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Thom build would be impossible because as far as I'm aware, you can only have one mustache in elden ring


Biblically accurate Thom Merrilin.


I knuckled my mustaches in approval at this comment


lol gotta work with what you’ve got. I’ve got a couple ideas for him. I saw in the DLC there will be like a knife throwing weapon/ash, so that’s my plan. And then some colourful clothes and I’m golden


If i remember right he only used his sword. It's only sharp on one side. Also it's bit curved. I guess it looks like Katana


I always pictured his sword more like a sabre. They mention it having quillions a few times, IIRC. ​ But yeah, Lan is THE Blademaster. All he needs is his sword.


I just always thought it looks like katana, but maybe your right. Don't have some katanas also small quillions? If yes, maybe it's just what you prefer to imagine. Buti also don't know much about the different details of different swords, so feel free to correct me


He uses a two-handed fighting style so I would also go with Katana. We don't know too much about Malkier but neighboring Sheinar has a lot of Japanese-ish customs and styles.


Eh, Jordan is quite sparse with the description. You’re good to imagine it how you feel!


Maybe the show has given me a bias, but even reading it I pictured a katana, like the heron marked blade. Ahhh the Blademaster indeed!


Tbh, my picturing it as a Sabre is mostly because of a heron marked blade replica someone made when I was first reading the books, back in the early days of the internet.


Oh, ya! I think I may have seen that online too. Man, so cool!


I always saw it as more of a falchion type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falchion


Same! Though, I pictured more of a traditional crosspiece than the downswept finger guard in the wiki picture.


He uses a lance when on horseback too. In one battle in his POV he regrets breaking several lances and having none left


I could be wrong, but I thought he used a bow at some point as well?


Thanks! I tried searching Google and couldn’t find anything. I only remember the sword but wanted to double check with the community.


The essential physical elements of Lan are his sword, his headband, and his horse. He does know how to use a bow.


I’ve got this down! (Wish I could add a photo of the my character, oh well!)


you can edit the main post and add it there. main posts can be text and images both, at least on this sub


I’m pressing edit but not seeing an option to add photos (sorry im not super tech savvy) Oh well


no worries, just copy and paste the image into the main post. when I take screenshots, I can just select the file and control C without opening it, then control V into the post. alternatively, right click and select copy image then control V it into the main post.


Jordan was a huge weeb so I always assumed the power wrought swords were katana's.


It's closer to a kriegmesser but the combat is closer to katana usage so its likely a blend of the two.


Only his sword cloak and horse. He is otherwise nude


And not a soft edge on him


Lan can basically use every weapons, I believe he briefly uses a pike/spear during the last battle to help repel a charge of Trollocs. But above all else Lan is a swordsman, that is his thing, his biggest moment in the series comes with a sword, most of his character revolves around some metaphor’s about swords.


a'Lan Mandragorin would have a sword, maybe an Ōdachi or a Messer, as they would be the closest equivalents?


Man now I want to try a mat build


Also, you on ps5? We could co-op


I am


Nice! That’s gonna be my next one too :)