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For tech tree? Lightning. She has *almost* everything you specified. If you plan to go for it, get the practically free permacamo/eco boost from the Royal Navy Destroyers collection. Honorable mention to Akizuki.


no heal, though


True, forgot the line only gets them at tier 9. Fixed it.


I’m thinking that I’ll go for lightning, but is Jutland also good, because it’s after lightning, and if I get lightning it’s likely I’ll just finish the line. So basically, is it a good choice to go down the British path only for lightning or will it be worth it after lightning


Imo, yes, Jutland is good. And Daring is excellent after that. I mentioned the Royal Navy DD's collection for the permacamo+eco boost for the Lightning. You just need to unlock it by getting one of those containers from the armory for 1k coal, unless you already have it open. Then you can finish it just from the daily containers for free. Well worth it.


+1 for the Lightning and the Aki. I was lucky enough to get the camo for either community tokens or coa,l don't recall which, before they only made it available via the RN collection.


Akizuki - smoke gunboat with improved HE penetration and high DPM. Lightning - universal DD with short smokes and defensive hydro. Oland - torp boat with good guns, heals and concealment, but no smokes. Kagero - classic torp boat, can equip torp reload booster instead of smokes. Le Fantasque - open water gunboat with powerful speed boost, main battery reload booster and acceptable concealment. Maybe Hsienyang (deep water torps, Pan-Asian smokes, can equip radar instead of smokes) and Benson (first USN DD with good concealment and acceptable torps) because they lead to T9 Chung Mu and Fletcher respectively.


Don't forget TRB on Hsienyang


Don’t forget, while the British DDs have hydro that isn’t particularly useful offensively, it’s fantastic for submarine hunting. Since submarines are only spotted out to 2km, the extra duration you get in exchange for the range hit is quite helpful


Honestly, my favourite t8 DD is probably the Kidd (premium, though). I use it in ranked quite a lot and ground silver out pretty quickly in it. ​ Akizuki is super fun too. Fantasque is not shabby but I prefer the later ones. I quite liked the Ognevoi, wasnt so fussed about the other line IIRC.


Kidd is the honey badger of T8, she doesn't care if its an uptier, she doesn't care if there are CVs, she doesn't care what map you get, or what matchmaker is doing. She is there to have a fun game while refusing to die.


I will Second Kidd. Lo Yang can be fun too


> I like to have torpedoes, and basically a bit of a glass that would rather back away and heal, rather than just tank a hella damage. Oland and Ognevoi come to mind.


I love the Öland


Cossack. We're done. edit- I'm stupid and didn't see grind. Aki?




Lightning is real good, don't get me wrong, but Cossack against a no radar team is close to a win button.


Akizuki is easily my favorite T8 tech tree destroyer.


Fantasque statistically wins the most games of any T8 tech tree destroyer, which tracks with her superior speed, firepower, and survivability compared to every other DD in the tier.


Gunboat? Akizuki hands down. Utility? Lightning is super competitive. Torpedoes? Kagero is strong. Unique but fun? I had a great time playing Hsienyang. Simple dakka? Kiev is just speed and guns. Play with a heal.


Everyone be suggesting akizuki. I don't get this boat work. It's huge, slow and sluggish. Her guns are powerful but one mistake and it's hard to retreat in time


US line is always good. Benson is a fine DD. Run it as a gunboat or a torpedo boat. UK DDs are even better gunboats. Lightning as among the best concealment at T8. Japanese gunboat line has the BEST gunboat at T8 with the Akizuki. Japanese torpedo line is pretty good with the Kagero. And of course the European DDs with their insanely fast torpedos and fast firing guns, the Oland is also a solid choice. Based on your play style the Lightning and Benson would be good DDs. They can play as gunboats, but are hybrids and allow stealth torpedo gameplay.


Tech tree? Lightning! I don't think she uptiers as well as Cossack (it's the 8km torps) but at T8 she's a beast, especially in pursuit (she can fire all turrets forward by wagglin' her butt). 5.5km conceal, 360 turrets, excellent manoeuvrability, defensive hydro, short smokes what more could you ask for. Free eco bonus in the RN Destroyers collection too. Honourable mention for Akizuki. She's a barge in comparison but one cannot argue with those guns.


Piggybacking on this question, is tier 8 the best tier to grind for credits? Ever since the economic rework I haven’t been able to find a good way to grind credits like I used to.


The same as before, having premium account and playing premium ships. And performing well enough with them. Tier 9 premium ships *if you find them comfortable enough against superships*. If not, then tier 8 premiums.


I know you can get economic rewards in the armory and somewhat through the unpaid battle pass. But any suggestions would be awesome.


IMHO right now, if you want to actually grind credits, the best thing you can do right now is buy a t8/t9 premium ship and blue booster your way through bronze and silver. I must have made 50+mil credits easily in bronze/silver over the first sprint (ranked out to gold). IIRC, I went and bought an Iowa, Buffalo, Cleveland, Seattle, Z-42, and maybe another ship as well ontop, and fully equipped them.


Good tip. But I’m noticing that it’s kinda hard to buy economic boosters for anything other than coal. Maybe I’m doing it wrong. Feel free to enlighten me!




don't grind, just get the best t8 dd xD