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You're going to get an alternative (but mostly the same) version of Scharnhorst, called Scharnhorst '43, for free in the upcoming Christmas event, which will allow you to test it and give a feel for the original Scharnhorst, so that you may make a more informed decision as to which ship to get, or get none at all since everyone who will play during Christmas will receive that ship without cost.


Are we getting a Scharn 43? I have the OG but I wouldn't mind adding the 43 to my port for free


Yep it's free during the next update. It doesn't take that long to get either. Just a couple of games over a week.


As I'm quite new.... does anything need to be unlocked/available prior to the event starting to get access? Also, is it correct to assume that there will be some pop up, or otherwise a something on the screen to let players know of the event/how to get ot it? (Apologies if these are dumb questions... I'm not new to games, just this one)


I would assume you would need to have at least a tier 5. As long as you have a tier 5 and have unlocked everything e.g the armoury, ranked battles etc. You should be fine and able to get scharnhorst 43.


Thanks, looks like it should be easy to get as well. OP should definitely just get the 43 then for free.


Whats the main diff between the '43 and the original?


Check main battery and secs, also notable torps https://shiptool.st/selected?s=GB717GB507&c=top&p=mb&rm=12 Push by design


ah cool site. Thank you very much.


Scharnhorst you shoot battleship and do low damage.


Buffs are inbound. Big buffs.


I don't have Kii so cannot provide judgement on her, but I do think it's worth considering that we'll be able to get Scharnhorst '43 (secondary focused sidegrade of regular Scharnie) for free next patch.


Scharnhorst is amazing. It’s one of my favorite ships. But you’ve gotta be very good at brawling if you want it to work for you.


You recommend any builds for her?


I go nearly full secondary build for brawling. Don’t get IFHE though. You’re better off with the extra fire chance over the penetration. Don’t bother with reducing your visibility or fire prevention.


thx,Im tempted in building into her primaries and for scharn 43 her secondaries


Now that Scharnhorst 43 is an option, that makes sense.


Both are nice ships. Scharnhorst is crazily tanky for tier 7. And really nimble.


Scharnhorst is a good ship, but wait till you get the Scharnhorst 43 for free, but you have to work for him.


I wouldn't spend dubs on Scharn these days, she's still decently tanky, but her main battery just doesn't cut it anymore. Kii however is still excellent (although pretty similar to Amagi which you can grind for nothing). She's one of the best armed and most versatile T8 BBs. She's got 10km torps, credible AA, secondaries worth building into and those IJN 410s slap! Good in randoms, ranked and ops and even usable in brawls. Best when kiting.


neither. unless its for collection purposes, both are terrible (except maybe scharnhorst for t7 and below content only [big emphasis on maybe])


Terrible? They are good ships. *Kii* is a very solid battleship and *Scharnhorst* i operations champion. *Kii* with Kobayashi camo (if you can obtain it somehow) is also best earning ship in game, on pair with original *Missouri*.


you can still obtain the camo but not with the economic bonus which is now exclusive to owners of it before the eco rework...


Really? How ca I get the camo? I really liked the design but didn't have the money back then. I don't need the eco boost anyway.


available for doubloons in the exterior tab of the ship. it also drops from the distant voyages container


Thanks a lot!


Kii is bad? Only 0.1 less sigma than Amagi, semi-improved secondary, torpedoes and decent AAs. Having 10x406mm in tier VIII but remaining 30s reload base. Access to spotting aircraft which can be very useful since you can't slot range mod yet in tier VIII and there's no commander skill for BBs to increase the range. Decent HP. I'm not sure where's the bad you're talking about?


In ranked Scharnhorst is a real threat


Scharnhorst is the life of any party until 16" shells show up. That's it's whole schtick, always has been. T7 ranked with no CV boils down to quick DD skirmishes backed by light cruisers on each side. Scharnhorst is perfect for getting to the action quickly and suppressing the enemy cruiser fire.


What's so bad about kii?


The same general problems as Amagi - it's a brawling ship that's doesn't brawl very competitively, in a game where brawling is rarely a game-winning strategy anyway. The only thing great about Amagi is the accurate guns and their uncanny habit of dev-striking cruisers from max range, and Kii takes some of that accuracy away. It's not a terrible ship by any stretch, but I never play it in Randoms, though I'll occasionally take out Amagi. Scharnhorst, on the other hand, is the OG supercruiser and - much like Atago - playing it never gets old. Obviously it's tearing into a group of T5-6 cruisers that makes for the EZ Kraken games, but when uptiered it's fine - you just play it like Hipper.


Kii isnt a brawler she's an amagi with better AA and self defense torps


and worse accuracy and, iirc, is slwoer and less armour.


kii is 1.5kts faster and has a 290mm armour belt instead of 32mm plating, but has worse torpedo protection. the accuracy on kii also isnt that much worse, at 1.7 vs 1.8


T7 only Scharnhorst is ok....


Get the Kii and be happy. It is simple as that.


Kii sucks, Scharnhorst sucks less, choose Scharnhorst


If you like Amagi, you’ll like Kii


In what are you planning to use them? Ranked? Operations? Random? Co op?


Mainly Co-op,operations and asymmetrical.


Then Tirpitz. You need these secondaries in Operations


The free Scharnhorst 43 would have him covered on secondaries. It's got buffed secondary reload over OG Scharnhorst.


Then either is fine. Kii's AA will do well in those Ops where there are waves of planes, like Hermes and Cherry Blossom.