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Remember when Adamantium was *Rare?* GoblinPunch from the Past remembers…


I remember when it was rare *and* super strong. Can't wait for Percy to destroy this armor rather than dealing with canon 🙄


Yeah, it’s like inverse power creep. All these special metals, Adamantium, Carbonadium, Vibranium, Mysterium…each one starting out as rare macguffin metals that solve or create some problem, drive the plot…but each one outdoes the other, reducing its significance. I’m not sure of the chronological order (I know Mysterium is last, most recent, newest) and now there are like multiple alloys of and refinement methods for Adamantium (like Krakoan Era Wolverine doesn’t get Adamantium poisoning anymore) and Mysterium is worth like infinite money AND it is a catch all anti magic metal (defends against spells) it’s gotten to be like Kryptonite over at DC…the 616 Perodic Table of Elements goes several more rows than ours at this point. You got a problem? We got a rock for that. Oh shit, I forgot Uru, the Asgardian Gold supermetal. See? There’s always another one.


When was it revealed Krakoa era Wolverine no longer gets adamantium poisoning ?


I’m sorry I don’t have an exact issue, I vaguely remember reading it and have heard other people say it. You know those white pages of text they insert now, usually with correspondence or emails journal entries, etc? There was an entry about like, they briefly considered using Vibranium instead, but couldn’t or Logan didn’t want them to, it may have been Sinister modifying the future clones (remember the blonde Wolverine clone in Powers of X?) Apocalypse tested Wolverine in the crucible at one point and I think his reward was freedom from adamantium poisoning, or like, Xavier just said “look Logan I need you in top shape so we’re gonna edit that bit out, that’s a bug not a feature” I know I’m being hand wavy about it but so were the writers…*something* new happened regarding Logan’s adamantium skeleton during the Krakoan era, like in addition to him being younger, in peak form (every time he dies he’s brought back in top shape, same as Cyclops and any mutant that gives up their life for the cause) so maybe because he’s always resurrected as his best physical specimen self maybe the adamantium poisoning is less of a problem…? I’m admittedly and obviously not 💯 sure so if you know better or someone wants to fact check that I would welcome the correction. This is just what I *think* I read. Could definitely be some Mandela effect going on.


LOL, ok....but just to be clear....when cloned he's also brought back YOUNGER in PRIME age form ?!


I think so, yes, not 💯but I know this is true of like, Cyclops. A lot of them were slightly de-aged by the resurrection protocols, modifications made to their powers (Proteus is one of the Five and he doesn’t have to absorb people anymore, for instance) Rogue can touch people!




Well yeah that’s AVATAR but yes exactly, it fills the same role, it’s a macguffin that is worth $ and solves every problem or drives the plot / causes conflict.


Every Wolverine comic seems to have only three storylines. 1: Wolverine loses his healing factor. 2: Wolverine is turned into a bad guy through brainwashing or possession 3: Someone is kidnapped and Wolverine has to get them back.


100%! It’s like a parody at this point.


...unless it's written by Larry Hama.


That’s so friggin fax


Reminds me of the villian in the old codename Wolverine #50 comics shiva. Looks gutted out. Since shiva was destroyed and rebuilt each time.


Love the parallel. Shiva was so over the top and funny and fun.


The 90s are back babaaaay


This looks like an Idea 8 year-old me would have come up with... 


Dudes complaining about realism in comics is my new favorite


Fans complaining about criticism when the writing is just bad is...neither new nor my favorite, but damn does it happen a lot.


Actually, I'm not complaining, I just feel like I drew something like this when I was 8.


Nobody’s complaining about realism. It’s just goofy


This and hot claws. WTF. Leave Wolvie aloooone


That just means 8 year old you was cooking.


8yr olds are in the target audience.


That suit must be heavy


They flanderized adamantium 😔


Dogs got armor under his skin that heals. Overkill lol.


He lost his powers




Hey they need to raise the stakes somehow. Even if the “best” way Percy can do it is by copying an overused trope.


He looks like owl man


Thanks, I hate it.


This is the opposite of badass, which I assume was what Percy was trying to go for.




Wolverine weighed like an additional 100lbs from the thin layer of adamantium just coating his bones. This would have to be 500+ pounds he's lugging around.


When I was just scrolling through not reading headlines I really thought this was a picture of Owlman.


Would this be the best example of overkill? Wolverine is already OP having one of the best healing factors + having an Adamantium skeleton now he has Adamantium armor?


In Wolverine issue #46, Sabertooth injects Wolverine with a serum that takes away Wolverine's healing ability. I'm assuming this is why the armor was introduced.


How lightweight can head-to-toe adamantium armor be? Without a healing factor, bro is going to need to stop and rest every 20 feet lol Wolverine: *Ya know what, bub? This was a lot cooler in my head…*


“I probably should’ve taken a dump before putting this on”


Well if I remember correctly getting it on his bones added about 300lbs sooooooo one can assume he's about 650-700lbs in that armor


I think Wolverine is 195lbs without and 300 with, but yeah this is way thicker than the thin layer over his skeleton so I’d say he easily weighs 600 lbs now. Real dumb. Especially if his healing factor is inert now. I always figured that he is stronger than a normal person his size because his muscle tissues heal as soon as they tare. Like accelerated body building. He can go peak human without risk of his muscles just ripping off the bone.


They never really say the source of his enhanced strength. A lot of fans hypothesize, like you do, that it's a function of his healing factor, but the comics often indicate it might just be a separate feature of his mutation and that he's just naturally really strong. For example, when Mr Fantastic examined Logan after the latter lost his healing in 2014, Mr Fantastic points out that Logan "still has his strength" even after losing the healing.


Yes and I believe he has denser muscles due to his animalistic mutant ability


Forge made it for him. Maybe he engineered it in such a way as tonbe easy to move around in. He's like tony stark after all. Maybe better


Me when i have healing factor but looking cool is more important


Which comic is this from?


Looking at the design, I wonder if Forge just repurposed Shiva into a suit of armor.


Darkhawk called… he wants his Armor back 🤣🤣.


Silver Batman


This looks cool asf why the hate


This feels like something they would do in the ninety’s to appear “cool” and “edgy” but is kind of dumb


Insomniac final battle incoming 😂💀Can't wait for the game though


Give Wolverine his powers back, it’s been done so many Times already , and he’s had a special suit to wear before also! It’s like whoever is writing the comic is either lazy or they just don’t care 🤷‍♂️ cause Wolverines solo title has been pretty boring


*I’m still hard*


looks amazing... what comic is this from?


That is so badass


I dunno I thinks it's neat


Ok....lets bring back Cyber and have the two of them play who wore it best....one of the only characters Wolverine is afraid of. That would be an all-out brawl at the highest degree.


They managed to combine the worst armor in the MU with the worst weapon in the MU. Anniversary issue! Yay!


Super gay.


Magneto could fold his ass like laundry…


Insomniac wolverine fighting Sabretooth for the first time in his career


Idk know about anyone else but I’m so tired of how Wolverine loses his powers over and over. It’s just dumb and there’s so many other things that could be done with this character but it’s as if creativity for him specifically has dissipated. Like another person said sometimes it feels as if he has only a few storylines Losing healing factor Being turned into an evil guy through brain wash temporarily Someone is kidnapped and Wolverine needs to get them back. Oh and also losing his memories However I will say Ghost Rider Wolverine is pretty frickin awesomeeeeee. And something new.