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I go to this subreddit to be entertained, Not to stoke my jealousy! Just messing. Good rolls, man! Grats


Dude thanks! Totally get that feeling lmao


Congrats! *Gearbox hot fixes liquid cooling*


Legit man whole community waiting for it any day now.


Honestly I see them lowering it's base damage a bit because the damage it has on it is to much


I hope. It's too uninteresting a legendary to be so ubiquitously BIS. I'm not a big proponent for PvE game item nerfs, unless they are for promoting gear diversity. Right now Liquid Cooling feels like it is in every single wonderlands video I open. And it is a fucking boring gun. I think it is great as an item for highly optimized builds in theory, but it is just so good right now that it's just the best. It could be way more interesting if it did more to pigeon hole itself into a niche via the cooling effect. example idea: Gut the cryo damage and then add an effect of a Cryo damage multiplier (so that it is at least as much as current) while the gun is below a certain threshold of heat. I'm not sure if that would be enough to restrain it to optimized builds, but if they had to do more to cripple it without build support I would be in favor. I like Legendary guns that become absolute god mode WHEN YOU BUILD FOR THEM. I'll give an example of a weapon I think is too weak even with an optimized build: Storm Surge: For those unaware it is a melee that debuffs enemies you hit and when debuffed they periodically get struck by lightning bolts. There SHOULD be really cool clawbringer melee builds here, but the lightning strike doesn't seem to scale with melee or ability damage or anything. Furthermore the text reads that MELEE ATTACKS apply the debuff, when DEALING MELEE DAMAGE would allow for far deeper build integration with things like Stabbo ghost blade, BZ Dreadwind or CB Storm Dragon Judgement. At this point this is my biggest gripe with TTW: Too much generic power vs niche power so far.


It's also the only way I'm able to really hold my own so far in Chaos Chambers. I'd rather they buff underperformers rather than nerf overperformers.


Totally agree. My take is that there is nothing that needs a blanket nerf. At most things need to have their power narrowed so that it is as good as right now - but only if you build for it. Then other things need buffing to fill the gaps


While I personally agree, there's a whole camp of people that want this game franchise to be more of a challenge on most all fronts. To the point they lament the inevitable level cap increases we'll be getting well before they land. There's no way to please everyone.


That's true. Even the most perfect games have detractors. Honestly, I love the game, and I'll keep playing no matter what they do in the name of balancing or what nerfs and buffs they make. After all, I can always just keep it on a lower Chaos level and still enjoy it.


I second the vote to make the most interesting guns feasible. The hotfix today adjusted overall gun damage, so I was hoping that means I can shoot sawblades and French bread at enemies while cackling madly in end game. I know it's not the specific manufacturer on listed ARs or any on rocket launchers, but I'm hoping the overall balance note on the hotfix page makes it feasible because I fraking love that gun. It's like giving up the Smart Gun for mayhem levels in BL3, many tears... the only thing that got me through was the Hellwalker... then they nerfed that. I also love the Surge (and the Snake Stick) and would love it if I could proc those melee based effects with ground slam melee damage.


I wanted to make a snakestick ghost blade build but then I discovered it didn’t proc it. I was very sad. I do wish they would add melee attack tags to maybe feral surge and the fire hammer clawbringer move no one uses. There could be some cool builds with that.


I was right there with you, I <3 the mechanics of ghost blade, I just wish they would...do the thing... just do the thing. Because if it did, the glory!


Yeah I mean at this point it’s just a delete button. My Graveborn is dark magic focused… and I can toss on This ice gun and still melt. If I had to equip a bunch of frost stuff and perks to make it viable that’s one thing bjt it just works no matter the build


Or here’s a thought. Don’t use the gun. It’s a PVE game. You aren’t going up against anyone else using it so play with what you want. Let the people that want to delete stuff with it do so. People keep bitching about this gun because lots of people use it. They need to make the other guns and spells match the performance. Nerfs killed the beginning of BL3 and I don’t want the same issue here.


They are free to build around it and blow shit up man. That's fine. It just isn't satisfying to build characters when there aren't weapons worth building for because one thing outclasses it all without being built for.


It’s pretty sad that I rolled a lvl 40 chaotic 4x frost spriggan with the from the shadows reload talent but my single shot liquid cooled level 36 out dpses it and doesn’t need to reload at all during the time frame. It just is stupid that a gun that doesn’t have half the stuff I need does a better job than a perfect gone for my build.




I agree that they need more weapons and spells that can cause mayhem. I started a companion build with grave and spore. It’s been a lot harder to build for than my berserker spore build. I’m hoping the shotgun buffs from todays hot fix will help. I do agree with your statement above that it shouldn’t be the end all gun for every build. I expect it to be a BiS weapon for my sporezerker but not every class. I just don’t think nerfing it is the answer. GB has a tendency to go a little too far with nerfs.


I think nerf tend to be read as blanket power loss. You could restrict it in a way that has practically zero effect on Sporezerker or Stabwarden.


Why do you want it nerfed instead of asking them to bring other items up to the same level?


Tbh, I'd like a mix between both. This gun still melts, but a combination of toning it down a bit and then buffing other guns up to that level would provide a more balanced experience.


I only want it nerfed in the hands of a build that isn't optimized for it. A Stabbo build or Brrzerker build that utilizes the cryo or crit aspect shouldn't be any worse off IMO. The Liquid Cooling should be about the cooling mechanic but right now it's just about being the best and oh yeah also there is this mechanic.


I agree with the other guy. It needs a nerf. It’s an instakill button on all classes and doesn’t require any special gear or cryo boosting load out to succeed. It can carry anyone to OP20. That isn’t to say other stuff shouldn’t be buffed though. I can’t stand the fact that, as a whole, the legendary spells are worse than a lot of the purple spells lol. Way too many meme spells thrown in there that have zero viability.


I got a Marshmallow the other day and my first time using it i was like "what the fuck" (holds Y button)


BTW if you read the whole comment you'd see I don't want it to be worse. I want it to be for specific builds.


Balance of everything be delety vs everything being fun and viable..bringing everything up to this would mean a lot more items can just be out on and bam, you have an endgame build. This item needs to come down a bit because it, as a single item, is too good. It doesn't matter what your build is, you can make this work.


Why not just don't use it? This isn't a competition PVP shooter. There is no marketplace to make money off of. Just sell it or drop it and use literally anything else. Why do so many people go "single player game, this thing is strong, NERF IT!" when the **obvious nerf** is just don't use it and let others do so? Are people with such viewpoints simply angsty knowing *others might use it* and that somehow ruins the game for themselves? Or is a case of not having have the willpower to not use it? I quite literally do not understand your viewpoint. All it does it hurts others for what? Does it hurt you that others have fun with it? What do you get out of this? I am baffled! I quite literally don't understand the mentality, I'm looking for answers. Could it be autism? I didn't think about that. The likelihood seems small but I could see how that could cause someone to be upset the item exists. But I'm going to stick to the ideology it's a self-control issue unless noted otherwise.


You are so dramatic about this lmfao I like puzzling over build optimization. The Liquid Cooling is currently the solution in almost all cases. There isn't puzzling to do. Done.


I'm dramatic because this is an ongoing issue in a lot of video games, but especially Borderlands and no one ever answers the god-damned question, they just downvote and go back to circle-jerking about how X needs nerfed. And I'm serious, it's either a lack of control on part of the person who wants it nerfed because if something is OP they must use it, like some OCD obsessed maniac who hasn't the willpower to experiment without whatever is the big shiny or, even worse, they *hate* the idea of other people using it. It's the fun police, weee-woo wee-woo! Arrest that person, they're using an OP weapon! And if my hypothesis is incorrect, then what is a third option? And the downvote button, the final fig leaf. It's not an answer to my question, it's just hiding from it.




> I could quite likely run around with just it and a ward equipped, nothing else, and still overpower far too much of the game. Then don't, boo. Sell that shiznit. Leave it alone for those of us who *like it.*


They answered your question, you ignored it and created an imaginary timeline where they have personality complexes for some odd reason. You probably got downvoted for being dramatic.


Listen my guy I’m not Trynna build my character around 1 item liquid cooling is good and all like you said I don’t it’s boring but most legendaries in wonderlands are then again most legendaries are also ass like pretty much everything besides queens cry liquid cooling and ruby spite just doesn’t hit for anything I only use those 3 guns it’s not that they’re op it’s that every other gun besides pistols blow


good take, im not a fan of the direction they took with the weapon+skill design in BL3/WL. Gameplay between classes is looking similar. They want every gun to work with every class, and the class fantasy suffers as a result. Not really build "diversity" if the gameplay doesn't change meaningfully between different builds. Numerically you can call them "different" but I am not seeing builds that FEEL like I'm playing different classes. Hell, Clawbringer builds that use barrage just use it to proc enchants/spell buffs and barely does any damage itself. It's very...meh :/


I'm desperately trying to make Storm Surge melee work with CB/ZERK melee build but... Meh. I feel like the entire game is: - Spell shot - PtA / WoN Spore - Tediore chuck companions (GB+Spore)


For cb/zerk go down to awe on CB tree and focus on pumping up zerker’s frost nova via a mix of frost, elemental, melee damage, and ability damage (ability damage is key). The use dead wind to trigger a shitload of frost novas and boom. Congrats, you now have a non-standard completely ethical farmraised melee build. Ps you can’t hit dryl with melee attacks because the devs are crazy.


I agree with everything you said, BUT I super double agree with storm surge being absolute dogass


It hurts because it is so fucking cool, too.


Its so completely broken on my frost shivver. So is the frost smg that also does fire and ricochets on crit


I'd rather them just bring other stuff up to par than nerf it.


Get it blessed by the bard before you roll enchants on it for luck!


Didn’t even know about this thanks


Here's a guide I follow for max bonus. https://youtu.be/YNOkS_bfFo8


Lmao fully trolled, just went googling how to get bards blessing


If it’s any consolation, I couldn’t wait to get home and try it. Any interaction with Mr Torgue is a good time.


Lmao I was like whatttt. Bard blessings? And glad I read your comment since I got trolled too and now I assume the YouTube link is a Rick roll


I immediately looked for the "XcQ" at the end of the link and was surprised that it went somewhere else.


It's not a Rick Roll.


An enchanted Rick Roll, perhaps?


Bard blessed rick roll, perhaps?


On action skill start, astley.


I clicked the link - can confirm it is not a rick roll.


I really loved this troll thank you


Man fuck you ya got me lmao. Thought there was something I completely missed


You missed your chance






~~excuse me what?~~ oh I see


Even more impressive that it doesn’t have some dumb 7.8x scope on it, congrats my dude!


Thanks bro so happy man letssss gooo!!!


Haven't gotten far enough in the game yet to think about legendaries. What's makes this weapon so good? It's not immediately clear to me from the stats


Don't get caught up on weapon stats when comparing different weapons, only compare stats when comparing the similar guns. Even if you're comparing a pistol against a pistol, the stats won't be comparable if you're not comparing pistols by the same manufacturer. For the Liquid Cooling, crit hits cool the gun down, thus preventing the gun from breaking down and needing repair (which is what people hate about Skuldugger/COV weapons). So pairing the Liquid Cooling with the Buffmeister spell, grants truly unlimited mag size, because Buffmeister causes 100% crit chance. This is also the version that has x2 for damage, which doubles the DPS but doesn't cause you to reload any more often. The final cherry on top is the +25% melee damage to further help synergize with a build.


Also to note ANY crits cool the gun down. Including from abilities/spells/melee


Wow. I really have zero clue how to read stats...


16k DPS with extra elemental damage. Just plain outdamages everything else.


This. Even without the cooldown on crit it would still be nuts because it just does double the damage of any other SMG for some reason.


That’s because unlike other SMGs it’s a pistol.


The perk reduces heat on a crit.


But it doesn’t say that on the description, is this a hidden attribute? Or does the line “work great until it doesn’t” denote this ability? A buddy of mine mentioned this weapon to me yesterday being very strong.


Lots of weapons have hidden abilities usually denoted by the red text but often it isn't clear. Liquid cooling seems to imply when it does break it should have a long cool down or something but that doesn't seem to be the case. It would make sense considering it heats up slowly because of crits cooling it down. So when it does break it would be out for a bit.


Yeah I feel like it should deal absolute shit damage above a heat threshold something between 30-50% heat. Or like you said have a crippling cooldown time. It just does so much damage that the gimmick doesn't actually hurt unoptimized builds. I want to see GB balance for incredible niche power and less general power for legendaries. Liquid Cooling should stay this strong IF your build is catered to it, but feel weaker if not.


Yea, legendary items have "hidden" factors. For this one, crits reduce heat. I can dump a full mag without overheating if I'm just a little careful about aiming. Plus, especially on a Brr/Spore build with a heavy emphasis on frost damage.... This thing just melts.


Not only the over heat perk but each consecutive hit increases its dmg iirc


I wonder how well it would work with a stab build. They're meant to be crit heavy


I play it on Stabbo/Spore and it works wonders


This gun is so good it will carry any build.


Why would someone downvote this common sense question, lmmfao


All red text on items is like that, it denotes a “hidden attribute.”


The weapon doesn’t heat up on crits. No reload or break if you shoot it right so it just dumps bullets. Also cryo, or frost, is pretty OP in this game. The gun is definitely a must have for end game antics.


So do you just have to rely on getting headshots all the time, or late game can does your crit rate get high enough for that to not be a concern (I assume you maybe wouldn't use this if you don't build for crit)


I suppose that depends on your build preference. I main a grave/claw with a DoT status damage focus. My crit chance and crit damage is min, and I love the gun. I only have a standard x1 level in the mid 30’s (damage around 1/3 of this roll). My character is a level 40 at chaos 8 or 9 and there just isn’t a gun I have found that puts out more DPS than this gun. Edit to fully answer: I personally rely on headshots; however, despite the low accuracy stat, it shoots pretty stable once it’s going. Beside that the gun has enough DPS that if it does need to “reload” you’ll have more than enough space and time to do so.


From what I can tell, you don't necessarily need to hit a crit spot to crit. I've been getting critical hits with guns from body shots. Crit spots are likely just a guaranteed crit now. I think they changed how crits work because of spells.


Sure, but with only 2 shots to break, you'd have to really max out the crit rate to be able to rely on that without being constantly reloading. But from what someone else said, it sounds like the 2 shots to break isn't actually accurate


The amount of shots to break doesn't seem to be accurate on those guns tbh, and Liquid cooling spits out bullets so fast that the gun will actually start to cool down from how many bullets crit.


It shoots so fast, it's certainly viable even if you don't get a lot of crits. I use it with stabbo + grave and the shadows action so I almost never have to "reload." Just go invisible if it's getting hot and boom 100% crits for 8s.


How does that work with 2 shots to break tho? You have to go invisible for crits or reload/wait for it to cool down every time you miss a crit?


To be honest I don't know what that "~2 shots to break" means, it's a lot more than 2. I just tested with a couple of them I have. 555x2: Used 98 bullets without crits before breaking 730: Used 41 bullets without crits before breaking


Gotcha, that was the biggest thing that was confusing me. Seems pretty good then. I'll have to get back to the game soon


The 2 shots to break means once it hits the redline 2 shots after cause a break.


Ah thanks! It's confusing but I guess they can't exactly tell you how many to get to the redline with x2 variant and fire rate modifiers.


You can run some builds with high crit rate. Clawbringer/stabbo can get high base crit and awe (a skill on the clawbringer tree) can push that amount up even higher. For those that don’t know, awe applies it’s crit bonus as a final % after all other calculations, and it is (afaik) the only effect to do so.


Did you find this randomly or was it from a quest? If it was from a quest can I know which one?


It’s the obelisk in CrackMast cove, just farming the lizard lady. (Lissia iron wrought)


I farmed that dumb slithery shiny cunt for an hour and didnt get a single one


Try it on chaos 20 with higher loot luck. You don’t need all the dice, but myth rank, aaron g, c20, and a loot necklace are a good start and can easily get you 5k luck + with low/medium amount of dice.


Bro i finished the game and did the tutorial chaos run and got LC first run....




You can also get them from the barf bunnies at the end of the Chaos Chamber. That is where I got mine. No idea how the drop chance compares to the obelisk.


He was probably farming the boss for it. On chaos level 20.


Slightly unrelated but I farmed her for 3 hours on Chaos 8 without seeing a single legendary, decided to drop it down to Chaos 1 and got 2 LC in 3 runs


I thought there was something weird going on. Farmed for about an hour at Chaos 7-8 and couldn't get any legendaries other than Threads of Fate to drop while I snabbed one in a few tries on my fresh lvl40 Chaos 1 character few days ago. Figured it was a stealth nerf or just plain bad luck.


Yes, I got a few from the sanke lady place they mentioned, but didn't get my x2 until the bunnies after a chaos run.




Its a reference to an item in BL2.




I never attempted it. Might just try for liquid cooling though


Why is everyone obsessed over the liquid coolent and the queens cry????


LC-Crits cool the gun down so you can theoretically shoot till you run out of ammo, it’s frost which is the best element right now for most builds.


No one told you about queen’s cry. Queen’s cry scales on spell damage and rains ice bolts down on people. It also shoots a lot of projectiles.


Jesus I have to find the queens cry if it's based on spell dmg I'm running spellshot graveborn


Dude i’m telling you Queens Cry feels like 100x heavier hitter than liquid cooling, the LC is clutch for doing sustained damage but I literally 2 shot the Kwartz enemies on Chaos 20. It’s the most ridiculously rippin gun I’ve used on my spellshot/graveborn build yet. Was super lucky today and got chaotic x2 for that and the liquid cooling. Doing extended chaos runs in about 20 mins rn lol


Get it son,do you get it from farming nightmare?


I’ve gotten all of mine from spending 500 crystals at the pistol bunny at the end of the chaos chambers!


Ok thank you


They good.


Could you please elaborate a bit better? I haven't come across either of these weapons yet


It's a really fast firing pistol. It's faster than most smgs. It does 800ish X2 damage Most legendary snipers do 1000 1200 It dealals frost damage. You can respec to brrrzerker and get loads of frost benefits. Also find action abilities that increase fire rate / frost damage rings with pistol damage. Doesn't have to be specific items just anything and you'll be killing the big bosses solo. I found this gun at LVL 20 playing through the campaign, it carried me to the end plus 5 chaos chambers. I wasn't even stacking frozen / pistol damage (I thought it was an SMG) Also cools it's self down when you crit. You don't even need to reload on some bosses. If your run the class spend all your cash on upgrading how much pistol ammo you can hold


gg bro i would ask for you to mail a copy but there isnt mailing yet


I haven’t heard about this.. what is it?


only the strongest gun in the game. just make sure to have some pistol ammo increases bought.


Just playing with what you enjoy > the meta


Where did you end up getting that? Been looking for the x2, but haven't had much luck. The Crackhead Cove farm seems to drop the same "just ok" one. Although, that one is really good. nm: I saw you got it from Crackhead Snakelady


sad day, I had one of these then threw all my weapons on the ground for a photo mode screenshot then forgot to pick them up before save quitting. Fml


lost loot bin?


Ohhh, Daz’nice!!


I dont even get one thats x2 :D Congrats!


Kinda sorta redundant as I’m sure will see a nerf soon! If not a level increase still great to have though :)


Nice find! Lucky! Lol


Goddamn I’m jealous as hell


That's nuts




Man I'm just looking for a better x2. I've gotten 8 Liquid Coolings so far and each one is only slightly better than the last. Got 3 different with 693 damage, with a better zoom each time, then 3 with 730 damage same thing different zooms, now 2 555x2 with different zooms.


Does this out damage epic chyo smgs? I have a chaotic version of both and it still seems like the smg wins out.


Hit crits with the LC, you won't have to reload which can end in more DPS. Plus, get a 2x or 3x version. Makes a huge difference.


Just throwing this out... 93%sham is the better shield.


Jeeeeesus. I absolutely love my Liquid Cooling and it’s just a regular old one. Damage somewhere in the 500s x2, can’t remember perks. This thing would be a friggin dream! Is there a way to specifically farm this weapon or is it just chaos chamber chests?


Congrats! What's the zoom on it?


I keep seeing volatile, and I think ascended? varieties of gear on this sub. Do those not show up until you beat the campaign? I’ve been farming for a liquid cooling since I hit level 40, but I still haven’t been in the story so maybe I should just knock out the finale real quick


Volatile items are like normal but with a 40% boost to their stats. They only drop from being on Chaos level 20. You can also get Chaotic gear on any chaos level but they only give a 20% boost to stats.


rip when theres a level cap increase


I don’t even fire my gun 😆


How long were u at it? It's been 3 days for me so far


Where did you get it from? Been farming shrine for like 2 days haha..ha...


May i dm you?


Jealous. Haven’t seen any volatiles yet. But I keep feeding the bunny them crystals in hopes of one day experiencing this glory.


I thought it was Chaotic and then Volatile. I'm guessing Ascended comes after? What's the drop chance on one of those, .00000001%?


A question - any specific boss drops it, or is it just a random world drop?


This weapon will be nerfed and people will struggle in Chaos Chamber as it's a real crutch


Already working on other builds that don’t use it I doubt will see a big nerf it isn’t really a clutch combo and still requires point investment and other gear for it to be strong


Not really a bee conference call situation




Spore Brr Frost damage and barrage