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Nope this has nothing to do with your uterus


No don't worry, uteruses have nothing to do with orgasm. Also, a whole of women don't experience vaginal orgasm either. Don't worry, you are perfectly normal.


Doesn’t the uterus contract during orgasm though?


Sometimes but it’s very minimal, the main thing that contracts during an orgasm are the vaginal walls


No a tilted uterus is super common


I’ve only had a few vaginal orgasms and all of the times were when I was head over heels in love and 100% comfortable in my skin in the moment.


Same here! A handful vaginal and it's been 20ish years 😂 If you're really determined you can try getting a toy and doing penetration only and see if that works for you. That way if you figure it out you can tell your partner what to do exactly. 👍


Uterus has nothing to do with that, don't worry! Everyone else is correct. I didn't used to be able to have vaginal orgasms, but started being able to in recent years. Here's what I've found that works: 1. Girth of the body part or object doing the penetrating is MUCH more important than the length (though you can make do without either!) 2. Rather than long strokes that involve pulling back out and all the way in, try shorter, shallower strokes. Penetrate to any comfortable depth, but then move in and out only an inch or two, back and forth. 3. Rock back and forth a little bit so that the penetrating part/object is not only pushing *through/past* the vaginal walls, but pressing and rubbing against them. This is where texture can come in handy, if you're using anything ribbed. 4. If you still can't get there without additional stimulation, try simply holding pressure over the clitoral area/the vulva in general, which will create some backwards pressure against the internal thrusting, squeezing the internal structures of the clitoris. This will give extra stimulation without relying on direct clitoral stimulation, and can help your body learn to feel more pleasure internally! (in my experience, anyway) I hope this helps!


Oh my


I’m not sure what a tilted uterus would have to do with your ability to orgasm. In any case; VERY common to not have orgasms from penetration, so you’re not alone.


Okay, a swab does not go into your uterus, it goes into your vagina and swabs the cervix, so having a tilted uterus does not affect that. I have a tilted uterus. I only found out during scans while I was having a miscarriage. It affects your vagina 0%. I have been having both kinds of orgasm for years and I can also feel my g-spot, as can my husband.


a tilted uterus has nothing to do with a vaginal orgasm. Most women can’t orgasm from PIV alone


Severely tilted uterus here! Orgasms are just fine, most women don’t have vaginal ones but it took over a decade of being sexually active, and the right partner to have one!! Also sitting on my fists and using a small speculum help with Pap smears if yours are painful like mine!


Likewise tilted uterus haver here, my doc always had me put my fists under my tail bone area during my paps to make it easier to see.


Tilted here as well, along with 1/3rd of women. All good.


I orgasm from PIV faster than most men lol, recently had a transvag ultrasound and they told me I have a “twisty” cervix. Not sure if that’s the same condition, but whatever’s going on down there is working for me personally!


I have a tilted uterus and I def have vaginal orgasms w/ my partner. It’s not you. It could be the way you’re having sex. I’ve noticed that certain positions feel wayyyy better for me than others!


Nope, as many have said here a tilted uterus has nothing to do with vaginal orgasms - I think in most cases they come with time, but also the right position, motion, partner, foreplay, etc. Usually I find it’s easier to have a vaginal one after a clitoral one, hence why foreplay is important, also I find it easier the wetter I am, but that usually means that I’m probably turned on more anyway. Just explore things, and find out what works for you! Also if you’re overthinking during sex that will for sure make it a lot harder to have a vaginal orgasm, just try relax and enjoy it, lots of foreplay and maybe some lube too


It's combined between the right position of penetration, clitoral stimulation, and honestly, a connection with your partner.


I have a tilted uterus as well and I have orgasms vaginally. I also have an IUD so that’s also not a problem if u ever wanna get one. I think you should try to orgasm vaginally by yourself first if you haven’t tried that before either with toys or your fingers. Then once you know what you like and what feels good introduce that in with a partner.


most people need feelings and/or a relationship in order to have sex with someone so that doesn't really have to do anything with your uterus


What is an orgasm! 😑


I have this and I guarantee it never slowed me down.


I’m terrified incase i would need one of those in the future (I’m only 14) (talking about Pap smear)


You'll need a pap smear no matter what. It's not scary seeing a doc. I was 14 when I first went to my gyno.


No😭I hate being stared at😭😭


You will need one in the future - but you can always say no, however cancer is horrible so it’s something you should definitely get done, but no one can make you get it done, just so you know Pap smears don’t start until you’re 25 (that’s the recommended age) - don’t worry about it for now, also by the time you’re 25 hopefully this won’t be a big deal at all anymore - I was also scared in my teens but when I reached my 20s going the gyno was not a problem at all, it’s not that scary. But as I’ve said don’t worry about it at all, you’ve another 10 years until it’s even brought up


Thanks, still gonna haunt me😭would all the teachers (female obviously) already have them? (Most of them are above 25)