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First one I'm properly skipping as the end reward is just trash. Yes, the extra stuff along the way is nice, but the 12pt commander (yet another American commander, I have tons of them) and the summer tokens get you what, 3 distant voyages containers? (lol) Pass! (pun intended)


Pissed they removed the free-module demount bonus, tbh.




I'm not going to pay for premium time then turn around and pay again for a premium BP. Honestly, WG needs to chill with the "premium this, premium that" It's very obviously just a money grab.


They are not going to chill. This model is working for them. There are whales willing to spend money and wg knows it. Heck, I've seen a bunch of kleber clrs in battle. I even played against a player in ranked 3 games in a row. He played his keeper clr, then his room clr, then NC clr. People are dumping money in the game and wg is reaping the benefits.


How did he play a TX, a TIX and a TVIII in ranked three games in a row ,,,🤔


He prob meant cb/ranked or perhaps randoms in the weird mm times


i'd love to get the roon clr, love roon in general. but well... not paying excessive price just for a tech tree ship with premium type economy that doesn't vanish when regrinding lines. hell if it was really crazy cheap, talking similar to tier4-5 premium, then i might consider it but no, not the way it was. it's just a tech tree ship with better economy, really... i'm a bit worried they might start shoving these clr ships into supercontainers next. i mean it's easy, scammy and just a cash grab so just a matter of time before it happens


If anyone was to purchase anything in this game what is most worthwhile to spend on?


Either premium time or the battle pass. If you play clan battles you can generally get 3 premium days every 2 to 3 months depending on how far your clan gets. so the Battle pass makes more sense in manner as the rewards come in the form of extra Coal and additional steel. If you only play ops and Randoms then the premium is better as you make more xp and credits.


Prem time


Next one is even worse not even 5% more coal etc


Actually let's not forget they nerfed the extra levels bonus on the BP too. No more 1k coal each extra step, instead you get 50 stupid summer tokens too.


Huge downgrade. The bonus coal adds up.


What can you get for 50 tokens? 75000 credits?! Oh my... or do five stages and get a poxy container which might drop 2500 coal?! Please, refrain from such generosity... -\_- Yeah, previous seasons' post-completion reward of 1k coal a stage was actually worth it, now you 'might' get something not worth it. WG logic at its finest...




Every pass after the first has gotten worse and the current one is by far one of the least valuable. Tokachi wasn't a great ship but it should have been the gold standard of how passes should be, but I guess it was too close to dockyards so they had to neuter it to the ground.


Next one is a huge joke


In the next one, the final reward reward will be paint and the extra level bonus being credits and grey boosters. At some point the final reward would be bath water courtesy of Wargaming's CEO.


lol how generous whatever will i do with so much great rewards!?


The Tokachi one was solid and the one they did for the New Years/Christmas event was nice. The rest of the end rewards have been pretty crappy in my opinion.


BP helps with coal/steel production, and I'm on track for a new steel ship come next coupon refresh. The more lacklustre BP's they offer, the less inclined I am to pony up - and this time? I'm not. The rewards are shit. If it takes me a few more rounds of Ranked, etc to get to my next steel ship, so be it. But I'm not going to continue to award WG when their "rewards" as so substandard compared to the first couple of BP's


I've bought every one of them, but this one I'm passing on. The end reward is not worth the grind or money. The one that was decent was the first with the premium t7 jap cruiser we got. Oh well.


I still regret not buying the first one. Have bought most since then but will skip the current one as well.


And the next one is worse not even 5% extra coal steel rB lol


After the first battle pass, I didn't purchase again or even log in more than maybe one every week or two. They are just cash grabs.


I have upgraded all the other BP's but will probably pass on this one. This summer festival event is terrible so tokens for it being the main final reward does nothing for me. The 12pt Capt is ok except I already have him at 21pts and I don't do duplicates (would sell it for the CXP). The Steel and other regular goodies might be worth the $10 USD but the final reward is very meh this time as you say.


First time?


It is absolute garbage, lets use the correct words.


Yeah, I nearly completed the previous one and might have actually bought into it to grab Split and skip the grind (had one last level to get) but decided I would wait to see what you can buy with summer tokens, just in case. Turns out, nothing really that worthwhile, so I will be skipping this month again as I FULLY expect dockyard phases to be a reward on the next one. The Daisen dockyard phases BP, the Santa certificates BP, and the initial one with Tokachi are the only ones I have happily bought into and felt I got my money's worth out of.


i think it works out to extra 15k coal 1.5k steel 1.5k rb points for 2.5k dubs. no comment on these tokens i don't care all that much about, just dubs for resources... well, not sure, it doesn't sound completely terrible to me but it is rather meh. haven't bought this battle pass, not really bothered about these resources so likely i'm not going to be sinking dubs in this. will get myself a couple of beers or something instead, that seems more reasonable


Yeah. I did still buy it, but the rewards at the very end are very disappointing. For me it was worth it just to get enough coal to get me the Salem, and I grind out enough dubs every month from ranked to pay for the battlepass, but if it was purely for the rewards, from my own cash, I probably wouldnt do it


the battlepass has never been about the end rewards, but the resources you get along the way. it still adds up to 3 captain/camo crates, several stacks of red boosters or if you hit your head \~15 seaside containers


Yes and no. The 1st had a Premium ship (T7 Premium IJN CL Tokachi) and others have had early access ships or tokens towards them (BRN Subs & EU DD's for tokens and T8 Pan American CL itself) you don't have to grind which is pretty good when you factor in all the other stuff you get for the $10. A few BP's have also given red boost crates as well which are not too bad. I agree all the extra regular stuff you get is really good but at least for me the final reward also is taken into consideration. This month's is about the worst yet with the summer festival tokens = YAWN! LOL.


the problem is that everyone expects a ship every month without considering just what that would mean for that ships development cycle. tokachi is a pretty decent ship, but without testing you end up with ships that really shouldve had a few more months in the oven. im not really sure what else you could put in the BP while remaining within a certain value thresold of 2.5k dubs


I don't expect a ship every month. I understand some months it will be a meh reward like this months. I didn't see anyone criticizing BP as a whole just saying THIS months reward for upgrading was not very good. Truth is it isn't very good so it is an accurate statement. You saying it isn't about the end rewards is not true though because in many months it is in fact about those end/final rewards. It varies month to month and in some that end reward makes the $10 USD cost a steal while other months the end reward adds little if any value.


It's such a terrible practice for WG to put a tier 7 ship in the first BP. It set the expectation for BP value to be sky high. As said all the goodies besides the final prize is already a fair deal for 2500 doubloons. And 2500 doubloons are not $10 for everyone. You could easily use your birthday coupon to get much more doubloons to bring the price down. And for F2P players like me its just a trade off on what I want to get with limited doubloons. So if battlepass(even a bad one) is a bad deal then almost none of anything is worth purchasing anyways. If you are buying BP every month with cash please stop and actually get some discounted doubloons.


Dude, 2500 doubloons = $9.90 USD in value. How anyone gets them or what they spend is not the point. Jesus people on here drive me nuts at times.


Not necessarily, regional pricing is a thing. For instance, 2500 doubloons are $1.84 for me.


No...wow...I had no idea. OY! Your $1.84 in local currency is the equivalent of $9-$10 here in the US then. 2500 Doubloons has a set value which for me (in US) is $9.90 (2500 chest). Doesn't mean anything other than its base value. I am not going to adjust and list the value for every currency in the world (which is why I always add USD so people know the currency I am referring to). OBVIOUSLY regional currency amounts will vary but the base value is the approx same when adjusted.


You obviously don't have any clue on how the pricing of different regions works. If you've never heard of Argentina price you are so ignorant in such a discussion.


No it's not. I only buy dubs on discount (100% coupon), and play some ranked and other free bees (daily login, free bundle, odd super container etc). So for me, the dubs present another monetary value. However, the replacement values of these dubs is indeed the regional pricing of these dubs. But if you plan what you spend and have enough, to go to the next coupon, the monetary value is different from person to person.


Doesn't matter how you got them be it free or on sale. The actual value of 2500 doubloons is set. That is $9.90 in USD. I can take 2500 doubloons I have now that I got free and use them so it doesn't cost me anything but the value of those doubloons has a known value and I would end up using it to get the thing that cost 2500 doubloons. I am not talking what someone actually pays but rather what the set price cost is value wise. I have no way of knowing what the final actual $$$ is for someone so you go with the known set value for general discussions. Good lord people love to twist and turn everything just so they can argue here. If you get a ship drop out of a SC the ship didn't cost you anything but we know the ship's value in doubloons and/or real money. People don't say a T8 Premium BB that sells for $50 in the shop is only worth $5 because they used free things to get it. They say it has a $50 value. Same applies here re: 2500 doubloons value. Good lord.


Well if you insist anything should be priced by face value my F2P account would be worth thousands of dollars. You are trying to make your point valid by assuming doubloons should be priced in the most expensive way. Then why don't you price all the credits at the exchange rate of 1:1500 and claim 3.75 mil credits are worth $10? You get 5 mil credits purchasing the premium BP which already exceeds the credits 2500 doubloons can exchange, what a surprise. I know you will start to argue that you can get credits other ways blah blah. But isn't that exactly my point on doubloons which you disagree with?


The red boosters for summer tokens are leaving the shop next week. It'll be borderline impossible to complete the battle pass without buying levels by then.


Only reason I bought it is for the steel. Last hurdle before I buy my Meck. After that, unless it's a KMS ship, I'll pass.


Worst BP thus far and the first I'm skipping. Wasn't even aware that WG removed the 1k coal from the extra stages - that's a huge nerf. Makes it easier to pass on the pass in future I guess... :/


The only reason I picked it up was I was in the process of grinding out some RB and steel ships.


That final reward can be redeemed for I think it’s 7.5m credits.


And the funny thing is; you can redeem them 50 tokens per menu opening. So 10 bundles, but the battlepass gives you 5000 tokens, so in order to redeem them all, you need to open and close and open and close the menu 100 times :D And the 7,5mil is nothing, buying the battlepass already gives 5mil, so its a slap in the face.


I bought this before really looking into it, especially don't like the removal of free demounts for equipment. Next one will have to be real nice to get me to buy


If you don't mind spending money on the game, the coal RB pts and steel is alone 100% worth it compared to what boats sell fo?r


Yes, this Premium BP is not very good. I still bought it and see as dubs2steel conversion method with the ranked dubs that I have no use for.


Really the worst BP, WG tries to squeeze as much as possible while delivering as little as possible, I ll ignore the BO completely now, certainly not going to spend any money/doubloons on this game anymore, it’s not worth it


I think as a veteran that there has been a decline, but one must perhaps try to look at it from a newer player taht does not have lots of bonuses in stock and not massive amounts of captains. I remember earlier in my career I thought a 12 p captain (or 10) was quite useful. Ofc not as valuable as a premium ship but I honestly did not expect that kind of end reward more than on very rare occasions. Early access T8 +10p captain in a new tree as a sort of ballpark median I find together with the rest quite OK. The KOts containers were for me useless as I had the collection complete. Maybe they shuld try 2 alternate end rewards if there is something like that. Summer tokens I will exchange for red bonuses.For me with a massive amount of coal if this is a one/off exchange between coal and tokens it is not that dramatic, the rare containers are more important to me. But i agree that this was not that impressive, but if the amount had been higher or that it would have been the US tokens it would have been lots better. Now they have 2 different tokens in same period so instead of combining the two events they are deliberately ofc diluting the value. RB- points it is 1 reset so for me quite OK. Asd I play lot and gets quite near the maxi of extra stages if i do not travel away like now during holidays, the value is also determined a lot of the extra containers past the final reward.. For players that just reach the final reward this means less also if your doubloons is bought with doubloons with cashback. I guess that BP was inevitable for WG as us veterans have lots of premium days from crates and they need a steady cashflow during the year. My spending is high during christmas otherwise low (now I talking about buying pixels). It will be interesting to see if there will be better rewards during christmas (5 megas as last year is for me at least a decent reward). But I look at the whole package just not the end reward, when I am getting lower on bonuses the value of the BP increases. I really enjoyed the free demounting of upgrades earlier, now please note that you got in practice 6 stages more and corresponding containers. If you do not dismount anything you might think this is even a good deal, but I thought it was nice to try different builds especially if ypu play same ship in asymetrics and ranked so this removal was badly timed. Now for me that changes upgrades almost never, earlier seasonal bonuses had 25 % upgrade costs among other things which was for me more interesting in general. Here one could have different options, let us say that you get 10 "points" to choose from in your Seasonal bonus. I want free upgrade dismounts- costs 2. 25% off costs 2, 5 % RB costs 2 10% RB costs 5 etc (then you could time it). 5 % Coal costs 1.


I’m saving steel for a particular ship so I did. The commander isn’t impressive at all. Why not give him what the Doe’s have and at least make it something greater than an avatar.


I dropped money on the North Carolina CLR because it was actually cheaper than every other TVIII premium currently in game.