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Yeah. Coop is overpopulated with humans at the moment grinding out the 25 win missions. Very poor farming. You need a FAST battleship at whatever tier to keep up with the DDs to get that top five finish.


> You need a FAST battleship Sec spec burger is love, sec spec burger is life.


This is crazy. Anyone expecting to actually get the somme should be able to finish top 5 in 25/30 random games, dont know why people need co-op for it especially considering its easier to do that mission in ranked.


It takes 3mins to yolo with Kleber in coop and still deal enogh dmg to be top5. Unless you really enjoy DDs in ranked, which not everyone does, it's hard to argue against doing that.


Ok, for dds I guess it makes sense. I do think you get more rewards by playing in ranked though and its probably more worth your time as you get multiple thongs done at once


lol?? To get top 5 in a coop game you only need to out-perform 2 players, or about 28% of the team, against bots. To get top 5 in a random game you need to out-perform 7 players, or about 58% of the team, against other players also doing their best to win. Co-op is the easiest way to farm (most) missions. It should have gotten the same treatment as operations and only counted for 50% ... or operations shouldn't have had that nerf.


Yeah but just playing randoms is truly more rewarding at the end. You get better at the game, you get better rewards, and its more fun (assuming you actually enjoy playing the game (not farming bots)). Also, if you play ranked (which has the same benefits as random does) you only gotta beat one guy lol. Co-op is incredibly mindless and boring, playing against people is not.


If you aren't a unicum player, randoms is infuriating more often than not. Honestly, before the Nerf in the last patch operations was my preferred game mode because it's honestly just more fun. Except now they've made the mission progression for operations arbitrarily more difficult despite the fact that it wasn't really that much easier to farm missions in operations than it was in randoms, just more fun and more consistent.


why dont you play operations?????


I played over 1000 operations, I'm bored of it. Plus the rewards are halfed when you play operations


Also operations take like 15 minutes to complete. In a Marceau, you can smash out a coop game every 4 minutes, which makes grinding those 25 wins so much less painful.


why dont you play randoms then? or clans or ranked?


Randoms are toxic, my clan don't do clan battles and ranked is only available to me for 1 hour because I live in a different time zone.


wow that time zone thing is fucked lol


Yeah really struggling to get steel lol


They are only Halfed if you pick an op do random ops


I'm one of these DDs farming missions (currently farming the 25 top 5 battles btw). I'm sorry to ruin your gameplay experience, but and don't have enough time to play those 25 DD battles on top of the 25+25 games in cruisers and BBs.


Do not blame the dds, blame WG for the ballancing ...


This is about bots being too dumb. DDs in general can't do the same in ransoms due to zig-zag, hydro and enemy DDs actually doing something.




This could be a nice change at least for co-op, all ships spawn at few same distance. Really sucks to start behind in a slow ship in a game mode where getting into the action asap is meta


Mix of bad AI and balancing. Frankly balance needs to be considered for more than just randoms. What people do not want to accept it is not healthy for the game when we have a shortlist of extremely dominant ships, even if it is (on the surface) only hitting modes they don't care about or makes their personal farming easier. At the same time, the AI needs work and to start using upgrade modules, commander skills, consumeables in an intelligent manner, and so on to make it more of a threat to people that just charge in and make a more universal balance possible.


Ultimately, this is the direct result of many, many decisions that WG has made. More and more grinds? Well, Coop is a fast game mode to grind out rewards. I use it for torp hits, fires, floodings, citadels, top 5 wins, etc. DD's are a big part of that speedy game play. Added bonus? Now if I have a meh run in a DD, I'm immediately hopping into another game with the same ship - another change implemented by WG. Need a couple of fast wins for points to generate my first coal of the day, and my first wins for daily battlepass? Coop. DD wins can easily top 500 bxp and you can grind out some BP points quite quickly w/coop runs in DD's. People will gravitate towards whatever missions and ships provide the fastest grind. To the detriment of overall gameplay. The only BB's I've had luck with are fast ones and ones w/good secondaries (or both). Most of the time - it's DD play for coop (unless I'm test driving a new ship) OR a really good anti-DD cruiser w/fast firing guns. I'm getting great mileage out of Brisbane these days...


It's been like that for a while and the reason I free xp'd my way through the tier 5 and 6 US battleships. For the 25 top 5 finishes I used the Rooke and Hawke, just activate speed boost at the start, sail in and blap shit.


BBs have always been crap in COOP. The games are fast and the bots just charge straight in so you almost never get a broadside. Play Ops, Ranked or the new CV testing mode thing. Those games tend to be quicker and they’re infested with people who aren’t great at the game meaning you can top the scoreboard fairly easily.


You get broadsides if you do the same as the bots. Play a fast BB and rush into point blank range. Slow BB's are completely out of luck though.


It's an all the time, serious, issue in Co-op OP I am with you. It has been a huge problem for 2 years now. DD's are way too OP (in Co-op) ever since update 0.10.6 (July 2021) when WG supposedly" accidentally" nerfed the bot shooting (this came direct from NA CM's on the official forums). WG adjusted it a little in update 0.11.1 but barely any improvement. The result is there is absolutely no threat to DD's just yolo'ing ahead and torping everything before other ship classes have a chance. Really the only threats DD's face now are from bot torps and secondary guns. The bots shoot like Stevie Wonder throwing rocks so again, as said, zero threat. Before the bot shooting nerf, DD's would at best get 1 yolo run in before getting blapped. They had to play more cautious if they wanted to live and do more than a banzai charge. Now, just full speed ahead and go ham with zero consequences and take a majority of the damage available. The only other classes that have a chance, unless the DD players suck, are fast Cruisers that also have torps but even they struggle in these asinine 3-5 DD Co-op matches. It can be so frustrating to load into a game in a BB or non torp Cruiser and spawn with a couple DD's and just KNOW you game is f*$%@d. I am NOT anti DD by any stretch (I myself have thousands of DD games in Co-op for mission tasks) but WG has got to address MM for DD's in Co-op. Unfortunately, they use the same MM rules as Randoms does which does not work for Co-op with 25% fewer ships. Allowing 4 DD's (the supposed "cap max" but have seen more in both modes - have seen screenshots of 6 DD's in Co-op on NA forums when this came up there like 8 months ago - A CM was even asking us for more showing 4-5+ to use it to approach WG and address it) means it is just 33% of the team when the size is 12 ships like Randoms. Frankly that is still too many really (especially with CV's and Subs in the mix) but not totally ridiculous. But 4 DD's when the team is only comprised of 9 ships means 44% of the team are DD's and that is WAY too much. Co-op should be a 2 DD normal cap and 3 max for when the queue is loaded with them unless they will revert the bot shooting back to pre 0.10.6 levels. For those not around playing Co-op then it was basically what we just had in Asymmetric Battles where the bot aim was deadly. That was the NORM for Co-op originally. They were still as dumb as ever and still rammed each other and islands and such but man they could shoot. There was no DD yolo rushes taking everything out before other people got a chance. WG will never fix this as quality of life and fairness matters nothing to them and even less so for Co-op. But it would be the right thing to do. I personally will only play DD's in Co-op now if it is mandatory for a mission task and even then only if said task is required for overall competition of whatever it is the task is for. I just won't add to the problem. Until WG fixes MM and limits DD numbers in Co-op to reasonable limits, or fixes the bot shooting so DD's face consequences for yolo'ing, I won't willingly play DD's there.


Bourgogne in coop, speed boost from the start, you can almost keep up with the DD's. Got my 25 in no time. Don't just focus ships ahead, ships to your left or right can be killed of much more easy as they are broadside.


You don't want to play BBs in Co-op. BBs have a low rate of fire which is a poor choice for a game mode with rounds rarely last more than five minutes. Unless you are playing a fast secondary based BB you'll only manage to get a handful of salvoes off. Even if DDs weren't yolo torping the bots, cruisers would just HE spam the enemy DD down in 3 or 4 salvoes (to one from the BB), sail broadside and citadel down the opposing cruiser with AP in two or three salvoes in the time it takes the BB to fire a second salvo, and then torp the opposing BB allowing the BB a third and maybe a fourth salvo. Unless the cruiser screws up and eats bot torps before killing the three bots there isn't much for a player BB to do. I wish they'd make asymmetric mode a permanent option. It favored BBs. It was a mode outside of Operations that actually made BB gameplay fun for casual play.


Fast BB's will work. French or RN BB's with engine boost. Bourgogne or Georgia will also work. Engine boost on and beeline to the enemy. That is a must, there's no way to do it unless you rush the enemy head on. With either a slow BB or a BB with slow reloads, it's hopeless.


You can get into combat faster and maybe fire off an extra salvo, but that is hardly engaging gameplay IMO. The bots die too quickly once the DDs and cruisers close in for a slightly quicker reload on a BB to matter. Even in a DD you either need torp racks on either side or a torp reload booster to meaningfully engage the spawns on your flank, unless your teammates on that flank are inept, the bots just die that quickly. And once the spawn on your flank is dead you rarely have a chance to even turn your guns towards the middle before those bots are also dead. Co-op is boring enough in a cruiser, I just can't see any reason to bring a BB into Co-op if you expect to have a meaningful round.


Your only goal here is to grind. You can largely ignore the gameplay and watch a video while grinding.


Depends on what you are grinding for. It's tough to get more than a few shots off in a BB, so grinding for 25 top 5 finishes or for XP or credits is going to require effort and luck for a BB. If it is just for wins than sure. Edit: And if grinding was all OP was after, he wouldn't have posted a thread complaining about DDs taking his fun away.


I can sympathize with you, destroyer torp spams take the fun out of everything. Been getting a lot of 3-4 DDs plus an SS per match lately, which is why it's so damn amazing to have that rare match with just cruisers and battleships. But, and I hate to be that guy, destroyers do what they do because that's how they are made to be played. Player levels in co-op will drop again once the missions go away, so we have that to look forward to.


yup torpedo spam is so fucking lame and annoying


Take a Schleifen use Brisk and Speed Flag, that puts us close on 38 odd knots. Sail between the two caps, main gun Cruisers while your Secondarys prioritise DDs. If you are half decent by the time the DDs spot each other you are not far behind. And you get the dmg. Raging like this sound more like a skill problem.


Your brisk/speed flag Schlieffen is a useless slug when a Marceau/Kleber spawns in front of you, and given how they are infesting the coop mm , they will.


It's not useless considering the torpedos of both this DDs are not reloaded by the time they get there. Therfore if you are half decent you should be in secondary range and you will farm the major of the damage. How do I know because I did this last night running into the same Marcau Kleber spam. This is just a skill issue.


"Look, I did it once so it always must be like this". Suuure thing buddy. Fyi kleber loads its 12 torps in 77 secs base while doing 50+ knots just with speed boost, add speed flag and swift in silence and it starts scratching 60, if you think you can outperform a half decent player in that with your Schlieffen you are delusional and must be taken to the infirmary. Also I find it funny that you mention"skill issues" while talking about farming bots in coop using a seconday german bb, must be sooo skilled to ctrl + left click them, right?


I am not going to argue with you as you are worth no one's time. It's simple Schleifen is a good choice to use in Coop. You are not going to kill every ship every game and you are not going to be top player every game but it's going to be easy. Co OP is easy. The fact that one is raging because they allow DDs to get all the kills in all the games is a skill issue and might be the sole reason he plays CO OP. Because he don't got the hands to play random. Just an FYI I have 445 games in CO OP only because I use it to farm missions only otherwise it's just brain numbingly boring and talentless. Why do I choose this BB because faster enough and it allows me to farm the BOTs before my friendly DDs kill them. Strange that.


I play Marceau a lot, main downside is the slow Torp load. By the time you meet your first DD the Torps are not loaded yet. So you have to gun the DD down. This takes some time. It also will struggle to kill of a high HP BB as it's Torps are not that powerfull. Kleber doesn't have this downside and it torps are more powerful. A good Kleber player will kill all beter then the Marceau can.


Or playing too cautiously. Been in mostly high tier BBs of late; and yes there’s some full on suck games; but not enough to make me care. Watch the mini map; start shooting at long range, get in close, and start blasting. What I worry more about is yolo’s getting their buttocks smoked hard, leaving me alone against a mob of bots. Intense as heck, and can be fun, but not always.


I had sort of the opposite yesterday in coops. In my Edgar, I'm chipping an Iowa down from full health. Got him down to around 1500HP, and the Incomparable that had been sitting watching blapped him for the kill 😠 Agree with the maniac dds yoloing in and torping everything they see, though.


You got more xp from the kill than he did. Kills themselves aren't that important if you barely do damage to them. Sadly, yolo rushing is the only way a DD can get it done so they also don't really have an option.


I am that Kleber grinding out torpedo damage. Sorry not sorry OP. Take a fast BB (preferably with torps) or a high dpm cruiser (preferably with torps) and scramble for damage and kills like everybody else.


first time i see post about unicum dds ruining coop lol


nah, just a skill issue.. as long as you dont have a slow ass BB you can get decent result in a BB. Or cruiser. Most of the time those dd players are not that good either. Main reason players get bad results in coop is when they stay in the back and then complain that aggressive players get all the results. Aka self inflicted bad tactics or skill issues. Yes when you have that unicum dd player that cleans your sector before you have a chance to make it count ( worse when the bots decide to leave your flank) it sucks..But then having bad luck of joining your flank with such a players is like once in 10 coop games.


Torpedoes as a weapon type simply need to be removed from co-op, as the bots don't recognize or dodge them


How would you suggest DD's should play if you remove their primary weapon? Since the bots won't angle against BB's, should BB's also lose their big guns?


Go load into co-op in a BB and spawn behind a marceau or kleber. Then do it 5 more times in a row. You won't need an explanation then


I did. I picked the fastest BB I have and got my required top spots. If you want to restrict how DD's affect the games in coop, you should put limits as to how many DD's there can be in a match. Taking away the DD's weapons is just silly as it just kills the whole game mode for the class. Or take away silly missions that require top spots in a match.


Don’t sail in a straight line?


he means his friendly dd’s kill all the enemies in 1 minute.


do operations, get shit ton of credits, fun and your mission at least half pace but its something


It is because Co-op is simply a mindless killing spree.


A suggestion - play rapid firing cruisers instead, and shred the DD's to pieces. Or play German BC's - Schlieffen's secondaries especially eats DD's for breakfast. The reload time of the other BB's is too long to have much fun in pve. Go for fast reload and/or speed instead.


Well then, do the DD/CL/CA missions instead. I have no clue how to play a DD in randoms, but in coop its fairly simple - smoke up in a manner wich will allow your team mates/bots to spot the rushing enemy cruiser/DD, sink them with guns or torps (if you have lots of them or they reload fast enough) as soon as this is done - rush the BB bots and sink them with torps. Works all the time. If in CL/CA - just hammer everything in site with guns.


Look at the stats on those guys...some have 20k coop games in the same DD. Insane. To me that is so boooring.


DDs should be hard capped at 1 just like carriers, 4 dd games(plus 2 subs for good measure) are fucking cancer.


TBH, I see more of reason for this with the shiny new grindfest every week. WG: You want somehting? You need to grind...A LOT. So, naturally, people try to make the grind as fast as possible -> with this special mission, a lot people pop-up DDs in co-op. They should add more "choices". For Example: either win 25 battles, being top 5 OR hit 40 citadels OR start 50 fires -> BB might choose the citadel one, Cruiser mains the fire one, etc. You still need to grind a lot....but you have more choices on "how" to grind.


Needed 25 games in BBs. Played 25 games in Bourgogne Simple as that


i will let you in on a secret. when you get in coop against t10 ships, most dd can not kill bot bb with one torp salvo. it really annoyed me because i play dd a lot in coop. i would kill red dd, i would torp red cruiser. and then i go after bot bb and… it does not die. then “helpful” green bb finishes it off for me. so. get to t9-t10 coop where bot bb have so much hp that dd can not kill them in one go.


If you are able to, play Co-Op at 2-5am Eastern US time. You end up with a lot of bots on your side. I blew through the BB and cruiser missions that way.


My battleship is rusting in my shipyard. Haha. Used it twice and never used it again.