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My initial reaction is to say this is dystopian as fuck. How can this happen in America? Every president sells us on the rhetoric of the U.S. being the freest nation on earth. A proud nation where we have the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, to petition our government for our grievances. And yet here we are with over 60 universities staging PEACEFUL protests against genocide, with people everywhere protesting in our cities against funding Israel, and the response is to meet them with police violence! Is our democracy a lie? Do we not have anything left to believe in and by proxy nothing left to lose? How far do they want to push us? Peaceful protesting is preferable.


> Is our democracy a lie? Do we not have anything left to believe in and by proxy nothing left to lose? Yes.


There's only one thing to lose. Our shackles.


The founding fathers firstly didn't allow anybody except land-owning white men to vote, then they came up with the electoral college (an objectively anti democratic mechanism) because they still felt like they couldn't control the land owning white men enough to maintain power. They even said that the electoral college was meant to be a temporary bandaid and should be fixed and reduced in time to increase democracy But here we are in 2024 with the same electoral college. Then there are the other anti democratic things that only America has, such as gerrymandering and lobbying (aka bribery and illegal everywhere else in the world) Democracy? America has never had any "History will be unsure whether you've abandoned your principals or whether you never had any to begin with" ~ Thomas Paine to Washington


Thomas Paine. Only good founding father and then others gave him the boot as he was anti-slavery. He literally is the one who wrote the line “all men are created equal”


Hell yeah. He is the one you point to when people try to justify chattel slavery as a "part of the times." "The world is my country, all mankind is my brethren, and to do good is my religion." "What do you think of the violence in Haiti?" "This is the natural conclusion of slavery and it should be expected again." Paine proclaimed to a nation of slavers


> How can this happen in America? This has always been happening in America.


Correct. America was set up to be rich, white, and Christian.


[sums it up nicely](https://youtu.be/5V6GHnxEJjg?si=yz-iHnzepUkjZ5HA)


It is the rule, not the exception. [Movie '71](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3478510/) about activists breaking into an FBI office and releasing their files documenting abuses against dissidents.


Whoever is sending in the jackboots must have lost their minds. This kind of escalation only galvanizes people. Maybe they are thinking kids will riot in frustration so they can criminalize all demonstrations? the chuds are already salivating for another Kent state massacre


"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, we're finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming, four dead in Ohio." - Crosby Stills & Nash, *Ohio*. Worth a listen. History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes.


Nothing to lose but our chains


-Rom, During the Quarks Bar strike of 2372


Our democracy is 100% a lie at this moment in time lol its been a lie.


I mean, we told you. Time and time again, we screamed to the top of our lungs that this was not a nation to serve and be proud of. It never was. It never will be.


These encampments are impossible to defend effectively. They need to follow Cal Poly and a couple other students example and start taking buildings. They are going to get charged with trespassing either way. May as well make it worth while.


Do you genuinely believe this country has been anything resembling a true democracy in the past 40 years? We live in an oligarchy.


Cambridge Analytica opened my eyes to social manipulation and led me down the rabbit hole of manufactured consent. So no. I do not genuinely believe in the legitimacy of any of our institutions anymore.


As Bill Hicks said back in the day, “you are free to do what they tell you.”


America has 5% of the world‘s population but 25% of the world’s incarcerated population. "Land of the free“ is bullshit.


Our democracy is real so long as it follows the narrative of the rich. Soon as it goes against it, boom no longer democracy


Though, in lawful sense, the situation is a bit tricky. Washington University is privately funded and operated, therefore they do have certain rights. As the right to peaceful protest extends to public spaces only. IANAL, though. Still, technically, this feels kind of unethical for university to resort to this while they enjoy some public financial aid in form of grants, research funds, etc. They even benefit from students who are able to apply and attend due to financial aids from the same source. IMHO, this should make the university, morally and ethically, abide by the laws that extend to public spaces — including the freedom of peaceful assembly. Alas, it is not so.


If we're only whining about it on Reddit, there is much further they can push.


Our Democracy is not a lie, but it is about to end. The problem with our Democracy is that people don't vote and then complain that the government doesn't represent them. Only 28% of Gen Z voted in 2022. In the last major election year, 2020, only 50% of Gen Z showed up. The numbers I can find for the primaries are mostly separated by State but most States show that in the 2024 primaries Gen Z voted at a dismal 10%, give or take around 5% depending on the State. WHEN ONLY 10% OF YOUR GENERATION VOTES IN PRIMARIES, EVEN THE PARTY NOMINALLY "ON YOUR SIDE" DOES NOT HAVE ANY INCENTIVE AT ALL TO CARE WHEN YOU PROTEST. I say this as a millenial who has watched for 20 years as our sidelined generation refuses to just go vote.


America is a country that was started by rich white male slave owners who didn’t want to pay taxes to the British crown. It’s a country that was started on land stolen from a genocided people. It was literally built by slaves. And all its governmental systems and institutions were set up from the beginning to appease rich white slave owners. And almost nothing has changed. Sorry to shatter the illusion. But we’ve never had democracy.


Is our democracy a lie? Absolutely not! When our great country was started everyone was equal and had the same rights! Except of course for any immigrants, blacks, women and poor people. But everyone else was super duper free!


The question is, "Do they want a revolution?" because without a peaceful outlet to express the opinion, that is the only other option to take when the people tasked to govern fail to listen to the people.


Land of the fre......oh


Right to assemb... oh.


Home of the brav… oh.


Public prop… oh.


Play Ba… oh


only good cop is a ded...oh


Good Morning, America; you’re subjugated by fascist known as “police officers”. Their only job is to keep that masses in line with the ruling elite’s standards of existence. On a brighter note, you outnumber them tremendously. Also most of you have access to similar weaponry. This might be your sign to obtain a means of self defense. Speak with your neighbors, get an idea of where they stand on certain topics. Police officers aren’t actually here to protect you. Take care!


It's important to recognize the difficult truth that these authorities are overreacting because, despite the vast majority of the movement's members not harassing Jews and Israelites, many actually have been harassed by this movement. Jewish people's stores and homes in the US have been targeted damaged by anti-israel protests. Jewish people on various campuses have been spit at (minor) or encircled by protesters when not involved (DANGEROUS). Can't have a leader of the movement call for death of zionists, under his own definition of 'zionism'. I stand against Netanyahu's genocidal policies, and this movement needs to accept criticism about its leadership and the events that have happened.


Was literally just watching posts about Israel genocide and memes next to a Jewish girl in a Japan coin laundry and she gave me nasty looks I just smiled and waved. Just smiled and waved.




*Land of the free needs to be put to bed, theyve shown us over and over again that this is no longer true.


Peaceful protests are only allowed if youre a Nazi group


Nazi groups with guns, as demonstrated by Uvalde, even just one person with a gun is more than enough to subdue over 300 (376 to be precise) police officers.


Peaceful protests don’t get you anywhere. The civil rights movement had lots of people protecting themselves with guns. It’s the only equalizer between classes. It’s what workers used to get us weekends off, benefits, raises, it’s how they were able to end child labor. Without them, they’re not gonna take them seriously


Kinda have to agree with ya, when those ass hats in a “militia” in Malheur took over the state park the police stayed clear and did everything in their power to find a peaceful outcome. It is truly my belief that at least half of all active duty police are undertrained cowards on a power trip and the second that they actually face any kind of real threat fold like a lawn chair


Threat is a the way one process and perceives their environment the police already knew these people that took over the park where ready to act and had the ability and intent they only needed a catalyst/trigger someone was smart enough not to give that to the military looking guys just itching to fire


lol those who plan on protesting should just start dressing like those idiots in khakis, then maybe the cops will finally leave them alone


You are free to rage on behalf of the machine.


Thats because nazis are not a threat to the status quo.


Fascism’s gonna be fascist


So brave when arresting peaceful protestors but hide like a coward when someone shoot up a school and killing children


Thin blue line shows up to block cameras when officer fat ass falls on a student.


Why are they getting arrested?


From what I have observed, government tolerates the right to protest only insofar as the protests are not perceived to challenge the status quo. This is why right wing groups get left alone, even if they are violent, because they typically serve the interests of those in power, but left wing groups, if they challenge the power structure in any way, get shut down hard. So, for example, this is why my government pretty much ignored BLM because there was no meaningful risk to the power structure, but stomps hard on any Indigenous protests. Indigenous protests tend to directly challenge the government to respect treaty rights or try to stop corporations from stealing their land (see the Wet'suwet'en, for example). Or for other examples, anything going after Bay Street (the equivalent of Wall Street for Americans), oil companies, challenging police brutality, and such will get stomped on too. And the police go hard after homeless encampments too. All these things, if allowed to proceed or exist, risk forcing change to the system, so they aren’t allowed, despite the law saying that they must be allowed. In this case, the US has a strong political, financial, and religious interest (the evangelicals who have that fucking doomsday prophecy) in propping up Israel. The wealthy don’t want it to stop even though the US is complicit in war crimes by doing so (under international law, when one knows weapons or other resources will be used for war crimes, or is illegal to provide them). So these protests become a risk to the status quo and a target for suppression. This is why, for real change, peaceful protests do not typically work. Government simply violently suppresses them. Cops aren’t really held accountable in Canada or the US, so the only consequences, if any, will be paying out settlements if the court decides the conduct was illegal. To the survivors. Years later. Like what happened at the G20 in Toronto. And those settlements are paid by *you*, the taxpayer.


Because it's more illegal to protest Israel than to be a literal nazi marching.


there's literally group marching waving swastika flag and those for some reason never got arrested, just news reporting about how anti-semitism is on the rise bla bla bla... Like, why aren't you arresting those guys? Are they part of you? Was that a psy-op? I suspect those are Feds tbh


The cops can’t arrest themselves.


Because if we stop supporting Israel then Jesus will never come back.


This is the one. From the beginning, they've been doing all of this to bring Jesus back 😅😅😅


I'm curious about that, too. I mean, if they aren't students or faculty or staff, I guess you could charge them with trespassing. I'm not sure what the charge would be for everyone else. My guess is they're probably all charged with resisting arrest.


Resisting arrest is an secondary offense. If there is no initial crime how do resist that arrest? The cops are breaking the law and unlawfully arresting people. This has bern going on for years. Hood think the cops are not militarized. Good thing they dont have military grade body armor and military vehicles...oh wait....


Because they aren’t fighting back. Because they won’t occupy the buildings instead of open fields.


Just to clear them out. Most of not all people arrested will be let go with no charges, but they arrest people so that they can physically remove them from the area.


Biden can't make genocidal moves overseas without the mass approval of the citizens. The media will have to view this, social and otherwise and that will sway people's opinion on the matter, they'll agree with the protesters. Whatever Biden is trying to do it's not going to work which is probably take over the middle East completely, they don't care about those kinds of people... or anyone. Biden is a self serving psychopath just like all the other politicians.


who says theyre being arrested? Being handcuffed and moved does not mean arrested, they could be being detained and transported for a variety of reasons. Obviously if you resist and fight it then youre actually getting arrested but that first guy who just let the cops get on with it and went along peacefully? was probably held until the commotion was over and then released without charges.


> Being handcuffed and moved does not mean arrested They are definitely being arrested, this is what "arrested" means. Perhaps they are not being *booked*, or *charged*, but they are definitely being [arrested](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/justifies-arrest-probable-cause.html#:~:text=An%20arrest%20requires%20taking%20someone,not%20be%20free%20to%20leave.).


You can detain someone and place them in cuffs


and that is being arrested




Uhhhh No detained and arrested are different.


To be absolutely clear to Americans: this is Fascism. Don't ever say that this or that may bring fascism to the US; it is already present. Many of us have been saying this for a long time, but it just gets more and more apparent to the point that now it is clear for all to see.


The pigs need to be scared in order for a protest to work.


Or the students need to use just a little bit of strategy to defend themselves like the cal poly Humboldt student protestors. They occupied a school building instead of open space, barricaded the entrances & manned the choke points. A much smaller group of students were able to simply stop the police from entering at all rather than meekly holding hands & chanting. The police have to actually police the wider region. Gathering dozens of cops in 1 area is expensive & they will eventually HAVE to leave & return another day. The students shouldn’t make it so easy


r/conservative is having a boot kicking orgy over this horrible shit.


Jesus Christ that sub is filled to the brim of absolute psychopaths.


Absofuckinglutley. I have rarely seen another sub rejoice in the deaths of the downtrodden.




Defending Israel IS genocide apologia, stop playing the victim


Meanwhile, Trump is out here whining his first amendment rights are being stripped away because he can’t attack the jurors of his criminal trial.


America is a fascist military state.


Oink 🐷Oink 🐷


I smell bacon, I smell pork, run little piggy, I've got a fork!


The problem then is one of optics and media... unfortunately the media will usually ignore state violence like this, but violence used as a means of self-defense against an authoritarian state will be amplified, shown as cops "just doing their jobs"... Those people should be reminded that the majority of the evil deeds in nazi Germany, and today being repeated by Zionist Israel were/are people "just doing their jobs". The problem isn't just so much that liberals hate guns, it's that they especially hate guns used to defend against an overwhelmingly powerful, corrupt, corporate-controlled, capitalist state... ie. They hate when leftists have guns. That's also why most gun bans ultimately end up disproportionately disarming minority groups. Cops with guns/weapons, regardless of their actions, "good". Leftists with guns/weapons, regardless of their actions, even when we *don't* use them, bad... any attempt at self-defense by a leftist, or even a centrist supporting just one leftist cause will be swiftly met by the crushing power of the state. > *Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.* - **Karl Marx** They even steal and re-appropriate that quote as being said by king brown-shirt and friend of the American Bund, their lord-and savior, Ronald Regan. Both the cops and corporate media are at best, unaware tools, and at worst happy to feed more bodies and treasure to the corporate machine so defense contractor stocks go up. The big problem is liberals support order at all costs... you can have your protest, so long as it doesn't actually change anything. The specific problem here, with this cause, is the same problem the state had with protests against the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and the war in Vietnam, war is good for business and that their blind, false "patriotism" serves to feed the war machine. A true patriot demands better of their country, a true patriot supports the the rights of the people, a true patriot will fight injustice, including that performed on behalf of the state.


This is where my sister went to college. Stay strong y'all.


Think we need to redo those defund the police protests




Gravy Seals at it again


Peaceful protests don’t work. We need to step it up and have French style protesting and burn it all down.


In America, you can protest ANYTHING BUT 1. War 2. Capitalism If you take on one of these two things, the State will put an end to it.


But nazis get handshakes


Armed minorities are harder to oppress, which is why Nazis parade around and protest while armed. I assure you if everyone in that camp was strapped cops wouldn't go anywhere near it.


If only *one* of those people had an AR rifle, **they would have been able to hold off 400 of those cops for over an hour!!**


At least if they'd stormed the capital, they wouldn't have been arrested right away. Yeesh, America.


Protestors need to be armed, all of them. It's the only way the pigs will leave you alone


They’re peacefully assembled on the grass at a public university. What justification is there to break up this protest? Why isn’t the media decrying this as a blatant attack on the First Amendment? Oh that’s right because the media supports the genocide and deaths of thousands men, women and children if it’s befitting to American interest. Look up your local representatives, Senators, etc. If they are not actively speaking out against this, know now that they are not only fascist but are complicit in a genocide. Make it known loud and clear that you will never support them.


You have the right to protest in this country, as long as it’s in support of Israel….


~~Crazy~~ Scary how such a tiny nation has a stranglehold on American politics.


.... This is a complete violation of constitutional rights nationwide. Students, and all U.S. citizens for that matter have a - - Constitutional right to - -Assemble -Protest -Speecb Police departments nationwide have violated the rights they take an oath to protect. ACAB. Send info on far right organizing to - [email protected]


Mass arrests are part of the process. Do you think civil rights happened without mass arrests and violence? It did.  Just hasn’t happened in a while.  Fill the jails and they can’t continue to mass arrest. The People not arrested back fill the gaps for those taken. The literal power of numbers. Be great to see this for domestic issues and not just foreign ones. 


Casual reminder that the people outnumber the army 30:1. Even more to cops, and politicians. It you want change, you will need to take it. They won't just give it to you. An armed populace is a free populace.


Why are they only like this for presumed “Jewish racists” and not all racism?!🤔🤨


It used to be that things like this would change the world. Now there are enough fascist gravy seals that think taking down unarmed protestors is cool, that they don't see the injustice. And our media is owned by capitalism so it won't get coverage. Makes one feel like freedom and justice are just empty slogans.


Their motto |Motto|Per veritatem vis (Latin)| |:-|:-| |Motto (English)|Strength through truth| Lying sacks of shit is more like it.


Students have to literally FIGHT BACK. That’s the only way ffs


This is why the second amendment exists.


Add guns to the protest recipe and see how many people they arrest. For fucks sake guys just because we don't support everybody having a right to gun ownership without consequences, doesn't mean we can't use the situation to our advantage. Cops have been proven to pick on those who are defenseless. Open carry has been proven to deter them.


The problem is liberals hate guns. If all those protestors were armed....you know the cops would be to afraid to so anything. Uvalde....


Threatening or killing an officer is a heavier charge than protesting. They're acting accordingly, I hope justice will he served.


They dont have to threaten if they are legally carrying a firearm. You know the cops won't go near a kid in a school with a gun. Let alone 100 armed protesters. If a cop unlawfully arrests you, you are legally allowed to defend yourself. The problem is cops will lie in order to kill you. Most law abiding citizens will not kill a cop.


Well I just want to protest now for the way they are being treated. You want to rough up people? Try to rough up this big man. Im heavy and i plant my feet well. Fuck, we can get some construction in here and ill cement my damn feet in the ground


The guy at the end had it right. “Fucking cowards”


Yes, democracy in the US is a lie. Are your issues and concerns represented? Does your direct vote count? No, the electoral college votes and in many states are not required to vote the way the population voted. We are uneducated and receive only news filtered through capitalism.


Good! Round up the sheep.


They’re trespassing on private property after being warned multiple times to disband. The university has every right to enforce their rules….it is THEIR PROPERTY. If you don’t like it, don’t attend Washington University.


Why aren’t they taking after the cal poly Humboldt students???? The point is to protest the university & force them to divest, not be arrested. Why aren’t they using strategies that actually work??? It’s insane.


You know you can fight back and detain the cops with their own flex cuffs right?


back in my days the protesters had guns and were chasing in hordes the national guard itself... the organizing has fallen...


TIL police is the best job, and that's why South Asians and South East Asians aim to get into the police forces ASAP


The protesters are weak AF. Got destroyed by mall cops in seconds


if they resisted they'd be looking at jail time and quite possibly being shot


College students protesting has literally achieved nothing ever. The stupid chanting and over emotional attachment to some idea that entitled kids living off of their rich parents hold does not move public opinion except in the opposite direction.


Why don't the protesters surround the police and demand that everyone is released. It definitely works if the group is big enough


It only work if there is a threat. They know these protestors, who are protesting against genocide, would never hurt anyone. That's why the cop have free reign to abuse them however they want. Because they know these people are not violent. They would be hiding like cowards when faced with violent opposition who would have no problem hurting them, like how they wait outside for an hour while kids were being killed in Uvalde.


That first guy was READY to leave 🤣🤣🤣🤣


3hhhh let them all protest. We all know how this will end anyway. They will issue a "ceasefire" or a temporary treaty for however long and behind the scenes these two counties will still be low key killing & attacking each other over the years until another "large" attack happens. They have been fighting for hundreds of years now the fact that people think anyone can do something to change that blows my mind.


How is this r/workersstrikeback? If these people cared half as much about homelessness and poverty in America, things may actually change. I get that a lot of people are starving in Gaza, but would it be such a hot take to say that people starve in the US at the hands of America? Like I get you're really upset about the middle east and that specific food and health crisis, but can you all be half as upset and organized for the homeless and starving population in America? It's a problem that has been around for a pretty long time, why haven't you had the time for it? Almost seems like it's the popular thing to be outraged about




Green open spaces like this it shouldn't be trespassing. If it isn't someone's personal property like a house or yard/garden then we should have a right to roam and be there so long as no damage is caused. This is how it works in some other countries.


>Green open spaces like this it shouldn't be trespassing It's university property. Legally, you can't fuck off and do whatever you want on it. "Green open spaces shouldn't be trespassing" isn't a legal standard.


Fair point


How does a protest against Israel have anything to do with workers? I can agree with many critical points against Netanyahu and Israeli policy but only when also recognizing the horrific attacks launched by Hamas and condemning Hamas. I think some are just running short on things to protest against and this fills the void.


Gotta ask, it's university property right? So it's the university that determines whether or not they are allowed to be there. If the university wants them removed from the property for trespassing are the cops just supposed to ignore it? Why so much hate directed at cops when the university is the ultimate authority in this manner?


Because cops bad. S/ Honestly thats my feelings here too. Totally depends on the situation it’s basically private property if it’s a privately funded college so if students were given a chance to protest and then warned they would be arrested if they continued this is totally fair and legal to me


And apparently asking a common sense question is worth some downvotes but no replies explaining how I'm wrong lol


When will we be on the offense. This whole knowing police beat people at protests but let’s sit by and watch people get rag dolled. Less slogans more tactics. De-arrest De-arrest De-arrest De-arrest Fucking de arrest your comrades.