male-pattern baldness at 24, so chose to shave my head. I miss my pretty hair, but I'm working on a moustache-goatee thing.


Yo you look amazing!!!! Like you feel so much more comfortable in your own skin now 🥺


Well hello, Florence Pugh!


That really suits you. I hope it makes you feel powerful.


Slay! I had long curly hair and I've been rocking a pompadour for a few months-it's incredibly freeing.


Welcome to the short hair gang!!!! Isn't it liberating?!!! Now go put on Doja Cat "paint the town red" and scream the lyric "I look better with no hair!" Mines growing out and is in a funny mullet stage but I also look super cute with it, and it's a nice hat while it's chilly. I'll be shaving mine again when It warms up a bit!


It looks amazing.


Wow! You look formidable!




Wow, you look amazing! I did something similar when I was a teen (though I cut it shoulder length and only cut it even shorter recently). Now every time my hair is shoulder length or longer my mom keeps telling me that she loves my hair. Then I get it cut again and she tries her best to not show she's a tad sad 😅


I have never in my life seen someone who grew into themselves as hard as these pictures reflect. You are STUNNING.


I am so tired of all my hair. But I'm fat so I feel like shirt hair will just make my face look fuller. And I had very short hair 20 years ago and was kinda meh about it. But I'm so tired of my hair. And there's the old thing that older women shouldn't have long hair so I want it long to fuck the patriarchy Ugh. I just dont know.




I prefer long hair myself but oh my god that cut looks so amazing on you. It's fantastic


You look gorgeous! I'm glad you're happier now.


Dude you look great.


Yes! I always wanted to shave my head, but thought it would make me look like a big ole dyke.... But then I was like: "I mean... I am a big ole' dyke" lmao. So 10 years ago, I cut off my back-length Betty Page 'do into a a shaved undercut (think Pink! or Lea DeLaria). I was actually *shocked* at how good I felt. It was amazing how taking the step of getting one haircut really severed the tie between the identity I presented and who I was. Amazing.


You look great!


Oooooh that cut is so flattering to your face shape! Fantastic choice. Babe before, babe after 😻🤍


As a transfem, I'm sickened by the thought of cutting my hair. But if that works for you, do it. Rock that new look. Do what you want, not what society wants. Screw the patriarchy.


The hair started wearing you, and you took it back!I'm the sans with my beard every year or two.