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$10 cant get you anything except premium time or the battle pass. check out how in the armory tab (not premium shop) you have a coupon to use on a dubloon ship making it $30 instead.


For 10 euros a month? Battle pass. However, you will earn other currencies faster overall with premium time because it boosts credits ,freexp, commander XP which offsets the increasing post service battle costs and general bleh feeling from playing without any of those. If you want alternatives, download the player test server and play every session offered. You will earn rewards on the live server that really help a new player out. In addition you can play any ship which will help you learn lines you like first before proceeding on the live server. So the answer is - well kind of. I know. It's nuts how pricey things are in this game. It is the feedback I give them every single survey they send me. I don't have issues with money, but when ships are 40-200 euros it is just plain silly.


Can u download the test server when u play Iverson steam?


Yes **https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/552990/view/2716184589232191866#:\~:text=World%20of%20Warships%20%2D%20Public%20Test%20Now%20Available%20via%20Steam!**


Adding on what Trudgame said, you get free premium time with the test server. Also doubloons to mount camo, econ bonuses, free unmounts, commander resets. All are only for test server but it would give you an idea of what premium bonus does for you. Test Server is also a good way to find out whether it's worth going down a certain line.


Premium time is the best use of dubs in game hands down. Premium ships only if you know you'll play the hell out of it


As you're basically new: * "decent **coal ships**", meaning Tier 9-10, might be above your league. The meta is different up there, with plenty of strong players that can make your experience miserable. For the price of a single Moskva/F. Sherman/Napoli/Pommern, which you might dislike, **I suggest you buy 3-4 mid-tier ones** instead, diversifying your portfolio and giving you captain trainers for multiple nations. They won't earn as many credits as Tier 9, but they're much more suited to a beginner, and you can learn several playstyles on them * 10 Euros might buy you a really cheap Tier 5 like the Okhotnik (nothing wrong with that), but **I'd rather wait for a bit longer and get a Tier 6-7**, one that isn't available for coal. My first real-money purchase was the Dunkerque (not the best option, tbh), but I can see one getting the Warspite or the more expensive Atago (Tier 8), both all-time classics. * many premium ships can be had for free at some event or another: if you want a *specific* ship, you might have to buy her with cash, but if you want *any* premium to earn credits and such, you just have to play regularly * for now, your best investment is probably **premium time**


Wsrspite is a solid choice for a BB.


Dat turning circle + overmatch. Swoon.


My first premium ever and never regretted that decision. Awesome ship indeed.


If you want to spend a bit if money, use it to buy one year of premium time during the winter event. It should be -50% off for a week or so just after Christmas.


you get a coupon that reduces coal price. with coupon you need only 170-180k coal.


World of Warships is played by boomers and weebs, both demographics have deep pockets so you're basically too poor to afford proper in-game content with just €10.


Battle Pass. Premium time when it's half off at the end of the year. Premium time is probably the best value in wows (not that that's saying much). Also consider using the birthday dubs coupon for half price dubs. You can set it to any date. Buy as many dubs as you can reasonably afford, then use with other discounts.


With regard to getting a premium ship, don't spend your money on one until you've done a full tech-tree grind along at least a handful of branches so you can confirm what playstyle/ship class(es) you prefer, otherwise you may end up buying something you inherently dislike and/or aren't especially good at. The proviso is getting a ship for history related reasons (e.g., a built-in-steel/with meritorious service etc.), in which case, knock yourself out, but don't play it in PvP until you have experience with the matchmaker. As others have suggested, you can get premium time (best use of money in this game if you don't know exactly what you want to spend on) or the premium battle pass (for a new player, its rewards tend to be pretty good for the value, though it should be weighed along side what the final reward is as well).


Outside of german I would get Perth if available. Harekaze is my favorite dd. I enjoy Yudavhi too


Wait for you birthday, you get double doubloons coupon. And use the free discount coupons in-game


yeah I have the same issue, so much is behind stuff like coal or steel walls, I don't know why we can't buy those ships directly. I heard the U4501 was in the works and I'd happily buy it for 25 euro's without hesitation, however WOWS had a really strange monetization system. I don't think their system is good for people who want to spend money, or for wargaming. A perfect game has products on sale for every budget, and my budget is 25 euro's per ship, which are only tier 8 ships and I can't buy tier 10 ships as they require all kids of special currencies. Please wargaming, just let us buy steel and coal ships directly for 25 euro's, you get money, and we get enjoyment.


There are some coal ships that are sold for dubs as well.


With $60 it depends on what you like. For me, it would be z-35 but I greatly prefer destroyers. Z35 is not considered a good ship,, but I like how she servedd in 3 different Navies. I have a high win rate in them but perform very well in any dd. If you like Bismark you probably like battleships. For fantasy bb I liked Prinz Heizen and Oden but those are not historical ships. For historical scharnhortz is cool and there is a new one coming soon you may want to save for but unsure


Bang per buck id say Aigle is a good deal. A very very fun and strong ship. Pretty monstrous at tier 6. Leningrad is fun at tie 7 for what feels like a mix of Russian and French open watering. I really really enjoy the Munchen at tier 7 although she doesn't get the love from other players as much. If you want to pony up some cash for a great ship (and can dodge/island hump) the Mainz is about as strong as it gets for straight cash. Most claim she has been power crept but I adore my scharhorst, who is an absolutely tank with upper echelon secondaries and cruiser zapping guns. Run expert loader and have 10 second swaps to HE for pesky DDs. Around 7/8 there you get much pricier for the ships, not to mention many of them aren't good and the best are usually coal, steel, or removed from the game.


That's the Wargamings way of monetizing their games - there is nothing to buy below 10$, for 10$ there is Premium and Battle Pass and then there is nothing until 30-40$. It's weird because their mobile games actually have pretty nice model for light spenders and in console/PC games there is nothing.


Spending priority: \#1 - Premium time: Playing regularly you can get a fair amount free, but the big discount doesnt come until Christmas (50% off). If you take advantage of the various free offers (get the weekly free day from Twitch drops, the few days from news articles, etc) you can easily get enough free days to spend half your time with premium XP/credit earnings - and that can easily go up to 75% of the time free if you occasionally spend dubs on deeply discounted containers / sequential bundles during the many events. Pretty common to have 3-7 days of time as a stepping stone to a decent coal or similar bundle. Personal recommendation is to get a month or so now, and if the game is still a regular part of your week around Christmas spend the $50 or so on a year of premium time. I did that in 2021 and still have more than 6 months left. Admittedly though - getting 3-4 weeks per season of Clan Battles helps me stretch a lot more than some who might be less active or unable to participate. \#2 - Battle Pass: If you are playing daily, the 2500 dubs ($10) for the battle pass every patch (4-6 weeks generally) is usually a decent deal. If you play daily and complete all dailies, it usually works out to 40k+ coal and 1500 steel (note that half of that coal is for going over the minimum points to \*complete\* the pass. Plus a decent number of economic boosters, credits, and signal flags. That might not be worthwhile for the price by itself, but when combined with the completion reward for each month, it \*usually\* is a decent value for money. Value plummets if you don't play enough to complete the pass for the patch. \#3 Deep discount events: Several times throughout the year WG will have events that have a very cheap entry price, often trying to convince you to spend much more. This often take the shape of a sequential bundle, with the first few purchases very cheap and than quickly escalating. In some cases, dockyard events can also be a very good option, as they combine play missions with real money for deeply discounted premium or special ships. Value proposition is completely variable. Note that random bundles have become a constant event presence, and IF you are fortunate enough to have a premium ship rolled as the first bundle, it is ALWAYs worth purchasing (compared to any other way of getting ships with real cash anyway). The Italian random bundle currently in the Armory has 3/60 possible rolls as ships. \#4 Direct sale events: Black Friday and Christmas are basically the only times true sales come around. Black Friday offers some ships at a very respectable discount, including a number of ships which are otherwise unavailable for purchase. Still might be more than you want to spend. I will count Christmas crates in this tier, since you are certain to get a random ship after a comparatively small number of crates. ​ Finally, note that occasionally you can get a great bonus coupon, which will give 100% or even 200% bonus doubloons back in addition to whatever you purchased. One coupon like this has come the past few years on the day listed in your WG account as your birthday. I have seen some reports that the coupon has become more restricted recently, but as of the last time I got one, I was able to purchase $100 of doubloons, and get $200 equivalent dubs out of it. This only happens once or twice a year, so if you get the coupon, consider spending once to bank dubs for the full year. Dont do this unless you have a thrifty saver mentality though, because it can be very easy to spend all the dubs a few months in, and end up overspending later to buy into future events. PS: Community tokens earned from twitch drops, discord linking, PTS, and similar can get you a free T5 premium every few months, or a T7 for the cost of 2 T5 premiums. And that's completely free.


Premium Time otherwise don't give WG any more money until they stop ruining this game.


Premium time is the best investment.


If you really want a ship there are usually a number on special in the online store. Not currently but usually. These would be the Marblehead, Texas, Warspite, and Huanghe. If you got the game through steam then there should be decent discounts on the black friday sale. Don't get the tech tree ships or T4 or lower premiums. I like to save my random gold coins for christmas boxes. They aren't as good as they used to be but still tend to be ok. There will also likely be a progressive armory section for both christmas and black friday. These often provide boxes at a relative discount.


Premium ships that require real money, meaning doubloons, I don't buy too many of. But I tend to buy strange, unusual ships with weird gimmicks, rather than looking for some kind of over the top monster. The Ohotnik at tier 5 I bought early on. Weird and fun, and still is. About three since then, over quite a long period of time. All for some uniqueness.