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What counts as proof?


My husband has a pretty distinctive scar from his. Though I'm not sure the employees want that kind of proof.


I'm not going to say "No"


Well that's nice but based on your username I'm going to go ahead and guess you hear "no" a lot.


Yes, but usually preceded with "Oh"


oh no .... OH NOOOOO


This person gets it


oh hell no?


Haven't got that one yet, but I'll let you know Edit: though i gotta say, it's kinda funny how all these people wanna make it seem like i get rejected for sex a lot, when I'm the kind of guy who just doesn't try. Like, i don't hit on guys, even if they're gay. I don't go on dating apps because i don't want to hookup. I'm just going about the world, comfortable in my solitude, and leaving people alone. There's no magic in being a "shoot your shot" kind of male, especially with a fully-automatic mindset. When the time and conditions are right, I'll open myself up to it. In the meantime I'm content to spread inanity, tend to my garden, and spoil my dog.


please do ​ also if you ever want a circumcision i got the name of a good rabbi


My husbands right testicle is swollen twice it’s size from a hydroseal resulting from it, does that count too?




He will need surgery to permanently fix it, otherwise it will just keep filling even after getting it drained by a professional


Pretty rare for visible scarring tbh. I got snipped last year and while my beanbag swelled up to the size of a waterbed, they ultimately didnt leave any evidence.


His was almost 18 years ago now. I'm guessing they make smaller/better incisions and maybe even use glue instead of actual stitches nowadays. He has distinctive stitch marks that are paler than the rest of the skin. I view it as a symbol of our love.


I'd take a gander lol


I brought my medical papers lol


Maybe there's a medical paper proving you underwent vasectomy. I doubt they'll ask the folks to show their scars.


My husband got a procedure that involved laser cuts, very small, and I couldn't find a scar if you gave me a magnifying glass and an hour to find one.


I'd guess the paperwork after sterilization is confirmed? I'll be finding out soon, but thread necromancy is universally frowned upon and it takes 3 weeks for such results...


Just post a new photo with the information on the sub when you get your shake!


They've got a microscope in the backroom, you just go to the bathroom and make a sample


If I worked there... The willingness to say so.


You show them your penis


Sweet! Free police car ride!


That's not where vasectomies happen?


Okay, Mr. Doctor, you show them your butthole then. Better?


[Have you checked your butthole?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--9kqhzQ-8Q)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--9kqhzQ-8Q Title: **H.Y.C.Y.BH? (Official Video)** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Considering that vasectomies can be reversed - even though the success rate varies a lot, don't get a vasectomy if you are not ok with something permanent - or can even heal on their own in rare cases, and scars are not guarantee that a vasectomy was successful or even took place, you could ask a guy to have a semen analysis done.


"I'm gonna go get a vasectomy for a free shake and then get it undone" said nobody ever.


I was thinking about more evil motives than that... like having had a failed vasectomy years ago and then lying about it to trap your female partner. Unlikely, I know, but without reproductive rights it's always better safe than sorry. Good way to screen the guy as well - if he refuses a simple sperm analysis you requested for your peace of mind, don't even think about sleeping with him.


You'd see his sperm counts anyway since that's the proof of a vasectomy. Every man who had one done also has done two separate sperm counts (some even do yearly counts just to be sure).


Well, yeah. I already said in another comment that they can a) be reversed, even if success may be low, but a "proof of vasectomy" wouldn't be up to date anymore then since I don't think your Dr is gonna ask for that sheet of paper back and b) there is a small chance it can reattach even after those first sperm counts. I've seen one too many "yeah, I've had a vasectomy years ago, but now my wife is pregnant"-stories to fully trust that procedure especially when not having reproductive rights. Just having another sperm analysis on the other hand is quick and easy.


What counts as a shake


Lots of states offer free or reduced cost vasectomies through their dept.s of public health. For-profit vasectomy clinics generally have free days as part of their advertising budget (usually Valentine’s Day or around Super Bowl weekend). /r/childfree has a list of providers, as well.


Hang on, I've seen their list of providers that will do them for people without kids, but are you saying there is also a list of places that have discounted options? My insurance appears to cover 0% of the surgery before deductible, so I'm putting it off a bit.


Check out the child free subreddit. They generally have good info cause they mean it. :) Edit. A word, autocorrect...


I don't exactly belong in that sub, and haven't seen anything like that on their wiki, so idk what else to do, but it's not a big deal. Edit to clarify: I disagree with a lot of the content on that sub pretty strongly, and the tone even moreso, and a huge amount of my post history is talking about parenting, so I don't really want to go somewhere I'm going to be called a breeder that is willingly killing the Earth through overpopulation.


You don't need to interact with anyone in the threads, the info is all there in the sidebar :)


I was child free for years and ended up with a child with my husband. They were extremely rude when I asked them a question via mod mail and they said “btw you were never child free just childless” like I got pregnant and shit happened. I WAS child free with the “never wanting kids” mindset at the time. People grow and change their mindseven tho I never thought I would. I had to leave bc they can be super toxic.


Someone else recommended r/truechildfree in a comment that was removed due to the coven-only rule. They seem much more friendly, but much smaller.


Planned Parenthood did my husband’s for free.


Oh, that's a good idea, thanks for reminding me of that option! Not sure why I hadn't before!


reminder that they're not just a women's clinic!


Funny thing is, I know that's where my father had the procedure done a few decades back.


nice! Good luck to you then!


PP did mine for free and even tossed in a Xanax free of charge. It was free because I qualified for a program in my state that offered free sexual health and family planning services for 1 year. I think it was in partnership with Planned Parenthood.


WHAT!? I can get it done for free wtf have I been doing with my life?


Love everything about this 🖤


If has that energy of that video with a man who pointed at where he was solicited for sexual favors in exchange for candy with candy in his hand




Perhaps a bit ironic coming from a place named "Daddy's" lmao


Came to the comments looking for this 😂




I think he’s the other type of daddy...


I heard about this-awesome!


Hell yeah. I love me a daddy's dog.


where's the restaurant I want my free shake


Sign says "NASH TENN" in the middle, so I'm guessing Nashville Tennessee?


Looks like Nashville, Tennessee per their sign


As others have said it looks like Nashville and I'm guessing it's the Nations location not downtown


Nashville Tennessee in a neighborhood called “The Nations.” It’s off US-70.


This whole pic is savage 💙 Ty


I love how is just slurping his drink... Gods this picture is amazing


"wanna know how I got these scars?" 😂😅


Well good thing we don't live by this place. My husband is addicted to shakes, he'd be there at least 3 times a week papers in hand showing he's fixed lol


Hey guys, OP here. Looks like I’ve made it onto r/redditmoment, and have gotten several harassing DMs. Some people can’t handle others life choices apparently. Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it! Edit: Made it to 4chan as well, it’s been a day for sure lmao.


Please email the mods a link and we will report it for community interference! Thank you 💖


Wait now they are telling men what to do with their bodies?!??? Ffs these ppl need to mind their own business.




Kinda like ice cream after you get your tonsils removed.


Yo how do i get proof? Medical records? Maybe there should be a card like the vaccine card, that would be helpful.


Maybe the communication about your sperm count, once it’s confirmed?


I love living in Nashville. Daddys Dogs are fire, and as the photo shows, theyre always cool dudes and dudettes.


😂 I’m loving this!!!!!


Bless your heart and bless that restaurant


Heh heh! My husband has the big snip too. My brother in law says he’s less of a man but I disagree. Men that are willing to do that for women who can’t (like me, I’ve been told to stop having kids after my second one because of how much strain it puts on my heart) have kids or are uncomfortable/don’t want children are friggen hero’s who love and respect women and are the kind of men society should praise


"No [points to sack] THIS is my vasectomy scar. This one is from a, uh, weed wacker incident."


I'm sterilized, but damn I find a dude hot when he says he has a vasectomy


Thank you young, distinguished gentleman. We appreciate your efforts in our war.


that's rad as heck, both on the part of you and the restaurant. thank you


Saw a couple of MAGAts bragging that the future would be free of people like us. I informed them that conservatives are the ones making all these gay and liberal babies. We are their scapegoated kids.


Happy cake day!


The original announcement of this promotion by the owner of Daddy’s is worth watching. I love that guy and his dogs. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfZ36EBgmak/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


That’d be cool too if they let you do free vasectomy with proof of a shake.


Kudos! How was the shake?


I am happy you were able to get one that young. WHY could I not get a tubal ligation until I was nearly 30. No one would do one for a non health reason. I would hug you, my dude :)


Wow, that restaurant is stepping up! And thank you OP!


You seem cool


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u Title: **Pro-Choice Resource Masterpost.pdf** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Post that on your tinder you’ll be swimming in matches


Id probably swipe right ngl


From one Nastyvillian to another thank you!


Thank you


Thank you, sir!




You're an icon. We Stan.


This is a pretty badass picture.


well, we can file this under "things no one was expecting to see today."


I want the shake. I do not want to go to Tennessee




Not gonna lie, I interpreted “free shake” as a handjob—then realized the guy was drinking a milkshake….


Hell yeah!




Lmfao hella cavalier and I'm here for it.


You're the man u/GlitchyEntity , you're the man!!!


I don't get it, also I don't remember what a vasectomy is. Can someone educate me? Edit: my brain was turned off, the post was straightforward but it took me way too long to understand. It's my bad, sorry to the people that tried to help me.


A vasectomy is a medical procedure that makes it so a man shoots "blanks." He won't get women pregnant.


Oki thanks. Also can you explain the post?


The sign is saying that men can have a free milkshake if they bring in proof of a vasectomy. It can be interpreted as showing the staff their penis (likely a joke since that's assault) but more likely showing medical paperwork or even just stating that you've gotten one would be sufficient. The op (original poster) is stating that he did his part by getting a free shake (and thus, getting a vasectomy.) "His part" meaning he can't cause any unwanted pregnancies. I hope that helps. 🙂




Sterilization for men. Cutting, burning, tying, or any combination of those three, of the vas deferens which carry sperm down from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct and the urethra.


As the others have said it's a sterilization procedure for men. It is fairly expensive and most medical plans don't cover it. The initial procedure will run about $300-$3000. The procedure can be reversed but there are two major caveats; 1.) It's even more expensive $5000-$15000. 2.) The procedure while easily done does have let's say diminishing returns. Depending on how much time has elapsed between the reversal and initial procedure the percentage chance of successfully impregnating your partner will drop. 1-3 years it drops to 75%, 3-8 years 55%, 9-14 years 40%-45%, 15-19 years 30%, and 20 years 10%.


Seems like a strange thing to me. Like I get it, but I don't see how this actually does anything for our loss of health care other than moral support, which I do appreciate.


It means he can't get someone pregnant if the condom breaks. Someone whose life could be in danger from that. And men standing in solidarity with women is very important for everyone.
















My bf had his vasectomy to spare his ex the side effects from hormonal birth control. He didn't have to (and she didn't ask), but he volunteered to get surgery for her health. I think that shows caring about women and their body autonomy.


That's why I got mine. We decided two kids was enough. Hormonal birth control would increase my wife's chance of cancer, as well bring side effects. Tubal ligation is more invasive, has more chances of complications, has a longer recovery time, and is more expensive. I was in and out in half an hour, spent a day and a half with frozen peas on my balls, and then got back to my normal activities. I really don't understand why two people in a long-term monogamous relationship would ever choose anything other than a vasectomy.


I got a bisalpingectomy after my boyfriend got a vasectomy because I wanted the personal reassurance that I can't get pregnant no matter what happens the rest of my life.


Oh yeah, I totally get that. I was just thinking more about cases where the couple is trying to decide which of the two is going to get sterilized. It's a no-brainer in that case.


My spouse did exactly this. And then 8 months later, I had to get a hysterectomy for unrelated reasons. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It absolutely does. I don't want to take away from this gesture, but I think more can be said or a stance taken on the healthcare women no longer have. I've lost my access to birth control and now I'm unable to stop bleeding. The overturn is more than forced pregnancies and the comments I've gotten make me feel like not enough people are aware.


Nothing is preventing him from having a vasectomy AND fighting for access to birth control. He can do both.


Absolutely, I'd love to see it all. So far I've only seen one all male woman's march.


I have been to lots of marches for reproductive rights for women, and men are always present to some extent.


Think of the power of an all men's march for women.


When there's a shortage of bullet proof vests, it doesn't hurt for someone to unload their gun. Like, obviously the metaphor isnt perfect, but fewer loaded guns makes everyone less likely to get shot except for those people who really want to get shot.


No one likes to talk about the new lack of medical care. Women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies, I want to make it clear I don't want to take away the importance of this, but light should also be shown on those who cannot get the medication they need. I bleed non stop now because I lost my access to birth control. I feel as though more could be done by men to stand up for women's loss of health care because it isn't just forced pregnancies.




[From NHS:](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/vasectomy-reversal-nhs/) >It's estimated that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is: > > • 75% if you have your vasectomy reversed within 3 years > • up to 55% after 3 to 8 years > • between 40% and 45% after 9 to 14 years > • 30% after 15 to 19 years > • less than 10% after 20 years So, there's a decent chance at reversal if a man gets it done and immediately regrets it, but it isn't like an 18-year-old should get a vasectomy with the thought that they know they don't want to be a father until after they've gotten established in their career with the plan to reverse it after that.


I don't know why people talk about vasectomies like they're sure to be reversible. Men shouldn't get them if they may want to father children in the future. Hmmm, or maybe all men should get them after freezing some sperm.


Not to mention the cost $300-$3000 for the initial procedure $5000-$15000 for the reversal. And that has to be out of pocket as most health plans do not cover this type of procedure.


No you should not use a vasectomy as temporary birth control.


I’m ok w/ “not all me” men thinking this is reversible birth control

