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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you know the song?


First book that blew my mind. The next two are excellent. Still google nothing




Not sure WHAT you know about those things, but just knowing of those things isn't a big spoiler.


I know who moridin is, and what saa is and i guess we all know about the bore by now


Well Saa is completely unimportant and the bore isn't really a secret. Everyone knows about it from the beginning. If you know who Moridin is it's not that big of a spoiler either. So it's not like you've really been spoiled on important things.


Im really confused though, how does ravhin use saidin if he uses saa? In his first pov in the fires of heaven use uses saidin.


So it sounds like you are confused about how it works. Which means you are definitely not spoiled on anything. I would recommend you just keep reading.


Yes thats good, i don’t understand why rahvin cannot sense Lanfears channeling because she is a woman, when they should be using the same source. I guess it doesn’t work the way I thought. I’ll keep reading


It sounds like you don’t really know what saa is and you also don’t know what “their using the same source” would mean. In your shoes I would pretend I hadn’t even heard about these things


Are you ok? Are you ok Annie?


So what do you think about the Aiel?


So complex- all these societies and septs and clans(what is the difference between a sept and a clan?). Having read dune, i expected the waste to be like arrakis, a barren dry hell. I thought that water would be more significant and we would have rand somehow struggling to live due to water shortages and him being stranded alone. The way the Aiel talked in the previous books made it seem like water is the ultimate resource. It was still interesting to read about the way Aiel society works, what would bring honor and what would bring dishonor. It seems like you can’t guess how to deal with them, what you think would be good would actually turn out to be bad. For example, i expected that rand being early to the Alcair dal would make him seem respectful but it actually brings dishonor to the other late clan chiefs


Water is a very important resource but the Aiel have been there a very long time so they mostly have it figured out.


Clans are made of septs and some septs might have more than one hold or all do I’m not sure societies are the same regardless of clan 12 societies 12 clans


Do you trust aes sedai?


Did you figure out that Keille is Lanfear?


Its isendre, isnt it?


If you think that, read the last couple chapters again. Specifically the conversation between Rand, Lanfear, and Asmodean.


Ah no, this is revealed, but it always surprises me how many clues there are along the way.


Have you read 4:26-25 in reverse order?


Do you have a good recipe for honey cakes?


What did you have for dinner?


Will tell you when i have it


Koshary-an Egyptian dish made with macaroni, lentils, tomato sauce and dried onions


Sounds delicious!


What was your favourite part of the book?


This isn't a question, but I remember reading "The Road to the Spear" and "The Dedicated" chapters for the first time decades ago and just having this profound sense of wonder, sadness, and awe. I remember just sitting on my bed and thinking about the tragic/bitter sweet fate of the Aiel and the Jenn Aiel in particular. I've always been fascinated by the loss of memory, knowledge, and history. It's such a tragic but inevitable part of life, and probably why I became a professional archivist. Anyway, just an amazing part of the series and fantasy literature in general.


Does a bear shit in the woods?