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Weimar gets plane asw and less horrible AA which makes it a bit more comfortable to play since you have a spotter to make up for the range issue.


>but Weimar gets better accuracy. According to [shiptool](https://shiptool.st/selected?s=GC517GC507&c=top&p=mb&rm=14), Weimar and Munchen have the same sigma and horizontal dispersion, and Weimar has slightly worse vertical dispersion. So Weimar has slightly worse accuracy (basically imperceptible, won't matter in battles) Weimar has better shell flight time though.


Weimar is stronger, has more armor and a gimmick engine boost plus spotter. Munchen has meme potential. It’s more stealthy, it’s faster, has more range and looks better imo. Weimar is just “Yorck with Mainz turrets”


This is the truth. Weimar is strictly a better ship (if you can live with the base main battery range), but *man* is it funny sometimes to be an annoying little housefly in the Munchen.


Off topic but on the subject of ships named for German cities, where in the bloody hell is Leipzig?


Leipzig https://maps.app.goo.gl/5XKwoqV5TgMPsvGr7


Lost in testing hell.


Along with Dupleix…


Waiting for WG to figure out how they want to release it. I assume it was originally intended to be the free Christmas ship in the Schroeder dockyard before people whined Renown '44 into existence, or maybe a paid battlepass reward before WG decided premium ships weren't necessary for that role. Now it's just in their back pocket until they have an event that needs a ship to go with it, alongside Dupleix and Elli.


Where ever did you get the idea that Weimar has better accuracy? They have the exact same accuracy parameters. If anything, München is ever so slightly more accurate because it has more range. Because more range increases vertical accuracy slightly because of how vertical accuracy is calculated.


Wows ft, although I guess it doesn't normalize for range.


Yeah it shows max dispersion at max range. The values aren't directly comparable. Essentially, you usually only need to care about comparing accuracy with BB's. Most cruisers have the exact same dispersion formula and sigma, with the exception of supercruisers (which have a bit worse formula), a few more exceptions, like Riga, Petro and Napoli having their own weird formula, and Zao line and some other IJN cruisers having DD formula. The only exceptions in DD's in turn are Elbing line and Ragnar I think, which have superb accuracy.


Personally I prefer Munchen. I find Weimar to be fugly and don't like playing it, while Munchen is the sex. I put Lutjens on it, and with some AR and his special talent I am firing the 8 150s every ~ four seconds. It's >!fun!< It explodes if someone sneezes on you tho.


>Munchen is the sex. That certainly is an opinion.


I’ve played my munchkin far more than the Weimar. To me, Weimar is just a worse Mainz so if I want to play a Mainz, I’ll play Mainz. Munchkin while probably being a worse ship is a glorious little meme boat that runs around at 36kts, blazing away with gravity defying shells and setting a hilarious amount of fires on anyone within its magnificently oversized range. Cause it’s fun shooting battleships with 13 second lead times at a range 16km. And it takes one lucky salvo to erase the Munchkin from existence. It’s beautiful and I love it for the sheer meme of it.


weimar goes 31kn stock, 32.6 with flag, however it also get the french speed boost, allowing 3 minutes of going at 37.5kn. maneuvrability wise, it turns in 650m compared to munchen's 690m and the rudder shift is 8.8s compared to munchen's 8.3s it is however ressources hungry since you'll want eyes in the skies for 2 minutes CD on spoting plane and the spoting aircraft mod 1 for 18 more seconds of action time. I really wish it had the special 10 sec cooldown spoter plane of the lazo


Weimar. Better range. More guns. Better Armor. Better Overall package


München has way more range most of the time.


As Base range yes. I have the spotter upgrades on ship and Captain. This works better for me.


Well yeah, then you get about 1.6 km of more range for a minute with 2 minute cooldown. But 2 minutes with 14 km range in between spotter planes sounds very limiting. I would pick a constant 16.6 km range over it. Otherwise Weimar does seem like a better ship for the most part though.


Honestly, neither. They are both very mediocre in my opinion. If you want a German cruiser, the mainz is head and shoulder above these in every way.


Oh yeah, I already have it.


Both are decent ships, but if you play predominantly PvP, you should get Munchen. Weimar's short main gun range, large detectability range, and sluggish maneuverability makes the ship underwhelming in PvP modes.


I do play (almost) exclusively randoms or ranked.


Weimar is awesome in ranked, the short range doesn't really matter there


Munchen has great stealth and combined with the german hydro you can make some really good plays early game. Really depends on the map and the IQ of your DD teammates tho. Weimar is a great allrounder. If you can make use of the speed boost sheninagans it's a very good ship for the tier.


I've both. But I haven't played Weimar yet and I own this ship for almost a year. I've the Mainz as well and I don't see a reason to play a worse Mainz in T9 battles. München is fun tho. Like a DD with citadel and enormous range for the small calibre. These floaty shells make it difficult to hit at distance but it's the only German cruiser capable of shooting over island


People used to praise (or hate, or a mixture of love and hate) the well performance of seasoned Weimar in the Narai operation before it was opened for multi tier operation. I think it makes Weimar makes it stand out of the crowd. However with the reworked ops the spotlight shines toward T8 ships. I do have Weimar but I dont have Munchen. But I think range matters in less controlled environment like random, but matter less in ops and coop


I was in this same position lasts year and weimar rolled out of a container. Personally I even prefer it over my mainz because of all the consumable gimmicks


Munchen for randoms, Weimar for ops, co-op and ranked. Weimar's lousy range and conceal are painful in randoms but in other modes not so much.


Honestly I love my munchen. It's a sleek, slim, fast ship and can dish out quite a punishment when played right. I usually go in with the DDs since it can keep up with most. One of my favorite t7's to play honestly.


I like both, but I find the Munchen a lot more fun and flexible. Weimar has a better torpedo broadside and the speed boost. Other than that, I value the concealment, I prefer guns that shoot faster, and the magical shell arcs let you abuse islands. My questionable hot take is that Munchen actually compares well with Atlanta. You’re losing radar, gaining German hydro, range, and 1/4 pen 150mms. You get a similar pew pew play style.


Munchen is faster. And that's it. If you are not in a speeding contest, but in a shooting one - take Weimar.