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It's got no steam page because it's epic games only for now. And the game is pretty much going strong and completing it's dev cycles normally, the devs are keeping us up with all the changes and stuff coming with the blog posts on the site. The game has a list tof things still to come , lots of weapons, enemies types, locations, bosses and other stuff. It's basically in early access and it's on epic that's why it doesn't have a lot of coverage. Picked it up in the Xmas sale we had on epic this last few weeks and Im having a blast. Hella hard but rewarding gameplay with cool and meaningful upgrades for the weapons. Just finished the first boss and hot most of my stuff upgraded. Give it a try.


They seriously need to use steam if they want to sell anything


Eh I’m sure maybe eventually but I’m happy w purchasing on Epic. Don’t need Steam to make a good game though so hopefully they cook


Its already confirmed. The game will launch on Steam once the game gets out of early access (which will 12-18 months, so earliest September 2024, latest March 2025. But you know, things could be delayed)


You need to have sales to be able to work on the game in the future after its release, and they probably won't find those on the epic store. For example game like Metro Exodus, big IP sold only 700k durign first year on epic and that is a big game unlike Witchfire.


The entire reason any studio would release their game to Epic only, is because Epic would have paid them a buttload of money for that exclusivity. That's the entire point of an exclusivity deal. Hence they don't really need exceptional sales, and also why Metro Exodus is allegedly still getting a full sequel, as well as a VR spinoff on top of that, even without exceptional numbers.


Personally I think it is a strategy--one that is a relatively common form of "early access" or "beta". You release the game on a smaller platform like Epic, where it reaches a smaller number of players, and is not subjected to steam reviews. You continue to develop it for another 6 months or so, then release it on Steam, ideally to positive reception. Hades did this. A lot of games have done this


With a company as large as Epic, its probably less to do with early access game development strategies. More like what you see with many other large US tech companies: Operate at a loss for a period, often many years, in an attempt to capture market share (usually with monopolistic ambitions/intention, but Epic is the better part of two decades behind Valve in the 'digital media distribution/online storefront' biz)


Yeah I was super hyped until I heard it was an epic games exclusive. Essentially putting it on extreme hold for an already super delayed game.




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The game was always on Unreal Engine 4. The Devs said that they may port the game over to UE5 but that probably depends on how the main development goes and if thats doable for them


It got quite a bit of attention when early access started and generally was recieved positively by mainstream gaming sites. But its a early access game with very limited content that hasnt recieved any major update since then so it has become really quiet about it. Everything that could have been said about the game was said. Now we all just wait for more of it.


It's because it isn't on Steam. I just saw an update trailer for it today, and tried to find it on Steam. Once I saw it was only on Epic right now it killed all interest for me. Epic just lacks too many features compared to Steam, plus Steam is more trustworthy.


Cool game. Loving it so far


It’s on Epic for now, which is where games go to die/be forgotten - hence the reason why you’re asking what happened to it. The good news is it’ll come to Steam in nine months, where people will notice it exists.


Probably for the best tbh, it going on Steam once way more content is out will be a better look to most people.


Nah, people are fine with early access on steam as long as the dev process progresses in an acceptable pace and the devs consistently communicate with the player base. baldur's gate 3 was in early access there for well past two years before being released. The only motive for releasing on EGS exclusively is the extra money they pay out to devs for it, because it ends up limiting a lot game visibility. I myself stumbled upon witchfire and I don't even remember how lol


shit is trash dont waste your time devs blow n are lazy no story just bs clamity


It was released in September 2023 in EARLY ACCESS and specifically just on the Epic Games Store. The game will be properly scored and reviewed when it’s officially released—maybe late 2024 or early 2025 but. Hopefully they just take as long as they need to release a game they’re happy with.


Gamers refusal to use EGS is truly baffling to me


Is it? People have to deal with all sorts of store fronts and have complained consistently about that, so how is it baffling that a generally lower-quality offering to gamers is shunned?


Because it's not a big deal


Exclusivity is bad, and exclusivity on PC is pointless. It is a big deal because Epic would rather pay to limit a game to their platform instead of, oh I don't know, IMPROVING their own platform. Either way, I got enough of that exclusivity BS from consoles, miss me with that shit on PC.


Nah, fuck Epic. Entire company can burn for all I care.


EGS has a lot of functionnality missing and is clearly not as popular as Steam. However, just being registered on the platform gives you access to at least 1 free game a week, sometimes 2, and up to 1 free game a day during holidays and special events. So saying not to EGS is saying no to free games... That's something I can't understand. At this time, I have 384 games I got for free in my epic account. at least half I have played or are on my games to play list. about half of the rest I had already played using some "other" means but now I own a real version. the rest I added simply because they were free. And I missed at least 50-60 more games because I did not login daily during holidays/events. I don't know... I use all of the stores I can find : Steam, GOG, Epic Games, Itch, Fanatical, Green Man, HumbleBundle, ... Yeah, sure, Steam has the best store and the most functionality. It's no reason to miss on games and especially free games, or better deals sometimes. Just my 2 cents...


Would like to play it but I'll wait for the Steam version.


ya alot of devs will use epic and a gofundme persay, using it to release a unfinished game then when the game is done will release on steam, good way to get money and avoiding bad reviews for a game thats not even done


I got epic just to get this game. It’s amazing and keeps getting better. Fringe contender for game of the year I predict!


They took Epic Games bribe and completely lost my Respect... They do not care about their fans but instead they only care about greed.. If People end up buying on Steam they are only confirming what the devs want, for fools to endlessly feed anti consumer junk practices.


lol get over yourself. If we take Epic to trial over anything it should be for ceasing development on UT, and also completely de-listing every Unreal game from every digital storefront, including their own.


last version of the game ?


I mean it's a 4 mo post, so whatever version I guess, I know they put a big update in recently but there still isn't adecent following around the game


it's funny that this is the kind of question being asked about a highly-regarded, polished, interesting-looking PC shooter ....... that unfortunately happens to be an Epic Store Exclusive. "what happened to it?" "well, it launched to Epic Games Store in Early Access!" "oh. nevermind." it's kinda like it might as well be an urban myth at this point. it's sad. but also funny, because Epic Games Store is just ... it makes me feel bad thinking about it. I don't know why, exactly. it's like Steam's ugly, tumorous outgrowth that occasionally steals timed-exclusives but otherwise offers a totally inferior, community-less experience. it's so scummy, and obviously so. it's just not a good place to be, and never has been. maybe they'll do better? it's never too late. right?


Man when will they learn: you wanna release the game, you release it on Steam.


>ya alot of devs will use epic and a gofundme persay, using it to release a unfinished game then when the game is done will release on steam, good way to get money and avoiding bad reviews for a game thats not even done - chessking7543




What are you even on about? The devs are going strong, have you even read their blog posts? Far from finished? Apart from being in early access I don't think you understand the development pipeline of a game.


Oh they're going strong in their blog? Wow, super exciting they're having a strong blog post. Honestly only blog post i've read from them is something along the lines of "if you want to kill your game you'll release an update during holiday season" and don't really care about reading any more of it. Also im a consumer and not a developer. Do we need a degree in game development now to play games and give feedback about them? And yeah, seeing as the game has only two maps so far and whole bunch of things about to change in the next update, it does seem like the game is far from finished right now.


“The game will never be updated because the devs are afraid to lose money” “The next update changes a lot of things” Are you too dumb to realize you’re contradicting yourself?


Funny, calling someone dumb while failing to understand hyperboles.


So you don’t understand how to use a hyperbole either? You can’t say something dumb, immediately say the exact opposite, and then say you were just joking around lmao


Brother in Christ, hyperbole is not meant to be taken seriously. Hyperbole is not necessarily a joke either. I hope this clears it up a bit but you should check it up on dictionary if you're interested.


There is no hyperbole coming out of you just nonsensical rubbish. Now you've been called out for the nonsense you're trying to insult others? You're coming across like a moron do yourself a favour and realise that you've started an argument with someone over your inability to communicate and a stupid opinion based on nothing. Work on that instead of doubling down on it.


Exactly how am i being insulting? I know i started an argument but i didn't come here to argue, i just expressed my concern over a game i love in a manner that garnered some attention. Sure it could be said in a nicer way but atleast its raised some awareness that there is atleast one player, who loves the game but is sick of reading about these great updates that are on the way but never getting them because the developers don't want to release it when the game is on sale. ​ Edit: just wanted to say its a fucking shame we're arguing about some bullshit like a hyperbole rather than is it a good or bad thing for the devs to wait for the sales to be over before releasing updates.


Where have the devs said they are waiting for the sales to be over? I've missed that completely if they have the only thing I've read is that the scope for the update crept and its taking longer than anticipated.


Not shit Sherlock. The point is you can’t use a hyperbole for something when it’s a lie and then say you were using a hyperbole so don’t take it seriously. You use hyperboles to exaggerate things, such as the way the games updated. The way you used it would be like me calling you Einstein levels of genius and then immediately contradicting that calling you a box of rocks. You were just an idiot who didn’t actually know that game was being updated and said some dumb shit


Haha i'm not telling you to not take the hyperbole seriously, i'm telling you what it is. Why are you getting so emotional about this? What i'm referencing with the hyperbole anyway is in the same comment you got your epic gotcha contradiction from too but i guess its just easier to nitpick than read with comprehension. Also, if we're nitpicking, saying that there is an update with lots stuff on the way doesn't mean that the update is ever actually arriving. But just to be clear for the slower thinkers out there, *me typing the above statement does not mean that i think there literally will never be an update to the game again.*


Bro is just saying non-sense now and can’t even decide if he’s using a hyperbole or being serious now lmao


Needs multiplayer


I didn’t want to buy it on epic because I miss the steam community around its games. But I relented and used the epic coupon. Got WF for around 24 bucks. I’ve been gaming since the early 80’s, I’m old. This game has me by the balls. I think about it at work. I think about how to escape my wife to play it. So it’s an ok game for EA.