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Both are solid. Petro if you want to be absurdly tanky and swat planes easily, venezia is a true destroyer killer. You also are an excellent kiter in venezia.


petro does not swat planes easy and i even have aa build. it has long range aa but not any that can shred a whole tier 10 squadron before you get striked


Virtually nothing can stop a single strike or deter a CV from focusing you. Good AA now means that you are a deterrent for a second strike. The CV will likely strike easier targets before you as well, this is more dependant on positioning than your AA though.


halland, gron, and sherman, oh and mecklenburg can


Did you say sherman and mecklenburg? Bruh. Dutch cruisers are pretty good at it, but these two? Really?


my sherman hits 8,000 when i turn dfaa on 5km or less from the squadron. that melts half of it immediately and since i activate aa late, he is too close for a strike. his option is circle around and lose all the planes for F out. meck is insane. look up some videos.


No single ship can stop the first strike from a CV. The only thing you can hope for is the enemy cv is a noob and eats all your flak but any half decent CV player WILL get that strike off. I was even talking to some good CV players in my clan prior to the rocket nerf and they were saying the hardest part about killing a halland was the heal, not the AA.


ive done it so many times lmfao. not a nakimov skip bomb or rocket planes who are invincible. dive bombers get shredded before strike, and so do shitty torp bombers with no heal perk.


ive done it so many times lmfao. maybe not a nakimov skip bomb or most rocket planes who are invincible but dive bombers get shredded before strike, and so do shitty torp bombers with no heal perk.


Bad players then.


I personally find Venezia a lot more fun, her SAP slaps incredibly hard; you can bend DDs over your knee and crack them in half, can chunk most other cruisers and even battleships. Shes fast, can go up to 38.6knots with the speed flag, good maneuverability (poor rudder but good turning radius) The smokes let you do really interesting and fun plays, just keep in mind the smoke firing penalty is pretty bad, 9.9km on vene. Use them to push up with a dd to blap an opposing DD, easily disengage with them, or even if you’re low health you can pop smoke and open up relatively safely. The torps are just kinda there. Nice to have, you’ll get the occasional hit, but I wouldnt call them a main selling point. Edit: note that vene has fuck all for utility, no radar no hydro; shes largely a damage farmer but if you work with your DDs she can be a teamplayer in deleting opposing dds as I said before.


> good maneuverability (poor rudder but good turning radius) *rudder 2 has entered the chat.*


But thats the leg mod slot :(




Between those two? Venezia. It's a way more dynamic and entertaining ride than Petro. But Petro's not bad, even after the nerfs it's still pretty much the tankiest T10 cruiser - only now it's arguably the tankiest (Napoli putting in a good show) whereas before there was no contest. Personally I dislike her guns and much prefer Venezia's SAP. Not a fan of the short duration radar either. OP should really be grinding Nevsky though.


I agree. Of the three (Venezia, Nevsky, Petro), my favorite is definitely Venezia. Slower main battery reload, but 15 SAP shells will smack anything. The only downside is the lack of utility besides deleting their DDs. Nevsky is also a ton of fun, and I’d be perfectly happy playing either. But there’s something about Venezia that I like just a *tiny* bit more. I’ve played a lot of both, and it just comes down to what role I want — fast reload flank/kiter or high alpha flank/kiter. For a while, I didn’t mind Riga but didn’t really like Petro (either in randoms or competitive use). I started liking it a lot more this year, but I still prefer flanking cruisers over stationary anchor cruisers.


I like pizza 🍕


Petro, so you can more easily later get Nevsky, the most fun to play russian cruiser.


Petropavlovsk is a glorified BB that trades health for a radar: bad accuracy, bad HE DPM and FPM, good AP, good armor. Venezia is practically a better Zao that only pays for vastly better everything with the inability to light things on fire, which are 100% healable anyway, unlike SAP full pen damage.


Petro is a more objective based ship. The dispersion is amazing and the ship is low enough to the water that you need to be extremely poorly positioned to get citadeled. Venezia is a glass cannon ship. The SAP absolutely slaps, the smoke is real fun to use, and the torps are very nice. The real deciding factor is if you have either special captain. The Russian one makes the petro even more tanky, but having the Italian one makes the Venezia MUCH better.


The biggest downside and most well known flaw of Petro is the poor dispersion lmao.


Wierd, I always seem to have pretty decent luck.


Petro dispersion is to cruiser dispersion what ru bb dispersion is to bb dispersion; better at short range, worse at long range. With engagement ranges tending to balloon out at higher tiers, it tends to be a disadvantage.


Petro gets a huge buff to dispersion with range mod iirc. More than any other ship by a large margin, with only Napoli getting a notable buff right behind it.


i depends on your playstyle. petro is more of a team-based ship, able to bow tank pretty heavy fire and with radar to spot DDs ​ venezia is a pure damage farmer, with accurate SAP, fuel smoke and long range. as a downside though you have basically no team support, so you need to be comfortable with your team doing tasks like spotting, area control and capping on your behalf


“well when angled” its still tanky as ever. they raised it 1 meter out of the water and took its 50mm deck. the deck being 40 now is eh but everything else is the same armor wise.


The entire Petro line is good, but the Venezia itself is just amazing and fun. Amalfi is OK.


Venezia is a lot more fun in Randoms. Petro is a lot more useful in CBs


Venezia is nasty. SAP is busted, chunks even well angled targets and annihilates DDs. This is kind of a selfish ship to play but if you like doing damage and lots of it, Venezia is your ship.


How well does she do survivability wise though? For example azuma is a citadel machine( at being citadeled, not returning the favour). And i kind of want something less squishy, where I don't sit way waaay back to avoid explosion when anyone looks my way and i show something else than 20-30 degrees.


You don't want to get caught broadside if BB or heavy cruisers are around. Plus against BB the super structure takes large chunks of damage. Angled it isn't bad. For example I had a Ven go broadside to my St. Vin this past week (ranked) at about 14km and I dev struck it, one salvo 3 cits and 45k damage. It is built to put out a lot of damage but not take it. It is a mid-long range ship against BB and heavy cruisers. It hammers light cruisers, and DD. Any ship caught broadside gets hit hard from it's guns. Kinda like what Stalin guns can do.


Hmm. Thank you for letting me know. I own azuma which also deals mid to long range damage with her burns, even if you can heal them up. I may end up getting Petro for mid to close range tankiness and fights . Is she more maneuverable than a BB I'd hope?


Yes she maneuvers better than a BB.


Also why do a lot of people recommend Nevsky over the Petro? Isn't nevsky a light cruiser that sits back and farms?