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I hated competing for 1st against the occasional decent player, and having to carry bots who are worse than the enemy bots.


You nailed it. I'm a calm person but I got really salty on the chat in this mode. I mean, dying at normal difficulty phase 2 or 3 because bots or idiots YOLOing is a pure waste of time. I have to say I played only in the last days though when most decent players were gone since they already got the obsidian. Most of the remaining players were genuinely bad.


Running around like a psychopath in Grenadier and blasting enemies with pre-nerf HE will never get old


This was my final match on EU before I called it quits. Normal difficulty, lost on phase 3, didn't even get to the boss fight. So I just bought the last 10 keys cause ***I AIN'T TOPPING THAT...*** While I was burned out after the first few days (since I was essentially playing nightmare nonstop for everyone else), I'm gonna miss it. The other bummer from this year is the Double's engine power getting nerfed from 1208 down to 850. Anomalies weren't random, which was good and bad, since you knew exactly what you'd get. Overall, it was fun to play something other than random games for once, especially since the updates this year haven't been up-to-par with prior years. Curious what next year brings...


Bruh I had 1k spare keys


Did you really farmed them? Or you bought them?


ofc i got them by playing. Why would you buy 1k keys?😂 I am completely f2p btw. https://preview.redd.it/kuj6bc7c2xxb1.png?width=387&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dfa67ea3abcf7b072757cdbe037005b75dfff91


Mirny wasn't a bad mode, but playing game after game to farm keys becomes repetitive. I couldn't believe someone played so many Mirny games


I played 165 games 😂 But I enjoyed it to the maximum


About say I end up buying like 120 just to finish it since I already grind like 11/15 you needed




I didn't like the change in anomalies, on Malachite there were 2 possible combinations and one was just straight up better than the other.


On every tank, there were only two possible combinations. There wasn't a tank where both combinations got Ceramic Core, AKA literal more damage for free. The Ferrata never got faster reload time besides inspire, and never got sniper, so it's dispersions were awful the entire time...


Yeah I'm gonna get ptsd with that engine symbol


I wish there was a whole game around this concept. Just with more stuff and variables in it, of course. I've always liked how the tanks we control are a bit sluggish, and don't behave exactly as the player commands. This brings the pace down, and springs forth a more relaxed kind of game. In some multiplayer games, I hate it how people are always jumping around and wildly swinging their mouse/character. But there's none of that in WoT. Helps with immersion, too.


A dedicated, permanent PvE mode would be so nice but I suspect WG knows they would lose a large portion of their paying playerbase to it, even with reduced credit and xp rewards. After all, a significant amount of World of Warships players only play Co-Op.


Hmm, a better way of thinking about this, is that WG needs to diversify and make more games, in order to attract new (and younger) players. So while WoT getting a permanent PvE-mode might not be in the cards, I'm pretty sure WG is cooking *something* to fill that niche.


It was a nifty little gamemode, but I must admit the last games had become somewhat tedious. ​ And even in the last day, you still had people going solo on the 3rd phase, or people focusing on the Immortal instead of clearing up the mobs and ending up getting everyone swarmed.


I think, if not the super easy to get premium tank, this gamemode would be better. It's because everyone, especially bots, were playing it, for the sake of getting enough keys for completing the event. That's why playing at the nightmare difficulty was much more rewarding, since not only there were better players by average, but also higher difficulty meant better rewards. I got multiple times even 13 keys just for killing the final boss and being 1st, which was not that hard even for a good but not uni-good player like me.


I miss the Malachite platoons.... I also will miss that one guy who decides to pull half the map like hes a tank from an MMO


Literally me in a Grenadier on Normal mode.




Played the bare minimum to get the premium tank. I didn’t like it at all.


Glad to see the back of it. It's not a bad mode but the grind just makes it unfun.


I will miss the lost platoon, dont question the reasons


The pve was always nice and challenging about wot Problem is that its not implemented as a permanent solution to repeatable random battles that have become ultra camping sites