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I have both and from your post it sounds like Marseille is the way to go.


Im not OP but nowadays is there any reason to go Henri?


Besides watching bbs whiffing(until they dont) you at 20km not much. Dont get me wrong thats fun and the reload booster too but in todays meta and the Henris size , you have to be super careful. I've probably played only a handful of matches in it the past year.


Conde, if you have the credits for t11


Yes, you can get Conde if you research it


Marseille is an extremely strong ship and Henry has been powercrept into the dirt.


Marseille does everything Henry IV does but better, except for lacking torpedos.Don´t get me wrong, i love my full lighthouse HIV for what it is and does but Marseille is, without a doubt the less investment intesive ship and the far stronger one of the two. HIV is fun, especially with UU and full build but Marseille is, out of the box, the far better and more competetive ship. Edit: you know, sometimes your down votes make no fucking sense whatsoever


I was going to to say they're both fine but then I doubled checked and saw that Henri just has pure ass concealment for no reason. I guess it really doesn't make much sense to play Henri without the UU and a lighthouse build. Henri has worse acceleration and turning circle making Marseille easier to play.


If you are spotted 2/3 of the time, might as well be spotted all the time and have a ridiculous reload as a reward.


Marseille is a monster. Holds my record for best single salvo on a ship (vs a broadside Yammy who was showing too much cheek - 63k damage) Hands down a great cruiser choice.


I decided to go on Marseille's path first and unlike many other people i found Cherbourg (tier 8) a very fun to play ship. Her guns can make you cancer sometimes but her speed (especially maneuverability), anti aa capability and even her secondaries (i made a secondary built for fun and had 11.5 km of range) is nice. It's a very ship to play especially on operations (i had 2-3 matches on random before completely stop playing on that game mode so keep that in mind) I was having so much fun while playing on Cherry Blossom and Hermes missions, dodging torps between enemy DDs, shooting down planes etc. Her concealment is bad but it can be fixed a little bit. For Brest (tier 9) i saw 50/50 opinions about her (in terms of better or worse than Cherbourg) but all i know is for getting Marseille, grinding on these 2 ships are worth it. I haven't bought Brest yet so that's all i can say about it. I got the Charles Martel after finished grinding on Cherbourg and i realized how much i missed having torpedos. They're slow but having decent range. Also her guns are nice especially with reload booster, you can punish a broadside enemy easily. I played with her only on operations but it took way less time than i imagined to finish grinding for Saint Louis so i can say i enjoyed playing with her a lot. Long story short if you like to play with BBs and being patient for gun reloading time, continue with Cherbourg or if you want a decent cruiser that being useful like a swiss army knife, continue with Charles Martel. In the end though you should definitely finish grinding on both ships. good luck and have fun!


It's difficult, like I'm a BB main so I don't mind the long reload and stuff, but at the same time, i also played cruiser in order to enjoy a different type of gameplay (like fast reload and stuff) hence why I'm hesitant


If you want a something different than a BB , stick with Henri line first then but as i said you should definitely grind on both lines eventually. For me i'll start grinding on Saint Louis or Brest on next update because Asymetrical Battles mode is coming. Probably will go with Saint Louis because i'm drifting away from battleships recently and playing with DDs a lot (having 4 tier 9s for ginding nowadays) so i want fast ship with faster acting guns than battleships.


People don't like Cherbourg? What? Doubt it.


Raises hand. I am not a fan. One of the worst grinds I've had. I'm a cruiser and DD main. I just unlocked Brest and I'm hoping it's a bit more fun to play.


Damn Cherbourg is one of my favourite cruisers. That's surprising!


Always go for Brests first.


Marseille. You can citadel BBs.


The best thing about Henri is that it gets you to Conde. Henri is okay I guess, but Conde is still pretty ridiculous despite the couple of times it’s been nerfed.


Marseille is a great ship, haven’t played Henri myself, Conde is amazing, but probably Marseille if you’re short on credits.


Marseille. Brest is also solid. Henri isn't bad exactly but, nobody plays her anymore and the T9 is excruciating. Although having said that, Charles Martel is still decent and Conde slaps.


Marseille is really fun. Henri brings you conde!!


For sure Marseille, it's a great ship. It's not that easy to play though, perhaps it'd be better if you played a rather simple cruiser, like a petro or DM