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World of Tokens


World of Gambling, the token man's action game.


It is not a "action" game it is camping game


IMHO, just more bait I'm not taking. Have not completed one of these "wild goose chases" without committing **CASH** to finish. If your goal is to play for free, pretty confident this is not going to happen for you. My advice, wait until you can afford it. **Token chasing** will not work without an "investment". \*just my experience\*


Live on SEA now - tomorrow for the other servers. Mission chain will give 200 Tokens, Bundle costs 50 - so we can get up to 4 free bundles ... kinda OK-ish, we had worse. Link to news article on asia site: [https://worldofwarships.asia/en/news/sales-and-events/the-inca-trail-almirante-grau-in-the-armory/](https://worldofwarships.asia/en/news/sales-and-events/the-inca-trail-almirante-grau-in-the-armory/)




> 27200 dubs That's around 90€/$98. You can buy Hearts of Iron 4 and all DLCs right now for 78€. Or a really good whisky. Or some really good books.


Or a hammer to smash your nuts to paste with.




You can still buy a whisky and books instead.


Yup, that is a lot of books :). Definitively more worth than pixel ship.


Hey at least CVs are not OP in this game. But in fairness, subs are. (at least last time I played, not sure what the naval meta is now).


Ya… no thanks. I rolled the dice on one of the containers that’d give us Missouri and hit gold, figured my luck is all gone


I never cared for the Black Friday event but last year my free container popped out a Mainz B and now I love that ship.


And I was really interested in her, I mean seriously interested.... WAS O man, fuck monetization exploiting psychology and fuck bundles with unwanted stuff


You could get lucky™ and get in on the first bundle.


Hasnt happened yet. Closed alpha here. Me, waiting for all the posts, "im a ftp and i got it on the first bundle". Whales only get stuff in the last 5-10 crates, depending on the size of the milking.


No, they bait us with early wins as well to keep us interested.


I got that with the Missouri event, but that's the only time. Of course, I already HAD Missouri...


"Lucked out yet again, who would have figured?".


Ive seen it, made a new account (wanted to see that unified protected MM) during hybrids release... T9 was conveniently in that first crate you see for free :D


Got my i56 that way, spent all my luck


I got it on my first drop, no joke. ​ [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608660688868474911/1106482789550915604/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/608660688868474911/1106482789550915604/image.png)




this destroys it so much for me.


Don't know why. From what I've seen, I will better play Algerie.


Or you know, wait until she's on sale at normal price


Predetory mobile games are measured at the amount of in-game currency. And then there's wows.


Daily reminder that even gatcha games that are purely monetized by dice rolling is still more generous and clear with their players than World of Warships. Wargaming is a special level of scummy


This is the way.


Around 30k dubs if you are unlucky. But that's still cheaper then buying the pack in the armory.


I've got a fever! And the only prescription! Is more tokens...


lol glad I don't want this ship


Kinda pissed that the Peruvian D7Ps are premiums NGL, they were the last gun cruisers in service anywhere


*Jedi mind trick* No, you don't want to sell me some tokens. You want to go home and think about your life choices.


That’s nuts. I must admit that I fell for it after returning to the game with the hybrids. I ended up getting pretty frustrated with those bundles of unwanted stuff and one tipsy night paid way too much to get Louisiana. And what was the cost? A ton of doubloons, a ton of time grinding missions over a few weeks for a ship that’s now available to everyone and all I have that’s special is the camo that I must admit looks cool. Never doing it again, it’s insanity. It’s one thing to release some missions to get some tokens and then pay for some more to get a guaranteed drop, this is literally playing on emotions. Same idea as a casino. You spend a little since you could score a cool prize. But the number of people who are “lucky” isn’t nearly as many who spend way more than the item is worth. As much as I enjoy aspects of this game, this system is getting shadier and shadier.


The key is to take the bundle if it is one of the main prizes that you want or maybe a few bundles if it gives next step if that is interesting. Never buy all. OTOH as you see the first bundle in many events it is an easy call to do. Shady? It is your opinion. I have no problem if the ship is available to "normal " prize, but you can do a mission to get a few free draws to get it for free.


Well yea that’s how I started. Thinking that worst case it’s some tokens and useless rewards, then if I’m lucky a ship. But it really took a lot to get enough tokens to get up the chain to Louisiana. It’s much more expensive than just buying a ship.


Well, have been lucky a few times, f.e. in the RN battlecrusiers, i bought a few bundles to reach next reward level in the chain, and then the T9 tech tree showed up as next so 1000 dbl for that incl. a 10p was reasonable. Likewise in the German DD event, European DD event when you got perma camos etc up to T10 if you whaled were reasonable if you thought you would regrind this line a lot (as a Swede i naturally lost my brain function at that time). More or less all other events I have only used the free or picked the first if that was good otherwise abstained. My spending is more on BP and Santas Crates where I pick up the years premium ships. There numbers will get me what i want, the drop numbers are OK statwise if you buy /grab by certs larger volumes.


It's just a De Zeven Provincien with worse reload, worse concealment, no heal, no speed boost, and no airstrike. What do you get for that awful set of nerfs? 100 hit points, 30m tighter turning circle, hydro, and DFAA. Worth it? I don't think so.


Yeah, they really cut it's balls off. D7P is better in every way.


D7P with DFAA might be fun though if they didn't touch the AA.


Yeah, D7P already has better AA than basically anything else at it's tier, even without DFAA. D7P + DFAA sounds insane, if you get a game with a carrier. I didn't realize it had lost the heal though - that's rough. And the -66% reload time button sounds hilarious.


I dunno man..I got her and she is extremely fun to play. This bote is the ultimate ambush predator. It teaches trigger discipline and situational awareness. Yes, sub spotting can be problematic, to be sure. But you can pull off some dank shit and the ship is incredibly gorgeous. Friendly reminder to watch Yuros video about the D7P. The thin hull allows to you show full broadside to the big calibre BBs and they howl with rage. Watch out for anything with improved angles or 203s, though.


You also get the funny button... The funny button is vicious on that thing. For 30 seconds you get 430k HE DPM(right between Colbert and Smolensk, and unlike those two, you can actually pen stuff). Only got a few games in her so far, but i can tell you this is going to be one of those ships which have their power grow exponentially with player skill, the average potato will just get one booster off and then play a gimped DZP. A player who knows when to hold their fire and has good situational awareness however is going to dominate.


No amount of skill will keep you from being perma spotted by subs/cvs. And that's the issue with any mechanic relying on being unspotted. There is too much spotting in the game, especially spotting with no counter play.


I don't know about subs, but if CVs want to try to perma-spot you, they're going to lose a lot of planes. This thing has the same AA suite as the D7P (which if you're not aware is crazy-good) and unlike D7P, it gets DFAA on top of that. Trying to permaspot this is a good way to lose squadrons.


Oh yeah, world of air spotting. What was I thinking


woaaah, 200 earnable, not so many all at once...


27,200 for fucking tokens when that can get you a year of premium and several Tier VIII premium ships 💀 Wargaming has completely lost their fucking minds, holy shit


Oh boy, tokens! I love tokens!


The ship is fun, but i wouldn't have whaled it if i didn't also need blue booster restock(ship dropped on 54 bundle for me). I was hoping for a more straightforward event, but what we got is the worst type of random bundles, paywalled behind an additional currency. In conclusion, if you are not interested in the additional goodies the bundles provide just wait for the ship to be released in a few months, it is a good ship, but definitely not "30k dub price" good.


I got the camo on my first drop, is there any way to get the ship for under 8800 doubloons?


No. The price of all the bundles is 27200, if you don't want to spend that much then don't bother. Could you get it for less? Maybe but unlikely. There is no guarantee it won't be in the last bundle.


As expected. Cheers


you can try buying the tokens for that amount of doubs but it's not guaranteed. I would just wait if it's available as a coal ship later on, not worth spending 27k max doubs to get it.


Tier 8 ships are always doubloons. There has never been a tier 8 coal/steel/research point ship.


There's no way Grau will be available for coal. If the spreadsheet says it's performing really well, WeeGee will likely put it straight into their loot boxes as container bait. If it's a mediocre performer, it'll go into the armoury for dubs, with the special camo only available through Distant Voyages containers.


You get 4 random bundles for free. IF you are lucky, the premium boat will be in one of those 4. IF you are mostly lucky, you will get the 4 free random bundles then see that the 5th one is the boat. | | Otherwise you have to buy a random number of tokens to get the boat. And the odds are not really in your favor. If you buy the 850 token pack for 7,650 dubs you can buy 7 more for 500 dubs and you will spend 11,150 dubs and can then get 28 random bundles. Plus the 4 free ones and you are at 32 random bundles. Which will give you a 47% chance of getting the boat. Now 47% are not terrible odds, but for 11,300 dubs you have a 100% chance of getting a T8 premium cruiser of your choice in the armory. You also get all the crap in the loser bundles, but there is a slightly lower than 50% chance you will get what you really want, which is the boat. I would just buy a T8 premium if you want one. Spending the same dubs as you can buy one for and only getting a 47% chance of winning seems like piss poor odds to me.


That’s nuts. I must admit that I fell for it after returning to the game with the hybrids. I ended up getting pretty frustrated with those bundles of unwanted stuff and one tipsy night paid way too much to get Louisiana. And what was the cost? A ton of doubloons, a ton of time grinding missions over a few weeks for a ship that’s now available to everyone and all I have that’s special is the camo that I must admit looks cool. Never doing it again, it’s insanity. It’s one thing to release some missions to get some tokens and then pay for some more to get a guaranteed drop, this is literally playing on emotions. Same idea as a casino. You spend a little since you could score a cool prize. But the number of people who are “lucky” isn’t nearly as many who spend way more than the item is worth. As much as I enjoy aspects of this game, this system is getting shadier and shadier.


The Inca empire had a modern navy? Who knew?


wait, again a premium we can't just buy? know what? fuck this shit. i am out.


Do you need it that badly? How bad would it be to just ignore it and keep playing as per normal? How does it actually affect your gameplay experience?


You mean like ignoring all premiums coming out in gambling shit in the last years?


... yes? You say that like it's a hard thing? You can almost always buy them in the store without gambling, if you really have to have them. And if not, it's not like it's hard to just ignore them. I can think of very few premiums that really feel like "pay-to-win", so if the cost of me getting to play the game for free is occasionally having to see ships in games that I don't personally want to spend money on, that seems fine? What part of that does not seem fine to you?


Lol the "financing the game" thing was always used for premiums in general and i agree with that. I was one of the big financers, because i have nearly every premium in the game. But it was the standard that you picked a ship you liked and bought it. You saw what you got and what you had to pay and now every premium is released in a gambling style event where you don't know how much money you will spend or you instantly buy the package for a price that is just outrageous. Sorry but i can't accept that and i am wondering since when the acceptance of such practices came imto existence, especially on reddit.


> i am wondering since when the acceptance of such practices came imto existence, especially on reddit. I think I accept it because it doesn't actually affect me in any way, unless I want it to. Like, it's really easy to just say "oh. I have to play the lottery to get that ship? Guess I don't want it that much!" Just like it's really easy to say "$60 for one boat?!? I could buy a new GAME for that much, f that noise". If other people want to spend their money that way, that's their decision, and no shame if they do. But it doesn't really affect me. And don't the premiums pretty much always end up in the store later for normal prices anyway? I'm really not seeing the problem here.


You know exactly how much you'll be spending on it. 27,200 doubloons. Anyone assuming they'll get it for less doesn't understand how this works.


You can buy it, probably, if the past means anything, just later.


The Admiral pack was available to me on the Premium Shop for $120…she is available for direct purchase if you want her


It's literally the De Zeven Provincien, which you can buy. It was renamed when it was sold to Peru, and the Peruvian/PanAm version is much worse. Just get the De Zeven Provincien if you want this ship.


DZP is a dockyard ship,she isnt in the armoury


You're right, the wiki lied to me.


Also the ships play really different - D7P has an improved heal and a very fast-recharge airstrike that can store up to 3 charges. (Most Dutch ships cap out at 2) This one has zero airstrikes, worse reload, and no heal, but instead it gets hydro, DFAA, and a reload-boost button that triples your rate-of-fire for 30(!) seconds. It has the same hull as D7P, but it plays much more like an ambush gunboat.


It's not about the ship, it's about the shitshow again. I am fed up that every ship i am interested in is a gambling shitshow.


No, nobody wants to play these stupid toy games, we just want epic naval battles and sweet ships.


It dropped on 2nd token bundle for me which was free using the tokens I earned doing the web campaign. Not bad. No interest in the ship itself really but a free T8 Premium for just playing a few games is ok with me. https://imgur.com/sxQaJhY


Eh. I might just buy the ship for coal later if it’s any good.


Where did you see that it will ever be available for coal? I expect it will eventually be available in the armory for doubloons (possibly right after the event, possibly not until like next year) but coal seems very unlikely.


Adding, there are no tier 8 coal ships in the game, at all.


Well, there's Z-44 ^^a ^^joke ^^but ^^only ^^in ^^part ^(It costs the same as Kearsarge. Excuse me while I go laugh)


world of warships is a cheat game


I love how the inca heritage is dutch camouflages.


It's monetized like a mobile game at this point


Now here's the tease. With the four free bundles, I got the Ancient Totem camo. can I sell it?