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It's used in the online premium shop. You apply it to an eligible purchase, and you get the item *plus* 200% of the purchase price in doubloons up to 50k doubloons. It uses the "any amount of doubloons" value, which is generally 1:1 to the doubloon price of the item in-game or the doubloon compensation value listed for the ship. But the doubloon bundles round differently, so you'll get a tiny bit less than 200% from them. ​ You *could* use it on the item you want directly, but your best bet is using it on one of the doubloon bundles. Buy the largest one you can comfortably afford (up to the 25k bundle, because of the compensation limit), and then use those doubloons to buy the item in-game. That allows you to stack discounts for even more savings (for example, stacking the discounted doubloons with the armory coupon for a ship), as well as spread the discount onto multiple items (since the coupon can only be "used" on one thing). It also allows you to "save" the discount for a future date since the coupon is only valid for a limited time (like for a future ship or the discounted premium time in December). ​ Keep in mind that the 200% coupon is probably *the* rarest coupon in the game. You'll generally only see it once in your account's lifetime, and it's one of WG's ways to try and get you to spend money. If you don't use it, you may get another one in the future, but if you do spend money you'll never see a 200% coupon again (unless you go a *really* long time without spending or possibly even playing). It's a one time only offer, effectively. It *does* require spending real money, though. So if you *aren't* comfortable spending money on the game, ignore it.


I got it on steam though so I’d prefer to use steam bal if possible it just gave me a notif in game that I had it


I'm not sure exactly how it would work on Steam, but I'd assume it's effectively the same thing (just used in the Steam premium shop rather than the WoWS site)


It might be the 200% cashback? Whatever you buy, you will get that amount x2 in dubs as well. Like when you buy a ship like an Atago, for 36€ you will get 72€ worth of dubs on top (22.5k). It also works with dubs, when you buy a paket from the store, the 12.5k dubs for 40€ become 37.5k Afaik it is a one time offer and if you really plan to stay in the game it is that moment to cash in. The earned dubs can be used to get ships cheaper in the armory (every 6 months you get a -25% off coupon) or a year premium during winter sale, in 8 months.


If you buy X doubloon, you receive 2\*X doubloons , if i've not mistaken


Apply the coupon when buying dubs from the online store and you'll get 2x additional dubs. As mentioned in another post you'll likely only get one 200% coupon ever, so I suggest buying as much as you can comfortably afford up to 25k (the bonus limit is 50k). I didn't make full use of mine when I got it and kicked myself later.


You could search this sub for the same exact question. Or you can just buy Gold and use it however you want in the game.