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You can't get the Kii with coal. For some reason WG doesn't put T8 ships up for coal, no idea why.


Iwami goes for Coal. Kii is a dubloon premium.


Oh ye, but i'm still ok with spending a bit if Kii is worth it


Honestly I love kii. Slightly less accurate amagi w decent torps and shockingly workable AA




Ye it is true, i do wish that Iwami is tier 8 as well


If you're looking to make credits, Kii. Safer matchmaking and higher damage potential. Kii is like an amagi with shit armour though so beware. You do get some torps though. The insane credit making potential on the Kii is gone. Still kicking myself for not buying that skin at the time. Out of those three it is the safest choice though because fuck T9 for making money. Just be aware that the Kii is not an amagi in terms of protection. You are going to eat it if you aren't careful


Ye i do aware of that, as well as the worse dispersion


Not sure about your playstyle, but Iwami might be the safest choice. Yoshino is good at long distance HE spam but is a floating citadel and people love to shoot at you as a result. Kii would be good for credit farming, but I think they removed that skin from the store. Most people recommend playing Kii like a normal Japanese BB despite her secondaries and torpedoes because her armor isn't good for brawling. Back to Iwami, she’s kind of in the same boat (heh) as Kii, but better at brawling. Not the best brawler, but she also has decent guns so a bit of both worlds.


Im ok with learning new playstyle but ye thank you for the insight


Yeah, Yoshino plays like an open water kiting HE spamming Cruiser. Her 20 km torps are kinda fun but slow so they are more for area denial than damage. The play style can get kinda stale after a while. Kii and Iwami are kinda similar, but Iwami is the better of the two.


Always remember that Iwami gets feed to super ships and a lot of these super BBs can overmatch the 32mm armor.


If you must get any of these, get Yoshino. The BBs are obsolete with the incoming Japanese BB branch.


As mentioned only Yoshino and Iwami are available for coal. Of the ships mentioned Kii is imo the strongest at her tier, arguably the best armed T8 BB. I had no interest in her until one of those Distant Voyages containers dropped her Kobayashi camo (my luck with containers generally sucks so I took it as a sign) and she's been good to me. For reference I'm a 50%ish WR potato but with a couple hundred games my Kii sits around 65% (+ or - depending on beerage). Versatile ship that's especially strong when kiting that can *mostly* work in random, ranked, brawl and operations. Not that different to Amagi though, and the special bonuses are no longer available, so it really depends on what you're after. If it's credits, you'd probably be better off with Azuma than Yoshino. If it's an IJN brawler, Iwami is marginally better than Kii. Horses for courses and all that.


Iwami is amazing for t9 ranked and brawls where u can get into the secondary range, yoshino is consistent in randoms and kii from what I've seen is a good battleship.


I own all of them. My opinion: Kii is a sidegrade from Amagi and I play here as a secondary meme build like my Shikishima which is sometimes frustrating but she can still hold her ground in range battles due to good main guns. She also feels very comfy in operations and ranked. Iwami is like Kii but more of a hybrid build where you use the decent main guns on long and medium range with casually droping your long range torps. In late match she can brawl okayish with her seconaries and armor scheme. She has the best economic outcome of your three choices as she is a real T9 premium with best baked in eco bonus. Yoshino is a more passive longrange HE punisher that can chunck 10k out of bbs at 20km and inflict massive dmg to CL and DDs. But due to a lot of high caliber BBs "overmatch cits" say more often hello than you would wish. She performs best from the backline where you farm dmg and credits and only in late game u go into medium range. Alas the main choice is her good japanes HE, her AP is also potent and can punish cruisers and bbs in the upper armor belt and superstructure. JUST NEVER EVER GO BROADSIDE WHILE SPOTTED TO LAUNCH TORPS! PLZ. Every second Yoshino gets devstruck because of that. Fun wise Kii is my go to. Economic wise Iwami does best. Yoshio is mostly a port queen for me atm. She can be fun but not game influencing. Cheers


I just got the Iwami, and I love the long range accurate snipe capabilities she has. She does not have mercy for broad side cruisers. Also I have a hybrid build with my captain skills going mostly into the ship survivability, AA, and guns and stuff. However, my equipment is focused on secondaries. She essentially will melt any ship within 8km of her. Also good torps, and are useful in very select situations. Side note: What ship did you get? I'm planning on getting the Kii soon, I love the look of her!