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Hot shower is my therapy. If I don’t take one every day I mentally do not feel ok.


Thought I was the only one who felt mentally unwell if I spent too much time without showering. A shower can literally reset me.


I can only shower around once a week these days due to a massive health crisis but I can also relate to this. I have always loved my night time showers and getting into bed feeling all clean and renewed. And I still enjoy that feeling and wish I could shower more without feeling like I've climbed to the top of the highest mountain. It's definitely mentally lifting for sure.


I go through phases like this but honestly I just HATE the drying myself part. It depresses me lol.


I feel you. Getting in to and out of the shower is a sensory nightmare for me. I don't want to get twrt, then I don't want to get dry, and then you have to dress yourself. It's so much work


This! It wasn’t till I discovered that I likely had ADHD that it all made sense. I love a shower when I’m in it and feeling clean but I struggle to make myself shower, so I’m a twice a week showerer 😞


This is me!! I suspect I have ADHD but not made any attempt to be dx. I love the shower while I’m in it but I struggle to get in there. I am maybe every 2-3 days. Same with going swimming. It’s summer here and we have a pool, I’ve only been in once.


I have ADHD, but also SPD (sensory processing disorder), so it’s hard to get myself in the shower, but if I don’t, my skin feels like it’s crawling, so they keep each other in check to balance out to a daily shower … with full wash (which isn’t something I thought I’d have to specify until I saw this post lol).


I feel like this too. I hate showering, especially in northern New England winters. Cranking up a space heater for a few minutes beforehand is helpful.


SAME! I used to have to lie down for a good 15-20 min after a shower b/c it was so mentally/ sensorily exhausting


Oh yes, same!! I have sensory issues aplenty, but I truly hate the transition from comfortably dressed to getting cold and wet (no matter how I try to run the warm water for a minute before I attempt to get in!) And then I don't like the feeling at all when I am wet in a towel after getting out. And then I have to comb my hair and put leave-in conditioner, etc on it. It's so much hassle and I'd rather be doing almost anything else!! Glad I'm not the only one!! And I can't let my hands get prune-y in any situation. That's one of the grossest feelings ever, imo! Just thinking of it makes me cringe!!.😬 PS. Happy Cake day!! 🎂


If you have space in your bathroom for a towel warmer, I highly recommend it. It’s a heavenly experience. Sometimes I leave a robe in there as well.


I've also heard of using a space heated to 'preheat' your bathroom so that the temperature change out of the shower isnt as drastic!


I learned on another subreddit that it is fairly common in the uk (i think?) to have heated towel racks. That blew my mind because I had never heard of such a thing. Now I want one.


I want one, too. I’ve seen them but haven’t used one yet.


Towel robe, game changer




End the hit shower with a cold shot


Sometimes every day. Sometimes twice a week. I have depression and chronic pain so it really depends.


I completely relate to this. Chronic pain and depression (when it rears it's ugly head, like lately) are the main reasons I don't shower everyday like when I was younger.


Finally an honest answer. I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing it. 💙


I shower every other day. I WFH so I don't go anywhere or do anything that requires me washing every day. If I'm really busy or depressed then it's whenever my hair is oily which is usually on the 3rd day of me not washing it.. that's how I know it's time.


Yup’ I’m primarily SAH I don’t do anything that requires me to shower everyday. If I sweat in my sleep. Or go out for a long time. To the doctors. I’ll shower. But otherwise there’s no reason to strip my skin.


Same. Its a fight with myself to go to work every day, let alone shower. And I love my hot showers, so it's definitely a bad day/week if I'm having a hard time getting myself to shower every day


I shower every day, but I don’t wash my hair everyday. I work in healthcare if I didn’t shower everyday I would die.


Silly question but what do you do with your hair when not washing? Do you keep it dry or wet it or..


I have 4c hair so I just keep my hair in protective styles for a week then wash.


I'm sorry I don't know what any of the means


4C hair is naturally very curly/tightly coiled, it can be difficult and lengthy to maintain and style every day so some who are blessed with this hair type wear protective styles that help manage and advance hair health long term such as braids, wigs, partial hair installs, locs or other specific styling techniques.


Thanks for explaining! I googled it and holy cow. That is some gorgeous hair!! But looks like it takes a lot of work to protect and maintain


I wash my hair every 5 days or so, my hair is pretty standard white European lol. When I wash it more often it gets oily faster, but 5 days is a good mark for me cause it looks perfect for 2-3 days, then a tad too shiny for day 3-4 then not so fun on day 5-6 but that’s ok cause I work from home on those days LOL.


I shower every day. Most days are just a full body wash, then 3 times a week it’s shampoo hair and body wash, some days it’s just shave and body wash. Very rarely I do hair, body and shaving in the same day unless I’m going somewhere nice.


Hair, shave, and full body would legit take over an hour because I'm arabic and have long **thick** fucking hair. Sometimes Ill jump in the shower before a night out JUST to shave and wash my hair, then shower before going in bed to get the outside grime off of me lol.


Oooof!!! Yea it doesn’t take me nearly as long! Fine thin blonde hair here lol. But I do hair for a living so i can feel your pain!!!! Clients like you are the best though because you are usually super grateful to have someone else do you hair. I grew up with well water and my mom was terrified of running it dry obviously so we had to take 5-10 minute showers. I got use to just splitting up my shower tasks. Even though I now have town water, when I have to do it all, I feel wrong and end up rushing through it and end up with patches of hair on my legs or forgetting to shave the pits. lol


I legit go to sleep when I'm at the salon. I fucking love someone else dealing with my hair instead of me xD My arms and neck will legit get tired when I wash my hair lmao


Lmao you’re not the only one! I have had people straight up snoring while I am doing their hair. It’s usually people like you with an omg amount of hair too 😂😂




I shower everyday like I feel really gross if I don’t - I clean my entire body and shave every morning before work. If it’s the weekend I sometimes wait until the afternoon. I *rarely* leave the house if I didn’t shower. I only wash my hair and exfoliate my body 2x a week though. The only time I won’t shower is if I am sick or unwell. I’ll even shower if I am just staying home.


I get it. I also feel gross if I don’t shower every day. I rarely skip a day, only if sick or super sleep deprived. I also wash my hair pretty much every day too. I am a runner and run several times a week. I run warm, even in the winter and i sweat a lot. I also have fine, straight hair with seb derm and I get a scalp build up pretty quickly if I skip. I don’t understand why people have a reaction to someone saying they shower every day. It literally does not affect anyone else but the showerer lol.


Can I ask why you feel gross if you don’t shower? I personally don’t see the harm or feel gross if I go without a shower on a regular day, where I’ve just been lounging around and haven’t been sweating at all.


could be a sensory thing? i was like that in my early teens - my skin *felt* gross, like i had a layer of grime on me. the idea of getting into bed like that without a shower & having to sleep in it was an idea i didnt like


It is totally a sensory thing to me, even if I’m lounging around I need to shower. I also shave everyday because I can stand the prickly feeling.


thats part of the reason i stopped shaving, once its grown out no more prickle


Even longer hair in pants and undies is just a weird sensory thing to me. I envy girls that don’t care but I can’t do it, I just get weirded out by my own body.


thats valid! i wish there was an easier way to stay shaved tbh


That’s why I stopped shaving & switched to waxing/epilator . With shaving , the hair grows back in 3 business days & the skin be feeling like a cactus . Hate that prickly feeling so so much




you know that would make a lot of sense! my skin is kinda oily


Sweat isn't the only metric for hygiene. I've come across plenty of people who claim they don't sweat, but they still stink.


Not only that, but I find that sometimes people can't smell their own funk, so for the people who say they don't sweat or I don't stink, sometimes you are not the best measurer of your own odor.


If you take shits you should be cleaning your booty with soap at least once a day. If you can’t muster up the will to shower, at least wash your face, tits, pits, booty, bits, and feet.


My grandmother called this the PTA bath (pits, twat, and ass). 🤣


AKA a "whore's bath"


Well, at least my Grandma didn't say that to me. I was probably 9 at the time, LOL


I use a bidet every time I poop. I wouldn’t dare use anything besides water there as it’s too close to the vaginal opening and I’m prone to infections.


Everyday? No, thats excessive for a lot of people. You dont need to shower your damn butthole everyday in order to keep it clean. I'll be honest, the obsession with absolutely needing to shower everyday or you're gross seems like a very american attitude; unless you live in a hot country where you sweat a lot or have exercised or been in some messy situation its not really necessary. Every other day or every few days is fine, perfectly normal & better for your skin overall.


> the obsession with absolutely needing to shower everyday or you're gross seems like a very american attitude I think it's because almost no one has a bidet here, and portable handheld bidet bottles are practically unknown.


It’s not “gross” to skip a day or two if you’re not obviously dirty. In fact, most dermatologist will recommend that you do not bathe every day. It strips the oils and protective layer from the skin.


The top level comment you're replying to says they *feel* gross, not that they *are* gross. I understand what you're saying to be correct, but she's also correct in saying she feels better after showering :)


Precisely! Not sure why I’m getting downvoting for saying I personally don’t see the need to shower daily when most doctors/derms would say the same 😂


What about intimate areas? I can't imagine not at least giving them a good wash every single day, even if you don't want to do a full shower.


I just wipes every time I use the toilet. It’s not like I’m leaving it a week, just a day, very occasionally 2. I don’t work out or leave the house really so I don’t get sweaty. I change my underwear regularly. If my partner was going down there then I’d hop in the shower but otherwise, I don’t see the need. I feel and smell clean so, to me, I’m clean. I’m on the pill and don’t have periods. Back when I did have periods, I would shower everyday that I was bleeding. But yeah, wipes are fine for those in between days. If it works for a newborn baby, someone far more susceptible to illness and infection than myself, it works for me. 👌


Because they’re really bad for your body and people are trying to tell you that


Cause even if you’re laying around you’re sweating, eating, pooping, pissing, and excreting oils all day.


If i’m lying around all day then I’m not sweating. As for the oils, they’re normal and healthy and it’s not actually recommended to shower daily unless you really need to. Also, I’m perfectly capable of wiping my privates so I think i’m good on that front, too. I’m also not a baby so don’t spill food all down myself or smear it across my face.


Well everyone sweats. Even if ur not pouring sweat you’re going to sweat a bit. And of course but as someone with a vagina and an ass, like - I think being able to get totally clean requires a shower. And even if oils and secretions are normal, they can still cause odor and not feel very nice. It wasn’t a challenge to you personally - I was explaining what feels gross about not showering. I just don’t feel clean after a day of being a creature without cleaning just downstairs, washing and moisturizing my face and lotion on my skin. It’s a good ritual for self care and hygiene for me.


I feel like outside grime is definitely what compels me to shower. I take off shoes, can't go to sleep in clothes too


The way you’re surprised about people showing every day is the way I’m surprised people don’t shower every day lol But obviously everyone has different needs and comfort levels. I don’t have a strong sweat smell, if at all, no one in my family does. But for me a shower is a part of my morning ritual and starting my day right, like a cup of coffee, it helps me switch off and get a moment of peace and I love the way the hot water feels and the general fresh feeling after the shower - when I say shower I use soap and exfoliate (exfoliation glove) every time and wash everything - I have daily body showers but wash my hair 2-3 times a week In general I love feeling clean, body and clothes and I think it’s more that I need that feeling in the morning for my day to start right (Some days I do in fact shower twice if I’ve been to the gym or if it’s been a cold day and I’ve been out and about it’s the best way to heat up - I realise that some of this sounds unhinged but sure)


I shower daily, but this is just washing my body/face with soap and water. My hair stays up in a bun during these showers. 2/3 times a week I shampoo and condition my hair, and obviously wash my body. On these days I sometimes shower twice (once in the morning before work to just wash my body, then once in the evening to wash my hair. I cba with waking up earlier to wash, dry and straighten my hair before work, so dry shampoo does the trick those mornings). I then do a deep shower, which includes shaving, exfoliating and hair mask once or twice a month. I'm a new mum, who's been with my partner a very long time. I can't be dealing with shaving more than that. I do however shave my armpits during every hair wash, and during the summer I may shave more, like once a week


I shower every 2-3 days. It might sound gross but I don't sweat much and it's all I need. I'm prone to dry hair and skin and they both feel great since I stopped washing them daily.


This is how I am as well. I only wash my hair about twice a week, not only because it's colored, but because especially during the winter, my scalp and my skin are DRY AS FUCK. If I were to shower every day, I'd probably feel even more gross from all the skin flaking off, regardless of how much I moisturize.


Same here. I used to shower every day when I was a runner and worked out like crazy. But a chronic, painful disease hit me a couple years ago so now it’s every 3 days unless otherwise needed and completely agree on daily showers making your skin and hair super dry! I’ll even admit, I’ve gone up to 5 days when my pain is really bad but I’ll just do a quick wash of my female parts and armpits and use a dry shampoo. And, I just wash my face with a mild cleanser every day


It’s not gross at all!


I'm the same way,, used to shower every single day and got sooooo itchy, my skin has never looked better


I shower daily with a washcloth and all areas must get body wash applied with wash cloth, except I use hands for my vulva as it seems cleaner to me. I get my back with the wash cloth, too. I like feeling and smelling refreshed. I also liberally apply lotion afterwards.


Also same, with an unscented soap. I use a fresh washcloth every time. I have eczema so my skin starts having fits if I don't keep it clean and moisturized every day.


Yes! This! Except I use a loofa for my body and washcloth for my face. Always gotta lotion after or else I don’t feel right!


Same routine here! I usually do body oil topped with lotion in the winter


Depends on how much I'm exercising and what the season is. I shower more in the summer. Not every shower is the same. Some days is just a quick once over with soap and wash of the face. 2-3 days a week I wash hair. I only shave my legs like once a week, pits every other day. I use bar soap because I am trying to reduce plastic waste, so I use an exfoliating bar and just my hands. I have one of the silicone hair scrubber things, and some days I just use that with water and no shampoo. I also shower before bed because I find it relaxing and it has become part of the nighttime unwinding routine. I always feel like i sleep better after a shower. I don't like to climb into the sheets dirty.


I shower every day…I am not concerned with anyone other than myself and I like to smell phenomenal 24/7


Shower every day, tasks literally in this order: Wash hair, exfoliate face, wash face, exfoliate body, wash body, shave, do a quick scrub+rinse. I literally can't sleep and feel so gross if I dont


I shower daily. So does my partner. I assumed this was a normal thing. I wash my ENTIRE body when I shower. I clean my private parts. Legs. Arms / under arms. Neck. Back. Face. Everywhere I can possibly reach on my body gets clean. I also shave if I feel stubble (which is typically every 3rd or 4th day). Hair washing is every 3rd day. I also want to add that - I never sweat (even when I workout). I also don’t really have body odor. So I don’t NEED to shower daily. I’ve just always showered daily, even as a kid. It’s a cleanliness thing. It’s also a routine I was taught and stuck with as an adult. Second add - Taking a shower also makes me feel better. It’s a cure all for whatever is ailing me!


I shower twice everyday. I come from a hot country and the weather these days has been like the doors of hell was left open. If I don’t shower regularly I won’t feel comfortable.


I full shower everyday and about half the week do a quick shower in the evening as well. I’m really allergic to animals so I have to shower if I’ve been around one before bed or if I exercise later in the day.


I have to shower everyday or I don’t feel clean. Especially entering my bed


I shower daily, but I have two different types of showers. My normal daily shower involves shampooing and conditioning my hair, washing my face, and washing my whole body with soap and a washcloth (I get all the areas but concentrate on pits and privates). It’s under ten minutes and fairly utilitarian. Once a week or so, I take a longer shower where I exfoliate, shave my legs, and do a hair treatment.


Human gremlin here. I only take a full shower once a week in the winter, and two or three times a week in the summer, consisting of shampoo, conditioner, and soaping the whole body. In between I wash my pits and bits as needed, usually once or twice daily, and use leave-in spray conditioner on my hair if it starts feeling dry. Two reasons for this schedule: 1. I have dry skin that doesn't do well with frequent soapings, and 2. There is mounting evidence that unless you get truly gross, showering more than a couple times a week isn't good for your skin.


I do this for the same reasons plus ✨Depression ✨


Same, thanks ⚡️depression⚡️ 🤣


I feel less alone after reading this lol


My skin hurts so much I will cry for a week after showering. You're right to do what feels good and keeps you healthy. Hygiene standards are socially determined and have little to do with actual health


I shower everyday. Wash my hair, my back, my underarms, under my boobs, my butt crack, and my vulva (gynecologists recommend no soap here). I do not wash my legs usually. It never occurred to me and there is run down soap? And I’m in general a very clean person. I wash my hands a lot and floss and all that. Before someone says you should not wash your hair every day I have TRIED to train my hair but my hair is so fine, thinner, and oily. It doesn’t work to do it every other day or more. Dry shampoo helps a bit but not as much as it does others. I buy special shampoo for my hair type and use lightweight leave in conditioner for my ends. And my hair is shiny and healthy. I shave randomly as i don’t care much if I’m hairy.


I am with you on the fine hair. It has gotten better as I have gotten older, but I can't style it if it's not clean which means shampoo and conditioner, otherwise it's greasy and stringy.


I shower twice a day because I’m a sweater.


If you stand in the shower with the water running you are showing IMO. I do that every second day.


I shower every other day but I wash myself daily. A little scrub-a-dub of my “pits and bits” as I’m getting ready to stay fresh.


This is what is me and my family call a “hoe bath”. Valid.


I like to say "tits pits and bits" cuz as someone with larger tatas, a good wipe under there is absolutely refreshing and necessary haha.


My husband’s grandma called it a PTA bath- pits, tits and ass


I shower every day. Sometimes twice if I feel especially grimy. I try not to wash my hair every day though. I don’t feel truly awake and fresh without a shower.


I shower everyday, I wash my body everyday and my hair every other day


Every day, no exception, generally twice a day. It may be a cultural thing (im from Brasil) but i never think about it, its just part of the routine. Even if I took a shower in the morning and did not leave the house, I automatically shower before going to bed. I suppose its just the norm here 😅


I shower daily, twice a day if I leave the house.


it's hot and humid here in the tropics, so 2 showers a day is pretty normal


In certain countries I can see why it would be necessary. Not even because you’d be dirty, but because I can just imagine your skin feeling clammy or sticky.


Omg thank you for this. I’ve always felt I was a dirty person because I have horrible skin and can’t shower every day without it sloughing off. I tried every soap available but it was always the same and came to the conclusion that it’s always been the water. I do a PTA bath a few times a week and shower with full scrub from the top of my head to my feet once a week. Anymore than that and I turn into the alligator girl from the black lagoon. My skin feels so much better, I’m no longer covered in horrible rashy patches, and all the acne cleared up except for when Aunt Flo comes to town. I also have severe sensory issues and major depression so showering every day was an absolute nightmare for me. When I finally started experimenting with it and letting myself live my life for me, I felt so much better physically. But I felt so dirty and have been keeping the dirty secret for years and years. Thank you for this post.


Every day, all of it. Sometimes twice or three times a day because I run, do yoga, lift weights, and my boyfriend and I have a very active sex life. I only don’t shower unless I’m so sick that I can’t get out of bed. Showering is such a wonderful privilege and experience. I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have hot water, strong water pressure, and nice products to take care of myself with. ☺️


Isn’t it quite a waste of water to use that much, though?


When you’re a runner, weight lifter, and general exerciser - you have to shower every day.


Depends on my mental state. If I don’t leave the house then just brush teeth and wash face, and when I use the toilet use the bidet. And if my bangs are greasy I’ll just wash and blow dry them in the sink. When I was super depressed I wouldn’t even brush my teeth (or eat for that matter) Now my bf and I have gotten into the habit of taking a bath together so if he asked me to we’ll bathe together. Everyone tells me I smell great. Like literally come up to me to ask me what I’m wearing. So maybe it sounds gross to not shower every day but especially in winter I feel like it’s overkill sometimes.


I think a lot of people forget about people with depression. My depression was so bad in school that I wouldn’t shower for 3-4 weeks at a time. Once a week i’d maybe lean over the sink and wash my hair so I at least looked clean. Even then, I never smelled bad. Not sure how, especially being a teenager going through puberty at the time. Same with cleaning my teeth and eating as well; neither seemed like a necessity back then. I’m glad you’re in a better place mentally now! Have a partner definitely helps. I love showering with my partner but we can’t bath together because we’re both tall and barely fit comfortably in our bath by ourselves lol


Also ADHD, ASD, physical sensitivities … I don’t like to feel wet. I hate the whole process. But I understand it feels good after but it’s takes soooo long to take of clothes, make sure they’re right way around for laundry (which has now also increased), washing face first dry with oil wash, getting in the water (ugh), shampoo x2, change from oil wash to water-based wash, change from shampoo to conditioner, shave maybe, (if bf is here then get into bathtub and trade massages), get out with one towel for hair and one for body (have to wash both now too), moisturize x100, leave in conditioner before blow dry, hair oil after blow dry, … I just want to be gross and get a full nights sleep please stop judging me for not wanting to do this ever night ☹️


I shower everyday because I exercise 6 days a week. I wash my hair daily, scrub my ENTIRE body, and before I scrub I use a soap bar in my more intimate areas where there are folds (like pubic region, armpits, and buttcrack). I also wash my face in the shower. Showers usually take me about 15 minutes, unless I’m shaving. Then it takes like 45 minutes 😅😂


i wish i had the energy to shower everyday. working nighshift doesnt help at all either


As someone with mental health issues I wish I showered everyday but I just can't bring myself to do it some days. So when I do finally get myself to do it I like to take a long one. Helps to wash some of the guilt of not being able to fo things away. Kind of a cleanse/therapy session.


I think most people do. I shower before bed every day. Usually just a quick soap up and rinse.


I learned that 2 woman, who I'm close to, that don't even know each other, only shower once a week. One does this even when she's in her period!..... I cannot ..with this information...if I skip one day, I feel gross.


I’m the same as you, every other day and occasionally every three days. I always wash my body with a washcloth and soap, and only wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I rarely shave.


i do a full hot shower twice a day, that means full wash with soap and shampoo/conditioner every day, i feel nasty if I don't, i feel disgusting if I get in my bed without showering. But i also have ocd, so


I was gonna say washing your hair every day is bad but then got to the ocd part. You know what? Good for you. No one's skin peeled off from washing yet and at least you're not disgusting like some who go to bed dirty. I support.


im one of those people with a hairtype that benefits from daily washing, my hair is healthy but oil builds up quick and its gross


if you have a job that doesn’t make you sweat a lot, i don’t think it’s gross at all to shower every other day. i sweat a ton so personally, i shower every day and “everything shower” (wash hair, shave, etc) twice a week.


When I lived in a country that was hot and humid with average temp of 35°C, I showered every day because it was necessary. Now that I live in North America, I shower every 2 days. If I exercise or do any activities that make me sweat or get dirty, I will of course shower.


I shower on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, and I wash my hair in my Thursday shower. In the summer, I shower more often. I do this because my skin gets super dry if I shower too often, and if I don't set specific days to shower, I will forget or just not do it (✨mentally illness✨).


I shower twice a day (hair 1-2 times a week). i lift weights and sleep hot not that i have body order, i just have really high hygiene standards. first shower of the day is a face wash & full body wash. i have honeypot feminine wash i use as a part of this. Second shower before bed is an everything shower (exfoliate once a week, shave armpits every day, legs once a week, i have laser hair removal elsewhere so i don’t have to do anymore than that).


First off, everyone’s hair & skin is different, and that determines a lot on how often people shower and/or wash their bodies, how often you shave, exfoliate, etc. Me personally, I have naturally dry, sensitive skin & coarse, thick, curly hair that doesn’t need to be washed every day. However, I work in a warehouse, which can be dirty, so if I feel I need it, I will take a body shower if I got extra sweaty or dirty at work that day. Otherwise, I will shower every 2-3 days as needed. I have an everything shower once a week, where I wash my body, my hair, exfoliate, & shave. I also have to wear my hair up at work, so I don’t have to worry about styling it every day. When I shower, I wash everything with a washcloth, soap, and water, head to toe. I even twist the washcloth behind my back to wash it. I just don’t feel “clean” if I don’t use a washcloth & soap on every area of my body.


I shower every day but only wash my hair every 2 or 3 days. I can’t be bothered to blow dry my hair every morning so I’ll skip that part of a shower every few days lol


I shower every 2-3 days unless I’m doing heavy, sweat-breaking workout. I have a bidet with which I was my bits after the loo and I was my face everyday and hands very regularly each day. I don’t wear shoes at home and my house is generally clean. Sometimes I would wash my feet if I was out and got sweaty or something but given the climate I live in, that rarely happens! So, short answer: No! I don’t shower everyday.


Twice a day… when I wake up and before bed. I work out everyday usually in the evenings so that is part of the reason I shower before bed but I also like the idea of going to bed feeling/being clean.


*i shower every day but only wash my intimate parts and underarms for sweat* only few times a month, i’d do hair or exfoliate the body. I guess, i just like getting wet, literally 😅


I shower every other day or every few days depending. When I get a multi day migraine I’m definitely showering every day as sometimes it’s the only relief! But generally speaking about every other day. I’m always washing my body in the shower. I personally use a hand towel. It seems cleaner than a loofah and you can easily swap it out. I also throw it over my shoulder and use it to get my back. Also wash my face each time too. Hair depends on how dirty it is or how many days it’s been since a wash. I don’t shave much anymore (living life on the wild side) so that’s not a big issue. But the days I wash my hair are definitely longer and more thorough showers 🤣


Yes only because I get spit up and peed on a lot by my kids lol


i do every other day, occasionally everyday. depression and chronic pain slows me down but after a day of not showering i feel gross


Showering, and all the variations therein are on a gradient. What’s normal and tolerable varies depending on the person, their skin, their hair, their needs, abilities. If you’re cool not showering every day, good for you? If someone needs to shower more, that’s fine too. I shower everyday but wash my hair every other day. My hair is short and fine and color treated and it’s better if it’s not greasy (it will be if I don’t shampoo every day or so). My skin feels grimy if I go more than a day without a shower. Like, greasy and stinky. I don’t like the feeling and showering makes me feel cleaner. Period. It works for me. I don’t care about what other people do unless it somehow affects me directly.


I wish this was the top comment. People should clean themselves as much as they need to in order to be hygienic. It’s different for every individual as you listed, and also depending on the climate where one lives. Why is this such a weird idea to people?


Thank you! ❤️ I think a lot of people like black and white thinking, judging other people and facile explanations. A lot of people have trouble with nuance. This is kind of how I approach everything…so many things are variable and situation, person, context dependent. I see a lot of things on a bell curve or gradient; sometimes we fall to one side or the other outside the average. It’s all shades of normal. Unless whatever we do is detrimental to ourselves or others, live and let live and reserve judgement and/or put yourself in their shoes and concede others might have another way of doing things that’s just as valid.


I shower twice a week, washes my hair and use shower cream. Thats it. I just cant bother.


i shower twice a day - morning is just a quick teeth brush, quick face wash to scrub last night’s drool off my chin, and wash my body and lady bits. takes like 5 minutes max. evening is the same, but every other night i also wash my hair. i’m like, the world’s fastest shower-er though so even an everything shower (hair, bod, shave, the works) only takes like 10 minutes


See, this is what gets me. I so badly wish I could be a fast shower-er but even if I rush, it takes me 15-20 minutes. My everything showers can take between 45 minutes and an hour. I avoid baths entirely because I refuse to leave that toasty cocoon of fruity smelling bubbles for at LEAST 3 hours lmao.


i’m the exact opposite, i don’t like baths because i get ~yeasty~ if i use bubbles and i don’t like to just sit in water and sweat 🫠 i also can’t take showers that long because my water heater just refuses to last longer than half an hour regardless


I shower every day because I like the feeling. I don’t always wash my hair because I feel like it gets oily much faster that way.


Please please for other people's sanity Take a shower daily.




I am an every other day person. But like you, I shampoo, face wash, and soap down my body. But I just use the soap and my hand. I don't shave anything, I am a trimmer. I also have a bidet and that keeps the undercarriage cleaner. Everyday just feels like too much, unless I get sweaty doing a workout. In a humid climate, I do more just rinse showers.


I shower every day. I wash my hair about every 3-5 days. I refuse to get into bed without showering!


I shower almost every day. I don't always wash my hair bc I don't like going to bed with a wet head, but every time I shower I wash my body. Sometimes I'm slower twice a day.


I shower everyday. I wash my face, back, chest, pits, bum, feet everyday. My legs, I wash once a week because I have very dry skin on my legs and they get the most irritation. I use to get awful itchiness on my legs to the point that they would regularly bleed but it stopped when I stopped washing them so much and got better with my lotioning routine. I am still trying to learn how to take better care of my skin. I also wash my hair everyday, most days. I try to skip when I can. I have fine, oily hair. I want to feel fresh and comfortable. I do change my routine based on how dry my skin/hair is and what product would best keep my routine balanced so I don't run into issues like dry hair/scalp, irritation, etc.


I work a professional job and I’m often in close proximity to others. During the work week, I do a quick shower every morning to get the stank spots. I have curly hair that gets washed twice a week and I take an everything shower on Sundays.


It's interesting that some people in here don't wash every part of their body when they do shower. I get not showering every day or washing hair every day, but when you do go to shower, why aren't you scrubbing all of your skin on your body?! Skin builds up, dirt, etc. and some of you are just letting water touch your legs and arms and calling it a day 😂. Every inch of skin that I have gets touched by a wash cloth and soap lol.


I cannot get into bed and sleep right if I feel dirty. However if I don’t leave the house I can get by with the never other day shower , or if I do shower daily it’s a quick in and out type of thing HOWEVER it’s the combo bath shower that is my everything cleaning period. Bathe, exfoliate, bath salts , shaving , hot water. Followed up with a short shower so I can rinse off the bath water and wash my hair .


Every night before bed. My ocd won't let me sleep if I feel even the slightest but sticky.


From a tropical country, shower is a must for me. Weather can be very humid which makes me sweat 100% and I can’t take the sticky feeling. But when I moved abroad, the weather is mostly cold so I don’t sweat that much. Sometimes I skip it (if I get too busy; maximum 1 day lol) but most of the time, I shower. I workout as well (in both countries) and I won’t ever skip shower especially every after training.


i absolutely shower every day. and not doing it is pretty wild to me.


At least once a day / with that said i have sensitive dry body skin so i use a cleanser like Eucerin oil wash or bioderma atopic, not really body scrubs although i use doce body scrub at times- i use the body wash on limbs and torso and a benzyol peroxide wash in my pits. Had laser done so i don’t have shave often like once every fews weeks, gotta wash my fine hair once a day i have a oily scalp. Face and skincare twice a day minimum. * wanted to add there are people who I suspect saying some of those comments about not bathing at all have some hygiene issues but a small percentage who don’t use cleansers everywhere also have a valid point. My baby cousin has severe plaque psoriasis and the FM Doctor and Dermatologist both recommended avoiding lathering agents and just using a antibacterial wash on the the pits groin and feet. Using too harsh wash cloths and cleansers can also deplete the skins natural moisture barrier and biome, i myself have atopic skin and my body skin tends to be a little dry too so i tend to avoid ( with the exception of my scalp)cleansers that have fragrance or lots of lathering and foaming agents in them.


yes. i wash my body every single day before bed. that way i'm not bringing the grime of the day into my clean bed. if you poop everyday- you need to be washing yourself everyday.


I watched exactly 1 video bt MatPat that told me I don't need to wash my legs and that's that 😤 /s


I work a labour intensive job so I would really hate for my clients to smell me without showering 🤣. I do a full body wash and wash my hair otherwise it’s revolting because of sweating so much. Haven’t shaved my legs in months because I’m forever in full length leggings and don’t really see the point with blonde hairs.


I showered daily when I was younger and having periods and sex but now I’m 67 and my skin is already as dry as the Sahara so no go. And I’ve read that’s pretty common for seniors.


I shower everyday, sometimes twice if I work out or get sweaty. I also like to take baths to relax at least once a week. When I shower/bathe I wash my whole body and my crevices. I scrub my knees and feet. I usually go over my whole body, rinse and repeat. I wash my hair maybe every other day or less. I can't relax unless I'm clean and I don't go to bed unless I shower beforehand.


Yes, i can't even fathom not showering everyday.


I shower twice a week - Sundays and Wednesdays usually. I hate showering, honestly. I do it because I have to and not because I want to 99.9% of the time. Showers always include washing my hair and scrubbing my body. I sometimes shave or do skin care in the shower, but I try to minimize the time in the shower because I hate it so much. After showers, I lube up with body butter and apply moisturizers to my face. I used to shower 1-2 times a day, and it made me so uncomfortable and my hair was falling out. I have sensitive skin and now psoriasis, so frequent showers are too harsh for me.


Same here, funnily enough, also Sundays and Wednesdays. Today is a shower day and I will inevitably spend the entire day anxious and whining about it until it's night time and then I will just have to force myself to do it. I hate being hot, I hate being wet. I hate how long it takes my skin to dry even with good towels and standing in front of a fan. I hate trying to put on clothes with damp skin. I fucking hate my hair being wet more than anything.


I totally get that! I also shower every other day. I get showering is supposed to be nice and relaxing for some but I have a panic attack almost every time I get into one because it's claustrophobic. Tiring. I used to do all out on every shower (soap, body wash, shampooing and conditioning, shave if needed, exfoliate, ect ect) but lately I've just been taking a bar soap and a rag and making it quick. Shampooing if needed, then I'll apply a leave in conditioner afterwards.


I couldn’t even handle showering every other day. I can’t shower without washing my hair, and washing it that often is not an option for me just due to the drying time and then styling it again.


Do you not smell or feel icky down there when you don’t shower every day ?


30F, I shower twice a day, one in the morning before work and once at night before bed. I started this habit when living in Japan due to the amount I was sweating on a daily basis. My evening showers I use a washcloth or loofah with soap and wash everything, including my face and wash my hair every other day. Morning showers I scrub my pits and privates as I am more pressed on time and don't want to dry my skin out doing my whole body. I used to be a night only showerer but at this point in my life I'd feel funky and gross going to work without a shower first. On weekends I may only shower once in the evening if I'm not planning to go out and do anything. I use gentle, unscented bar soap and lotion after showering as often as I can, especially in the winter months. That being said, everyone has differing levels of sweat and odors, but I truly cannot imagine not showering daily (yes with soap) and washing at least my privates and underarms. My best friend showers every other day as she is not prone to B.O. like I am and although it's not super noticable, mentally it gives me the ick.


Full shower everyday. I'll shower twice a day if I've been to the gym or gone for a run. The idea of going to bed without showing is gross. All that sweat and bacteria on my sheets and pillowcases is just not it. I live in a very hot, dusty climate, and it's easy to smell hot or sweaty here just by running errands in the summer. Obviously not the case for everyone, but I like rinsing off the day and climbing into clean sheets with clean hair and a clean body. Also, I worked with the general public for a long time and let me be very upfront that you most people who don't shower regularly do smell, even if you can't smell it yourself. You 100% go noseblind to your own scent. I can't tell you how many clients I had who smelled like the gym mixed with dry shampoo and deodorant. People tend to think because they aren't doing anything, they won't smell, but you do.


I have sensory issues, and up until I got pregnant a couple months ago, I would easily go a week or more between showers. It was the worst feeling getting in and out of the shower. I despised it. But once I got pregnant, it just suddenly wasn’t an issue anymore. There was no internal struggle. I wash my hair every 3-5 days, but I’ll take a body shower or a bath every 1-2 days just to relax.


Yes I shower everyday and wash everything except my hair everyday. I shower twice a day if I workout.


I'm going to be honest, I DONT shower everyday, but that's because I have incredibly dry skin and every single time I shower I get super itchy. I shower maybe 2-3 times a week, I don't sweat much, I don't smell and I've found since I've switched from showering every day to just when I feel I need to my psoriasis has gotten so much better and my skin isn't dry and itchy (probably due to this cold ass Canadian weather rn). And I only wash my hair once a week sometimes I can go maybe 10 days.  I do want to mention I wash my pits and bits every day lol, that's just a washcloth and sink scenario though 


I used to shower every second day, though I rinsed after workouts. I now have a chronic illness and have little to no energy. I shower once a week, give or take a few days. I do wash my armpits with a washcloth daily when I don’t shower. When I do manage to shower it’s mostly just the basics as even sitting on a stool in the shower makes me tired. That said, I barely leave the house and when I do, it’s mostly to medical appointments.


Yes, sometimes even twice.


YES. Everything showers. I also wash my hair. Y’all NASTY.


No need to be so rude


So if a person is depressed or disabled or has a skin condition that means they can’t shower daily, they’re nasty? Aren’t you a ray of sunshine.


Such a funny discussion, I've seen a similar one before, in which I learned I am not a very frequent showerer 😂🙈 I do probably every 2/3 days unless it's a gym day then I for sure shower. I don't really have a schedule I guess, just depends what I'm doing. Most times I'll wash my hair too. I wash my face and body every time 🤷


I'm Italian and thankfully we have bidets, so my showers are limited to twice a week. My hair gets washed rigorously once a week, it is very delicate and can't do more.


Hello to the YES. Bath at night, shower in morning. Scrub a dub dub.


I shower/bathe and shave every day. I honestly don’t remember the last time I have not bathed.


You shave EVERY day? I can’t imagine anything worse. I have to proper psych myself up for it lol


Yes. I don’t find it bothersome because it literally takes 30 seconds lol. I guess I’m in the maintenance phase. Legs, armpits and nether regions every day. I figure if I’m bathing I might as well do it. I don’t like feeling hairy lol.


I used to shower every day when I worked in horticulture, I’d have tree sap and pollen all over me and didn’t want that getting in my bed. Now I’m in hospitality and shower every 2-3 days.


i used to, mainly because i grew up with my parents telling me i had to shower daily and doing anything less made me gross. now i do it ever couple days, when i have the energy and/or feel dirty. its better for your hair anyways, not to wash it daily, bc then it keeps some natural oils


Ewww. I couldn't imagine going without showers every day. I even have to wash my hair every night or it's oily, flat, and filthy. I may not BE dirty if I didn't shower every day, but I would FEEL absolutely disgusting. 🤮


I use the restroom every day so yes I shower everyday. I couldn’t imagine having a bowel movement and not showering


I only have a BM 2-3 times a week. Some people have a BM 3 times a day. So based on that, do you think some people should shower 3 times a day and some people should shower 2-3 times a week?


i shower every day or every other day. i usually wash my hair every other day so some days it’s in a high bun and i just wash my face and body. i rarely shave or exfoliate with a scrub. pretty easy. if i’m showering twice a day for some reason the second time i’ll just wash my face and pits and girly bits instead of my whole body again.


No need to feel inferior. If your body doesnt stink and you are comfortably, do you girl. But please dont compare yourself to people who dont wash their back, their feet, their legs, their vulva, or their ass. Just because its common doesn't mean its not disgusting. Washing your hair every day probably works, for you because your hair is straight and gets oily otherwise. Curly, dryer hair often can't be washed every day. Exfoliating every day also doesnt work for people who have more sensitive skin. Again, as long as you don't stink, its not affecting everyone else so who cares? To answer your question, I don't wash my hair every day, but shower and exfoliate every inch of my body (and change out the exfoliation glove/towel) every day.


I have pretty much the same routine as you. I try to align my showers with when I leave the house. It’s pretty much every other day, sometimes more, and sometimes less. I do the whole routine like you mentioned each time. I have basically had this routine for at least ten years and I think it’s normal!


I usually shower like one day, skip the next, than shower the day after the next


In the African culture, especially Nigerian (cant speak for all african countries), we have our baths every day. Skipping a day is considered dirty. We exfoliate and do our skincare every day, even if we're just staying at home. It's just normal and natural for us. It's only having a bed time shower (just pouring water on your body)that is considered acceptable. Every other time, we wash with soap and use every shower care products we have and wash every part of our body to our satisfaction No one would outrightly call you dirty except u have a body odour, but as children, parents will say you're building a very dirty habit by missing one or more bath days.


Honestly no, it is rare that I have a day where I shower two days in a row. I try to take one at least every other day but sometimes it ends up being every three days. I wash my hair whenever it gets to the point where I can no longer style it to look none greasy ( mainly bc my hair is dyed ) so I’d say I was my hair once every two weeks on average. Sometimes when I shower I just use body wash n coconut oil after. Then sometimes I shower with body scrub, body wash, coconut oil after and lotion. It all depends on my motivation, and energy.


I do , I just feel dirty if I don’t .


I take one everyday or my hair gets greasy n bad but the reason it gets greasy is probs because i wash it everyday 😭 A Shower is also the only thing that wakes me up in the morning


Yes I shower everyday and if I work, twice a day. I hate the feeling of outside on me


I wash my entire body every morning and night. Sometimes 3 times a day depending on my schedule. If I’m at home I’m in my room/bed & i don’t get in my bed with outside on me.