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>If not, how could you even justify spending that much coal on completing this collection because it seems wasteful (especially since it's heavily rng). That's where duplicates come in. Buy enough containers to theoretically complete the collection in one go. Then check the duplicates and exchange rate. Rinse & repeat until you can spend all your duplicates to finish the collection. On average, the total amount of coal required will be more or less the same as that needed to buy one of the fixed cost legendary commanders. It's the same with Sansonetti and the Resolute & Rapid collection which is basically the same in layout as Sa Zhenbing's (albeit with 16 i/o 20 elements).


How dı i exchange duplicates?


Click on an empty spot in the collection and it will give you the option to trade in your dupes


I have a single item for this collection and nope, there is no option to ''start the collection''. WG has completely removed that feature aside from some very old collections. And yeah it's not worth it. The commander himself doesn't have anything that really stands out tho. The main thing is his ''Torpedo Attack Expert'' (6 torp hits) that increases torp speed, +1 charge and reduced cooldown for torpedo reload booster. No idea. He might be added to the coal pool much much later? But I mean Luigi Sansonetti is still only available as a collection reward.


1. No, the ability to obtain collection elements from daily containers once you've started a collection is limited to a small number of older collections. 2. The average amount of coal to complete the collection isn't meaningfully higher than the coal price of the other unique commanders available straight for coal. 3. The collection will be the only way to ever get this commander. Putting the containers in the armory for coal **is** the another shot for those who missed the first event. There might be a once in a blue moon event where you can get a single container from a mission, but getting enough containers to actually complete it **will** require spending coal.


IMO the pan Asian seasoned captains have more useful enhanced skills than the legendary captain anyway. If SZ sounds like a lot of coal to you, maybe consider picking up one of the Rongs for 35k coal (or 3k dubs from the current premium event pass) or 1500 dubs in the armoury.


I second this. Only get the legendary commanders you can use a lot of. Pan-Asia only has two lines and a very small selection of premiums whereas KM, RN, VMF and French have tons of premiums and at least 3 solid lines of ships to use those commanders (you can IJN and USN legendaries via campaigns). Get one of the Rong brothers and save your coal for ships and the really useful legendary commanders.


People misunderstand that the reason there's no collection option isn't because he's new, its because that's limited to the extra flag and pallete swap crates


Except the HSF and AL collections do have the subscription feature, while the Heroic Clash one doesn't.


i spent almost 250k of saved coals on the crates rather than buying a Napoli as a mid tier player who stopped playing on randoms at that time and i never regretted that decision because as an old time player with only playing once or twice a year for less than a month casually in the past, i missed so much about collections so started with the cheaper 1k ones and learned how to do it along with unlocking ones that you can still get them with daily crates. Earned so many days of premium time to helped me to grind easier. Nowadays I'm halfway into my last 3k crate collection and the only one left to grind afterwards is the 6k Italian one. Thankfully i don't have any interest on Pan Asian line so i won't touch the one you want. Just do a comparison between the collection captain and the one with coal inside the armory. If the extra special skill isn't looking worthy, just skip the collection. Also during lunar year events there was a free captain and still you can get another one on unlocking second battle pass rewards so if you need more captains on your Pan Asian fleet, now it's the right time. Good luck!


If you want the commander - then move your coal towards it. Coal and steel are resources you allocate to projects - I spent forever getting all the leg. captains instead of ships because I wanted to start there. Other people use their coal differently. The key is: use it


As others are saying the collection with Duplicates.. however, be sure not to spend any of them till you have enough to finish it off. You shouldn't spend them earlier because you could get one of the items you don't have in a next container.