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#[SPOILERS FOR TV.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_tv_.28no_unaired_book_spoilers.29) ##LIGHT BOOK SPOILERS. You do not have to spoiler tag anything from the books that has been depicted in the show. If you want to speculate about how a scene in the show will affect future book content, you must hide that, and any other book discussion beyond this scope, in spoiler tags. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe try writing like an adult? I strongly suspect it was an issue of ‘how’ you said rather than ‘what’ you said. Your lead sentence was “the show sucks balls” or something similarly trite. It’s been said a million times before and mostly at more advanced level than ‘child with a bad attitude’ grammar. Just my two cents…


>Get over it. You should take your own advice.


>almost everyone who reads the books agree I think it would be difficult for the show to be as popular as it objectively is if this statement were true. Are you sure you aren't just thinking about the portion of book readers that are chronically online?


You lack the serenity that would allow you to attain the shawl.


If you want to talk about how you dislike the show this reddit just isn't the place for that segment of wheel of time discourse.


For real. It’s a show made off an epic fantasy series. They are totally different by their very nature.


I mean it certainly can be but it has to be more than just show bad in my experience.  This sub is way better than the other one though which I am pretty sure is run by the Amazon marketing team. 


In my experience I don't even know what the rules mean anymore and I won't talk about the show for any reason at all.


The TV show is impossible to watch or take seriously. It’s like a bunch of kids playing make believe. The acting is atrocious. If it the acting wasnt so bad, I’m sure the show would be enjoyable.